3rd ANNUAL ADIRONDACK FILM FESTIVAL ADIRONDACK I EVER OCTOBER 18 - 21 5 ORDER YOUR PASS TODAY: (518) 480 4878 ADKFILMFESTIVAL.ORG The Adirondack Film Festival in Glens Falls, NY is the only film festival in the country operated by a prominent professional theatre company – the Adirondack Theatre Festival. Because AFF spans the gap of theatre and film, it has the ability to offer a unique vantage point for a film festival as it embraces their similarities and differences in storytelling. The festival features panel discussions, a free family series, exciting special events, and 100+ films all taking place on 6 screens in downtown Glens Falls. Sharing its slogan with the Adirondack Theatre Festival – the leading professional theatre in the Capital Region dedicated to new plays – the Adirondack Film Festival is a place where audiences can always expect to SEE SOMETHING NEW. RF "MSLRPW -MP %?AGJGRGCQ ,?L?ECKCLR SPONSORED BY FRENCH MOUNTAIN COMMONS & LOG JAM OUTLET CENTERS HEADLINERS RADIUM GIRLS Directors: Lydia Dean Pilcher, Ginny Mohler USA 2018 102 MIN ANNA AND THE APOCALYPSE Director: John McPhail UK 2018 92 MIN Isome n the 1920s a group of factory workers advocate for safer work conditions after A ]RPELH DSRFDO\SVH WKUHDWHQV WKH VOHHS\ WRZQ RI /LWWOH +DYHQ ² DW &KULVWPDV of their colleagues become ill from radium exposure. ² IRUFLQJ $QQD DQG KHU IULHQGV WR ÀJKW VODVK DQG VLQJ WKHLU ZD\ WR VXUYLYDO IDFLQJ SPONSORED BY THE QUEENSBURY HOTEL the undead in a desperate race to reach their loved ones. Thursday, October 18 - 7:00 pm at Wood Theater SPONSORED BY STOREDTECH THREE IDENTICAL STRANGERS THE SONG OF SWAY LAKE Director: Tim Wardle UK 2018 96 MIN Friday, October 19 - 7:30 pm at Crandall Library Director: Ari Gold USA 2018 100 MIN IÀQG RXW WKH\·UH WULSOHWV ZKR ZHUH VHSDUDWHG DW ELUWK 7KHQ WKH\ GLVFRYHU ZK\ n 1980 New York, three young men who were all adopted meet each other and M usic collector Ollie Sway recruits his only friend, a rowdy Russian drifter, to KHOS KLP VWHDO D UHFRUG IURP KLV RZQ IDPLO\·V HVWDWH SPONSORED BY GLENS FALLS HOSPITAL SPONSORED BY PRIMELINK MRS. HYDE BLAZE A B LAZE is inspired by the life of Blaze Foley, the unsung songwriting legend of WKH 7H[DV RXWODZ PXVLF PRYHPHQW WKDW VSDZQHG WKH OLNHV RI 0HUOH +DJJDUG DQG Friday, October 19 - 11:15 am at Crandall Library, Saturday October 20 - 5:45 pm at Wood Theater Director: Serge Bozon FRANCE 2018 96 MIN teacher, loathed by her students and peers, is rendered unconscious after being struck by lightning. When she awakes, she discovers that she has a dangerous nocturnal alter ego. SPONSORED BY THE HYDE COLLECTION Saturday, October 20 - 10:45 am, 2:30 pm at The Hyde Saturday, October 20 - 3:45 pm at Wood Theater Director: Ethan Hawke US 2018 129 MIN :LOOLH 1HOVRQ 7KH ÀOP ZHDYHV WRJHWKHU WKUHH GLIIHUHQW SHULRGV RI WLPH EUDLGLQJ UH LPDJLQHG YHUVLRQV RI %OD]H·V SDVW SUHVHQW DQG IXWXUH SPONSORED BY THE QUEENSBURY HOTEL Saturday, October 20 - 7:45 pm at Wood Theater SCIENCE FAIR Directors: Cristina Constantini & Darren Foster USA 2018 90 MIN N DWLRQDO *HRJUDSKLF 'RFXPHQWDU\ )LOPV· Science Fair follows nine high school students from around the globe as they navigate rivalries, setbacks and, of FRXUVH KRUPRQHV RQ WKHLU MRXUQH\ WR FRPSHWH DW 7KH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6FLHQFH DQG Engineering Fair. SPONSORED BY THE CHRONICLE Friday, October 19 - 6:00 pm at Wood Theater, Saturday, October 20 - 7:30 pm at Crandall Library SPONSORED BY LAKE GEORGE RV PARK FEATURES WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? Director: Morgan Neville USA 2018 94 MIN A n exploration of the life, lessons, DQG OHJDF\ RI LFRQLF FKLOGUHQ·V television host, Fred Rogers. SPONSORED BY NORTH COUNTRY SNOW & ICE Saturday, October 20 - 10:00 am at Wood Theater, 1:30 pm at The Queensbury ABOUT A DONKEY Director: Christina Raia USA 2018 77 MIN A bout a Donkey follows the Owens IDPLO\ $QQ 7LP WKHLU DGXOW FKLOGUHQ &HFLOLD %XUJK DQG $QQLH DQG KHU husband Paul), and matriarch Farrah. :KHQ 7LP EULQJV KRPH D GRQNH\ LQ a mixture of wanting to rescue both it DQG KLPVHOI DOO RI WKH FKDUDFWHUV· OLYHV are shaken up and pushed forward. SPONSORED BY THE GLEN AT HILAND MEADOWS Friday, October 19 - 2:00 pm at Park Theater Saturday, October 20 - 6:00 pm at The Queensbury AFTER HOURS TRADING DON’T BE NICE A shiftless malcontent teams up with an Eastern European con artist WHDP RI \RXQJ 1HZ