New Brunswick, N. J. April 9, 1969 SubJect: Alternate Domestic Talc Sources File No. 101 Dr. G. Hildick-Smith Pete, we have to firm up the position the Company should have on the presence of the mineral Tremolite in talc. Your staff will have to do this for us since the objections to that mineral have been mainly medical or clinical as opposed to chemical or physical. The reason we have to firm up our position is that we have moved into high gear on some alternate talc sources and it is normal to find different levels of Tremolite in many U.S. tales. We are looking at some of those. Historically, in our Company, Tremolite has been bad because it has needle type crystals. Our position has been that these can stand on end, penetrate the skin! and cause irritation: consequently, talcse'x~ceetding)trace contents have never been approved. Over the past year or two, the medical literature has made reference to potential hazards of talcs containing Tremolite and I have seen some articles under the umbra of environmental health agencies from here and abroad which pinpoint severe objections to that mineral in talcum powders. Unfortunately, Tremolite has different varieties and can be easily confused with other members of the mineral class into which it falls. Chemically, it is mainly a calcium silicate with varying amounts of magnesium silicate and sometimes it carries iron with it in minor amounts. Some varieties of it match asbestos, and I gather there has been a lot of attention given to the hazards of inhaling minerals of that type lately. Plaintiff's Exhibit J&J 202 Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order JNJAZ55_000001073 -2- There is nothing we can do about the confused state of affairs on Tremolite from the mineralogical and chemical points of view as far as historic literature is concerned. The question is .•. How bad is Tremolite medically, and how much of it can safely be in a talc base we might develop? fAf-IIlJ H. Ashton w. pm cc: Dr. Dr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order R. E. R. T. R. A. R. J. H. L. Fuller L. Gaughran Mortimer Shelley Sundberg JNJAZ55_000001074 .. . "'" .,",1 ,. \ "'"' ) ,( .J I , J ' New 8runsw'clc, N. J. SuIJ'ecf: ALTERNATE DOMESTIC TALC SOURCES April 15, 1969 Project Code #101 Mr. W. H. Ashton: Your inquiry of April 9th, 1969 addressed to Dr. G. Hildick... Smith has been referred to my attention for reply. Over the years, I have reviewed the literature on the hazards relating to the inhalation of talc particles on several different occasions. In your memorandum, you indicate that Tremolite does have needle-type crystals and that our position has been that these could penetrate the skin and cause irritation. Actually, to the best of my knowledge, we have no factual information on this subject. It would seem logical that it could occur, although whether or not it would be of clinical significance would be conjectural. We have been concerned to a much greater extent with regard to possible dangers relative to the inhalation of the talc with a spicule or needle-like crystalline structure as compared with the flat, platelet.. type of crystalline structure. There are reports in the literature concerning talcosis which, as you know, is a form of pneumoconiosis attributed to the inhalation of talc. Reported studies have suggested that this does not occur in connection with the flat, platelet-type of talc, but does occur in connection with the spiculeetype of crystalline structure characteristic of Tremolite. The reported instances have been extremely few but have, without exception, involved inhalations of high concentrations on an occupational basis of many years duration. Furthermore, we have occasionally received inquiries from various individuals, including General Johnson and several pediatricians, expressing concern over the possibility of the adverse effects on the lungs of babies or mothers who might inhale any substantial amounts of our talc formulations. In the past, we have replied to the effect that since our talc is essentially all of the platelet-type of crystalline structure, and is of a size which would not be likely to enter the pulmonary alveoli, we would not regard the usage of our powders as presenting any hazard. Obviously, if we do include Tremolite in more than unavoidable trace amounts, this sort of negation of such inquiries could no longer pertain. Plaintiff's Exhibit J&J 195 Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order JNJNL61_000001534 I .. 2 April 15th, 1969 Mr. W. H. Ashton Upon various occasions we have discussed the possibility of carrying out studies on animals which might provide factual information with regard to whether or not variable exposures to talc suspended in the environmental atmosphere might be productive of fibrotic and/ or inflarrunatory reactions in lungs. For a variety of reasons, the se have never been carried out here. Since pulmonary diseases, including inflarrunatory, fibroplastic, and neoplastic types, appear to be on the increase, it would seem to be prudent to limit any possible content of Tremolite in our powder formulations to an absolute minimum. To the best of Uly knowledge, we have never been faced with any litigation involving either skin or lung penetration by our talc formulations. Some years ago, we were faced with a more or less serious problem resulting from what we consider to have been an unjust accusation of danger due to the presence of a small amount of boric acid in our talc. This created such a furor that we were more or less compelled to remove boric acid froUl the forUlulation. It is conceivable that a similar situation might eventually arise if it became known that our talc formulations contained any significant amount of Tremolite. Since the usage of these products is so widespread, and the existence of pulmonary disease is increasing, it is not inconceivable that we could become involved in litigation in which pulmonary fibrosis or other changes might be rightfully or wrongfully attributed to inhalation of our powder formulations. It might be that someone in the Law Department should be consulted with regard to the defensibility of our position in the event that such a situation could ever arise. It is Uly personal feeling that until we have at least substantial evidence, based on animal work, to the effect that the presence of Tremolite in our talc does not produce adverse effects, we should not extend its usage beyond an absolute miniInmn previo7L:J;:tiOned. T. J! Tho~on, M. D. TMT:JAG cc: Dr. Dr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Dr. R. A. Fuller Gavin Hildick.. Smith W. J. Ryan G. H. Lord J. E. Willson J. Bothwell Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order JNJNL61_000001535