Dacusign Envelope ID CC 50W 00074534 2015 TR professional AWS Professional Services -- Statement of Work "Customer" City of Orlando, FL Amazon Web services, Inc, City olorlando Amazon Rekognition video identification Pioofcf Concept (FCC) Phase 2 Orlando, FL USA United States ofArrierica Project Name "Project Location" Customer's Engagement Conrad Name and Email Address customers Accounts Payable ro Name and EmailAddIess Customer: 5' Customer's ail/77a Mailing Address I Customer: Aws Billing Account ID I Cullenry This Statement ol Work lor AWS Prolesslanal services (this "sow") is entered into between AWS anti Customer This saw is made a part oi the Aws Customer Agreement available at [[aws.amazarl comZagreement by and between Amazon Web Services, inc. and Customei, or other written agreement between Amazon Web Services, arid Customer governing Customers use oi the Services (the "Agreement"). This sow is effective as of the date the last party signs this sow (the "sow Eiiective nate'i Capitalized terms not defined in this sow may be delined in the Agreement Scope of the AWS Professional Services Aws Will providethe consulting and advisory sen/ices described below Aws Will assist the Customer With the development and support oi a concept which may include - Providing assistance updating documentation on the phase oliniplementation. . guidance on system architecture to help meet the Pot objectives. . Providing guidance on system architecture to help maintain AWS best practices lot high availability, security, and cost optimization . Providing assistance with system tuning recommendations to help With meeting POC obiectives, - prayidmg assistante With problem managementoi issues the - prayidmg sample code to demonstrate interoperability between programming languages and Aws Semites Aws piolestianal servitessow page 1 al A mutant cannotnriat mi emoeazm 'mi' 2mm 11 PÁĝĞ ğĠġ  u Ģà ģ Á Ĥà ĥ P Ħ IIvwÄIPx_Iy ħ w_Åyvy_ÆÅuÆ_xu Ĩ vÄIw ĩ xPIP zz ÇÈÉ QQQÊ{ËÌ{ ÍQÎÏ ÐÑ éêëBT ìeB §í ¨UVBW :61 C($/!%%#$)'* 1!(7#-!% '(! +!*#7!(!+ %$*!*8 $) ' ó"#.! ')+ .'"!(#'*%ô 2'%#% #) '--$(+')-! 4#", :61 %"')+'(+ -$..!(-#'* 3('-"#-!%9 D,! *'2$( ('"!% /$( -$)%0*"')"% '(! !=3(!%%!+ #) ",! "'2*! 2!*$4 '% +'#*8 ('"!% J'%%0.#)5 ') fg,$0( +'8A9 ?0%"$.!( 4#** 2! 2#**!+ /$( ",! '-"0'* )0.2!( $/ +'8% 4$(Y!+ 28 ",! -$)%0*"')"%9 D,! '55(!5'"! -,'(5!% /$( 4$(Y 3!(/$(.!+ 0)+!( ",#% 1@6 4#** )$" !=-!!+ ",! !%"#.'"!+ "$"'* #) ",! "'2*! 2!*$4; 4#",$0" ",! 3(#$( 4(#""!) 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Aws: CUSTOMER: Amazon Web Services, Inc, cm of Orlando, FL hy nmsma by Authorized Kepresentative Chief Procurement officer ma October 18, 2018 Oitober 17, 2018 Dim Dim pageaou AMAION rm Emu597711 mm 11 eerlilicale cl Complellon Envelope Id Sumccl Cily FL SlalsmevlolWovk omen -- BuikSciid ND Source Envelope Document Pages 4 Pages 2 AulaNav Enabled Envelopeid Slamping Enabled Signa'mes 2 inmals 0 Time Zone mo 022 cm Pacilic Time (US 5. 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