Iii? I or; . . .45 13.92315 15:12 15886536335 DISCLOSURE BY ELECTED PUBLIC EMPLOYEE OF TRAVEL EXPENSES SERVING A LEGITIMATE PUBLIC PURPOSE Name of elector! public employee: 'l'ltlel Position Agency! Department Agency address: Of?ce phone: Of?ce e-mail: 'Writo an to confirm statement. Describe the activity which is the reason for traveling. Desorihe your participation In the aciivily. Date, time and Iomtion of activity. Please explain how the activity will promote the interests of tho Comm onweaith. a county or a monioipaiil-y. AS REQUIRED BY 930 CMR ELECTED PUBLIC EMPLOYEE INFORMATION . David P. State Representative. Fifth Middlesex Massachusetts House of Representativos Massachusetts State House, Room 146 Boston. MA02133 Bi 7-722?2? 2 Davidiinsky-mahousegov I am ?ling this disclosure because: I am going to engaga in an activity that serves a logitirnate public purpose. it is intended to promote the interests of the Commonwealth, 21 county or a municipality; and A non-public entity (but not a lobbyist) has offered to reimburse, walva or pay travel expanses and cusp; worth more than $50. ACTIVITY THAT SERVES A LEGITIMATE PUBLIC PURPOSE Engaging with legislators from across the Country to develop ways in which to understand and engage Americans in the need for stronger violence prevention measures. 1 will be representing Massachusetts in the conVersation in order to present the recent legislation that we have enacted to reduoo gun violence and to hear other states? legislation and proposals. Augu?t and a? 2016 i will be able to learn more about the ways other states have effectively engaged their citizens and reduced gun violence in their states and then apply these ideas to Massmhusel?ts. rill/ii ?26,qu 158855 38335 PAGE TRAVEL EXPENSES Identify the person or organization that offered to reimburse, waive or . . . pay your travel Anierman State Legislato rs for Gun Violence Prevention menses. Address of parson or CHICAGO MAGNIFICENT LIILE 505 Michigan Ave I Chicago, IL 60611 Provide Informa?on In as much detail as ltemiza?an and summation of amounts offered: waalbla: Ail; train, bus, and taxi fairs and ran-ta! air him-5gl all; Transportation: Ova-might accommodations. Lodging: .5400 Brea?aaf. Funds, special event: Meals: ngfm?an, admission, tickets, etc. Admission: Kali/lawman!) inabudbn, mete?ala entertainment, eta Other (please list): Total; Write an beside any haw: attach?! the folavant itinerary. relevant statement. _21(_l have attached the relavant agenda. Having disclosed the facts show, I determine that: . . how tanoe of the reimbursement. waiver or payment oftmval expanses win serve a For the exemption pub?c purpose it win promote tha interests of the Commonwealth. a county or ?0 6991?. a municipality; AND shook off ?91.11 M- Such pubnc purpose Weighs any special nan?work related bene?t to me Dr to the fparson providing the? reimbursament, waiver or payment Employee signature: 5/9 :5 -- .1 . t? n1 1 AAMERICAN STATE I Poilcy Summit . in Partnership With I UnIverSIty of Chicago School of So?cial Service AdmInIs SUNDAY, 2016?. - 5:00pm 6:00pm Registration Networking 5th Floor Executive Lobby 8; Plenary Room 621 . 6:00pm 6:20pm 8. Overview of Summit Agenda Plenary Room 621 Hon, Brian Kavanagh, New York Assembly and Chair ASILGVP Neil B. Guterman, Dean, UniVersityI of CIhiICago School of Social Serviee Administration Daniel IlliinoisI Senate 3 9 00pm .. Dinner Si Plenary I 5- 'Dealn'f' I HOUSE 0f Representatives 17. I I Majgr Events Irends, State LBWS Robyn Thomas Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence - Community Engagement 8: Solutions . .- I Amber I,Goodw n CommunltVIJustlce Reform Coalition Presidential State 8: Local Executive Action -II Erin Cohan Center for Amencan Progress Dinner Keynote HON. Barbara Smith Warrior I ?IinItroduttion: FOR GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION owntown Chicago . i 8 201? IGlIeIather OVERVIEW HOW GUN IssUEs' HAVE PLAYED PERSPECTIVES .- - .l I, . I . Passed 8: Defeated .