Kenmore Square Redevelopment BCDC Sub Committee Meeting September 25, 2018 BCDC Feedback from June 5th: BCDC Feedback from June 26th: • Kenmore Square Contextual Analysis – Scale – Architecture – Pedestrian Experience / Site Access • The Sub Committee preferred two of the six schemes presented – Kenmore Square can handle signature buildings; create buildings that stand on their own • “Hold the Corner” at the Commonwealth Building – Address corner’s form, hold street together – Punctuate the Intersection – Reinforce Gateway Location • Implications of the Citgo Sign – Address more than just the sign – View Corridor Impacts – Landmarks Process Update – (ƆHFWLYH XVH RI PDWHULDOV ZLWK D GHIHUHQFH WR JODVV RYHU PDVRQU\ – Successfully holds the corner and relates to the district typology – The pedestrian realm is enhanced by the DUWLFXODWHG JURXQG ȞORRU DQG DFWLYDWLRQ RI alleyways BCDC Feedback from August 14th: • The Sub Committee commended the development of the two schemes with the following feedback: –The success in the complexity and richness RI WKH PDWHULDOV JODVV YHLOV RYHU PDVRQU\ frames) will need technical expertise and SURSHU H[HFXWLRQ WR DFKLHYH WKH GHVLUHG UHQGHUHG HƆHFW –The pedestrian experience to be further enhanced by careful integration of piers, UHWDLO VWRUHIURQWV RȟLFH HQWULHV DQG PDWHULDOLW\ WKDW DOORZV IRU ȞOH[LEOH XVH –The upper forms of each to be better integrated with the building mass below September 2018 1. Ȃ 'HHUȞLHOG 6W 2. 541 Commonwealth Ave 3. Ȃ &RPPRQZHDOWK $YH 2 OG ȞLH 3 WUH 6 7. Ȃ %HDFRQ 6W HU 6. 656 Beacon St 'H 5. 660 Beacon St 5 1 4. 533 Commonwealth Ave 4 HW 8. 650 Beacon St 648 Beacon St %U RR NO LQ H $Y HQ XH Avenue Commonwealth Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA 8 7 6 3URMHFW 6LWH c Bea o 9 t tree S n September 2OW8 3.1a bun-mu urn LMLI Kenmore Square Redevelopment . . . Boston, MA Current Site September 20t8 Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA Kenmore September 2018 'HH OG 6 UȞLH Ȃ 'HHUȞLHOG 6W W WUHH 648 Beacon St %HDFRQ %XLOGLQJ Commonwealth %XLOGLQJ Ȃ %HDFRQ 6W 142,500 SF Ȃ &RPPRQZHDOWK 140,000 SF Bea St con Commonwealth Avenue Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA 6LWH $FFHVV &RQVWUDLQWV t ree Context September 2018 T T T T 7KRURXJKIDUHV 3HGHVWULDQ $FWLYLW\ 6WUHHWZDOOV COMM. AVE. B.U. BRIDGE BEA CO NS TRE ET BROOKLINE AVE. HARVARD BRIDGE T T T T FENWAY PARK COMM. AVE. &LWJR 6LJQ 9LHZ &RUULGRUV Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA Context Analysis &RUQHUV September 2018 ELD RFI DEE ET E STR ET TRE NS CO BEA COMMONWEALTH AVENUE Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA Context Streetwall Studies September 2018 Deerfield Street COMMONWEALTH AVENUE NORTH Kenmore Street COMMONWEALTH AVENUE SOUTH Site Raleigh Street Brookline Avenue ELD RFI DEE ET E STR Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA Context Streetwall Studies ET TRE NS CO BEA COMMONWEALTH AVENUE September 2018 Bay State Road DEERFIELD STREET EAST Site Commonwealth Avenue Commonwealth Avenue BEACON STREET SOUTH BEACON STREET NORTH Commonwealth Avenue Commonwealth Avenue Deerfield Avenue DEERFIELD STREET WEST Bay State Road Brookline Avenue Site Raleigh Street ELD RFI DEE ET E STR Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA Context Streetwall Studies ET TRE NS CO BEA COMMONWEALTH AVENUE September 2018 =3 - I'll ?t BE 4H 1? \Tm "Wh_ . Massing Analysis Existing Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA September 2018 ll. II .1 .. .rrIl . .Fuu. field Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA Massing Analysis Proposed September 2018 El. 102’ BCB 83’ - 0” El. 19’ BCB Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA 0DVVLQJ $QDO\VLV Streetwall Massing Analysis Referential September 2018 Kenmore Square Redevelopment BostonMA Massing Analysis Upper Setbacks September 2018 %D\ 6WDWH 5R DG HW 6WUH LJK 5DOH 'HH LOADING/BOH IT Y/EX ENTR Beacon %XLOGLQJ 32’ LOADING/BOH W WUHH OG 6 UȞLH ING PARK LOBBY RETAIL LOBBY RETAIL &RPPRQZHDOWK %XLOGLQJ Bea RETAIL 28’ 17’ 16’ Commonwealth Avenue Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA 'HVLJQ $SSURDFK Site Plan c tre on S et t tree gh S i Rale UHHW G 6W UÀHO 'HH existing curbline %HDFRQ %XLOGLQJ trash, typ pocket park street tree w/ seating, typ. UH VNLQ 7 HQWUDQFH &RPPRQZHDOWK %XLOGLQJ SURSRVHG ELNH ODQH Z EXIIHU parallel parking pervious pavers street tree w/ seating, typ. Kenmore Square Boston, MA Beac cafe seating street light, typ concrete pavers 0 bike racks, typ north FRQFUHWH VLGHZDON PLQ · ZLGH o existing curbline existing crosswalk eet n Str Streetscape Site Plan 40 t tree gh S i Rale UHHW G 6W UÀHO 'HH %HDFRQ %XLOGLQJ &RPPRQZHDOWK %XLOGLQJ SHGHVWULDQ ]RQH frontage zone bike lane con Bea furnishing zone frontage zone Kenmore Square Boston, MA SHGHVWULDQ ]RQH furnishing zone bike lane Complete Streets Site Plan buffer St reet buffer existing condition SURSRVHG Z EXIIHUHG ELNH ODQH HW 6WUH 6WUH ÀHOG ÀHOG 'HHU 'HHU HW reet on St Beac Beac 5’-0” Bike Lane Beacon Street 7’-0” - 13’-6” - Pavers - Tree Pits Beacon Street on St reet 3’-0” 5’-0” Buffer Bike Lane 7’-0” - Pavers - Tree Pits - Seating 8’ min. Concrete 6LGHZDON 2’-2” - 28’-2” - Pavers - Seating Preferred and Minimum Widths for Sidewalk Zones The width and d design off sidewalks willl vary depending on street typo ology, functional classification, and demand. Below are the e City of Boston’s preferred and minimum widths for each Sidew walk Zone by Street Type. Street Type Downtown Mixed-Use Kenmore Square Boston, MA Frontage Zone Pedestrian Zone* Greenscape/ Furnishing Zone Preferred Minimum Preferred Minimum Preferred Minimum 2’ 0’ 10’ 8’ 6’ 1’-6” Complete Streets Sections Curb Zone Total Width Preferred Minimum 6” 18’-6” 10’ HW 6WUH LJK 5DOH UÀ 'HH HOG HW 6WUH 16’-4” %HDFRQ %XLOGLQJ %HDFRQ %XLOGLQJ 25’-3” &RPPRQZHDOWK %XLOGLQJ 18’-0” 16’-9” 43’-2” 38’-7” north Kenmore Kenmore Square Square Boston, Boston, MA MA treet S n o Beac 19’-8” 6LGHZDON :LGWK 3ODQ 6LGHZDON :LGWK 3ODQ Commonwealth Building September :Iul -. .m .m a 0 Kenmore Square Redevelopment September 20l8 112Maps-31" Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA Commonwealth Building September 20%} Kenmore Square Redevelopment - . . . September 20t8 i . r? . {ye-inf - if. n?m mJ-f? t! a. Commonwealth Building Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA September 20t8 I . i" "cm. Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA commonwealth September 20l8 Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA ., IJEIJCommonwealth Building JIJ =1-4? a . anKenmore Square Redevelopment September 20'l8 (QODUJHPHQW 6WXG\ 32&.