April 15. 2013 Dear Bishop Malone, In the months ol August through November ol 2014 I did in person bring an allegation ol misconductto my Bishop Lawrence Persico. ol the Diocese ol Erie. regarding Rev. .loseph Gallo ol the Diocese ol aullalo. As was relayed to me by my diocesan brother at the time ol its occurrence in my lounh year as a seminarian at Christ the King Seminary, then a third year seminarian. was a victim ol sexual activities wrought by He Gatto mile he was an adult. received this misconduct. and even perhaps regards it as consensua i was always lonnright with my lormation directors about the lact that i had been molested by a priest in my teenage years. and also about the lactthat, while celibate, legarWeH as having a homosexual orientation. it was in the light olthat transparency that encouraged to reveal that part ol his lile to his Formation Director. When he took it to Gatto the abuse ensued. As this might not have been shared with you. in spite ol assurances by Bishop Pelsloo that it would be. i leel it necessary to share this inlormation you directly. i think, perhaps. it wasnt. I should say that have have testilied to this matter in a sworn allidavit and also as part ol a sworn deposition belore the Fortieth investigating Grand Jury in now concluding its work. The context ol that questioning related to the secret lilestyles ol diocesan priests. and the culture in which they are lormed. Allow me to also reler you to a document given to you by*at the outset ol your episcopal ministry in Buflalo relating to priests and their sexua i iven your background in lormation I already know you recognize the stakes here. As one mo was himsell engaged in seminary lormation, and now dealing with the lallout ol clergy sexual abuse, you will no doubt appreciate that acertain clerical culture has given cover to crimes perpetrated by Catholic priests. in that light leel compelled to share this inlormation with you, and hope you exercise due diligence in responding to this allegation. I do regard you as a noble man, Bishop. My revelations in recent months have alienated me lrom good men such as yoursell and my classmates. who i hold in high regard. Christ the King Seminary is regarded as the heart ol the Diocese ol aullalo. it pains me to be alienated lrorn it, lrom you. and trorn the community which lormed me. May i just encourage you to move beyond the bounds ol diplomatic and canonical secrecy to give a lull accounting ol the toll ol clergy sex abuse. You or your predecessors hired religious orders to stall the schools which the diocese owns. Please also step up and acknowledge the high toll that was wrought by episcopal hands in your diocesan schools. Till that time. regard me as a laitnlul son, in spite ol my public voice. i really do regard you as a spiritual lather. Just do the right thing, Bishop. investigate Gano. Pull the veil back. Bishop. it kills me to leel like an adversary in these matters. But please yust do it. Sincerely yours. James G. Faluszczak,