1975 ENVIRONMENTAL PP.OTECTIO AND COORDINATIO ACTIIITIES CONTENTS I. 1. UNEP - II. III. 2. U. 3. Canadian 4. Public ~ June, S. Issues Burgeoning Achievements Law of the 1 2 2 2 Bureaucracy Sea Review 3 Legislation and Regulations Attitude 4 6 PERFORMANCE AND PROBLEMS OF OPERATING FUNCTIONS 1. Accomplishments 2. Oil 3. Major 4. Plans Spill of Operating Incident Problems Departments Report 7 9 Remaining 10 10 COORDINATION ACTIVITIES 1. Technical Effort, 2. Industry Activities 3. Environmental 4. Assistance -ra... Page No. PERSPECTIVE 1976 Expenditures, Quality to Executive Budgets 12 12 Committee 14 and 15 Departments - 1 - 1975 ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION REVIEW AND COORDINATION ACTIVITIES SECTION I PERSPECTIVE 1. United Nations Environmental Programs There was considerable criticism from some quarters that activities of UNEP were not focused on finding solutions to.s~e~ific regional or global environmental problems. This criticism sprung from a misunderstanding of the role assumed for UNEP by Maurice Strong and the mandate given to it by the U.N. There are encouraging developments of sound environmental policies by member states and of the coordination of environmental programs of other U.N. agencies and associations. Major concern was also felt by many observers over the frequent Tolba, of repetition by Strong and his successor, Dr. Mostafa the statement, "UNEP must have a concrete role in leading the world's governments to the new Economic Order." Problems and Issues The Executive Director states world environmental problems in capsule form from two viewpoints. In the developed countries, both voluntary and regulated actions will control recognized pollutants, but grave concern is emerging with respect to toxic substances and the physical and emotional effects of noise. Concern is also being expressed over the loss of plant and animal species, natural habitat, and deterioration in the quality of life. In the underdeveloped countries, the problems are associated with past or continuing poverty, manifested by poor housing, poor health, and unemployment. Planned development is UNEP's suggested solution. Dr. Tolba recently enunciated the five main issues to be addressed by the Governing Council at their fourth annual meeting. First is The Second the question of shared natural resources. It is proposed to prepare a set of guidelines for shared basins and shared air sheds, and hopefully river develop a convention on shared resources. h rt 2 Third, major issue development. harmful effects the is the question of environment versus How to sustain growth while avoiding to the environment? question of irrational and wasteful use of resources. Criteria are needed to determine rational use for three specific areas -- soil, water, and energy. - Fourth, the question of institutional arrangements within the U.N. to accomplish environmental objectives and programs. Fifth, the final major issue Settlement Foundation Burgeoning Chart 3 2 - is funding for the Human Bureaucracy A vast bureaucracy exists to deal with world envi~onm 7ntal problems which is seemingly irresistably growing in both numbers and complexity. This trend applies to bot~ g~vernment and industry sides of the picture. The c~art indicates our understanding of points of contact, but without a manual, it would be hard to decipher who is responsible for what. In simplest terms, UNEP is the interface and communication channel between world industry represented by the International Chamber of Commerce, and world government represented by the General Assembly. There is a firm conviction amongst enivironmental representatives in international bodies that UNEP's activities and programs will have significant influence on the conduct of national and international industry. 1975 Achievements The most significan t achievement of UNEP in 1975 was the convening of a meeting, Barcelona 1, between 16 Mediterranean states and obtaining agreement between them of the necessity of a Convention on pollution control measures to protect their common sea. Only Albania and Algeria were absent. As a postscript, 12 of the 16 nations signed a Protocol on Cooperation and on Ocean Dumping during Barcelona 2 in early February of this year. Chart 4 During 1975, seven internatio nal conventions came into force as the result of the required numher of signatory parties passing the necessary national legislation to ratify these conventions. Conventions 1, 2 and 6 on the chart all bare on our business, but have yet to be ratified by Canada. Ratification of these conventions and ageement by Canada to participate in the International Compensation Fund for Oil Pollution would eliminate most reasons for continuation of the Maritime Pollution Claims Fund. Offshore drilling operations are not yet subject to any international regulation. There was little apparent progress made at 1975 (second) session of the Law of the Sea Conference with degree of sovereignty over sea and seabed resources, and right of passage through straits continuing to be the stumbling blocks. - 3 - h . :n the U.S ., interminable congressional .ear:ngs and deba~es occurred with respect to necessar7 to their Clean Air Act and Water Pollutio. arrte:a~ents On the air side, the 9rincipal iss~es wer~ ion~r~l.Ac~. · to ....... ~ission Standards and definition of intent and non-degradation of air auality. ~ stra~egies ~o ensure the a~er side, the unattainable need for complia~ce ~'l 1- ~ with use of Best Available Technology EconoMical_y by 1977 with Be-~ Achie~able (BATEA) on top of compliance Technology Currently Available fEPC~C~ ) Pract~cable.control has pitted industry and municipal groups solidly aga~n~~ conqressional and public advocacy groups. Cc~p_ia~ce stubbor~ ,·1th the 1983 requirement would drive many U.S. co~~a~~Es ~0 the ·all, ii not to the grave. a~e Environmental Impact Assessment requirements adding a~ least a year to the lead time for obtaining ?€r~:~ and energy projects in the U.S. 7~is appro·als of mineral sa~e procedure has delayed our Superior, Wisconsin ?rocuc~a :.'er::1-na..l.. by t ,;o years. SPA regulations came into force in 1975 rea~ir:.nc of ·aoours at service statio ns in 17 of the ~a~:o~'s control control regions. Stage I required 90% ~4- air quality con~rol of vapour during the filling of underground service tanks . Stage II,which so far has limited a~?li.ca~:.o:-:, stat.:.or. req ires control of vapours during vehicle filling. ~~e tee.no oqy and costs to accomplish stage II has all gaso:i~e ~ar~eters very disturbed. _he growing proliferation of state laws estab:~s~i~g cornpensatio. fund s for oil spill damage to civil property a~c natural resource s is a matter of considerab le concern to ~~e U.S. oil indu s try . Exxon and the API are working hard ~o ffi~ for the Administration's congressio nal bil::. whic~ supoort -o~id create a national superfund and which would preeGp~ state :ur:ds. Finally, there is a growing tendanc y and stated policy of Exxon, U.S . A. to use the courts "whenever it is concluded that any regulatory body is mandating environr.:e~ta_ requirements beyond the scope of legislative intent." Exxo::1 was involved in at least seven such challenges o: E?~ authority, alone, wit~ API, or in a~icus curiae positio~s. the overall quality o: t:e ~.s . As a postscript, national environment was assessed by the ~ational ~i:d_i:e Association to have declined slightly in 1975. In seve .. major environmental areas that constitute its index, t~e Federation found a net gain in only one area -- that o: air pollution. Preservation of timber resources was stab e, but setbacks were reported in water pollution, minera:s, wildlife, soil conservation and open space. - 4 3. Canadian I Overview A considerable amount of 1 · 1 · · in Canada in 1975 both t t t new egis at i on was iss u e d the most . . .. , s a u ory and regulator y . Perhaps int t t s1gn1f :1cant trend and actions demonstrated Ottawa ' s f den preempt the field. It is now evident that the e eral government plans to bring as much environmental mana~ement ~nder its control as possible. In 1975, seven provin<:=es signeid environmental accords with Ottawa. Ostensiblr th!se ~ccords appear to aim at cooperation rat her ~han duplicatia>n in programs and regulatory jurisdiction, u~ ~ore than the camel's head is in the tent Quebec British Columbia, and Newfoundland have yet t~ sign ac~ords. ° In this review, only ~hich have dire ct or significant industry will be mentioned. Federal or regulations impact on our Legislation Ocea n Dumping Chart 5 those acts indirect Act This Act will prohibit in some cases and control in others the dumping of all hazardous substances in the oceans. The building of artificial islands may require in addition to land use permits. dumping permits, Environmental Contaminants Act This Act may be used for outright ban of the use of hazardous substances, such as PCB's, but will also be and regulate use of substances and chemicals used to register of Environment and/or the Minister of which the Minister "suspect may be entering the environment Health and Welfare in a quantity or concentration that may constitute a dan ger to human health or the environm ent." The intent is use must be proven safe be subject to regulations section clear before for ComrnE~ncing April 4 comes into force 1, -- every invention it may be marketed use. 1976, subsection or novel or else ( 6) of and reads: "Where, during a calendar year, a person manufactures or imports a chemical compound of five hundred kilograms and he in eccess manu 1:actures or imports that compound in exceJs of that quantity for the first time, within three months of manufacturing he s ~ all, or i)porting the said quantity, notify the Minister of the name of the compound, of the quan:ity manufactured or importe d during that year, and of any information in his possession respe~cting any danger to human heal th or the environment posed by the compound." - 5 - Offences under th s~ve~e in penalty (i . e Act are criminal in nature and liability is a fin .e.' (a) on sununary conviction of g u ilt . d.1.ctment e not texceedin . . n,. subject . . g $100 , 00 0, (b) on con v ictio upon. in liability for off . 