271. 1980 RESEARCH PROJECT • PLANNING GROUPSolar Energy PROJECT NO. NE-8 • PRODUCT LINE NEW n • TITLE Liquid Collector Technology BILLING Natural Resources Coord. - Solar Budget CATEGORYA B C @ E F BUDGET ( 1980) 250 k$ Solar Heating CONTINUING [D •. ORIGINATOR/DEPT. Solar Research Group I • BUSINESS/TECHNICAL OUTLOOK Manufacture and sale of an efficient liquid collector(s) is potentially a major new business venture for the future. Collectors are a large part (..-....35 %) of the cost of a solar energy system installation. • LONGRANGE OBJECTIVES/DEFINITION OF NEED I Determine best liquid collector design/systems for Canada to develop a new business venture for Imperial in solar energy. t 1980 l. 2. t Identify and quantify key liquid collector design parameters. Build prototypes or buy commercially available models for performance evaluation. CURRENT STATUS/RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS l. 2. 3. 4. t KEYRESEARCH OBJECTIVES Completed construction of the liquid collector test facility. Demonstrated excellent performance of facility. Evaluated and compared the efficiencies using Ashrae standards of 4 different collectors. Started to systematically evaluate key design parameters. INCENTIVES/JUSTIFICATION Canadian made collectors successfully. manufactured on a large scale could compete '- I '- • PRODUCT LINE None . terns for Canada to olar energy. MAJOR OBJECTIVE Determine best collector design 1_sys. develop a new business opportunity ,n s RESE ARCHCOSTS- kS 3 PRIORYEAR S 1978 1979 ~ST. ECONOMIC JUSTIFICATION TOTAL 1979 BUDGET1980 1981 1982 AT COMPLETED ( YEAR) 225 250 PAY UT (YEARS) kS BENEFIT (1st, 2nd, 3rd, YEARS AFTERCOMPLETION) KEY ASSUM PTIONS Program is at too exploratory a stage t o meaningfully estimate benefits. • Imperial programs will earn lic ense free rights to Exxon solar technology. • Imperial will decide on a solar business entry in 1983+. IMPERIAL SCORING CRITERIAPRO FILE WEIGHTING HI MEDLO URGENCY ( SCOPE ( CONSIS TENCY ( PROBABILITY OF SUCCESS( RESEARCH PERIOD ( RESE ARCHCOSTS ( COSTTO EXPLOIT ( PAYB ACKPERIOD ( BENEFIT: COST ( RESE ARCHCOMPATIBILITY ( TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE( SCORE (WORLDMUTUAL PROJECTS) POTENTIAL AREA HI MEO EXXON POLICY OPERATIONS SUPPORT TECHNICAL KN OWLEDGE IMPERIAL INTEREST OTHER JUSTIFICATION PROJECT RATING PRIORITY BENEFITCOSTRATIO 273. 1980 RESEARCH PROJECT • PLANiH'. ·!G G?.OUP Solar Energy PRO~ECT NO.NE-9 • PRODUCT LINE Solar Heating NEW • TITLE .A.ir Collector Technology CATEGORY A B C @ E F D CONTINUING OJ BILLING Natural Resources Coord. - Solar Budget BUDGET ( 1980) 200 k$ • ORIGINATOR/DEPT. Solar Research Group • BUSINESS/TECHNICAL OUTLOOK Manufacture and sale of an efficient competit i ve air col lector (s) vs li quid collector(s) is potentially a major new business vent ure, as ai r collectors can be made lighter and cheaper. t LONGRANGE OBJECTIVES/DEFINITION OF NEED Determine best air collector design/systems for Canada to develop a new business venture for Imperial in solar energy. t 1980 KEYRESEARCH OBJECTIVES 1. Identify key air collector design parameters. 2. Define prototype designs for performance evaluation. 1 CURRENT STATUS/RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Developed a computer simulation model of a duct- type air collector. 2. Screened design parameters using this model. 3. Designed a laboratory comparator for testing min-col lecto r s. • INCENTIVES/JUSTIFICATION rs manufactured on a large scale could compete Canadian made Collecto successfully. 