Responses to Written Questions Submitted by Honorable Jerry Moran to Rhonda Faehn Question 1. During your testimony before the Subcommittee on June 5, 2018, you stated that a current employee of USA Gymnastics, Amy White, removed records from the Karolyi Ranch in Texas. Regarding that testimony, please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge: Who specifically ordered Ms. White to remove those records? Response. Amy White told me she was ordered by Steve Penny to remove the records and bring them back to Indianapolis. However, I have no personal knowledge of whether this is true. Question 2. When did this occur? Response. I do not know the knowledge of this. Question 3. Why were the records removed? Response. I have no firsthand knowledge of this, only that I became aware of removal of records in March of 2018 and shared this information with Kerry Perry. Question 4. What types of documents were removed from the Karolyi Ranch? Response. I have no firsthand knowledge of this. Question 5. Did the records contain documents relating to Larry Nassar’s visits to the Karolyi Ranch? Response. I have no knowledge of what the records contained. Question 6. Did the records contain any parental consent forms that gymnasts were required to sign before attending training at the Karolyi Ranch? Response. I have no knowledge of what the records contained. Question 7. Were the records moved to specific location at USAG Headquarters in Indianapolis? Response. I have no firsthand knowledge of what happened to the records. Question 8. Are you aware of any records being purposely destroyed by USAG staff? Response. No Question 9. Were you aware of any communications between USAG and USOC regarding the allegations of sexual abuse and the internal investigation of Larry Nassar in 2015? If so, who were the parties involved and what were the results of those communications if any? Did you have any direct communications with USOC staff regarding these matters? Response. No, I was not aware of any communications with the USOC nor did I have any direct communications with the USOC regarding the allegations or the investigation. Responses to Written Questions Submitted by Honorable Todd Young to Rhonda Faehn Question 1. Ms. Faegn, in your testimony you indicated that medical records were moved from the USA Gymnastics National Team Training Center at Karolyi Ranch (the “Karolyi Ranch”) to Indianapolis, Indiana. You also indicate that Amy White was the USA Gymnastics employee that removed those records from the Karolyi Ranch. When you indicate that those records were moved to Indianapolis, were those records taken to USA Gymnastics headquarters located in Indianapolis, IN (“USA Gymnastics Indianapolis”)? Response. I was told in March 2018 by Amy White that she was ordered by Steve Penny to take the records to USA Gymnastics headquarters. I then shared this information with Kerry Perry. Question 2. What was Amy White’s role in USA Gymnastics at the time she retained medical records at the Karolyi Ranch? Response. I believe Amy White is the Program Travel manager/National teams manager as well as the Acrobatic gymnastics Program manager. Question 3. To your knowledge, does Amy White still work at USA Gymnastics? Response. Yes. Question 4. If still employed, what is Amy White’s current role at USA Gymnastics? Response. I believe Amy White is the Program Travel manager/National teams manager as well as the Acrobatic gymnastics Program manager. Question 5. Who directed Amy White to retrieve medical records from the Karolyi Ranch? Response. I was told by Amy White that Steve Penny ordered her to remove records from the Karolyi Ranch. Question 6. On what date did Amy White retain medical records from the Karolyi Ranch? Response. I do not have knowledge of that information. Question 7. On what date did Amy White deliver the medical records to USA Gymnastics Indianapolis? Response. I do not have knowledge of that information. Question 8. If you are unsure of an exact date, what month and year did Amy White retrieve medical records from the Karolyi Ranch? Response. I do not have knowledge of that information. Question 9. How many individual athletes’ medical records were moved from the Karolyi Ranch to USA Gymnastics Indianapolis? Response. I do not have knowledge of this information. Question 10. Were all medical records removed from the Karolyi Ranch? Response. I do not have knowledge of that information. Question 11. Please describe the nature of the medical records (i.e., electronic, paper, or a combination). Response. I do not have knowledge of that information. Question 12. Please describe the volume of medical records removed from the Karolyi Ranch. Response. I was told by Amy White that it was a large suitcase and 2 large boxes. Question 13. Were athletes notified that their medical records were moved from the Karolyi Ranch to Indianapolis? Response. I do not have knowledge of that information. Question 14. If not, why were they not notified? Response. I do not have knowledge of that information. Question 15. Who controlled the medical records at the Karolyi Ranch? Response. I do not have knowledge of that information. Question 16. Who controlled the medical records at USA Gymnastics Indianapolis? Response. I do not have knowledge of that information. Question 17. During your tenure, how many times were USA Gymnastics employees sent to retain medical records from training facilities? Response. I do not have knowledge of that information. Question 18. Did USA Gymnastics employees travel to any other training facility to retain any medical records? Response. I do not have knowledge of this. Question 19. Ms. Faehn, according to your testimony, in late 2016 or early 2017 you required young female gymnasts who traveled abroad to be accompanied by a chaperone vetted and hired by USAG, and also suggested that USAG pay for the parents to accompany them abroad. You also state that you were surprised to receive resistance to these common sense reforms from within USAG. Response. Yes, this is correct. Question 20. Who within USA Gymnastics resisted the implementation of a chaperone program? Are they still at USAG? Response. The resistance was more from the challenges that came from having 6 different disciplines attempting to have the Safe Sport Director create one policy….as well as financial concerns for programs that did not have the budget. No one person or persons resisted. Question 21. What were their stated reasons for resisting such a program? Response. The resistance was more from the challenges that came from having 6 different disciplines attempting to have the Safe Sport Director create one policy….as well as financial concerns for programs that did not have the budget. No one person resisted. Question 22. Do you have confidence that the current leadership at USA Gymnastics will develop a robust chaperone program? Response. Because I am no longer at USAG, I have no ability to evaluate this. Question 23. What specific guidelines would you suggest for a robust chaperone program that ensures athletes are protected when they’re traveling abroad? Response. Creation of a chaperone program that would require credentialing or licensing. Utilize a licensing authority that would carry out an enhanced background check of all individuals applying to be approved as a chaperone; the application should be supported by two verifiable references from people who are not known solely to the applicant through USA Gymnastics for which they wish to become a chaperone; the applicant should be interviewed by the local authority as a means to assess their suitability and competency for the role but also so that the local authority may explain the expectations of being a local authority approved chaperone. A structured training program and guidelines could be determined by the local authority concerned. Local authorities should provide training for new applicants. This training could be delivered through local authority managed training sessions, through manuals, DVDs or online training videos . The key elements of basic training should at least include consideration of the legal requirements, the role of the chaperone – what is expected of the chaperone and their purpose. The International Gymnastics Federation and the USOC would be essential in helping work together to provide appropriate credentials and credentialing access for chaperones at the International competitions. Question 24. Ms. Faehn, much has been made recently of cutting ties with the Karolyi Ranch in Texas where much of the abuse occurred by Larry Nassar. More recently, USA Gymnastic officials didn’t believe it was right to have athletes return to a place that housed so much trauma and abuse for these athletes. But the most recent agreement with the Karolyi Ranch had been renewed in April of 2017, long after you and others at USA Gymnastics had cut ties with Larry Nassar. Question 25. Given all of this, how could USA Gymnastics renew their relationship with the Karolyi Ranch in 2017? Response. I had no role in this decision and thus cannot answer this question. Question 26. Were you involved in the decision to renew the relationship with the Karolyi Ranch? Response. No. Question 27. Who else at USA Gymnastics was involved in the decision to renew the relationship in 2017? Response. I do not know.