A ?If-Nil HSIUN I'Al'lili ON GLOBAL WARMING RESPONSE April. Foreword s a leading industrial company in Canada and a major producer of fossil fuels, petrol~um products and petrochemicals, Imperial Oil Limited has a vital stake in the development of environmental public policy and is committed to taking an active role. In this spirit, Imperial published "A Discussion Paper on Potential Global Warming" in March 1990 to contribute to public understanding and sound public policy to "deal with the threat of climate change. The paper also dutlined an extensive work program by Imperial to further enhance this understanding and to help define response options for Imperial and Canada. This second discussion paper on global warming contains a summary of the results of lmperial's work program over the past year on the seven commitments outlined in the March 1990 paper. Despite extensive efforts nationally and internationally, much work remains to be done by governments, induatry, academia and the public. There is an urgent need to reduce uncertainties and to improve understanding and awareness of both the scientific and socio-economic dimensions of the threat of climate change and potential mitigative and adaptive strategies. In the face of.these uncertainties, Imperial believes that Canada's response should he cautious and flexible. However, there are sensible actions that can be taken now to mitigate the build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These arc steps that make sense in their own right, such as economic energy efficiency improvements. They can be taken -now without weakening Canada's ability to compete in a global trading economy, while uncertainties are being reduced and potentially more decisive international acti<>nis being designed and coordinated. The paper concludes with a series of recommendations and a commitm 1nt to ·action. The rr:commendations, directe(l to various stakeholders, arc designed to be executed within the framework of Canada's federal Green Plan and National Action St:ategy on Global Warming. The commitments relate to specific actions Imperial is undertaking. We welcome your comments and further suggestions. - ----· - J.D. McFarland V10: Prrns1m:vr, A.R. I lames EN\ IHO\ME iYl' C111EF ExEn Tim CJTA!R!\.IA\ A\TD OFFICER 3 Cont nts I. EXECliTIVE SlJMMARY II. III. INTRODUCTION L\1PERIAL'S GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS IV. RESPOl\SE OPTIOl\S FOR IMPERIAL A.l\D CAN ADA VII. 8 10 13 Research 14 Energy Efficiency 15 Underground Disposal of CO2 18 Alternative Transportation Fuels 19 Policy Measures 22 V. KEY OBSERVATJ01 SAND CONCLUSI01\S VI. 6 24 RECOMMENDATIO:':S AND COMMITMEKTS 26 REFERENCES 27 ~----------------------------------·---- ·5 Exe,..t ti· e Summary 6 his discussion paper is one in a series being prepared by Imperial Oil Limited ("Imperial") to contribute to public understanding of key environmental and the indirect greenhouse gases, namely nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). NOx and VOCs are precursors of ozone (0 3 ), a greenhouse gas. Imperial contributes about 2 percent of Canada's CO 2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion and a lesser share of the other challenge~ facing Canada and sound public policy to address these. The paper is a sequel to lmperial's March 1990 publication "A Discussion Paper on Potential Global Warming" and reports on work carried out by Imperial over the past year to better understand the implications of the threat of global warming and the response options for Imperial and Canada. It provides a private sector perspective on the issue and how one company might be able to deal with it. In the past year, Canada and a number of other industrialized .countries ha;e co~mitted to the establishment of national strategies to stabilize carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and greenhouse gas emissions at 1990 levels by the year 2000. These goals are embo _died in Canada's Green Plan and National Action Strategy on Global Warming, even though some scientific uncertainties remain and· only limited progress has been ma!}e in understanding the socio-economic implications of such a commitment: As a first step in understanding the size of the challenge for Imperial, the company has completed an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from its operations. It includes CO 2 , methane· (CI-14 ), nitrous oxide (N 2 0) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) direct greenh?use gas emissions. The inventory has highlighte4 the need for an improved understanding of CI-14 emissions which may be more larger than previously believed. Also, the contribution of 0 3 - and its precursor gases, NOx and VOCs - to any enhanced greenhouse effect could be significant and needs to be better understood. In terms of potential response options for Imperial and Canada, the