INDEX NO. 159394/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/10/2018 04:43 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/10/2018 SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF THE OF THE NEW YORK OF STATE NEW YORK ---------------------------------------X : ALEX : SHNAIDER, : Index : Petitioner, No. : -against- & SCHILLER BOIES, : FLEXNER : LLP, : Respondent. : : : -- ------------ ---------------------- --- X PETITION VERIFIED In this cause with client file special a temporary Southern of District "SDNY law New Alex prior his firm, legal instituted § 475, Shnaider petitions counsel Slinin encaptioned, York, Law to Judiciary petitioner injunction, respondent from pursuant proceeding to obtain a civil in action No. v. Shnaider, by order to show of his a copy pending in the 1:15-cv-09674-RJS (the Action"). Introduction 1. 3, 2018. client file, firm despite client's trial. Petitioner to release law Action firm to turn respondent lien, injunctive of a copy the time over for need seeks of for is scheduled exigent to client Because 2. respóñdêñt SDNY a retaining Asserting iropeñdiñg law The the all trial law firm at least part relief in the discovery petitioner dersañds, discovery files 1 of 6 in less has of than refused file the form of in exchañged requests pending two the to release to defend an order the any his part of the in the respondent Action. an immediate on December interests directing SDNY hearing on months, order this directing petition, INDEX NO. 159394/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/10/2018 04:43 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 which RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/10/2018 for and will material trial presentation be held in the SDNY of proposed the petitioner's by Action. new Petitioner order to show counsel and is notifying cause to used respondent set the for solely law trial firm in preparation advance of date. hearing Parties Petitioner 3. defendant sole in the with New in its or "client"), a Canadian is the citizen, Action. place of County, New York. & Schiller Boies, principal York ("Shnaider" Shnaider SDNY Respondent 4. firm Alex business Flexner LLP State of New in the is an international ("BSF") and York, with law an office located Facts From 5. Shnaider in the 6. permission adjourn " All Action, date over fees and 31, was client's BSF as counsel. which Esq., order, the for trial, the dates Id. After substitute the Court issued is immovable. exhibits Bowen, withdrew In that submissions 1 to August BSF 2018, was legal counsel to granted dissatisfaction petitioned court by the order with in Court dated August legal BSF's SDNY the 31, Action 2018. Ex. for A Order).1 7. trial to a dispute BSF 2016 February Action. to withdraw, (8/31/18 SDNY SDNY Due representation, Court about referenced Ex. herein dated October Court the pre-trial counsel another are attached that conference, entered order, B (10/3/18 10, 2018, ruled expressly which Ex. Order); "[u]nder or the an appearance further C (7/18/18 no deadline on emphasized Pretrial circumstances for behalf the 2 2 of 6 in the December Order). to the accompanying Affirmation of Michael Emergency herewith in support of this Verified Petition. sebmitted the pre-trial Shnaider's that will Paul 3 INDEX NO. 159394/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/10/2018 04:43 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/10/2018 The 8. submissions, he BSF's from BSF. sought only December impending SDNY the and light of so much 3, 2018 lists, Pretrial the fee the file trial in the November by parties to make - 8, 2018 a date all that trial is less Order). counsel client dispute, of both require substitute withdrawal, In Action witness C (7/18/18 Ex. After documents in exhibit away. 9. Rather orders including a month than trial (the did as is minimally SDNY not seek required and Action, the of the entirety to mount to meet certain requested undersigned) the his file. defense November at the 8, 2018 deadline. 10. BSF 11. BSF's refused to release part any of the client file and refused the to discuss matter. client's and the himself to defend ability of withholding materials discovery SDNY at the will client prejudice materially trial. Argument Section 12. in an action Under this special Sage (1st Dep't the statute, proceeding See Proskauer in which Realty 2002) firm representation, nonfinal proceeding product"); for of 475 and despite for release any all of its v. Ciafone, client client & a "special files file file). 