Mew? ?if-MM COMPLAINT NUMBER 1 of 13 #991 1 1 6003603 Victim Name - 3. Original Offense/Charge ADAMS, CHERIKA ADWIKISI 4. Location Of Offense 5. Arrest Number 6. CR. Number 5229 MCANDREW DRIVE 7. Original Report Date 8. Supplement Date 9. Correct Incident Classi?cation 11l16l99 11l16/99 10. Juvenile Case 11. Multiple Case Clearance 12. Supplement Con?dential 13. Purpose Of Supplement No No Yes 911 CALL BY VICTIM were - . The date of this tape is 11-16-99. The time nowi 00:31:54set? 911: 911 Baker, do you need Police, Fire or Medic? Caller: Police, I've been shot. I?ve been shot. 9000 911: You?ve been shot? Where are you at Ma'am? . Caller: I'm outside. 911: Listen to me. Listen to me. You?re on a wireless phone. I can?don?t know where you are. So, tell me where you are, Ma?am. Where are you at? Caller: I passed Calvary Church on 91 1: Calvary Church. Caller: 911: You?re where? Talk Ma?am, Caller: On Rae Road 911: You?re on Rae Road. Where at on Rae Road, Ma?am? Call-er: 911: Ma?am, talk to me. Where are you at on Rae Road? Caller: I don?t know 911: Okay. Are you near Calvary Church? Caller: I past it on the left. And I kept straight. 911: Okay. Ma'am. You?ve got to help me to help yourself. Where are you at? 23. Reporting?'?oer Code Assignment Date 21. UCR Clearance Status W. E. Ward Jr. 591, FIB, 9-14-00 Open {?22 Investigative Status LT By Arrest Exceptional Cl Unfounded 25. Case Referred To 26. Reviewing Supervisor, Code, Date {D'Active Cl Inactive '0 Closed r-u AdministratiVe. . .COMPLAINT NUMBER Page#991116003603 2 0f 13 3. Original OW/Cham ADAMS, CHERIKA ADWIKISI 4. Location oroTrense 5. Arrest Number 6. CR. Number 5229 MCANDREW DRIVE 7. Original Report Date 8. Supplement Date 9. Correct incident Classi?cation 11/16/99 . 10. Juvenile Case 11. Multiple Case Clearance 12. Supplement Con?dential 13. PurposeOfSupplement No No Yes 911 CALL BY VICTIM Caller: McAndrew, Lexington Square community. I?m in front of it. 911: McAndrew, okay, listen to me. McAndrew. You said, McAndrew Square? Caller: l?m cold 911: Ma'am, listen to me. McAndrew Square? Caller: Left 911: Listen to me Ma?am. You're on Rae Road? Caller: Wessex Square Community 911: Okay. Tell me one more time. Caller: L-w-e-s?x-e?x. W-e-s-s-e-x Square. 911: You?re at Wessex Square? Caller: Yes. 911: Okay, where are you shot at, Ma?am? Caller: I don?t know. I was driving. 911: You were driving and someone shot you? Caller: Yes 911: Did you see the person that shot you? Caller: I'm 8 months pregnant. 911; Okay Ma?am you?re 8 months pregnant. You've been shot. Your at Wessex Square. 21. UCR Clearance Status 23. Reporting Of?cer Code Assignment Date Ci Open By Arrest Cl Exceptional Cl Unfounded W. E. Ward Jr. 591, FIB, 9-14-00 .22. InvestigativeStams - .- 0 Active 0 Inactive 0 Closed Ci Administrative .. 25. Case Referred To 1 26. Reviewing Supervisor, ADAMS, CHERIKA COMPLAINT NUMBER Page I: #991116003603 3 of 13 Original Offense I Charge ADWIKISI T. Location Of Offense 5229 MCANDREW DRIVE 5. Arrest Number 6. CR. Number 7. Original Report Date 8. Supplement Date 9. Correct lncidentClassifimtion 11l16/99 11l16/99 10. Juvenile Case 11. Multiple Case Clearance 12. Supplement Con?dential 13. PurposeOfSupplement No No Yes 911 CAL-L BY VICTIM Caller: Community 911: Okay. Ma? am. l' going to connect you to Medic Continue to talk to them. Because Ma? am we have to help you. We have to ?nd out where you are. Stay with me on the a? Ma' am, stay with me. Stay with me. Keep talking to me Ma? am. Caller: Yes. 911: Medic, she?s been shot. She?s pregnantWessex Square. Medic: Alright. Well I'll do my best. Caller: Rae Road. Okay, I?m at A Street. And, A A W. Medic: Are you in Mecklenburg County? Caller: Yes. Rae Road. Near Calvary Church, Medic: You?re right at Rae Road and Calvary Church? Caller: Medic: Huh? Caller: Yes Medic: What kind of car are you in? Caller: Black BMW. Medic: Black What?s wrong, did you have an accident? 