Case Document 86?3 Fiied 04/01/11 Page 39 of 47 Page?) 1457 Donald J. ?i?l'mup 725 Fifth Avenue New a rk, New York 30622- and {29.233.1186 M??wm Aprii 16, 21307 Simciar?iubcj U. .C 89?. For: Hartman (chamatcr, 33755 Min: Frank Dagm?inu Ra: Dated October 28:34 {as (8:0 BcEWcun Euraam .T. Tx'nmg?y, as L?cwmr and Simdng?Robe-l LLC, as iLix?umsce Gem Semen: Unless aihetw?se de?ne-d herein, the capimiized terms used herein: aim? have the meanings ascribed ta than in {he License Agreement Phease be that you are in de?mk 01? mu License ?gmement in the following material ?mung (Kim?s: You have failed to pay (a the ixmtziiman?s of {he License I?m: in the 2111302315 par mum}; For {ha mus:th onciobet 2086 ?13 and incinding Agni} 7.0537, fur a {mini 5mm ill. Yam have. faiied ho cannmuce cansimclion of the Emitting wilkiu eighteen (IS) mma?m of the: dam oftim Licensa Agreement as rcquircd by the pi?ovisions 6(3) of the License Agnaement; and Yum haw fai?w in 2:10:30 We to, or cbiain bans: ?dc binding; for, at {cask save: Hy (7f! pattern uf??zc resi?eutizzf condominium unit}: {he Buil?ii?lg, Within iizirty {30} months From the Cmnmeaacamanr Date, . {4 required by the provisions of Paragraph 6&3 u? the License Agreement. It} the even: on or befm?e the expiration oi?iiti?y {30) days from {?36 date3983:63169 to Paragraph 1 hereof; (ii) cause unrzs?umtion a? the. Buii?iug to pua?snani to f?amgraph 2 hunted", and {$30 cans-c chm: or (rhzam how 566 binding purchase contracts Fur, a! has: sweaty ('30 542) percent ni?thr: zxzsidcn?ak sundamin?mn units of the Buiiding, pursuant :0 Paragraph 3 hand; man wiibnui waking; any {?ghts or reme?ias (inauding hm not limited in claims far damngw) availabie to Momma; under the Licmse a: law, in equity, er pursuant certain Gnarme dated October 2004 by Rama! Hmvu?, E3138, Panic}: Sheppard, Rabat? Mum, Judy Simon and Frank D?gmdina in Umde 3. ?i'mmp {all sf which are exprexsiy rcaervad), Licanscr may immediaiciy terminate License Agreement and righis Jicanscd 0r: notice {0 Liocilaw- Case Document 86-3 Fiied 04/01/11 Page 40 of 47 PagelD 1458 Frank Dagosiim} Aprii 113, 2007 19353:: in accuntunce wi?z {he m?iavisiuns uf Pamgraph 8 of ?cams: in She mam af?x-e {animation of the License you wili immediath umicriak?c yam; best effort to diSCO-??mli: any and 315 1196.3 of?m NEW Mink am} make: nu farther um: (if same: wizatsmicr- Vcs?yf?ly yours, (W - I i -34: [Bernard R. Diazixmsti cm I. Trump cc: Runafd L. Wcav 02?, 3wuw Wain-?31? M35: Weiss?ier Alhadeff 8L Siam'sm (via cmi F5011 mm?) Roi-mt Lyons {via ccdi??tsi mail) TRUMP 0005358