(7 3$5. H[LVWLQJ FRQGLWLRQV SURSRVHG 'HHUÀHOG 6W 541 Commonwealth Ave 'HHUÀHOG 6W &RPPRQZHDOWK %XLOGLQJ 'HHUÀHOG 6WUHHW 'HHUÀHOG 6WUHHW Kenmore Square Boston, MA existing curbline Boston, MA Kenmore Square Redevelopment Commonwealth Build mg September 20t8 Tat-1-- . . ?ring af?ifislfk "c ??3?le . I i u' Boston, MA Kenmore Square Redevelopment Commonwealth Building r. ,lli. . . . SEE: . - uh?hx?v Ida}. . .. . September 2018 (QODUJHPHQW 6WXG\ ARCADE AREA SURSRVHG H[LVWLQJ FRQGLWLRQV %HDFRQ %XLOGLQJ &RPPRQZHDOWK %XLOGLQJ 660 Beacon 533 Commonwealth existing curbline Beacon Kenmore Square Boston, MA Street Beacon Street September 2OW8 Kenmore Square Redevelopment ?HugBoston, MA Kenmore Square Redevelopment f-_r . I fun. ?gar . .3. . mm Ilium-mu -1 September 2018 .1..?1.31. ?In, .2 Kenmore Square Redevelopment September 2OW8 Beacon Building \copmom EmEQoEiUmm 99:ch mc=o==m coomwm ..dla?l/ 1-. I null Jill-..'I?Jl.0mI-.. Fin." I w?om September 2018 TOP MIDDLE BASE Vertical & Horizontal Tripartites Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA %HDFRQ %XLOGLQJ Beacon Building September 2018 Boston, MA Kenmore Square Redevelopment Beacon Building I September 20t8 September 2018 Bay State Road DEERFIELD STREET EAST COMMONWEALTH AVENUE NORTH Site Commonwealth Avenue 'HHUȞLHOG 6WUHHW Commonwealth Avenue 6LWH DEERFIELD STREET WEST Bay State Road 5DOHLJK 6WUHHW ELD RFI DEE ET E STR Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA 6WUHHWZDOO &RPSDULVRQ Proposed Schemes ET TRE NS CO BEA COMMONWEALTH AVENUE Landscape Design (QODUJHPHQW 6WXG\ &20021:($/7+ %8,/',1* H[LVWLQJ FRQGLWLRQV SURSRVHG Commo nwealtltthh OPTION 1 541 Commonwealth existing curbline Beacon Street Kenmore Square Boston, MA Beacon Street Buiilld ldin ing Commo nwealth Building OPTION 1 3DYLQJ 0DWHULDO 6WXG\ 237,21 existing curbline Beacon Street Kenmore Square Boston, MA Commo nwealth OPTION 2 3DYLQJ 0DWHULDO 6WXG\ 237,21 existing curbline Beacon Street Kenmore Square Boston, MA Building Commo nwealth Building OPTION 3 3DYLQJ 0DWHULDO 6WXG\ 237,21 existing curbline Beacon Street Kenmore Square Boston, MA Commo September 2018 nwealth OPTION 4 3DYLQJ 0DWHULDO 6WXG\ 237,21 existing curbline Beacon Street Kenmore Square Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA Boston, MA Building September 2018 3DYLQJ 0DWHULDO 6WXG\ 29(59,(: 2 2 1 1 1 Endicott- Medium Ironspot 4”x8” Permeable Paver 2 Endicott- Medium Ironspot Option 1 1 Endicott- Medium Ironspot 2 Endicott- Medium Ironspot 4”x8” Permeable Paver 4”x8” Paver 3 3 2 2 1 1 Opttiio Op onn 2 1 Endicott- Medium Ironspot,77 4”x8” Permeable Paver Kenmore Square Kenmore Square Redevelopment Boston, MA Boston, MA Option 3 4”x8” Paver (Herringbone/ Solider Course) 2 Endicott- Medium Ironspot,77 4”x8” Paver 3 Endicott- Medium Ironspot,46 4”x8” Paver Optitio Op Opti io onn 4 1 Endicott- Medium Ironspot 4”x8” Permeable Paver 2 Endicott- Medium Ironspot 4”x8” Paver (Herringbone) 3 Endicott- Medium Ironspot 8”x8” Paver .I..-1 - . . F?s-Mi L13 5.: RELATED Kenmore Square Precedent Imo es I EAL Boston, MA 9 t tree gh S i Rale UHHW G 6W UÀHO 'HH existing curbline %HDFRQ %XLOGLQJ trash, typ pocket park street tree w/ seating, typ. UH VNLQ 7 HQWUDQFH &RPPRQZHDOWK %XLOGLQJ SURSRVHG ELNH ODQH Z EXIIHU parallel parking pervious pavers street tree w/ seating, typ. Kenmore Square Boston, MA Beac cafe seating street light, typ concrete pavers 0 bike racks, typ north FRQFUHWH VLGHZDON PLQ · ZLGH o existing curbline existing crosswalk eet n Str Streetscape Site Plan 40