274 . PRODUC T LINE None ·ems for Canada to develop • design/ sys ~ MA. JOROBJEen VE Dete rmine best col le cco'.t i n solar energy. a new business oppor tuni -Y ~----~~~~~~~~----------------: RESE ARCH COSTS- kS 3 PRIOR YEARS 1978 1979 EST. ~;,co~~ ;l0;M ~IC~J~US5" T ~I~F1I~C~T ALJ I]O;N--------TOT AL 1981 1982 AT COMP LETED 1979 BU DGET 1980 YEAR S... 50 _l.Q_Q_- - PAYOUT (YEARS) kS BENEFIT ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd, YEARS AFTERCOM PLETION) KEYASSUM PTIONS Program is at too explorato ry a st age t o meani ngfu ll y esti mate benefit s . • Imper ial programs will earn li cense free righ ts to Exxon sol ar te chnol ogy. • Imperial will decide on a solar busines s ent ry i n 1983+. IMP ERIAL SCORIN G CRITERIA PROFILE WEIGH THI MEO LO ING URGE NCY ( ) SCOPE ( ) ( ) CO NSISTENCY PROB ABILITY OF SUCCESS ( ) ( ) RESE ARCH PERIOD ( ) RESEARCH COSTS COSTTO EXPLOIT ( ) ( ) PAYBAC K PERIOD BENEFIT: COS ( ) T RESEARCH CO MPATIBILITY ( ) TECHNI CA L KN OW LEDGE ( ) SCORE (WOR LD MUTUAL PROJECTS) POTE rlT[AL HI MED AREA EXXONPOLICY OPER ATIONS SUPPORT TECHN ICAL KN OWL EDGE ' IMPERI AL INTEREST OTHER JUSTIFICATION PROJECTRATING PRIOR ITY BENEFITCOSTRATIO 275. 1980 RESEARCH PROJECT • PLANNING GROUPSolar Energy • PRODUCT LIilE • TITLE Chemical Heat Storage Solar Heating CATEGORY A B C @ E F • ORIGINATOR/DEPT. Solar Research • BUSINESS/TECHNICAL OUTLOOK PROJECT NO. NE-10 '1E\.10 CO ~ITINUI NG W BILLINGNatural Resources Coard. Solar Budget BUDGET (1980) 200 k$ Annual he~t sto~age could be the key to effective application of solar energy in the Canadian climate . Sensible heat storage in rocks or water is too bulky a~d costly to meet this need. Chemical heat storage can substantially reduce size and cost, and hence make annual heat storage possible. • LONGRANGE OBJECTIVES/DEFINITION OF NEED Develop an annual heat storage system to transfer excess summerheat to winter use. • 1980 KEYRESEAKCH OBJECTIVES l. 2. 3. 4. • Select salt mixes and eutectics for high transition heats at suitable temperatures for solar applications. Multi-cycle test prime candidates. Encapsulate prime candidates for testing in fixed-bed heat exchange to develop a scale-up model. Explore other attractive heat storage techniques. CURRENT STATUS/RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS l. 2. 3. 4. Found salt mixes can be used to tailor temperature of phase transitions. Demonstrated polyethylene oxide prevented separation of glauber salts in a 50 cycle test. Showed plastic encapsulated spheres of water (base case) gave excellent temperature stratification in storage. Selected and tested a eutectic for comparison of phase change behaviour with the base case. INCENTIVES/JUSTIFICATION • Annual storage could eliminate the number of collectors (or reduce) the back-up system, as well as reduce needed and hence offset costs as well. • PRODUCTLI NE to rage svst er1 to transfe r excess a l heats MAJOR OBJECH 'IE Develop an annu ·n·er use. h • t O Wl c summ er ea c ~ TION - -----------re JUST!~FI~Cc...A __ ECOrlOM RESEARC H COSTS- kS TOT AL 1980 1981 1982 AT C O M PLETED BUDGET 1979 3 PRIOR YEARS 1978 1979 EST. (YEAR ) " ,,one _@_ - -====-~-==---===-~~-= 12=5~-::~~~~~~ ~--~ COM PLETION) 2nd, 3rd, YEARS AF-ER I PAYOUT(YEARS) kS BENEFIT ( 1ST, e to meanin gfuil y 1(EY ASSUi•lPTIONS Program i s at _to~ ex pl orator y 3 sta g est i mate oenerit~ . 1 • fmperi al prog r ams wi 11 earn 1i. cense f r e~ ~ rights fmperial wi l l decide on a •o • l ar business to Exxon so la r technol ogy. en t ry i n 1983. = ======== ~ ~==~~:=::::::==----- IMPER /AL SCORING CRITERIA PROF I LE WEIGH TURGE NCY ( SCOPE [NG ) ( ) ( ) PROB ABILITY OF SUCCESS ( RESE ARCHPERIOD ( RESEARCHCOSTS ( ) CONSISTENC Y COST TO EXPLOIT PAYBACK PERIOD BENEFIT: COST HI MED ( '..10 RLD MUTUAL PROJECTj_) POTENTIAL LO AREA fil ~ EXXON POL ICY OPERATIO NS SUPPORT ) ) ( ) ( ) ( ) RES:4RCH COMPATIBILITY ( TECHN f C~L KNO\~ LEDGE ( ) TECHNICA L KNOW LEDGE IMP ERIALINTEREST ) SCORE OTHERJUSTiFI CATION PROJECTRATING PRIORITY --------------------~~~~ BENEFIT CO ST RATIO