ToilHry and FragranceAssociation,Inc. The Cosmetic, ";",.mu" H /I..? ::rr:H .. Pns .. d·.- .. ,r Norman F. r.·,lr;n Qh.O. .. v-ee Pr,?, 'e.: - .... SI..;f'?I!.:( March 15th, 1976 Heipz J. Eiermaml Food and Drug Administration .!olr. 200 C street, S. H .. D.C. 20204 Was?ington, On March 11th, 1976, Mr. Eiermann __ the CTFATalc Subcommittee m?:: -to discuss l:he curr,=nt st3.- i:rinq need exists recognized that tus ·oftalc. It was f?r asbestos form a analyses t?e of profile to your attention r odu c t i p on ,:,f cos;net!.cs materials in talc used in the U.S. and toiletry products. a t.o I· , of i"1.J('.stry resp,'msibil:'·'?:! The attached letters demonstrate "ill We a r e cc>ct'lin that. the S'lIl'_'1-,ary in. monitoring its talcs. bI c:'rrllTtC0nt2.miClatL',,· freedom giveyali assurance as to. theoo sme t.i.c t,'10 ptoducts. asbestos form materials of to disCllSS Individ'>a1 companies ·aremorethan ,,,il1inq dct.ailed data with you at your convenience- t?le Cordially, ? cY;7???--%$.fl?fn co nc ruv ab·)ut e c i sp t a 10sand ev?n its, ea:rliE>st mineralogical integrity of its, for acicuJarpart.icul,itc>s,. t ficlltjonShave required theexamjil?tion 1971 o u r powder con a.Lncd in When it was errollE'ouSly'reported 9 rid t c a I f r a n log nri ne a seien t Lf Lc R