From suctect RE Date 5 cachet zots at a 24 PM To Hi Aye, ask lot you now. cheats, Fram1Achohnson [matlto.ayojohnson@gntall.coml Sen Friday, October 05, 2013 3:23 PM To-- e. DCFS statement Can you also send me the gutdance/poltcy and procedures documents govems restdences tn Bermuda" there IS onel A On 4 Oct 20123, at 2 33 PIV-- Wrote Good Aye, Thanks foryouv ematl. send tt onwards and upwardsl Regards, no yo Johnson [mailto Sen Thutsda,0etnhernA 20152 RPM Tn-- DCFS statement Goad aflernoom 'ntanks for added tt to the bottom Dfmy story as an update llowever would ltke to gtve the government's perspecttve a htgher In a separate story and have the questtons 1 tt does appear from statement that the govemment ts mtly tnvesttgattng the allegattons made agatnst the dtrector tn Saul Dtsmont's August IO letter to the ts fl'HS correct" Namely at that he latled to protect and other from stat-rmentbers who the reported as and/or other that he fouled to protect statt'mentbers who retaltated agatnst for concerns that he t'atled to conduct an tnvesttgatton tnto the allegattons latled to ensure that the stall' members were suspended and ensure that they have no dtrect or contact oppostng fur a order f) Vlolalmg the restratmng order retaltattng agatnst for the abuse and seektng a restratmng order and statl't'or thetr concerns re to the guardt-an and tn court )obstructed the thhe guardt-an fiDm meettng the guardtan onstte at RTS 2 We have mponed concerns brought to our attentton Namely . A statfmentber assaulted a colleague Another statl'mentberetased vtdeo ufthe assault DC rs tgnored abuse of by parents He department tatled to act alter a foster parent allegedly molested a 4 year old A returned to a father by DCFS desptte havtng assessed that he had molested her Case workers protected another father suspected afabuslng own CCTV captured abuse tn 2013 Stat-r abused at the guts restdence Stat-rnot suttably qualtt'ted forlhelr roles Does the goyemment have any tntentton tnqutry beyond whether or not the dtrector ts gutlty That ts a systemtc Inquiry" 3 note that the statement only addresses one ot'm questtons sent tn recent weeks I reproduce my ematls below for your conventence and summartse the key unanswered ouesttons dtrectly below a 1s Mr Carey leadtng the probe and rs the mnfident that he can lead an tmparttal As we mentton, we have recetved reports that he also tgnored abuse allegatrons Is there any tndependent party lnvulved the rnvestrgatton . as promrsed by the on September 5" It has come to our attentton that the CCTV system at the Df the resrdenttal treatment servtces has not been operatronal for a pertod Would the be enough to tell us why" When be llow long has been the case" stnce the has agreed that should fund guardrans, rs not the appeal of the llellman dectston a waste ufmxpaycrs' money" 1 hope to hear from you soon We plan to tomorrow (October 5) at 4 pm Regards From: Johnson Subiect: Re: DCFS querles Date 28 Se tember 2018 at 9 05.13 PM GMT-3 To: Dear-- Further to my emarl below 1 have the quertes for the 1 It has been reported to us that the and the permanent secretary Wayne Carey have been tntervtewrng stalr' at the DFCS ls correct And rt'so would the llke to clanfy whether he and Mr Carey are actually the tnvesttgatron mm the allegattons concemtng abuse and/or the clauns about the dtrector's Df the allegattons/dtsobeytng the court order" Why IS the tn questlonlng the stat-1'7 Does the eanstder lt approprtate glven the fact that he has final pohtrcal for the Also, IS there a of tnterest grven that he a t'onner employee of the department and was at one potnt supervtsed by the current dtreetar" 2 We have also recetved reports that the permanent secretary was abuse allegattons but took no acllon Is the confident that Mr Carey can lead an tmparttal tnvesttgatton gwen that he IS the dtrect supervlsur anr Maybury" 3 What the nuntster mean when he told us on September 3 that he wanted to get to the bottom 'as transparently as as qulekly as the nuntster to updattng the publtc on tssue 1 note that no response has been recewed to our questtons days ago, and our September 6 emarl We are at 3 tomorrow Regards On 20 Sepzolx t2 39 wrote Hl Ayo, Emall recelved. Thanks Helen notn: Ayolohnson [matlto corn Sell Thursday, September 20, 2013 2an PM I "me to fallow up on the clalms about abuse at DCFS and \muld anureclal: lfvuu would secure an update finm the Weeks told me last month that there Is to be an Investigauon conducted by an tndependent party, and that the Dlrector has been placed on leave As you know, on September 6, I sent the following quertes to your department for the attentton ofthe head of the service understand the dtrector ts away Would tt be Slble to get some responses to the following uuesttuns from the head or etytl service" I respect to the Investigation tnto the ulleguttuns orahuse and neglect ut the department and serytces, an tndependent Inveshgatnr been uppolmed" lfnuL when do you expect to appotnt one" 2 Why huye no other member ofthe DCFS staff been suspended or put on leave" You would be aware Ihltt separatton orders were applted tn respect or {our members orstatr, and the orders were allegedly ignored/violated We plan to puhhsh a follow up on our story (mo //pultt rn tuduy Response would he apprectate before then We have received no reply and can only conclude that Dr has no Intention to do so I would apprectate tt tt'you would these queries to the attentton of the Funher, there are concerns that no Investigation ts taking place, as key people have not yet been contacted, and that a cover up by sentor servants may he tn efi'ect It'an tndependent tnvesttgator has been appotnted, who the person" When the probe start" And why has there been no pubhc announcement What be the terms ofret'erence ofthe tnvesttgatton" On a related note, tt has come to my attentton that the CCTV system at the of the restdenttal treatment servtces has not been operattonal for a pertod oftune Would the be enough to tell us why" When will this be 1'68""de Stnce the has agreed that government should fund guardtans, not the appeal of the Hellman dectston a waste of taxpayers' money" I sincerely hope that we get responses by my puhltcatton deadltne ts 5 pm today On 1 OthOlE,atll HAM--wrote Dear Ayo, Please see the below statement from the Ministry of Social Development and Sports. Regards, "An investigation is underway into allegations against the Director of Child and Family Services, who is currently on administrative leave. The Government takes these allegations seriously. Protecting our children is a priority for Government and any wrongdoing will be identified and dealt with appropriately. In or" cannons". henna. randlfinnr .: Ill tiie Employment and Code of Conduct, an internal investigation is being conducted. emu. neimuua ui It should be stated clearly and unequivocally that the Minister of Social Development and Sports is not involved in conducting the investigation. Should the investigation lead to disciplinary action, the procedure set out in the Public Service Commission Regulations 2001 will be followed. The Government does not comment publicly on human resources matters. Again, the Government is committed to establishing whether any misconduct has occurred, and to take appropriate action accordingly -- (ommunltahons Ofllzer Government or aennuda DID-mun"! at Global Hausa, Gmund floor I 43 Church Street I Hamilmn, Bermuda HM12 Extension: 2nd Dlred relepnone Dlred Department of Communications une 292 5993 This email and its attachments ("email") contains confidential information intended solely for the recipient. Unless you are the recipient, this email cannot he used, copied, stored, printed or disclosed either partially or in its entirety. All copies should he deleted ifyou have received this email in error. No liability is accepted tor damage due to the opening ot this email. it is your responsihility to take appropriate precautions to safeguard your computer systems and networks. 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