f) a Los Alamos NATIONAL LABORATORY [51.1943 Radiation Protection Division Jan 14. 2015 9:45:39 AM Radiation Protection Programs. RP-PROG US. Department of Labor Division of EEOIC Seattle District Of?ce 300 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1050E Seattle, WA 98104 SUBJECT: EEOICPA DOSIMETRY RESPONSE RE: Walde, Chad Edward Enclosed is the Dosimetry Response as per your request under the Energy Employee Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA). If you have any questions, please call me at (505) 665-0398. Sincerely, Yvonne Montoya RP-PROG. Radiation Protection Programs Enc: ai's Cy: RP-PROG File An Equal Opportunity Employer Operated by Los Alamos National Security. LLC tor the US. Department of Energy's NNSA z. . {2535.1.5: a m. m. 15:! 2.: .. .. 1E5: a a a .. .515 2. .. . a a .. 1:.153. 52 a a .ulil 15.432:- a: a a a a 1:5! infill: 28.2 aifixm 53.32 1525.30 .e a. 2. .35 .2 $2.51 3 5.5.358 2.5.3380 .1295 .92: 5 a; 5 .. 29.4.2232. 442352 @0532 Egan--En 5.9.52 Sign 5.13. $3.93 2.. . can 9.2m . 502%.: :2 .2 5.523.. a. . Rm .0 .2225: 9% 5 Aq