911: No. She?s been shot, Medic. Medic: Okay. She's at Rae Road at Calvary Church? 911: That's what she?s telling me. She said Wessex Square, earlier. m. UCR Clearance Status Cl Open By Arrest Exceptional Cl Unfounded W. E. Ward Jr. 591, FIB, 9-14-00 23. Reporting Of?cer Code Assignment Date 22. investigative Status CI Active CI Inactive 0 Closed Cl Administrative 25. .Case Referred To 26. Reviewing Supervisor, Code, Date COMPLAINT NUMBER Pagett 5 #991116003603 40f13 3. Original OT'fense I Charge ADAMS, CHERIKA ADWIKISI T. LomaonororIense 5. Arrest Number 6. CR. Number 5229 MCAN DREW DRIVE 7. Original Report Date 8. Supplement Date 9. Correct Incident Classi?cation 11/16/99 11/16l99 . 10. Juvenile Case 11. Multiple Case Clearance 12. Supplement Con?dential 13. Purpose Of Supplement No No Yes 911 CALL BY VICTIM She's pregnant, also. Medic: Alright Ma'am, we're going to get the ambulance on the way to you, okay? Caller: Medic: Alright. Stay on the line if you can. Caller: Medic: What part of the body you been shot at? Caller: I don?t know. Medic: You don?t know where you?re hit? Caller: l?m pulling in somebody?s driveway. In their yard. Medic: Okay. Can you see a number? Can you see a number, Ma?am? Caller: ?g 7 Medic: 559? 5 Caller: 59 Medic: ls that?s 559 Rae Road? Caller: Ah, No. No. No. I?m off Rae Road in a community called Wessex Square. Medic: Okay. What?s the name of the street you?re on? Caller: I don?t know. Medic: Wessex Square is the name of the development? Caller: Yes, I don't, oh yes 21. UCR Clearance Status 23. Reporting OfTicer Code Assignment Dale Cl Open 0 By Arrest Cl Exceptional El Unfounded W. E. Ward Jr. 591, FIB, 9-14-00 22. lnvestlgahverStatus - 25. CaseReferred To? 26. ReviewinqSUperVisori- qu?f?Q?t? Cl Active El Inactive Cl Closed Administrative i . ADAMS, CHERIKA COMPLAINT NUMBER Page #991116003603 5 0f 13 3. Original Offense I Charge ADWIKISI 6. CR. Number 4. Location Of Offense 5229 MCANDREW DRIVE 5. Arrest Number 9. Correct Incident Classi?w?on 7. Original Report Date 1 1 I1 6/99 8. Supplement Date 1 1l1 6/99 13. Purpose Of Supplement 10. Juvenile Case 11. Multiple Case Clearance 12. Supplement Con?dential 91 1 CALL BY VICTIM No No Yes 911: Are you on McAndrew, Ma?am? Caller: Please help. Medic: We?re trying to Ma?am, but, you?ve got to try to help us ?nd out where you?re at. Okay? 911: Medic, I?ve got Wessex Square at 5232 MacAndrew Drive. A A W. Medic: 52 911: 32. That?s what it says as Wessex Square. Medic: What did you call it. What you call the street, please? 911: I?m sorry? Medic: What was the name of that street? 911: MacAndrew. A A Drive. Medic: ygahi?ndrew Drive. Yeah, that?s looking close. Okay, Ma?am. You're in a black BMW, I . Caller: uh?huh. Medic: Okay. Can you tell what part of your body you?re shot on? Caller: My back. My neck. Medic: Okay. How did this happen? Caller: was following my baby's daddy, Rae Carruth the football player. So, you think he mil/t7]; Caller: He slowed down. And, a car pulled up beside me. Date Cl Open 21. UCR Clearance Status 23. Reportin?f?oer Code Assignment W. E. Ward Jr. 591, FIB, 9-14-00 Cl By Arrest Exceptional Unfounded .22. lnvestigativeStatus .. .. 