- . n" 3:0[larn -- 8:503m Breakfast Keynote de LIVE FREE Campaign, Pastor Michael PICD National Network 10:05am Plenary Session 2 HPROBLEM BI ENGAGING HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Moderator; Rebecca Levin, Strengthening Chicago 5 Youth yea Dudley Gun Violence Prevention? Program The Joyce Foundation oIr'IitIa,- MD, ChIIoago Department of Public Health I of Chicago Medicine Comer Children I lof CookI County I ASSESSING GUN VIOLENCE A5 A PUBLIC HEALTH Jess Dr. Catherine Humikowski, The UriIiIveIr'SI I Dr. Marjori FuIaraIlohn Strogerir HospIiIta STATES WITHOUT UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS CLDSING LOOPHOLES OTHER REFORMS . I Breakout Room A, 4th Floor -I - Moderator; Hon.? Jennifer Williamson,- Dragon House of Representatives 7 I .. Brian Malta, Brady Campaign to ViolIeInce l: II Billy Rosen, Everyto'Wn idr Gun Safety Julia vanIIan, States United to Prevent Gan Violence Ilto be confirmed) 101: TYPES OPERATION LEGAL RESTRICTIONS UN GUNS AMMUNITION 8L ACCIESSDRIES - Breakout Room 4th Floor Id ChIpman Amie-ans Hon. Michelle Schimel New York Assembly II I I II Solutions former Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms SIEpri-oIinves I 1 .. II I TACTICS 3: FUNDING IDIIF THE NRA GUIIN I I I Breakout Room 4th Floor TY LOBBY INTERSTATE STAT I . mail ??5?2?233 a \B?de H39, cmen?l?g?? 50?? .. 11:2-Sarn -- 11:35am Break . Breakout Session 2 - I 9- COMMUNITY-SPECIFIC GUN VIOLENCE PREVENT-ION STRATEGIES: COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT INTERVENTION. RELATIONS Breakout Room A, 4th Floor Moderator; Hon Kwame Raoul Illinois 3 Professor Deborah University of China go Bocanegra, formerly Enlaoe Chicago Nina Vinik The Joyce Foundation Camiella. Williams, Millennial Advocate enate 1' Social Service Administration VIOLENCE 82 GUNS - - Room 4th FloOr g:-Moderator Hon Barbara Bollie'r Kansas? House .gHon-L Eilegen Filler-Corn. Virginia House of Delegates Robin Lloyd AmerIcans for Responsmie Solutions Representatives RAFFICKING LAW-S 8L ACUON 8i? LOCAL APPROACHES To GUN Breakout RoorIr'I. 4th Eloor Ir:- Hon. Adam Ebbin VIrglnIa Sen?te .. ady CampIaIgn to Prevent Gun VIolenEe I oE Ch Icago I ., 12 45pm'4 2: 209m;__ - .. Plenary Session 3 SI Lunch . i - POLLING BI MESSAGING ON 8505 To GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION I - .. . Plenary Room .6211 Moderator Ian Headley, Michigan House Of Representat'INES David Whalker, IEIreenbeEgI Quinlan Rogner Researeh . .. 2. 30pm 3:40pm - i Breakout Session 3 STATES WIITH UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CH ECKSI NEW '73 . DEFAULT SALES RECORD REPORTING I -. Breakout _Room AI 4H1 Floor . I In in I 0 . ?mink. mm Annual 190m 8 CK 901ml 111'": - .a'I I IWEIDBA 1?5? II '11STATE 8.: LOCAL EXECUTIVE ACTION 8x LOCAL LEGISLATIVE ACTION II Room ?lth Floor Moderator; Ellie Montana House of Rapresentatlv'Erln Cohan, Center Americ'an Progress -. I Adam SIItaIggs'L Law CanteIrto Prevent SHOOTINGS PREVENTION I31 8a. PC3LICIY RESPONSES B?r?akout Room 4th Floor I. fRepresentatwes ..: II oleman Alabama House 0 Illinois House of Representative's VE FREE Campaign PICO National Network g. former Bureau ofAltohoI Tobatco ReforrnI Coallhon - .I . . 3- Moderator: Huh. Merlkac Hon. Elg'le Sims, PaIsto'r Michael McBride Ll Solutions?. David Chipman Americanso fo Amber Goodwin, Comm 3:40pm 3:55pm I Break 3:55pm .. 5:05pm Plenary Session 4 MENTAL HEALTH 8: GUNS: STATISTICS 81 POLICIES THAT Plenary" Room 621 rater: Hon. Kathleen Willis, Illinois House of Representatives Mode. Kelly Roskam, Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence Bloomblerg School of Public Health Johns Hopkins University WORK, PROTECTIVE ORDECS Beth MeGinWr SIu'rrIImit Claslng Plenary ON: SUMMIT TAKEAWAYS 8: LOOKING AHEAD CLOSING DISCUSSI Kavanagh NtIawI York Assembly and Chair, onI. lIIBrian I M?denawr II Breakout Room B, Members Only . soapm . . Closing Reception .. PIennIrIy Room 62Il NTERIS AND MCIDERATORS AND SPECIAL THANKS TO HELPING TO MAKE THIS PCIIJIIJCY SUMMIT A I Manx THE FOLLOWING ORGANIZATIONS F0 ericans for Responsible Solutions 1 LaIw Center to PreVent Gun Violence I C(fainter for Ame?can Progress 1 Everytown for Gu? Safety . rIa Campalgn to Prevent Gun Vlolence The. Joyce Foundatmn Am