0 imprisonment for two years. Th e di'rentce l.s very broadly aoplied to include " any officer ~ . ' ec or or age t f h d irected, authoriz d ' n o t _ e corporation who participated in th: ; as~en~ed to, acquiesced in, or 0 of the offe:~~~~on of the offence is party to and guilty in leaded I mperial A regulation 1· ·t· grades of . 1.~1. 1.ng the concentration g ~asoline to a maximum of 3.5 a 11 on was imposed January 1, 1975. of lead grams per 'f' 1.cant act~vity · and will b Theth most signi to our industry was Pe ~or~ of the PACE Air Quality Committee in th e F edera~ dr f t ·a .rovinc1.al/Indus~ry Task Force constituted to a g u 1. e ines and regulations f or new and existing pe ~rol eurn refineries. The PACE group, under the chairmansh i p o f Dr . Lee Scott of Logistics, spent many hours in prep a rat ory and in committee work on this project. f Provincial Legislation Ontario passed into law the Environmental Assessment Act, but as y et no regulations have been issued. The Act will be applied fi r s t to provincial government, and their coroorations and a ge n cies , then to major industrial or commercial activities. hart 6 Quebec introduced first draft of a regulation re Quality of the Oc c upational Environment which has exhaustive industrial safety a nd hygiene provisions. Interdepartmental rivalry has forced th is back to a committee. The second official draft of t he Qu e b ec Air Pollution Control Regulation was issued, and alth o u gh somewhat less onerous than the first it has prompted tough op p os ition from many companies and industry associations. Prince Edward I s l and passed its first Environmental Protection Act. Se v e r a l provinces passed amendments to their Air Pollution control Acts o r their Environmental Protection Acts, which either broad e ned t h eir scope or set stricter standards. l eg is lat~on was under.con~ideration Noise control in many jurisdictions. Tor o nt o issued an.AJ:lti-Noi~e By-L aw . . sued a d raf t of a Model Municioal ijoise Con t r ol an d Ontar 1.0 is ~ . By-Law. Noise conside r at io ns now need to be app~ied to all our operations' equipm e n t p u ~dch as 7s , and dany dev 1.ces we may 1 eves.1 market which will af f e c t r e s i entia 1 soun , - 6 4. Public Attitude If one were to accept only public opinion polls ~nd media.signals, s~ch as frequency of appearance or column inches printed, the imoortance of environment as an issue in fourth, fifth, or even miniscule. Canada might well be rated Announcement of environment's death as an issue would I in Mark ' I Twains words, be "very ?rernature". A few examples of projects which were either delayed, deferred, changed, or might be shut-down, primarily by intervention on environmental grounds, should serve to illustrate the point: - Canadian Hearings Arctic Gas Pipeline may delay project - Beaufort drilling Sea Environmental a year. -for The Berger years. Project -- delayed - Ontario Hydro High Voltage Transmission -- The Solandt Hearings have Corridors delayed building two major high-voltage transmission lines at least three years. - Ontario Hydro's Long Range Plan for New Generating Capacities -- The Porter Commission is starting hearings this fall which has caused the plan to be shel ved indefinitely. The hearings were forced by the sensitivity of the Ontario government to environmental protest over the plan. - The New Pickering Airport -in response to environ mental shelved activists' indefinitely protests. - The Proposed B.C. Govern ment Oil Refinery -- a location acceptable to local municipal governments and ratepayers'asso ciations was never found. - Tar Sands Project to any additional -- there strip-minin is mounting opposition g type of operations. In most cases the questioni ng or outright opposition to projects has been led by academics and well-informed groups who generally are asking rational questions reqarding the need for, or environmental effects of, a rarticular project. be the first There is no doubt that environmental acceotabilitv criterion for all future major projects. will I I I I - 7 - SECTI O~ II PERFORMANCE AND PROBLEMS OF OPERATING FUNCTIONS Our company corporate environmental effort was devoted to programs. per f orman ce met the poli cy s u ccessfully optimizin g facility test of our . Consjderable improvement Interest in the envi ro nmental assessment orocess at all levels o f g ov e r nment. Our first is in~reasin~ experience with this has been in c onn ection with northern resource development and indir e ctl y with the IPPL terminal ex~ansion project at Superior, Wisc o nsin . Planning for all ~aJo: pr~jects will have to r e cogn i z e the cost and timing implications of this process. For exa mple , in Ontario, up need to b e compl ete d . It is a powerful to 22 forms will weapon in the hands of anti-d e v e lo pment , anti-business , or anti-oil industry groups. 