4 Cl Inactive Closed Cl Administrative M25. Ca?setReferredTQq 26; . Reviewing'Supervisor, Code,Date . 0 Active *5 ;l COMPLAINT NUMBER . 2:5: a; #991116003603 5 0f 13 Victim Name 3. Original Offense/Charge ADAMS, CHERIKA ADWIKISI LocationOfOffense 5. Arrest Number 6. CR. Number 5229 MCANDREW DRIVE 7. Original Report Date 8. Supplement Date 9. Correct Incident Classi?cation 11/16/99 11l16/99 10. Juvenile Case 11. Multiple Case Clearance 12. Supplement Con?dential 13. PurposeOfSupplement No No Yes 911 CALL BY VICTIM Medic: And, then shot at you? Caller: Yes. Medic: Okay. What?s that horn blowing? Caller: Me. trying to get attention Medic: to get somebody to come out? Caller: And before, and before we left, he called somebody from his house. Medic: Ma'am. Can you give me any information about what kind of car it was? Caller: No. Medic: You didn?t see anything? Caller: Huh uh. Medic: You didn?t see anything that would give, um a description of what to look for? Caller: Huh uh Medic: Where?s your husband at? Caller: I don?t have one. Medic: Or, your boyfriend? The one that you said was with you. Where?s he at? Callerfront of me and he slowed down and somebody pulled up besides me and did this. Medic: And then, where?d he go? . Caller: He just left I think he did it. i don?t know what to thinks 7 21. UCR Clearance Status 46. Reporting Of?cer Code Assignment Date Open [3 By Arrest Cl Exceptional Cl Unfounded W. E. Ward Jr. 591, 9-14-00 22. lnvestigative Status :25. . supervisor, Code?zDate Cl Active ?0 inactive Cl Closed .lCl?Administrativeiu?Vf? #991 1 16003603 ADWIKISI ADAMS, CHERIKA 5229 MCANDREW DRIVE 11l16/99 11l16l99 No No Yes 911 CALL BY VICTIM Medic: Okay. Alright, what's his name? Caller: Rae Carruth, he plays for the Panthers. Medic: Okay. What's his name? Caller: Rae Carruth Medic: Rae Carruth Caller: Number 89. Medic: Okay. Are you controlling your bleeding? Caller: No Medic: What about the one in your neck? Caller: No. Medic: Okay, you got anything in your car with you? A rag or anything Klenex or something? Caller. No. Medic: Alright. If nothing else, put your hand up there and just hold pressure on it. Okay. Just do that. Is your car turned off? Caller: Uh uh. Medic: Huh? Caller: No. Medic: Okay. You don't have any kids in the car? Caller: I?m in somebody?s yar 21. UCR Clearance Status 23. Reporting Of?cer Code Assignment Date Cl Open By Arrest Exceptional Unfounded W. E. Ward Jr. 591, FIB, 9-14-00 22. Investigative Status ,3 ?25. CasiRefe?rredTo? . ,ReyiewingSupewisor, Codepoatem . 0 Active inactive Closed Administrative . . . .. . . ?lial? COMPLAINT NUMBER Pager: . . Lg; #991116003603 8 0f 13 vial.? Name "m 3. Original Offense/Charge ADAMS, CHERIKA ADWIKISI 4. Location or offense 5. Arrest Number 6. CR. Number 5229 MCANDREW DRIVE 7. Original Report Date 8. Supplement Date 9. CorrectlnoldentClassl?cation 11/16/99 11/16/99 . 