company h_as examined how it can best contribute to research efforts to resolve scientific uncertainties. As a result, Imperial has emba.rked on a number of new progra~s that address both the basic science of climate change and possible mitigative and adaptive strategies. The company has also conducted a com·prehensive examination of the potential for further energy efficiency improvements to reduce CO 2 and other combustion-related greenhouse gas emissions in its operations. This study showed that Imperial could at:;h_ieve a relatively modest 6 percent reduction in otherwise projected CO2 emissions by the year 2005 from energy efficiency investments that achieve a five year economic payback at prevailing energy prices. This is partly a reflection of the significant energy efficiency improvements over the last two decades which achieved a 28 percent reduction in otherwise projected CO 2 emissions. Imperial believes it is technically feasible to dispose of about 3.5 percent of Canada's CO 2 emissions into subterranean formations at a cost of $15 to $50 per tonne of CO2 . Further studies are underway with the Alberta and Saskatchewan governments and other industries to confirm this outlook. Imperial and affiliated companies have carried out studies of the greenhouse gas emissions from various alternative transportation fuels, including methanol blends, compressed natural gas, liquificd petroleum gas and electricity. These fuels offer somewhat limited potential to reduce - and in some cases actually increase - greenhouse gas emissions when "life-cycle" effects on CO2 and CH 4 emissions are considered. Electric vehicles promise lower overall emissions of greenhouse gases and other air contaminants, depending on how the electricity is generated, but substantial engineering dev~lopment will be required. Nonetheless, Imperial believes there will be increasing opportunitit>s in the marketplace for alternative fuels, even though gasoline and diesel fuels will continue to play the major role in meeting Canada's transportation needs in the foreseeable future. ( Imperial commissioned ORI/McGraw Hill flr to examine the macro-econom~c impacts on 1 V Canada of a number of potential policy mea11 sures - including gree~, fu;i, gas guzzler and carbon taxes - to reduce CO 2 emissions. The study illustrated that it would be difficult and costly for Canada to st~bilize CO2 emissions, requiring a carbon tax of about $200 per tonne of carbon or $55 per tonne of CO 2 • It indicated that such a tax would reduce Canada's gross domestic product by $100 billion in real terms over the 1990 to 2005 period and result in a 7 pcnn1t reduction in personal incomes by the year 2005. Serious regional dislocations, particularly in Alberta, would result and international competitiveness would be weakened if such a step was taken in isolation from Canada's major trading partners. These studies reinforce the need for Canada to carefully design its strategy on global warming, to ensure that it is scientifically sound, comprehensive, cost ·effective, regionally sensitive, internationallv coordinated and flexible. Such a strategy will require the development of a more extensive and reliable data base of Canadian greenhouse gas emissions, including sources and potential sinks. Additional research focused on the key scientific gaps and on mitigative and adaptive strategies is also important in establishing a full range of options and their relative costs. A much improved understanding of the structural reasons for Canada's energy intensity, and a realistic assessment of the potential for energy efficiency improvements, are critical components in m:iderstanding the size of the challenge for Canada. An improved understanding of the complex interrelationships between global warming and other air quality issues is required in order to design effective action strategies. Finally, more definitive actions . should be designed to sort out Canada's broader environmental priorities in a way that balances the environmental and economic needs of our societv. For its part, Imperial is committed to making further contributions to sound pubI lic policy on global warming and to under- I I j Itaking actions now that make sense in their 9wn right. This will include widely sharing I these findings, updating its inventory of I 1 i .1 7 greenhouse gas emissions, funding climate change research 'programs, implementing pursumg CO 2 disposal opportunities and enhancing the technical and commercial· economic en.ergy efficien;:;; 8 w z z 0 f-: z 6 ~ ·O 4.2 __J __J 2.8 2.0 CO2 :FIGURE 2 IMPERIAL'S CO2 EQUIVALENT GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS ~ 1989 CH4 0.3 0.1 N20 CFCs NOx voes factors and number of individual sources are. highly uncertain .. Neither are data on total Canc1dian emissions of CH 4 as well (/) · SCE~ARIO A . w z Z ~ z 10 I !Clill