3 3 of 6 law proceeding generated 1240, to is owed lien, a client of 294 for an order (2d Dep't former A.D.2d in drafts research, Jud. L. institute may LLP, lien a statutory a fee. possession or collected 1241 assert and in the Mendelsohn correspondence, 65 A.D.3d an attorney services or common Goetz outstanding product, permits legal of the Rose work including release a copy commencing over Nazario provided statutory v. Proskauer (petitioner to turn has of Law Judiciary lawyer that Corp. the § 475. a counsel. 190, 190 compelling the connection with and 2009) similar (special INDEX NO. 159394/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/10/2018 04:43 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/10/2018 13. the have yet Where resolved. See, A.D.2d to turn over the ("[C]ourts of the Court 297 296, of client file). the Dev. Corp. (court the "has to compel power Jur 159 the A.D.2d the dispute 344 (1st Hom file."); at Law to restore fee 343, to order Attorneys courts interests, where power" an attorney client's even client, inherent NY 168 the to relinquish appellant See generally inherent to the v. Schonberger, ordered 1994) file of detriment Dep't 210 v. Hom, the former § 214 (2014) assets, is not attorney or papers moneys, client."). Where, order to prepare in the client file. of release Misc. without detriment," and 15. Exigent ruled and Order). the Given resolve otherwise ordered the release will of "an right Nassau Cty. who "under 8 deadline be adjourned any fee dispute the discovery will The 1983) Moraitis "continually case to release (ordering existed on drag from a case SDNY Action withdraws his v. Moraitis, circumstances client has claims client's He will, Court in the will or continued. or related materials, needs attorney Dep't circumstances," no frames, with, prejudiced. dispute here. exist time (exigent former (2d trial); 1999) client 181 where, to [client's] for cause just lien"). that, short for case the the 837 837, voluntarily to a retaining because ordered have client's custody attorney exist A.D.2d orders extremely be materially 97 the circumstances in written November Ct. years-long that courts trial, to prepare the noting circumstances v. Rosen, (Sup. an absolute have repeatedly Rosen 512 file, exigent imminent needed 515, client for e.g., file 510, the not See, client 2d does as here, 14. file Action Dep't is to the file release properly (2d the have the Science e.g., ("Supreme 1990) date to order authority the withholding for 4 4 of 6 ability example, See, e.g., insufficient against, to defend the BSF. his be unaware December A Ex. time has 3 trial (8/31/18 to litigate or Without a court- interests in the of what SDNY documents INDEX NO. 159394/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/10/2018 04:43 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/10/2018 be may used used at trial in favorably 16. BSF dispute the other with on or judgment just releasing to release Dated: a copy October documents and other m discovery of of trial will a critical not does of part the BSF's BSF claim any harm grievously of part the client file ability to (the - BSF on own to leverage on nor its not claim fee f ba the will discovery) adjudicate unpaid to BSF's hostage file well reflect have may p and client. Court the set of the New York, 10, prays petitioner necessary, New eve impede otherwise against if merits client WHEREFORE, hearing, the the Holding a former hand, respect any of well. as what and defense. discovery harm fee his Irrespective withholding will him against enter discovery an in that, order the in Action applicable and petition this granting SDNY with accordance to enjoini new client's co York 2018 KASOWIT EN ON O .. By: Michael Paul Bowen Bradley 5 of 6 Peter Lerman R INDEX NO. 159394/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/10/2018 04:43 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/10/2018 __VERIFICATIOl¶ ALEX I know and am the the and and knowledge I of affirm New outside the Islands, or the as I have action. of assertions to pursuant following within except true, and belief, the The be to as those to are fact those matters, to read the based on mattem therein I believe them CPLR Verified foregoing my own personal stated to be to be CP and 2106 true to alleged the be belief. on /2 this which York, of day of territory the foregoing is proceeding in a court or true, of insular and a fine the or United pasession I understand under 2018, October, include may hmedaries geographic any that in thereof. them I believe affirms pditioñct contents informatioñ laws SHNAIDER that Puerto States, this jurisdicuon document may law. Alex 6 of 6 I Shneider perjury am physically the Rico, the to of penalties imprisonset, subject that the United of be filed the in Unit an