1. Accomolishments (a) Chart 7 Exoloration and Production - Completed environmental statement (i) (ii) Taglu gas plant Berger hearings. land u se per mit - Further environmental studi e s c omp l eted (i) (ii) (iii) - Reduced through for: application. for Artificial island constru c t i on . AFOA/Governm ent Beaufort Sea Environmental Program Disposal of drilling fluids sulphur improved emissions close-loop - Reduced white smoke plant by modifications (b) imp act (S03) to from Quirk Creek gas plant control of stack emissions. emission incinerator from Jo ff r e gas b u r ner . Logistics - capital cost water effluent commitment. - Noise survey engineering _ New biological on-stream. deferral projects of and on the Montreal and Dartmouth wh ile still meet i ng original all refineries cost planning. oxidation _ Development of mathematical of Sarnia refinery to the plants as a basis at fo r Sarni a and loco tool f~r t he c o ntribution. area ambient S02 concentration . - 8 (c ) Tra n sportatio Water n pol l ution - Upgraded Esso - Overfill sensors pro t ect ion 2000 faci in - Continued pressure work errors. liti facilities es Pra i rie at Re gion at 5 plants. 3 plants. trucks. on outs i de c a rri e rs to reduce - A multi-industry approach was de v e l o pe d for corrosion protection against stra y currents Toronto subway. Region Environmental Distribution staff. Chart 8 (d) Advisors on Region Marketing - Upgraded 10 high-risk consume r pla nts. - Upgraded 20 consumer - Upgraded Stevenson, 9lants B.C. Maintained significant industry/government standards of product operation. (e) i n place pipeline from Esso in Que b e c to meet regulation. mari n e pla n t. ongoing par tici p ation in groups in de vel o ping improved qualit y , faci l i ti es and Chemical - Com~leted eliminate Sarnia studies on trea tment methods to fish toxicit y and r e duce tainting. - Facilities installed to r e d uc e VCM in slurry and plant waste water. - Comoleted development and d e s ign neutralization facilities. Redwater Fab.Prod. (f) caustic reduced - Ne~ process expanded sulphuric total SOx emissions acid unit. - Completed fluoride - Installed fumes at New Energy - Cold of Lake study of PVC emi s sion in problem. filtration units f or r o o fing LaSalle and Wi nn i p eg . Resources water re-use laboratory stud y co mpleted. machine - 9 - (,) Au n s D v looment d 2. P rmit i.h_l _I,_ncident M ~ spill Y for Report exploratory decline, and Activities Related Gays River, N.S. k ~h n~ sin the reporting procedures in Logistics and tinq in 1975 prevents meaningful comparison of the total both corporately and for those functions with orevious rs, but should provide very valuable information in future. ~h ~reduction Department achieved a siqnificant in spills of 25% in 1975 compared to 1974. The reduction Transportation Department reduced their spills by employees by 18%; but spills by outside carriers increased slightly. hart 10 hart 11 Although the number of reported oil spills increased by 52% over 1974 (because of the change in reporting procedures), the volume of oil spilled increased by only 14%. The latter includes the spill by Winnipeg refinery of 1000 barrels into the Red River. The clean-u9 of this incident was very well handled and drew favourable comments from the government authorities. The contingency planning continued in B.C. which led to formation of a major oil spill By year-end the legal agreement, Imperial and reviewed with other level, was close to completion. recommendations, costing about study. by an industry task force the recommendation for the cooperative in Burrard Inlet. which had been drafted by companies at the head office The initial equipment $1.2 M.~, are receiving further There is interest in the industry and pressure from governments to do similar contingenc y planninq studies in Ontario, Quebec, and Atlantic Regions. The government people in the Atlantic are becoming a bit restive at industry's inaction towards the big spill. Industry, through PACE, has prepared a model contingency plan for a major offshore incident. The Canadian Coast Guard are preparing a National Emergency Plan Unfortunately CCG have not responded to our overtures to coordinate the two plans. The Imperial Sarnia spill demonstrated the need for an regi~nal ~orporate.re ponse mechanism. Accordingly, improved 7 JOb descriptions, etc., were developed for the organization, Resp~nse Team. Plans wer~ laid the Region Major Oil Spill the Response Team in 1976. in each region