Approved For Release 2009/09/04 SECRETARIAT '74 Rw?ng _$lip . EXE ., om . vnnoln? . . IG DIS h'a?4? 3.4..) 1 Approved For Release 2009/09/04 r" .3- a? w: 1: Rar' Approved For Release 2009/09/04 1 9 JAN 1983 lm' nan/9W3 LOGGED Washington, D.C. 20003 January 14, 1983 . . a .Director of Central Intelligence' Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear Sir: This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act, ?552, as amended. The January 10, 1983 edition of Aviation Week Space Technology magazine reported that Rear Admiral Edward A. Burkhalter, director of the Intelligence Community Staff, recently addressed a meeting of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association. The article quoted Admiral Burkhalter as telling those in attendance that ?one of the means by which* the Soviets have acquired valuable information in recent years has been through adroit use of the Freedom of Information Act." I have enclosed a copy of the article-for your information} I am writing to request that I be permitted to inSpect and copy any and all FOIA requests made by the Soviets. In addition to the requests themselves, I am seeking access to all records relating to those requests, as well as the records obtained by the Soviets through the FOIA. Unless Admiral Burkhalter intended another meaning, I am using the term "Soviets? to include individuals, governments, or surrogates acting on behalf of the government of the U.S.S.R. In the event that you determine that the requested records, or any portion of them, are exempt from disclosure, I ask that you cite me to the specific exemption of the Act upon which you are relying. As required by the Act, I will expect your determination within ten working days. Thank you for your courtesy. erely, \qu Paul M. Rosa Approved For Release 2009/09/04 STAT . .. .5 .-. "3 lag-mum? ham? .4 ii' - it mi; cums; gum L- TEL- uhn -, - - Approved For Release 2009/09/04 family. the Mach 2 role. British Design Mach 2 VTOL Fighter London-oBritish Aerospace has designed an advanced. Mach 2 supersonic vertical takeoff and landing fighter aircraft. designated the P. 1 216, and has completed a full- scale mockup at its Kingston production facility. - Decision to build a mockup was made after extensive wind-tunnel testing by the company's Kingston-Brough Div. Wind tunnel tests on the model and several other configurations have been under way for several years (awasr Dec. 8, 1980. p. 51). The P. 1216 design is powered by an uprated Rolls-Royce Pegasus engine. rated at more than 30.000 lb. and employing plenum-chamber burning in the two forward ducts for added thrust. The engine has a single rear vectorable duct thmugh which the engine's hot section exhausts. rather than two rear ducts as in the existing Harrier . The P.1216 is larger than current AV-BB aircraft. A new wing has been designed for developed and manufactured in that na- tion. - The Lavi. the team said, would not compete with the new U. S. advanced tac- tical ?ghter, adding that the ?rst proto- type Lavi will not be available until November, 1985, with ?rst production air- craft scheduled for delivery in 1990. Israel plans to buy the ?rst 300 aircraft for its inventory and could not begin export sales of the Levi until 1995, according to De, fense Dept. of?cials. There is a debate within the Adminis- tration on whether to allow Foreign Mili- tary Sales credits to be used for Lavi development. There is no real problem with using the credits for ?ghter produc- tion, only for development, one Defense Dept. o?icial explained. He said, however, it is likely Foreign Military Sales funding will be used for the development program. Funding for the Lavi is less certain than release of component composite technol- ogy and will depend on the meeting sched- uled in February between President Rea- gan and Israel?s prime minister, Menachim Begin. and the position Israel takes on West Bank settlements. A licensed production contract for the PW1120 engine has been signed. and the engines for the Lavi will be produced at Bet Shemesh Engines, Ltd., near Tel Aviv. The PW1120 will share a common core with the engines and have 60% commanality in parts. No change is expected in hot-section life for the engine. . The PW1120 is being developed with improved operational capability. especially at low~5peed and high-altitude regimes No change is expected in distortion han~ dling. and a 12% lower fuel consumption is anticipated in aerial combat. The State Dept. has delayed transfer ol composite materials technology to Israe' from three major U. 5. companies? Grurnman "AerOSpace Corp. Voughz Corp. and General Dynamics?for the Lavi, but that restriction may be lifted ii the next few weeks Sept. 13, 1982 p. 31). - 9 There are still interagency difference within the Administration over the devel cpment of the aircraft, but there also is: consensus that the composite technolog will be permitted, with contracts for th structure development. The wing and vertical tail for the Law would be codeveloped by subcontracting to the three U. S. companies by Isra: Aircraft Industries for composite strut tures. Composite technology also will applied to the all-moving canard and con trol surfaces and to structural doors, pan els and air brakes. This composite mated al application is expected to yieli advantags in reduced assembly wort lower operating costs, higher structural ?ciency and higher design ?exibility. Israel expects to codesign and copn duce the Lavi ?ghter in Israel and in alloted $100 million to codesign and adap the PWIIZO engine to it, with an