MECHANIC'S LIEN 06/01/2018 09:29 AI5 RF: 318.00 Arapahoo County Cl6rk, CO Paso:1of z OF: 10.00 D8052163 Matt Crane, Clork & Racorder Electronlcally Rocordsd STATEMENT OF MECEAMCS' LIEN Setions 38-22-t0l through 38-22-133, Colorado Revis€d Stttutca In accordance with Scotions 38-22-l0l through 38-22-133, Cotorado Rcviscd Statutes, Gdlomy ("Licn Claimant') makcs thc following Stdcfltent l. 2. & Compruy' Ioc, oflicn: ThcnamcofthcowncrorrcputcdownerofthcpropcrtytobeaffcecdbyttclienisCollrxrndSrblgtLC, Thc namc and mailing address of thc Licn Claim.nt aqcrlorvry& Cornpaay, Suitc 320, Orccnwood Villagc, CO tot t E a srbcontrrctor, a prineipal comtEctor. I hc.,6162 S. Wllow Drivc, E Thc namc olftc poson who fumishcd thc laborcrs q rnatsrials or pcrformcd ftc lebor or scrviccs, or upplicd thc machiniry, bols or cquipnqtt for which said licn is claimed ir Cil[owry & Conpluy, Irc. 3. 4. Thc mmc of thc principal contractor is 5. Thc propcrty to be afrectcd by urch licn is dryribcd as follouns: Nor0sltr ComoercLl P.rtrcrr. CITADEL ON COLFAX SUBDIIflSNNFILINGNO. I A RESUBDMSION OT l&''CT A MONTEREY POINTE SI,JBDTUSION FILING NO. I, AND LOT I, BIOCIC l, MONTEREY POINTE SIJBDMSION FILING NO. 2, AI.ID LOT I, BLOCK I, MOT TEREYPOINTE ST,'BDIVISONFILINONO. 3, SITUATM IN TIIE I$RTSEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, TOWNSIIIP 4 SOI.,TI{, RANGE 66 WEST OFTHE 6'tfT PNI}{CIPAL MERIDIAN CITY OF AI'RORA CIruNTY OF ARAPAIIOE STATE OFCOLORADO also known as SEC of Colorado. Ea Colfar Avcnuc and Sablc Blvd, (no strc.t numbcr assigncd), County of Arapdrg Stuc of 6. Thc Mcchanics' Lien is hcld for and on account of labor and sa'riccs performe4 irrcluding scrvices profcssiorul arctiltcds 8nd cngirrcrs, rcnd€rtd to thc owocr ofthc propcrty. of ?. Thc amornt of indcbtcdncss duc or owing thc Ucn Claimant for which said licn is claimc4 for laborcrs or matcriil fumi$oq hbor and scrviccs pcrfonncd, mrchincry, tools end cquipmcnt rupplied is S9OrO3t/t, togcthcr wilh inrere$ thercoo rt the leSd or sgrced rstc. Grllowry AIA Principal, ofArchit ctllr STATEOFCOLORADO CamtyofArqahoc I, Kridoffir Kcdoq AL\ bcing of lawful agc ard bcjnC fird duly Dillotor of ArchitccErl' of lhc LiGfl Oairnant heein namcd; the I haw Lian and and bcli€f, snd is know the coilcms thcrcof; and thet ttrc samc is lnlc ard concct, to radc on bdalfof drc Licn Oairnart SubsibodandsqomtoboforumcinttrCorntyofArapaho€,startcofColoradqthis tntrnL 16 aayotUanZOta. my haad and official scal FAilnf,LE SUIESC40iADO mmffDtmm&l Mycommision cxpir* EXHIBIT 10 2of2 D8052't63 Arapahoe County II{OTICE OF INTENT TO FrI,N.A LIEN STATEMENT TOTHE OWNER A}IDTOTTIE PRINCIPAL COMRACTOK *t forth on th3 Stalemcnl of Lian contnincd on thc rrt crgc of Takc Notic! thEt thc Licn Claimant Mcchanics' Lien for laborcrs or mrtcrial or equipmcnt supplied tq or labor performcd ot thc projcct pmpcrty dcscribed on eaid Statcrrnt of Mcchanics' LicG for thc amornt salli Oic clnimant intcnds lo rccord said St tcmcnl of Mcchanicl' locsted. This noticc is given pumnnt to S€ction 38-22-109(3), Li, fi$ If rt this Noticc claims a thc rcsl rcal situatc ituatc upon urc rdc within ten (10) lhc rcEl Foperty DroDerty i6 flalraPim %{ rYr.rr P*}ru- errira -l{lf't nmrvrvl Villam rn l0l I I Namc and Addrces of Oaimant Anome,y's Nanrc and Addrcss ATTIDAVIT OF IIRVICE OR. MAILING - OIVNER STATEOFCOIORADo Cornty of Anpahoc Licn Statcrrcnt or his or lH Biiiii ;. it" hwftlpgd bcirlg fimt duly swom uponoath, dcposcs and says thal6isNoticcoftftmr t,o Filca Inown addrcss of tlp oumcr or rtPulcd owncr mailcd by pciiifcd rmil, rttum rcccipt rcqu€sG( to tlrc eg9lt, 6 follotr,s: Qolfax and Sablc, Lrc, Atm: Donald ,. lvldco0c, 1999 Brmdray, Suitc 77q Ilavcr, CO The undcrsigncd, bcingof wr fl'h.v ld *r,lny, zbre. Subscribed and surcm to beforc mc in the County ofAl.polng Sl.le of ITATE mranvortsotr, ATNI}AVIT OF SARVICE OR MAILING - CONTRACTOR STATEOFCOI.oRADO County ofArspahoc lavftl age and bciag firs duly s*om upon orth, dcposce and sap that lhis Notioe of lntcnt to Filc a Lien Sucnrnt uas milcd by oatifid maiL rAum rcccipt rcquecd to 0rc last larown ad&css of trc pincipol or primc contncror or his or hcr agor! asfolloum: Nonhsur Comrreteirl Prrtncrs, Atm: Doflald J. Marde, 1999 Broeduay, Suitc aay oe May,20l8. 7?O Dcnwr, Co 8O202 on ttc The urdcnignc4 bcing of t-l SubmribodandstromtobcforcmeinthccountyofArryohoqSuaofColondqtti.\-i a"rorf,.4at+.zore. Witness my helrd and official sl. Public ATNDAVT] OF SERVICE OR MAILING PRIOR TO NLING LIEN STATEMENT STATE OFCPTTORADO Counly ofAmpohoc Thc undccsienc4 bcing of lawful rge and bcing firs duly sunm, dcpo*s and says thal this Noticc of Inlcnt to Filc lcas tar (10) days bcforc tlrc limr of filing tlr Lien Strlcmart with thc County Subccribcd and snorn to trcfoc rrc in thc Counry of Ampahoc, State of Calondo , Clcrt M, Dary $ my hand and official ,rl,s(xhB66l o @vuo'roc Jo:lrvtl cnend.tEvIoN and I Lien n$ordcr. clfblz- zofi. sl. hblic My connnissior cxpircs: EXHIBIT 10