to staff and train A manual was prepared which described Imperial's relationshio to and method of operation and access to the Gov~rnment's computerized National Emergency Equipment Federal Locator System (NEELS). - 10 - ,. a jo r Problems Remaining . efinement im provement of Beaufort offshore of capability for - En •ironmental assessment ffshore operations. contingency control and and planning for plans, clean-up future includ i n g of spills. East Coast - Greater and more detailed regulations are expected to cause s me program delays and require more effort on environ.mental ssessment studies throughout E and P operations. - Satisfying environmental requirements - Strathcona expansion - Air permit for Ioco - so2 problem in Montreal Minimizing so 2 emissions - Trend to th U.S. - Ground closed water vapour - Pipeline protection n da and the U.S. - Retention of - ~ ·11\ t 1l legislation for r -use o ons. relating to the distribution leaking is tighter both refineries: Dartmouth momentum and controls acid unit from paper Cold Lake system underground gaining commitment VCM emissions fish tainting NOx emissions from nitric BOD and suspended solids W in from associate/dealer - G v rnment objectives from chemical ?lants: East from systems contamination at in tanks. in both awareness. on discharges mills and Syncrude . pite rather sizable and successful efforts throughout in 1975, the magnitude of the environmental h snot diminished and will continue to demand a nt sh re of our financial and manpower resources. ny Working with government agencies to develop realistic regulations must continue to have high ?riority. l, industry associations have been reasonably Ln d ling with governments. Imoerial's inout to recog~ition. h s brought the company favourable fore seem advisable to make the maximum use of 1 sin our dealings with government on m tters wherever it is possible to do so. t·l,L v bl I - 11 - . W~thin the comp any , envi. ronrn n t· ,1 J cone r.ns re becoming increa~ingly blend e d i nto th f bric of our op rations . The bala~cing o~ thes e con cerns with conomic ,nd other issues remai~s an . important challenge. A f~w xumol s of the many ~ays in which it is pl ann ed to COD wi h these problems include: 1. Reinforce the use reviews, and training employ ee awarcn~ss of a v a r iety of wor.kshops , work regular meetings, and training through error aids . 2. Develop mentally control, disposal). least- c os t solutions which sound and meet commitments fish toxi ci ty of effluents, 3. Continue planned pr oq rams to upgrade facility standards and op e rat i ng procedures (e . g . agency plants ) and reduce or eliminate waste production at the source (e . g . water re - use) . 4. Develop specific pro g r ams to meet needs (e . g . de v elop methods, reduc e costs , eliminate toxic chem icals, because o f n ew Alberta drilling fluid disposa l regulations ). 5. Develop e xpe rtise for and prep aring are environ(e.g. noise biox sludge in formula t i ng the requiremen ts Environm e n t a l Impac t Assessm ents . - 12 SECTION III COORDINATION ACTIV!Tl~. 1. Technic 1 Effort, Th t Exoenditures chnical effort and required Bud1 to the in 1975 (86.45) compared to 1974 (112), the level of 1973 (88). The number of by three, while the large drop came in time cat gory. Almost all of the deer in the Logistics Department reflectinq large amount of construction work (loco development work (Montre al and Dartmouth) Chart 15 .ust, nd in s rnl 1) t 74. Environmental expenditures on Imp ri l in 1975 from about $39 million in 1974 to bou · $31 1975. They are forecast to decline furth r in 1976 .n 021 million, followed by a swing upwards to the $35 mi I I ion r uir11 • by 1978 and beyond. The environmental exp nditur. for th Syncrude project will peak in 1975 and 1976 in th $2 o 530 million range and fall off thereafter. Over 11th Comp~ny' expenditure will be about $55 million through 1976 nd t1l I t0 about $40 million through 1979. Chart 16 It should be noted that these forecasts do not include any expenditures for the Taglu Gas Plant, Bast Coast 0ff:shor ~ exploration, or any unexpect ed impact of the ~~tionaJ Air Ou~lity Emission Regulations for refineries currently under n gotiation. 