Diocese oi Buflalo Office of Communications October 16, 2018 Statement responding to questions about Fr. Joe Gatto Gatto (1 Shortly after Bishop Malone received Mr Falusszak's letter back on Apnl 15, 2018, he met Bishop Persrco In Erie. Bishop l>erstco toltl op Malone. tlurtng that meeting. that he had personally spoken to Fr. _and that Fr. cornpletely denied that there was anything rnappropnate between himself and Fr. atto. (2 Today, Oclober 15. 201 Bishop Grosz and our new head of the Office oi Professional Responsibility, Steven Halter. contacted the Bishop oiEne, Bishop Per, o. by telephone. When speaking Bishop Persrco about the aforemenlioned April 15"- letter. Bishop Persrco advised that he had previously spoken with Fr._about this allegation and was told that nothing rnappropnate happenetl Fr, Gatto. Fr. so contacted by Steven Halter today and Fr, th he was not abused by Fr. Gatto and they were never tn a homosexual relatto vrsed that he does not understand why Mr. is making these allegatton (3 Today's calls only reaffirmed the conversation Bishop Malone had with Bishop Perstco back tn April and that Ihis was handled properly. Why Bishop Malone named Fr. Calm to the firesidenuremr of Christ the King Semiggfl: Fr. Ciatto hall a very fine reputanon as a pastor at St. Gregory the Great. our largest pansh. Fr, Gatto exhibited great leadership qualities and that is why Bishop Malone named him to head the Seminary January. 2014. These recent weeks are the first time we have heard any concerns about anything rnappropnate with Fr. Gatto. Gene Walcza it was too late and that he wa, oi Profess nal Responsibility. tned three Jackie Joy attempted to Conlacl Mr, Walczak b' 'k in early Oclober, 2018. He Contacled her aight lo the press. Steven Haller, Ihe new head oflhe Office ack in early October, 2018 I0 Contacl Mr, Walczak. Mr. Walczak attempted to return Mr Haller's calls on two 0 'ions with no succe . Yesterday, October 15, Mr. Halter tried a fourth and fifth lime to conlacl Mr. Walczak and lefl him a me, be on the fiflh Call Io Contacl lackre ioy. leaving the hotltne number and Ms Joy's ematl address. Separately, Ms. also called and left a message for Mr. Walczak yesterday evening, Many Louge Mr Lougen was Fr (lane's finanual adviser/planner He alleges unwantetl sexual advances by Fr. Gatto. which Fr. Gallo vehernently tlenres. Why has Bisth Malone taken no steps to investigate Fr. Gallo: II is incorrecl that Bishop Malone is not tnvesttgattng. Bishop Grosz met with Fr. Gatto September 27. 2018 and Fr. Gatto has been placed on Leave. Protocol is being iollowed with situation. For more information. contact Kathy Spaligler, Dirermr of Comnmm'rmi'mix Phone: (116) 347-3711 . Fax: (116) 34743722