add tional $300 million budgeted for engin production in that country. Other coden Measures Urged to Stem Tide. international sale. For the 70% of its ted ogy acquisition requirements that it can obtain legally and openly. the comm turns to the Soviet intelligence services- San Francisco?U. 5. should sanction the wider use of lie detector tests by the Defense Dept. and revise both the Freedom of infor- mation Act and?its procedures for declassify- ing defense-related material to stem the flow of sensitive technological information to the USSR. an intelligence official said here last week. One of the means by which the Soviets have acquired valuable information in recent years has been through adroit use of the Freedom of Information Act, according to Rear Adm. Edward A. Burkhalter. U. S. Navy, director of the Intelligence Community Staff. ?Just by asking the right questions. the Soviets are able to pull from federal govern- ment files reams of technical data not other- wise available to the public. much of it only recently declassified." he said at an Armed Forces Communications and Electronics As- sociation meeting (AFCEA). . industry. rather than government. however. is the front line in the struggle against Soviet industrial espionage. Industry must exercise its responsibility to help deny sensitive tech- Of Sensitive Data to Soviets nology to the USSR and other Eastern bloc nations, Burkhalter said. No high-technology company is free from the threat of Soviet infiltration or theft. but the many small companies developing emerge ing technologies. whose applications are only now being explored. are vulnerable. Because the applications are still indefinite. this work is not subject to security classification_and protection. The Soviet appetite for U. 8. technology is not indiscriminate. Burkhalter said. Rather. at the highest level of government, the Soviet State Committee'for Science and Technology considers the needs of the Soviet military and. to a lesser extent. the civilian scientific and industrial communities and formulates these needs into acquisition requirements. - .About 30% of these requirements can be met by such legal. open means as subscribing to such periodicals as WEEK 2. SPACE TECHNOLOGY, Burkhalter said. or by attending international centerences. sending scientists to do research at U. S. universities. or buying equipment that is available for unrestricted KGB and the military intelligence unit GRU. Former KGB officers and agents rt the West have said that this technology a sition has been assigned the highest ml for KGB and GRU collection, and the services compete strenuously for the rec tion that follows success in acquiringi value technology. Burkhalter said. . Open and covert acquisition of we technology saves the Soviets billions of lars in research and development costs years in research and development i Burkhalter set the value of the inform that the Soviets obtained over a three period from one source. former Hugha craft radar engineer William Holden Bi hundreds of millions of dollars (was: 10, 1982. p. 24; July 6. 1981. p. 25). He said Bell was paid $110,000 fort . fled information about the Douglah F-15 look-down/shoot-mwn 8-1 and Stealth radar. an all-weather radai'. the Navy Hughes Phoenix ni Army/Raytheon Patriot and missiles, and a towed-array submarines "In cost versus benefit terms, the lit Aviation Week 8. Space Technology. January 10, t3 Approved For Release 2009/09/04 . lopn.en*t? and coproduction funding in- cludes: I Wing and vertical stabilizer?$60 million and $100 million, respectively. I Flight control computer with Lear] Siegler already under subcontract for $60 million in codevelopment, and $100 mil- lic'in planned for coproduction. - .iI Airframe systems with $20 millio and $100 million for codeveIOpment and cpproduction with U. S. industry. I Materials procurement for coproduc- tion estimated at $500 million in Fiscal 1982 dollars. . iThe Lavi concept as resented by the ISraeli brie?ng team is built around the use of proved materials and processes, adapting systems already developed when- ever possible. This approach uses state-of- the-art technology and isilow risk in approach. it also provides cost-effective Quali?cation testing of the aircraft, De- fense Dept. officials sai . The avionics system for the ?ghter is planned to operate with advanced digital systems with interactive multifunction dis- play and controls, fire control integrated: with internal and external sensors, and enhanced active and passive self-defensive systems. Computer embedded systems for the Lavi would be built to comply with U. S. military speci?cations. The ?ight control . system for the aircraft would be a ?y-by- wire system with relaxed static stability. It will have an analog but no mechanical backup system. Boeing Power System Los Angeles?Supplemental type certifi- cate has been issued by the Federal Avia- tion Administration for an engine power trim system (EPTS) designed to adjust automatically Boeing 727 engine power during climb and cruise. The EPTS is expected to reduce the transport's total fuel consumption by more than 2% by optimizing climb and cruise performance. The system also pro- vides protection against engine over- temperature and excessive engine pres- sure ratios. . Garrett?s AiResearch Manufacturing Co. and United Airlines will iointly hold the supplemental type certificate for the Boeing 727. AiR?search and several carri- ers are considering joint certification of the EPTS on other aircraft. The avionics systems for the- Lavi would involve a number of