onion: In )0 woven: 0:20 No. Had you ever met them before? NO. And you testified that you saw -- you thought you saw Jerry put a pill in a drink. Yes. Do you know who that drink was given to? It for- And then he poured you a drink? Yes. Did you see him put anything in your drink? No. Were you watching? No. But you had just seen him put what you thought was something in someone's drink, and then he hands you a drink, and you thought did it bother you? Did it cause concern? Well, when I saw him put something in - drink, I addressed it. I said something to him so. So what did you say to him, and what was his response? Well, I told him that you can't give a pill to someone that's already drunk. And he told ANDREA FERRALL, COURT REPORTER REPORTING VIDEO TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 101 1 me that it was a sleeping pill, and that she's going to be fine. Did you mention anything A I wasn't around- MR. DONOVAN: Was that a no? A No. MR. DONOVAN: Thank you. A I wasn't around- Well, did you see him give the drink A No. I'm sorry? A No. You didn't? A No. Well, how do you know that he gave the drink to. A Because I must have asked him. Do you recall seeing .after that? A I don't know if I did Did anyone ever tell you that they saw Mr. Swafford put anything in your drink? A No. Had you heard anything at school about Jerry acting inappropriate with any of the students? ANDREA FERRALL, COURT REPORTER REPORTING VIDEO TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 102