iiliii&l'filAlilliiill 0 ACTUAL _J _J 73 77 79 81 83 85 87 I CO2"SAVINGS" FROMENERGY: EFFICIENCY 16 +--· -· S9 The retrospective results illustrated in Figure 5 highlight the important contribution that energy efficiency improvements in Imperial's operations have made in reduc. , . ing CO 2 emissions over the 1973 to 1989 period. These steps -have contributed to a 28 percent reduction in otherwise projected CO 2 emissions in 1989, equivalent to 5.2 million tonnes per year. Despite these substantial reductions, CO2 emissions have risen by about 49 percent over this period for a number of reasons, many of which will be important in the future a.s well. Imperial has experienced significant exp~nsion in all sectors of its business which ·has increased its demand for energy: The energy intensity of Jmperial 's crude oil production operations has in- . creased with the growing contribution of · . crude bitumen in its supply mix. The energy intensity of c_onventional oil pr~du~tion has also increased as ever larger v~lu~es of water ' are produced in conjunction. with declining I oil volumes. The energy intensity of the company's refining operations has increased in order to handle heavier crude oil feed- -- 5 D · 4.3 PRODUCTION D 4CI: <:( w - REFINING 3.3 >- 3sto~k~ and to produce cleaner burning trans(/) w z portation fuels. Energy efficiency savings, z 0 although significant, were unable to off set ·•. f2z 0 this growth in the scale and energy intensity -' -' . of the company'.s operations. ~ 1Figure 6 looks to the future, ·showing the g~owth in CO2 emissions associated with energy use in lmperial's _operations over the 1989 to 2005 period for the .three prospec1 tive scenarios . .Actual CO2 emissions in () SCENARIO 8 SCENARIO C 1989;' the base year, were estimated at 13,4' energy requirements and ·associated CO2 million, tonnes; this in.duding; 10.5 millioi;i •emissions by up to 2()0,000 tonnes per year. tonnes from lmperial's operations and the Scenario C, ~hich includes those energy remainder from power generation sites of efficiency improvements with a five year payback, shows a growth in CO2 emissions . others supplying electricity to Imperial. Scenario B, which does not include any of 3.3 million tonnes. This represents a 6 new energy efficiency improvements after percent reduction from .scenario B emis1989,·shows a project~d growth in CO2 emis- sions in the year 2005. This relatively modest reduction is a 'reflecti~n of the significant sions of 4.3 inillion tonnes, or 32 percent, over 'the period. This' increase is driven pri- . achievem~nts over the last two decades and marily by the production sector based on an the more marginal nature of the remaining outlook of conti~ued gro~th of more energy opportunities that can achieve a five year intensive crude bitumen in the supply mix. economic payback at current ene~gy prices. Scenario D, which includes all ,technically To illustrate, the production process for con~ ventional crude oil consumes the . equiva- feasible improvements with current techlent of about 3.5 percent of the energy con- nology, shows a growth in CO2 emissions of . tent of the crude oil. This increases to 18.5 1.6 million .tonnes. This represen~s a more percent for ·crude bitumen. Growth in CO2 substantive 16 percent reduction from scenario B emissions in year 2005. This case emissions .also takes place in the refining includes a number of cogeneration facilities,. · sector as crude oil feedstocks are predicted to become Heavier and more energy inten- which simultaneously produce useable heat sive to refilfe. Refining energy intensiW will and electric~ty. This is a more energy effialso increase in order to produce cleaner cient process ~ince heat ~ormally lost in elec' burning fuels. For example; new desulphurtrical generation is usefully emplo)'.ed in the 11-f ~zation f~ci~ities th~t will likely _he requ.ired production, refining or che'mical process. However, in none of these scenarios is f m lmpenal s operat10ns to meet future ~:hesel fuel emission standards could increase the growth in CO2 emissions resulting from . CHEMICALS 2.1 (0.5) SCENARIO D CO2EMISSIONS GROWTH FROM IMPERIAL'S ENERGY USEBYSECTOR . ·2005 vs1989 . ~ 17 ------ .. 