U. S. contrac- tors. Israel has issued a request for pro- posal to Teledyne for the 1750A computer emulator system. Other avionics action by Israel includes: 1 Wide-angle head-up display with a draft request for preposal issued to Hughes and Marconi for $3 million for a development and procurement cost goal of $100,000 per unit in production. The. HUD would not be built in Israel. I Software and support partial de- livery already accomplished by the Aero- . Release 2009/09/04 nautical Systems Div., Wright Patterson AFB. I Programmable signal processor emu- lator by Westinghouse that is under study . contract. I Electronic countermeasures compo- nents by ITT in the detail design stage for tradeo?' decisions. - In presenting its'developrnent plan to the Reagan Administration, Israel over- came doubts that the aircraft could be developed for $1.3 billion by detailing the .development costs. They are: airframe, $453 million; engine, $110 million?othis is the cost to adapt the PW1120 to the Lavi; avionics, $235 million; ?ight control and electromechanical systems, $109 million; test and evaluation, $200 million, and in- strument landing system, $53 million. The development costs for these major systems total $1.1 billion, with an addi- tional $210 million for production tool- ing?SllO million for the airframe and $100 million for the engine. Israel's position on developing and pro- ducing the Lavi is that its industry has the basic infrastructure required to undertake the development of an advanced military aircraft. Israeli manufacturers operate in accordance with U. S. military standards and many are approved vendors for U. S. aircraft companies. The Lavi program would provide a ca- pacity for manufacturing and assembly of the airframe and engine to take up the slack in phasing out the pro- gram. . . far and away the most efficient. economically productive element of the Soviet economy. because of its contribution in the foreign tech- nology area." Burkhalter said. - The benefits to the Soviet Union do not stop there. ?With our best technology in hand, they can develop countermeasures to our systems before we ever deploy them. And Soviet in- dustrial espionage imposes new, ever-increas- ing costs as we struggle to overcome tech- nology we have developed that is now in Soviet hands", .. Soviet technological dependence on the West does not condemn them to permanent inferiority. The Soviets are able to learn more . from our mistakes, select the best from both technological worlds. and focus their research and development capital on areas where we are weakest. he said. - . Much is made at times of safeguards sur- rounding equipment that has civilian as well as military uses. but these have proved to be ineffectual. Burkhalter contended. He cited. the case of tilvo floating drydocks built in Japan for Soviet civilian use. but now support- ;ing the Soviet Navy's Pacific and Northern ?fleets. They are being used to repair Kiev- lclass aircraft carriers. nuclear-powered ballis- tic missile submarines and other warships. and no doubt will be used for the new genera- tion of Soviet aircraft carriers projected for 'the 19905. the admiral said. This diversion of ostensibly civilian hard- ware for military use should have come as no surprise. for the Soviet military has first choice of any new technology acquired in the West, he added. It is part of the system and not a surreptitious. backdoor arrangement. The U. 8. government has taken steps to counter Soviet industrial espionage. including the following, Burkhalter said: . I The Commerce Dept. has strengthened its Compliance Div.. including the opening of new field offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles. - - 2 I The Customs Service in early 1982 be? gan its Operation Exodus to detect and pre- vent illegal exports of technology. Although it already has produced a number of prosecu- tions, the program only now is moving into full operation. . I The U. S. Attorney General established a Critical Technologies Task Force in California to coordinate with state and local police and high-technology businesses in this area "to stem the hemorrhage of critical technology to our adversariesintelligence community is re- its efforts to learn what items are on the Soviet's-shopping lists so that industry Approved For Release 2009/09/04 and law enforcement agencies can take de- fensive measures. - strengthened for better monitoring of Soviet and East European agents in the U. 3., West- ern Europe and elsewhere. Burkhalter stressed the close relationship between the intelligence services of the USSR and its satel- lites. "They respond to Soviet collection task- ing. and the USSR benefits from everything of value that they collect." he said. Bell. for example, was paid by Marian Zacharsky, West Coast manager of Polamco, an overt, legal, Polish machinery importing company. tice and Commerce departments, the FBI and other .elements of the government to help them in their cauntermeasures. strengthen CoCom. the Coordinating Commit- tee for Multilateral Export Controls, and tech- nology export restrictions are being updated. Additionally, the activities-of Soviet and East European citizens in the U. S. are being re. stricted. - - modifications to the Freedom of information Act to prevent the public release of sensitive - technological information. especially that re- lating to U. S. weapons systems. . I Counterintelligence efforts are being I intelligence is being passed to the Jus- In the policy area, the U. S. is working to The Administration is asking Congress for 2.n-mdr 4. - .. ..