10. Juvenile Case 11. Multiple Case Clearance 12. Supplement Con?dential 13. PurposeOfSupplernent No No Yes 911 CALL BY VICTIM Medic: I'm sorry? Caller: No. I?m in somebody's yard trying to get attention. Medic: Okay. Is his lights on in the house? Caller: Medic: Ma?am. Caller: Yes. Medic: Okay. Is that you blowing the horn? Caller: Yes. Medic: Okay. Is anyone coming out? Caller: No. Medic: There any other cars around? Caller: Medic: Okay. How you doing? Caller: I don?t know. Medic: Okay. Do you think your actually hit by the bullets? Or do you think glass cut you? Caller: I think bullets. Medic: Okay. What part of the back did you get hit in? Caller: Lower 21. UCR Clearance Status 23. Reporting Of?cer Code Assignment Date CI Open By Arrest CI Exceptional CI .Unfou?nded W. E. Ward Jr. 591, FIB, 9-14-00 22. Investigative Status I 25. Case Referred rTo Supennsor Cl Active Inactive 0 Closed (1 Admrnistrative 2- g- 5.. 2. 11/16/99 11I16I99 COMPLAINT NUMBER #991116003603 9 0f 13 3. OriginalOTfeTseICharge ADAMS, CHERIKA ADWIKISI 5. Anest Number 6. CR. Number 5229 MCANDREW DRIVE 7. Original Report Date 8. Supplement Date 9. 10. Juvenile Case 11. Multiple Case Clearance 12. Supplement Confidential 13. Purpose Of Supplement No No Yes 911 CALL BY VICTIM Medic: Lower back? Caller: Ah. Hum. Medic: How old are you? Caller: 24 Medic: 24. Is this your ?rst baby? Caller: Yes sir. Medic: Okay. Do you know what kind of car he drove? Caller: Who, Rae? Medic: Yes. Caller: He?s is Black Expedition. Medic: Black Expedition? Caller: I mean White Expedition. Medic: A White Expedition? Caller: MSN something, something. Medic: Where does he live? Caller: 94, 9214 Olivia Lane Medic: 9214 Olivia? Caller: I think. Medic: You know anything else about the Expedition? Tag number? Or part of it? F. UCR Clearance Status 0 Open 23. Reporting Of?mr Code Assignment Date By Arrest Cl Exceptional Cl Unfounded W. E. Ward Jr. 591, FIB, 9-14-00 22. investigative'siaws C1 Active. Cl Closed f3 Administrative ,z H47 25 tease?eferted?b {26" ECo?e?. ?L-Bate - W?qwkiqi. 55-, {ghee 5m, :r c. Mfr?? COMPLAINT NUMBER Paw . - . . . . #991116003603 10 of 13 V?m Na 3. Origin' aio?nse/cnarge ADAMS, CHERIKA ADWIKISI Lomtion or Offense 5. Arrest Number 6. CR. Number 5229 MCANDREW DRIVE 7. Original Report Date 8. Supplement Date 9. Correct Incident Classi?w?on 11/16/99 11/16/99 10. Juvenile Case 11. Multiple Case Clearance 12. Supplement Confidential 13. Purpose Of Supplement No No Yes 911 CALL BY VICTIM 91 1: Medic. Caller: MSN something, something 77 Medic: MSN what? Caller: Something, something 77. 911: Medic, I got an exact address for you, do you have it? 5229 MacAndrew. Medic: 5229? 911: Yeah. Medic: Okay. We?ve got 5232, so we?re not too far off. 911: Yeah. Um, the neighborjust called in. Medic: The man outside in the house? 911: A, all they told me was a neighbor called in at 5229 MacAndrew Drive and said the female was in the car beeping her horn. So, that?s her. Medic: Okay. Alright. You got an of?cer close. Did you hear what she said about that boyfriend? 911: I got. His name was Rae Carroso. He's in a White Expedition. With a tag Mary Sam Nora, something, something, 77. Caller: MSN. Medic: She said his address is 9214 911: Alright. Okay. 21. UCR Clearance Status 23. Reporting Off?foer Code Assignment Date Open By Arrest Exceptional Unfounded W. E. Ward Jr. 591, FIB, 9-14-00 ?ujnvesbgative?SIatus ., ,j are .7334 i3 Active 0 Closed. -. .. - COMPLAINT NUMBER Paae# #991116003603 11 0f 13 3. Original O?eTse/Charge ADAMS CHERIKA ADWIKISI 4. LomtionOfOi'iense 5. Arrest Number 6. CR. Number 5229 MCANDREW DRIVE 7. Original Report Date 8. Supplement Date 9. Correct Classi?mtion 11/16/99 11/16/99 10. Juvenile Case 11. Multiple Case Clearance 12. Supplement Con?dential 13. Purpose Of Supplement No No Yes 911 CALL BY VICTIM Medic: Ma'am. How you doing? Are you controlling the bleeding? Caller: No. Medic: You need to put your hand over it and hold direct pressure. 