1--- _· STUDY SCENARIO CAPITAL COSTS (MILLION-1990$) 977 70 2.751 830 C-5 YEAR PAYOUT [ 0- i energy efficiency and energy intensity, the CO2REDUCTION (THOUSAND TONNES/YR IN 2005) ~~~~~~LLY-- lattt1r being a reflect ion of the very s1ructurc · of the business or in national terms, the structure of Canada's eronomy. This dis- tinction doe;; not appear to he well understood by many Canadians when they continue to 1:ategorize themsdves as energy wasters. The country can do itself a disservice by using misleading indicators, such as the increasing energy intensity oflmperial's energy use per capita, as a rationale for tak- . IMPERIAL'S COSTS FORENERGY EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENTS to reduce ing initiatives energy use in Canada that are out of step with our t.racling partners. Further analysis and communica- 1990-2005 tions efforts required at the national level are to more appropriate! y portray Canada's energy use. UNDERGROUND DISPOSAL OF CO2 In contrast to the indirect steps to reduce CO 2 emissions be toward the low end of this cost range. energy through efficiency, improvements in has also ex- Imperial amined direct steps to remove CO 2 from the atmosphere ciency improvements in lmpcrial's "sinks". opera- has levels and with current technology. To the evant to its business and unique expertise. The first of these involves injection of Canada CO 2 into subterranean tations that energy efficiencies can significantly r~d uce future greenhouse t( 1 the~e hydrocarbons. based on this study and a e_viewof where it can best contribute to solu- aquifers. where These options are only relevant there are large, single "point" sources of CO 2 emissions which can be cap- economic energy effi<"ien<"y tured, processed and pipelined over a rea- opportunities. Ac<'ordingly the company will sonable ncgiving new emphasis access subterranean + l-r' The second involves j deep subterranean formations such as saline j lions, Imperial is committed to implementing the remaining contain- gas emis- \ straight disposal by injection of CO 2 into om, in the industrial sector. Nonetheless, reservoirs ing oil and gas to enhance the recovery of needs to be cautious when it comes to expec- and priority to energy --· distance to injection wells that formation1,,. This 1,,tudy focuses cfficicrwy in its capital CXf-wnditureplanning. Impcrial's work has also highlighted the I importance of making distinctions between 18 the company examined two options which are highly rel- of other companies and industries, / In particular, so-called CO 2 tions is modest at prevailing energy ·price extent that the results may be representative / employing on CO 2 emission soun:es in Alberta where there arc a number of large coal-fired power generation facilities, ~- --------- ------ j oil sands procluct ion and refining plants and other fertilizer and petrochemical plants. As shown in Figure 8, CO 2 emissions from these facilities are about 142,000 tonnes per day - I VOLUME (THOUSAND TONNES/DAY) SOURCE 97 29 30 9 FERTILIZER & PETROCHEMICALS 15 4 TOTALPOINTSOURCES 142 42 ~ ~ER GENERATION !~ L_SANDS about 12 percent of Alberta CO 2 emissions and 10 percent of the Canadian total. lmperial estimates that it would be technically feasible to develop, over a five to 10 year period , the infrastructure to perma- nently dispose of up to 50,000 tonnes per day of CO 2 . This represents about a third of the aggregate emissions from the larger ----··- idcutify enhanced oil recovery opportunities. This study, which could lead to CO 2 pilot demonstration projects, will benefit point sources in Alberta or about 3.5 percent of Canadian CO 2 emissions. Capital from the extensive engineering analysis carried out by Imperial in the early 1980s to costs would be about $7.5 billion annual operating costs of up to $225 million. The cost per tonne of CO2 disposed is examine the feasibility of a large scale CO 2 enhanced recovery project at the company's Judy Creek oil field ·in northern Alberta. with shown in Figure 9. For the hydrocarbon That concept was subsequently rejected and recovery option, the net cost could range between $] 5 and $50 per tonne, depending a hydrocarbon based enhanced recovery scheme was implemented, due primarily to on incremental recovery of hydrocarbons to offset some of the disposal costs. For the the high projected costs for a CO 2 recovery scheme. Costs arc likely to remain a prob- straight disposal opt~on, net costs could range lem in these current studies. between $35 and $45 per tonne of CO 2. lmperial's preliminary work shows that there are large net costs to society in the underground disposal of CO2 which need to , be carefully assessed and weighed with other response options. In this regard, Imperial is currently participating in collaborative studies with other industries and government agencies in Alberta and Saskatchewan that will more definitively assess the costs and benefits of CO 2 disposal for specific pro- ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION FCELS Canada's Green Plan advocates other direct steps to move towards less carbon-intensive energy sources, including alternative transportation fuels that promise to reduce POINTSOURCES OF CO2EMISSIONS IN ALBERTA FIGURE 9 UNDERGROUND DISPOSAL COSTS FORCO2 UNITCOSTS ($/TONNE OFCO2) HYDROCARBON RECOVERY PROJECTS jects. These studies will also identify areas for joint technology developmrnt where this GROSSCOST is appropriate. HYDROCARBON RECOVERY BENEFITS Imperial is conducting a follow-up program in its own operations to identify and NETCOST evaluate the most attractive CO 2 injection projects as part of a larger program to SHAREOF ALBERTA EMISSIONS(%) 65- 75 (25)-(50) 15-50 STRAIGHT DISPOSAL NETCOST - ~-----~------------ 35-45 --- - --·- ------ .. 