University of FOUNDED Vet? St Andrews 1 4 1 3 Information Assurance and Governance Office of the Principal 10 October, 2018 Dear- Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 Our Ref: 314-18 I refer to your request for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 ("the received on 17 September, 2018. The information requested and the University's response are outlined below. How your enguim has been managed All written requests for information received by a Scottish public authority fall under the provisions of the FOISA. The information requested at items 11 and 12 as detailed below, was found to be of an environmental nature and the University is therefore providing a response to those parts of your enquiry under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EIRs). To meet the technical requirements of the FOISA section 39(2) of the FOISA is being applied to items 11 and 12, as this information, if held, is otherwise accessible to you under the EIRs. This exemption is subject to the public interest test. As there is a separate statutory right of access to environmental information your rights will not be diminished in any way as a result of the University responding in line with the provisions of the Ele. The public interest therefore lies in the exemption being upheld. The remainder of your enquiry is being managed solely under the FOISA. University's response 1. Can you [el/ me haw many students (please state bath fiJ/Hime and paint/me) were enrolled at [he Sta/t ofthe new academic year p/ease (2015/19)? We do not yet hold a complete end-of-year record of the 2018/19 application cycle and it is not therefore possible to provide information reflecting the final position as requested at the present time. Data/ Information Assurance and Governance foi@st-andrews ac uk The Unwemiy 0! St Andrews mummy registered in iolland, No Data is currently in the process of being validated as part of the creation of a record pertaining to the 2018/19 student body and a snapshot is scheduled to be produced at the end of October. If you would like to get back in touch with the University at that time, then we will be happy to revisit this. 2. Can you detail what accommodation the university currently owns to offer students, and can you provide a complete breakdown? eg 205 spaces in Agnes Blackadder Hall etc Please refer to Appendix A for the information requested. 3. How many students were in halls of residence at the start of the new academic year?  3,943 4. How many students were in property owned by the university elsewhere in the locality at the start of the new academic year?  33 5. Can you say how many properties in total you own for housing students?  15 residences and 16 flats 6. How many student accommodation places were empty at the start of the new academic year and can you provide a breakdown please eg 10 spaces in Agnes Blackadder Hall. This information can be found in Appendix A. 7. How many HMO licences does the university currently have?  412 8. How much profit did you make in 2017 from renting accommodation to students? The University does not hold data to enable an answer to be given to this part of your request. Overheads are not attributed to specific services offered by Residential and Business Services and we do not separately record student accommodation information from other non-student activities. Any surplus or loss specifically related to the renting of accommodation to students is not calculated by the University or captured in our records. 9. Do you rent out property to non-students? If so, how many properties and where are they? Yes. We currently rent five of our managed properties to members of staff. University managed properties are privately owned properties let through the University and are located throughout St Andrews. Further details and details of the properties managed by the University can be found on our website at: . As you are being directed to information which is already publically available, section 25(1), Information otherwise accessible of the FOISA is being applied. 10. Can you proI/Ide information held regarding contact with Fife Councii [his year on the Issue of HMO /icences.7 777is should include m/nutes of interna/ meetings, emai/s, reporfi, letters This part of your enquiry is very wide ranging and it is unclear what specific recorded information you are seeking. Can you specify the focus of your interest and further define what is meant by the term 'issue of HMO licences"? This will enable us to carry out a reasonable search of our records. There are some tips for applicant's requesting information available on the Scottish Information Commissioner's website that you might find helpful at: This request for additional information is made under Section 1(3) of the FOISA. Please note that under Section 10(1)(b) of the Act, the University has 20 working days after receipt of the additional information by the University in which to comply with your request. I await hearing from you and in the meantime, will hold this part of your enquiry pending. 11. Can you proI/Ide detai/s of any p/ans to our/d more student accommodation? eg 900 homes planned in deVe/opment, for students, to be ready in Under the EIRs, I can confirm that the University is in the process to redeveloping Albany Park (754 bedrooms to be phased over 2020, 2021 and 2022) and seeking to build 61 houses at the Grange. Both projects are currently at the planning stage. 12. Can you proI/Ide detai/s of any p/ans you have to oui/d social housing in Fife (not affordable housing? Not applicable 7 no recorded information held and notice is given under Regulation 10(4)(a) of the EIRs to this effect. 13. How mum did you receive in fijnding fiom the Scottish Government in 2017.7 The University's financial year runs from 1 August to 31 July. The University received in total ?41,588,645 funding from Scottish Government in financial year 2016/17. We are currently verifying our financial records for year 2017/18 as part of the annual publication process. Should you require comparable data for financial year 2017/18 then it is anticipated that this will available towards the end of the year. Information not held Section 17 of the FOISA requires that a Scottish public authority confirms in writing where information requested of it is not held. For the reasons outlined above at questions 1 and 8, notice is therefore given to this effect. Information Assurance and Governance toi@st-andrews ac uk The mummy 0! St Andrews mummy registered Snatland, No Your right to seek a review of how your information request was managed If you are not satisfied with the University's response and/or our reasoning set-out above, you have the right to request a review of our decision. The time lines in which this right is available are set out in section 20(5)(a) and FOISA and regulation 16 of the EIRs. In broad terms the right to seek a review must be exercised within 40 working days of receiving this response. Any request for review should be put in writing or some other permanent form e.g. an e-mail and should be sent to the University of St Andrews, through the contact details provided below. A request for a Review should: a) state your name and address; b) describe the nature of your original request; and c) explain the reasons why you are dissatisfied with our response. Freedom of Information Environmental Information University of St Andrews Butts (Building) St Andrews Fife KY16 Email Telephone-- If you remain dissatisfied with how your request for information has been dealt with following Review, you also have the right to apply to the Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC) for a decision. In the event of an appeal to the SIC, the Commissioner will generally only be able to investigate the matters raised in the request for review. Details on how to make an appeal on|ine to the SIC can be found on their website: sroner.as2x Alternatively, you can contact the SIC by post, telephone or email at: Scottish Information Commissioner Kinburn Castle Doubledykes Road St Andrews Fife KY16 QDS Telephone: 01334 464610 E-mail: Website: This wncludes the University's response. Yours sincerely Enc. InImmalmn Assurance and Governance ImIrIJSI-andrews ac uk Hm ofSt mums mgfl'un'd iotlaml' N) 5011131: