{12} Faceheek Inlmx {5,355} - hen-ch Use {Ilsa {@lcl'rmndig Hengeu? C'hmriicle Dar. Hearst Cernum?un I he Topics . Bite Me's - Fem Federal Bureau of Prisons G?orresrunei' Excellence. Heep-est. integrity. ecu Q. Heine Aheut Us inmates Jobs Business Resciurces Cent-act Us Find an inmate. Locate the whereabouts of a federal inmate incarcerated from 1932 ten the present. Find By Number Find. By Name First Middle Last Race Age Sept Luke Cejekel .- 1 Result fer search Luke Eunice fi'n' Eileen are": LUKE COOKE Register Related Links 1' littvl?. e: 35 Ag . IZ'aTi'e'r'r-sineii Race: White .. . mares; Sex: Male. .. . . sens scene:- 3. I: ir- Leceteci at. grant-?JEFF . e. . {ice at REL, Release Date; $2025.-