2. Industry Activities APOA and CPA The Arctic Petroleum Operators' Association had their busiest year providing industry liaison to the $12 million Beaufort Sea Environmental Program with industry's share being $4.5 million. The Association additionally had 17 research projects in progress, funded by industry only. The completed cost of these projects is estimated to be $2.26 million. Guidelines for the Disposal of Drilling Wastes were developed by a government/AFOA task force at a cost of $200,000 to industry. There was considerable dialogue and some controversy between CPA and PACE with respect to the coordination of oil spill contingency planning and oil spill technology development. This appears to have been resolved by the proposal to have the National Coordinating Committee on Contingency Planning sponsored by and responsible to both associations through a steering committee. PACE Chart 17 and in In 1975, work of members' the ten involvement in active committees directors' amounted meeting to the equ~valent achievements work: {1) Oil of 13 - 18 man- y ears'wor k t im e . Progress and positive were made in man y areas of the Association's Spill Contingency Planni ng The over-all organization a nd oil spill clean-up cooperat i ve Two colour vid in some areas. produced dealing with Contingenc Field training exercises were in all regions. administration of industry s wa s considerably improved eot ape training aids were y Planning and Safety. co ndu c t e d for local co-ops (2) Research In 1975, eight a pproximately pleted are: I {a ) {b) {c ) {d} {e ) research $150,000. projects were Five pro j ects in progress, which were for refiner y was tewater. A r a pid bioassay Characterization of refine ry hi os ludges. Ch arac t er ization of bulk plant waste water. Re duci n g b i r d mortality from oi l s pills . So lvi ng ca r wash noise prob l e ms. The thrust of t h e ma j o rity of t h ese projects tion of knowledge,e ith e r to be ab l e to frame easily with regulat i on s . (3) Briefs to Other was acquisior live more Governments The Association pr e p a red of three ma j or briefs to cases, government reactio positions taken. (4) costing com- Regulation or assisted i n t he preparation various g o v er nments . In all n was favoura bl e to the industry Developme n t The Air Quality Committee h a d four t wo-da y s essions with Federal/Provincial/Industr y Ta s k Force fo rm e d by Air Emission Environment Canada to deve l o~ National Guidelines for Petroleum Refi n e ries. Th is r e presented only a minor portion of the to t a l effort, as th e bulk of work was done in several subco mmittees a n d by the industry members working alo n e and in t h e i r ovm conunittee. The Water Quality Committe e wo rked wit h Albe r ta Ontario government personne l o n the deve lopm e nt Refinery Wastewater Guideli n es. and of The PACE Marine Committee issue d an int e r p r etive guideline booklet for the Federa l Government's Pollution Prevention Regul a tions f or Oil Transfer s. This booklet has been well received by both member companies' terminal employers and large volum e customers. - 14 PACE provided considerable technical and support to the provincial and regional petroleum on a wide spectrum of environmental concerns. 3. Environmental 1975. Chart 18 Quality The Environmental The highlights advisorr . associations Committee Quality Committee met of the meetings were as six times follows: in (1) Legislation, as reported federal and provincial portion of the time of in detail in Section I, from governments occupied a significant the committee. ( 2) In response to government pressure, an oil soill contingency plan was developed for Burrard Inlet, ~hich involved forming an oil spill cooperative with about $1 million worth of equipment. The Committee endorsed Imperial participation and the Environmental Protection Department coordinated a corporate presentation for Board approval, which was granted. (3) A special meeting was arranged to hear a presentation by Environment Canada on the catastrophic tank failure at the Mizushima refinery on the Inland Sea of Japan. About 10 million Imperial gallons of heavy bunker blending stock escaped, resulting in a combined clean-up and damage claim bill of over $160 million. (4) The Committee endorsed the Region Major Oil Spill Response Team organization, which was ~reposed by the Environmental Protection Department, for adoption and implementation by the Regions. (5) The Committee endorsed of Region Environmental Environmental Protection preparation of the job (6) The problem of ground water conta mination from leaking underground storage tanks,and government concern about it, was reviewed on several occasions as developments occurred (e.g. Manitoba regulations). the establishment of the position Advisor within each Region. Department coordinated the description and funding. ( 7) Waste oil disposal came before the Committee for three :reasons: an interest by Canpac Disposals, a study by the Ontario government, and an industry position paper developed by PACE. The federal government delayed the proposed government/industry task force for one year. (8) The progress of the Environmental Taglu Gas Plant was reviewed for departments. Impact Assessment the information of of the other - 15 - 4. Coordination Department Activities .The.coordination group represented the company and/or Canadian industry on one international, two API, three PACE, ~nd several other environmental committees of various industry and ~echnical associations. The group presented sever~l ~echnical