911: Ma'am. I hate to do this to you. But, when you last saw this Ford. When you last saw this car, which way was it going? What road? Caller: Straight down Rae Road. 911: Rae Road. Towards South Carolina? Caller: No. 91 1: Towards town? Caller: Yes. 911: Alright. Medic: Ma'am. We're trying to get help to you. They're not too far off, okay? You stay with us, Okay? Can you secure your car. Can you make sure it?s turned off and out of gear? Caller: Okay. Medic: Make sure it's out of gear. Caller: Okay. Medic: The person inside the Caller: They just past me. They past me. Medic: Listen to me. The person inside the house. Caller: Listen, they just past me. 21. UCR Clearance Status 23. Reporting ijfioer . Code Assignment Date Cl Open By Arrest CI Exceptional Cl Unfounded W. E. Ward Jr. 591, FIB, 9-14-00 22 investi'gativeStatus 5 Coderwepatea?g- .7 Active Inactive CI Closed Admmistrative . . .. 7.5- .. #991 1 16003603 1 2 of 1 3 ADAMS, CHERIKA ADWIKISI . 5229 MCANDREW DRIVE 1 1/1 6/99 1 1/1 6/99 'No No Yes 911 CALL BY VICTIM Medic: Who did? Caller. The medic. Medic: Well. their coming up Rae Road to where your at. Caller: They past the street. Medic: Okay. Hang on. Caller: Oh, I?m bleeding. Medic: Alright they?re on their way back to you, Ma'am. They did drive past you. But, they?re on their way back. Caller. l'm bleeding. Medic: Anybody with you? Caller. (Huh-huh) Medic: There ain?t no police of?cer or anything? Caller: No. Medic: Alright. Do you see the ambulance yet? Caller: No. Where? Medic: Listen to me, ?ash your, push your brake' your brake pedal or something. Okay. Caller: Medic: Put your foot on the brake pedal or something. Make sure they can see you. Did you see um Ma?am? 21. UCR Clearance Status 23. Reponing Of?cer Code Assignment Date . 0 Open Ci By Arrest Cl Exceptional Unfounded W. E. Ward Jr. 591, FIB, 9-14-00 - ~25. 'Cas?e'Ret?rred 1'26}: Coden?i?Bate22. lnvestlgativerStatus -CJ Actives =0 'lnactive' =0 .Cl'osed COMPLAINT NUMBER Pa9e# #991116003603 13 0f 13 3. Original OWmse/Charge ADAMS, CHERIKA ADWIKISI 4. Location Of Offense 5. Arrest Number 6. CR. Number 5229 MCANDREW DRIVE 11/16/99 7. Original Report Date 8. Supplement Date 1 9. Correct Incident Classification 10. Juvenile Case No No 11. Multiple Case Clearance 12. Supplement Con?dential Yes 13. PurposeOfSupplement - 911 CALL BY VICTIM Caller: 911: Caller: 91 1: Caller: Medic: Caller: 911: Medic: 91 1: Medic: Caller: Medic: Caller: Medic: At the door. They're here. Ma?am. Can you blow your horn some more so the of?cers can ?nd you. Blow your horn some more. They got me. They got me. Somebody?s out with you. uh-huh ls medic there? Medic, I know there?s an of?cer out with her. Okay. There?s an ambulance there now. Alright Medic. Thank you so much. Your welcome. Ma?am. you alright? uh-huh I?m going to stay with you until somebody can get in your car. They got me. They got me. Okay. They?re going to take care of you. Okay? The ending time of this call we 00:44.69. 21 . UCR Clearance Status 23. Reporting Of?cer Code Assignment Date 0 Open 0 By Arrest 0 Exceptional 0 Unfounded W. E. Ward Jr. 591, FIB, .9'14?00 .22. ?inveshgaquStams' ?ig- 3va 1" .54? my? ~25 . . . Active Inactive 0 Closed I Administrative . 43? w? . . ..