From Redacted Sent Monday To Torn Cc Duane New Subject BG Office 2PRM Arias QT1 Tiffany Burrows 2PT Seth Greenfeld Stephen Redacted Anthone Summer Salyer David Worthington CIS Hannah Grady Scalcione York Allison Edward Smith Vincent 116 PM Warrington Earl Dorman Erik P11 2017 CNB Hodnett WPTAA for 27 March for QTGBAB Sill CNB QTGAB Dawn Frazier LG Vince Eckert Tracy lAW Bishop P11 Space El riiri El \t fc i\ cii marzo de 2017 tic tcths Tom From CNB Hodnett Sent viernes 17 de Redacted for P11 904 Tor thdforPIIJ Summer Cc Erik BG Dorman Stephen PROM had David Arias yesterday NYC Region NCR PBS Ear Warrington HT Dawn Topics Ms Shared Services Frazier Program discussed floor that McKinsey whie Smith Edward Burrows 2PT Summary NYC DC from McKinsey Company space options and rated issues office GSA PBS Service Buiding Business Security Manager were as follows the draft for their review office other space can be reserved Co Anthone Program Anayst Commissions Boards Manager Arias identified two ft David CNB Frazier Duane Eckert Andrade and Maia Ehscovich Pubhc Buiding Worthington Management 1133 Sq Board to discuss Chief Architect Summer Sayer Tiffany Patricia Vince 2PRM Arias Dawn included Region Anthone with Meeting Allison QTGAB Worthington Tiffany CIS Seth Greenfeld LG lAW Vincent Scalcione March 16 2017 representatives representatives Allison Bishop ESA/McKinsey GSA Pnc with Hannah Tracy meeting QT1 Warrington Earl Grady QTGBAB Sill Subject We WPTAA Salyer spaces on the ony 270 sq is tenth ft floor of 201 There is Varick St shared in NYC One conference space room on the Mr Arias is going to provide regardess of the office space chosen ease for each of the spaces by COB Friday Mar 16th to be presented is sixth to the and decision FOMB-CPI-000821 Ms Ms has shown Sayer avaabe rooms 6314A and G474 not St the end Mr Ms afternoon this of next Anthone discussed Security Designated entering the buiding card needs to obtain to et in email which me know error copy it is if its offices She spaces St 1800 at NW be showing room 1030 at 301 7th Proforma for each of the spaces by wifl Boards etter will will that be maintained present picture is updated will at the federa to routine require HD to the screening security ist empbyees non-federa representatives routine access main entrance Security to to the the Guards upon each time they enter the as required woud ike access to GSA systems ike bookit and woud ike GSA to The request to have access to GSA systems will require Board or PV-H cards The difference between the PV and PV-H cards is the PV cost required in and to the pans the PV-H card does outined not require GSA system access Co by COB Mar 24th order to provide estimates to McKinsey changes need to Ear BH GSA Warrington wi be made. for P11 and may be privileged contents BH investigation is notify us immediately and then disclose for the of Board go through ensure the access card and confidential please ist will Board Redacted This access of this background evauate Apr ate two the Board either requires provide aternatives Pease They for computers personne the copy Board representatives Arias said that procure PV provide The Board shoud buiding Ms buiding wifl Manager Buiding buiding unth Ehscovich Co Price Sayer wifl provide McKinsey Mar 24th for the Boards review and decision week The Chair buidings Ms Andrade and or use it for If you have received delete it Please it do not any purpose FOMB-CPI-000821