or policy papers at meetings of these associations • . Leadership was provided in several areas of industry actions, such as chairing the National Coordinating Committee Contingency Planning, The Burrard Inlet on O~l Spill Contingency Plan, response to the Quebec Air Pollution Regulations, appearance before an Ontario parliamentary committee on the Environmental Assessment Act. A seminar was arranged, bringing together federal and provincial gov~rnment experts with industry representatives on the subJect of "Rehabilitation of Oiled Birds". Considerable assistance was provided to the Production Department with respect to IOL environmental studies in the North, preparation of the application for the Taglu ~as p~ant, and for the Berger Commission Hearings. The staff biologist represented industry on the five marine biology projects included in the Beaufort Sea Environmental Program. The department Department regarding permit requirements advised the environmental for the Gays Business Development studies and operating River Mine Project. Directories were compiled with summaries of all mental legislation and regulations pertaining to each five major refineries and two major chemical operations. environof our Finally, it is gratifying to report that, during 1975, negotiations with TOVALOP and CRISTAL on the recovery costs incurred with respect to the Imperial Sarnia incident culminated in payments to the Company of nearly $2.0 million. This sum represents the major share of our out-of-pocket costs other than repair of damage to the vessel and loss of use. Chart WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL Where PROBLEMS Solutions What IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES POLLUTION - TOXIC CHEMICALS - NOISE LEGISLATION REGULATION TECHNOLOGY ETHICS CONSERVATION - RENEWABLERESOURCES - ENDANGEREDSPECIES - NATURAL HABITAT - QUALITY OF LIFE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES - POVERTY POORHOUSING BAO PUBLIC HEALTH MALNUTRITION INADEQUATE EMPLOYME NT PLANNED DEVELOPMENT TO AVOID URBAN PROBLEMSOF DEVELOPED COUNTRIES - EDUCATIO N Chart UNEP ISSUES 1. ENVIRONMENTAL NATURAL CONTROL OF SHARED RESOURCES AIR SHEDS - WATER SHEDS 2. ENVIRONMENT 3. VS. DEVELOP MENT GROWTH WITHOUT ENVIRON MENTAL DAMAGE IRRATIONAL RESOURCES USE AND WASTE OF - SOIL, WATER,, ENERGY 4. INSTITUTIONAL - ARRANGEMENTS MANAGEMENT 5. HUMAN SETILEMENTS - LACK OF FUNDS FOUNDATION 2 1 Chart ENVIRONMENTAL BUREAUCRACY [:.n. ~v] /~ 3 I 1cc] ! NAT'L. COUN.FEDS. U.N. UNEp GO',LCOUNC. AGENCIES 8t EN~RON. WHO WMO 11.0 ECE ESCAP ECA ECLA FAO ~sco IMCO !CAO / \'I.., -·I IN! Fm SP. IND. ASSOCI - NAt NEP ECRET. .~ ~1 INTNAT'L CEN.INO. \ "* \ UNEP PROGRAMS INQ SEC. IRS IRPTC GEMS etc. UNOP I I ASSOC SP.IND. CPA ~ CCPA / ~ Chart INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS COMING INTO FORCE IN 1975 Year Name Signed - INTERVENTION OF SHIPS ON HIGH SEAS IN CASES OF OIL POLLUT ION CASUALTIES - CIVIL LIABILITY FOR OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE - WETLANDS OF INTERNATIONAL IMPORTANCE TO WATERFOWL 1. 1969 2. 1969 3. 1971 4. 1972 - PROTECTION OF WORLD CULTURA L AND NATURAL HERITAGE 5. 1972 - PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES 6. 1973 - PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING FROM SHIPS AND AIRCRAFT 7. 1973 - TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES OF FAUNA AND FLORA 4 Chart 5 1975 FEDERAL LEGISLATION OCEAN DUMPING CONTROL ACT - PROHIBITS DUMPING VERY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES - CONDITIONAL PERMITS FOR OTHER MATERIALS - ISLAND BUILDING MIGHT REQUIRE DUMPING PERMIT ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINANTS ACT - ENABLES OUTRIGHT BANNING OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES - ENABLES TOTAL REGULATION OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES IN PLANTS, EMISSIONS, ANO IN PRODUCTS LEADED GASOLINE REGULATION - 3.5 gms/lG MAXIMUM PETROLEUM REFINERY AIR POLLUTION REGULATIONS - UNDER DEVELOPMENT BY FEDERAL/PROVINCIAL/ PACE TASK FORCE Chart~ 1975 PROVINCIAL LEGISLATION ONTARIO - ENVIR ONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACT - MODEL MUNICIPAL NOISE BY-LAW - ANTI-NOISE BY-LAW PASSED QUEBEC - ECOLOGICAL RESERVES ACT - PASSED - 1ST DRAFT RE - QUALITY OF THE OCCUPATIONAL ENVIRONMENT - VERSION OF OSHA - 2ND DRAFT REG'S RE - AIR POLLUTION - FINAL REG'S RE - -P.E.I .- ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL LIQUID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROTECTION ACT SASK.