NEllORAWXIl·i OF HEET ING ---------~ July 8 , 1 971 ..• Representatives of Johnson & Johnsorr Research Division., t~m.;r'i.:mick, N.Jo Betv:een: and The Food arid Drug Aomini.stration Asbestos Particles in Talc SubJect: The me.eting \vas h eld in Dr . Schaffner 's offiC'e in FB-8, 200 "C" Street, ··-S.\·1. ,-ll2 photograpbsJ corr;par.iscms ,, 4 \7er~ I:ee (3) copies of a report on the analyses of Johnson 1 s Baby PDi.;rder and various se~les of VetT.10nt talc used _ .in ...Tohnson 1 s Baby Po\·lder. 1. This repoxt contained the following 3 parts. June 2.4 1 1971, Report on Particle Si <..~ <'~Lld Shap e Distributions of Grantha.'11, Italian, and Vermont Talc Final Products for Johnson Colo .~- ado 2. & Johnson by School of N.;.c1es Rese.c>.tch L .• stiLute. July 7, 1971 1 X-ray analynes report on JOHNSON'S Baby Pov]der sample 344-L, end six samples of Verm:)nt Talc by Colorado School of H).nes Research Institute. 3. June 28, 1971, Report of x-r.ay exruaination of Talc Products by Dr. R. C. Reynolds, Jr., Geology DGpt., Dartw.outh College, Hanover, New Hampshire. Dr. :t\ashed noted that the information ·7eelcs Johnson and .Johnson -.;.;ill have analyses of Vermont from an additional 3 or 4 independent laboratories. Dr. Snuth then reviewed some of the medical ·reports in the literatu r e about asbestos. He irtdicated that the presence of asbe stos to th e ex- tent of 5% by weight gave rise to medical problems in industrial u orkers. He then outlined the type of future testing t hat -.;.;auld be c a rried out by Johnson and Johnson. Those attending from i ndu stry were : R.F. Rolle, Ph.D. Laboratory Supervisor Johnson & Johnson Resea rch Division He'