K.D., V. JERRY SWAFFORD JERRY SWAFFORD, et al. 06/01/2018 Q. Back and forth in and out of the bedroom? A. Yeah. Some of her friends check on her and I check on her, make sure she was okay. Q. Was she clothed? A. Yes. Q. What happened next? A. I had pulled her pants down halfway from her buttocks and pulled my pants down and this lasted just a few seconds, and I realized what was happening was wrong and I stopped. Q. What was happening? A. That well, nothing happened. I mean, I pulled her pants down and I pulled mine down and stopped. Q. Why did you pull Kendall's pants down? A. I wish I could answer that question myself. Q. When you pulled her pants down, were you intending to have sex with her? A. No. Q. When you pulled her pants down, were you intending to insert something whether a finger or something orally into her private parts? A. NO. Q. When you pulled your pants down, her pants were already down in the sequence, right? Her pants you Realtime Reporters, LLC 50 schedulerealtime@gmail.com 304-344-8463 K.D., v. JERRY SWAP FORD JERRY SWAFFORD, et al. 06/01/2018 pulled her pants down first, correct? A. Yes. Q. And then you pulled your pants down and exposed your penis, correct? A. Yes. Q. were you aroused? A. No. Q. when you exposed your penis and already had exposed her genitalia, were you intending to have sex with her? A. No. Q. Were you intending to have any sexual contact with her? A. No. Q. Why then were her pants down and why were your pants down? A. I'm not trying to evade your question. I'm just trying to give you an answer that I haven't been able to answer myself. Q. Is there any further explanation you can tell us tell the ladies and gentlemen of the jury, can you give us any further explanation as to why you pulled Kendall _pants down and you pulled your pants down? Realtime Reporters, LLC 51 schedulerealtime@gmail.com 304-344-8463