• ALBERT A, N.8. - REG'S RE - AIR POLLUTION CONTROL I I I Chart 7 ACCOMPLISHMENTS EXPLORATION ANO PRODUCTION (a) - (b) ENVIRONMENTAL FOR IMPACT STATEMENT (i) TAGLU GAS PLANT LAND USE PERMIT (ii) BERGER HEARINGS LOGISTICS - CAPITAL DEFERRAL ON MONTREAL AND DARTMOUTH PROJECTS WITHIN COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE TRANSPORTATION (c) - WATER POLLUTION PROTECTION FACILITIES AT 5 PLANTS Chart ACCOMPLISHMENTS (Cont'd) (d) MARKETING (e) UPGRADED 30 CONSUMER PLANTS ESSO CHEMICAL SARNIA - STUDIES ON TREATMENT METHODS TO ELIMINATE FISH TOXICITY AND TAINTING REDWATER - (f) REDUCED SOx EMISSIONS AT . SULPHURIC ACID PLANT NEW ENERGY RESOURCES - COLO LAKE WATER RE-USE STUDY (g) BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT - PERMIT RECEIVED FOR GAYS RIVER EXPLORATORY DECLINE 8 Chart 9 NO. OFREPORTED OILSPILLS 1975 - BYFUNCTION 212111 200 150 132m 100 50 01...--1-~ ... --i-J.---i.........L--'--__. _____ i.--....i.~-i...___. '74 '75 '74 '75 '74 '75 '74 '75 PRODUCTION LOGISTICS TRANSPORTATION MARKETING tll OIL6.WATER SP11.1.St2l INa..SPILLS ON t3l INCL . OUTSIDE COMPANY PREMISES CARRIERS t4l INCL.PRODUCT NIXES Chart NUMBER e.VOLUME OFOILSPILLS BYCLASSIFICATION 400------ 12000 300-------- 9000 272 100 10 Chart OIL SPILL CONTINGENCY PLANNING INDUSTRY - MAJOR 01 L SPILL CO-OP - - BURRARD INLET OTHERS BEING CONSIDERED - ONTARIO - QUEBEC - ATLANTIC - MAJOR EQUIPMENT STOCKPI LES - $1 -$2 MM 11 ,I I REGION MAJOR OIL SPILL RESPONSE TEAM IMPERIAL OIL LTD IIEAD OFFICE OIL SPILL COMMITTEE I -- - - - - --- -- --3 ---<--- . ON-SCENE COMMANDER I Rl:GION COMMAND 2 ------ I I -- - -- -- ------ I OFF -SIT -ON-SITE , I I I I ; I GOV'T AGENCY LIAISON I I 5 6 I 7 PUBLIC AFFAIRS ADVISOR LEGAL ADVISOR 9 I 10 . I FOREMAN (MEN) t I . WORKERS FIELD ACTIVITIES SUPERINTENDENT I . I t TEAM(S) t 11 16 SHORE AND INLAND CLEAN-UP SUPERVISOR . I MAY BE IOL OR CONTRACTOR 8 CLAIMS/ COMPLAINTS ADVISOR I FOREMAN (MEN) I WORKERS . t . t • 12 DISPOSAL SUPERVISOR I FOREMAN (MEN) . WORKERS l..f"\.A.J SUPPORT SUPERINTENDENT - . . ' SAFETY ADVISOR \ I . . 191 TRANSPORTATION SUPERVISOR " I 201 COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR " 211 t I 221 WORKERS I t 231 TEAM(S) -·- I I 14 .. t PERSONNEL ~~ MARINE OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR FOREMAN (MEN) t I ! I . TEAM(S) TEAM(S) 13 I 18 I . OIL SPILL ACCOUNTANT 17 i WILDLIFE ECOLOGY ADVISOR I SECURITY SUPERVISOR CONTAINMENT AND RECOVERY SUPERVISOR OPERATIONS MANAGER I I - -. -'- ..... , I 241 •I 0 P' Ill PROCUREMENT SUPERVISOR MANPOWER SUPPLIER HISTORIAN MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 11 rt \~ \ J ·t 1~b111111 W1111 Chart 13 Chart 14 MAJOR PROBLEMS REMAINING - BLOW-OUT IN BEAUFORT SEA - PLANNING FOR FUTURE EAST COAST OFFSHORE OPERATIONS - ENVIRONMENTAL REFINERIES - CLOSED VAPOUR SYSTEM IN DISTRIBUTION - GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION FROM LEAKING UNDERGROUND TANKS REQUIREMENTS AT PLANS ENVIRONMENTAL ;_ UTILIZE CHALLENGE UNDIMINISHED INDUSTRY GROUPS - REINFORCE EMPLOYEE AWARENESS AND TRAINING - DEVELOP LEAST-COST ENVIRONMENT ALLYSOUND SOLUTIONS - CONTINUE PROGRAMS TO UPGRADE - - FACILITY STANDARDS - OPERATING PROCEDURES DEVELOP EXPERTISE IN HANDLING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTS Chart 15 ENVIRONMENTAL MANPOWER SUMMARY (MAN YEARS) Full Part -- Time Time Department 1975 1974 1973 Full Part 16 36 -- Part Full - Time Time Time Time 13 11 18 6 18 4 6 5 4.5 4.5 0 3.5 0 3.1 3 4 3 11.5 3 11.5 NEW ENERGYAES. 0 0.1 0 1 REG. ENVIR. ADV. 6 5 6 E.P. DEPARTMENT 3 3 3 RESEARCH 1 0.5 30 58.1 88.1 11 21 EXPLORJPROO'N 3 18 3 ESSOCHEMICAL 2 10 TRANSPORTATION 1 MARKETING LOGISTICS --- TOTALS --35 0.1 --38 0.25 2 1 1 48.45 86.45 77 112 EXCLUDES OPERATING MANPOWER Chart 16 ENVIRONMENTAL EXPENDITURES - $MM 1978 1979 Department 1975 1976 1977 LOGISTICS 18.5 15.2 11.9 - 1 8.1 EXPLORATION/ PRODUCTION 4.8 5.8 10.7 ESSOCHEMICAL 4.2 1.8 5.1 4.3 2.6 MARKETING 1.8 2.9 2.4 2.3 1.4 TRANSPORTATION 1.4 1.3 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.4 0.1 0.1 BUSINESSDEVELOP. 11.0(1) 20.8 11.0(1) 30.7 27. 31.4 36.7 36.8 24.9 28.3 9.5 4.3 0.2 1.0 0.2 NEW ENERGYRESOURCES SYNCRUDE COLO LAKE/COAL TOTAL (1) 0.3 55.6 55.3 41.2 -41.2 38.0 DOESNOT INCLUDEANY EXPENDITURESFOR TAGLU GAS PLANT OR ATLANTIC OFFSHOREDRILLING. II I I Chart 17 PACE 1975 ACHIEVEMENTS 1. OIL SPILL CONTINGENCY PLANNING ADVANCED - 2. 3. ORGANIZATIONALLY AND TRAINING ACTIVITIES FIVE RESEARCH PROJECTS COMPLETED (e.g.) - RAPID BIOASSAY OF REFINERY WASTEWATER - REDUCING BIRD MORTALITY FROM OIL SPILLS THREE FORMAL BRIEFS TO GOVERNMENTS OTTAWA - AUTOMOTIVE EMISSION STANDARDS QUEBEC - PROPOSED AIR REGULATIONS MANITOBA - CONTROL OF LEAKS FROM UNDERGROUND TANKS 4. OTHER REGULATORY DEVELOPMENTS (e.g.) - NATIONAL AIR EMISSION GUl:DELINES FOR REFINERIES - ANNUAL SET-UP REVIEWS WITH ENVIRONMENT CANADA Chart .....r -~'..::-ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMITTEE -' t· ' .' 1975 ~ 1. REVIEWED LEGISLAT ION 2. ENDORSED PARTICIPAT ION IN BURRARD INLET OIL SPILL CO-OP 3. MIZUSHIMA OIL SPILL 4. SPONSORED REGION MAJOR OI L SPILL RESPONSE TEAM PROGRAM 5. ENDORSED REGION ENVIRONM ENTAL ADVISOR POSITION 6. LEAKING UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS 7. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 18