19 greenhouse gas emissions and other air contaminants. However, Iinpcrial and affiliated companies have jointly carried out studies of variow, alternative transportation fuels and found that there are limited possibilities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by switching fuels. These studies involved the examination of five alternatives to gasoline and diesel fuel for motor vehicles. These were pure metharnrl (MlOO), a blend of 85 percent methanol and 15 percent gasoline (M85), compressed natural gas (CNG), liquified petroleum gas, (LPG) -- largely propane and electricity· from batteries or fuel cells. It is recognized that there is ~ need to include ethanol in fut11re studies, since it represents another alternative that deserves analysis in a similar context . .Passenger cars and heavy truck8 were examined and an extensive literature search and engineering analysis were required to develop relevant comparisons. Of particular importance in this analysis is the need to consider the emissions of greenhouse gases - principally CO 2 and CH 4 ·- from all steps in the fuel chain including original production, transportation, pro- CO2EQUIVALENT GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM ALTERNATIVE FUELS (PASSENGER CARS) • D CH4BURNED FUELPROCESSING COMPRESS. POWERGEN. 2.0 ....-------------1.8 0 <./) les mT1dh_7~ percent eac 11 or 01 1 an IH\tura1 gas. 1s composition is representative of the average mix in the u.S. In Canada the mix is somewhat different with nuclear and rcncwablcs l (hydraulic) accounting for 76% of electric- j ity generation. However, this difference ) / 0.9 LU > ccssing, d istributiou and final consumption in the vehicl1~.The result is a so-called "lifocycle" analysis. In this particular study, because it was comparative, (imissions were not calculated for all the fuel chain steps for all fuels. However, calculations were carried out where significant differences in emissions were expected in the fuel chain compared with gasoline or diesel. In the results that follow, comparative CO 2 emissions are included for ths fuel processing step and \or combustion in the vehicle. For the CNG alternative, Cll 4 emissions, which have a higher heat trapping I capacity than CO 2 , were calculated for leaks in the distribution system (a range from 0.1 percent to 1.0 percent) and losses out the vehicle tailpipe (1.4 percent). CO 2 emissions associated with burning fuel to compress CNG in the distribution system and at 1 the refueling stations were also included. For / !.PG ELECTR IC to a CO2 equivalent basis. Emissions were cal- 1 (BATT _rn_v ___ <_:u_l_a_t_cd as a CO 2 equivalent 1, 1 J per rnilc of J J vehicle travel, to enable the results to be normalized against gm,oline and diesel fuel as the base. This required a detailed assessment of vehicle energy efficiency using the various fuels, irn)uding the unique combustion characteristics of each fuel and ancillary impacts on vehicle weight to accommodate these fuels. Figure 10 shows that for passenger cars, CO 2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 20 percent for, LPG, and 10 percent for M85 and electric power, compared to motor gasoline. However CNG can result in a 10 percent to 40 percent increase in CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions primarily due to CH 4 losses fro"m the tailpipe and in the distribution system . While CO 2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions appear initially unfavourable compared to gasoline, it is important to note the degree of uncertainty that exists in determining the greenhouse effect equivalency of CH 4 to CO 2 and also the determination of distribution losst~s: Further, a significant reduction in tailpipe emissions might well be anticipated from the application of research and development efforts to optimize CNG combustion in vehicles. Figure 11 shows the results for heavy trucks. In this case, only the electric powered vehicle achieves a 10 percent reduction of CO 2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions compared to diesel fuel. Greenhouse gas emissions from M85 and LPG increase by 10 percent, while those from C:\fG increase by 60 percent to 90 percent. On balance, nom· of these fuels stands out as a clear winner or loser in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Electric vehicles promise overall lower emissions of greenhou"''e gases, depending on how the eleetricity is generated, but substantial engi- • FUELPROCESSiNG D COMPRESS. POWER GEN. D CH4LOSTINTRANS. COMBUST.INVEHICLEO TAILPIPECH4EMISS. CH4BURNED 1.8 Cl UNC~~~21~~~1 ONCO2- CH4 EQUIVALENCE 1.6 en 1.6 1.1 i==