Ail-W:,J" .. · . ,Ii PEnYi,illl;,. f;p. ) v. ",".'- _.1S2.!2/0'2, ~ .10. zoQ2_ rCA. ErEorpA,ll UGOVOR 0 KUPOPRODAJI AKCIJA METODOM JAVNE AUKClJE AGREEMENT FORSALE AND PURCHASE OF SHARES BY PUBLIC AUCTION [100% paymentupfront] Purchase Agreement (the has been ....signed by the following Parties (the "Party" or the "Parties" in plural): Ovaj ugovor 0 kupoprodaji (u daljem tekstu "Ugovor") potpisan od. strane sledecih ugovornih strana (u daljem tekstu "Ugovorna strana" iii u mnozini "Ugovorne strane"): '1) Details of Share Fund: The Share Fund of the Republic of Serbia, (1) Sale and "Agreement") s having its registered seat at Trg Nikole 5, 11000 Belgrade, FR Yugoslavia i Pasica ! ~Share Fund:_".!,_) _. tekstu "Akcijski fond") --:-_---1 i I I (2) Navedite naziv i adresu ueesnika na·· aukciji: "KERAMIKA METAL-COOP" ul. Kosovska br, 49, Beograd (2) NS Insert name and address of bidder at , "KERAMIKA MET AL~COOP" CI 49. Kosovska, Beograd ww w. (the "Buyer") Podaci o Akcilskom fondue Akcijski fond Republike Srbije, sa sedistem na adresi Trg Nikole Pasica 5, 11000 Beograd, SR Jugoslavija (u daljem .r This 1 (u daljem tekstu "Kupac") UVOD U skladu sa Zakonom 0 Privatizaci]! (SluZberii Glasnik Republike Srbije Br 38/2001) i Zakonom 0 Akcijskom fondu (SluZberrl Glasnik Republike Srbije Br ~8flOO 1), Agencija je .izdala nalog AkcijSkom fondu da proda akcije u dole navedenom Subjektu, a ,koje su na Akcijski fond pren~ u skladu za clanom 8. Zakona 0 Akcijskom .fendu (u daljem tekstu. "AkciJe"). INTRODUCTION In accordance with .the Law on Privatisation (Official. Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No 38/2001) and the Share Fund Law (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No 38/2001), the .Agency has instructed the Share Fund to sell Shares in the following Entity (the "Shares") which, has .been transferred to the Share Fund according to Article 8 ofthe Share Fund Law: Podaci 0 Sub ektu-emitentu akci a: "KERAMlKA" a.d KANJIZA s (the "Enti ' .. .. . ',. OSNOVNE ODREDBE . . ... I. Odredbe i Uslovi Ugovora, priloZeni kao Aneks 1, smatraju . se sastavnim delom Ugovora. NS .r PRINCIPAL TERMS I. The Terms and Conditions of the Agreement, attached as Annex 1, shall be deemed to form an integral part of this Agreement. follows: w. Number of shares purchased :: 114.644 . CI U. The Share Fund shall sell to the Buyer, and II. AkcijSki fond prodaje Kupeu; a Kupac the Buyer shall buy from the Share Fund, the kupuje ad Akcijskog fonda., Akcije u skladu sa Shares on the Terms and Conditions of this Odredbama i Uslovima ovog Ugovora, Agreement; including payment ..terms as ukljucujuci i sledeee navedene, uslove plaeanja: Broj kupljenih akcija : 114.644 ww Amount of Deposit: (insert amount here in Iznos Depozita: (ovde uneti iznos napisan M!J.res): IY96.600,00 ;:..;;;:'Cl;;.:_:ma.;;.:.;y:...;_: dinars I 2196.60f),OOdinara 1 Purchase Price: (insert amount here infigures _ Kupoprodajna cena: (ovde uneti izno~ na tsanct amau 1 153.762.000,00dinars . I Buyer is obliged to pay to the account of the Kupac je duZan da na wun AkciJskog fon· Share Fund the following amounts: uplati sledece izaose: 0,5 % of the purchase price as 0.,5 % od kupoprodajne rene na .ime commission of the Share fund provizije Akcijskog fonda; - advertising expenses, In accordance - troskove oglasavanje prodaje akcija, with by law of compensation and shodno Pravilniku 0 visini naknade extent of the commission made of sale troskova i provizije ostvarene prodajom of shares in front of Share fund RS , akcija pred Akcijskim fondom RS (koje (which are for the account ofbu ers . snose ku ci akci'a). 2 ----------------------_ ------_ ...• . AgencyBank Account: (insert details here): Bank: Komercijalna banka, Beograd Account No: 40811-637-1-2010899 Bankovni radun Akcijskog fonda: {upisati odatke : a . Banka; Komercijalna banka, Beograd Br. Racuna: 40811-637-1-2010899 Signed by the following Parties in Belgrade: Potpisano od strane sledecih Ugovornih strana u Beogradu: Share Fund of the Republic of Serbia Akcijski fond Republike Srbije Potpisano od strane: Aleksandra Gracanca Datum: 08.10.2002. dr: direktora NS .r s Signed by: Aleksandar Director Date: 08.10.2002. CI Navesti naziv Ku ca: ''':, . ..:, .. '" ' ww w. ..,~." 3 .., ..,_... '''~ ,...... -" LlSTA ANEKSA ·LIST OF ANNEXES Aileks 1 , Odredbe iUslovi Ugovora :of Agreement· ww w. CI NS .r s AnneX1 . Terms 'and Conditiones 1 ANNEX 1 ANEKS 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS AGREEMENT 1. STATUS CONDITIONS OF OF THE TERMS ODREDBE I USLOVI UGOVORA AND 1. KARAKTER ODREDBI I USLOVA Ove Odredbe i Uslovi predstavljaju sastavni deo Ugovora kome su prilozeni u vidu Aneksa. ReCi i izrazi definisani na naein odreden u Ugovoru .'upotrebljavaju se sa istovetnim znaCenjem u ovim Odredbama i Uslovima Ugovora. U ovom Aneksuiu.Ugovoru: "Day" means a calendar day, unless it is specified as a business day, when it shall mean a' business day according to the regulations applicable in the Republic of Serbia; "Dan" podrazumeva kalendarski dan, osim u slueaju.kada je odreden kao radni dan., i tada ce imati znaeenje radnog dana prema propisima koji vaZe u RepubJici Srbiji; "Share Fund Account" means the bank account of the Share Fund for payment of the Depositand Purchase price. "Racun AkciJskog fonda" podrazumeva bankarski raccn Akcijskog fonda za plaeanjeDepozita i Kupoprodajnecene, "Auction Date" means the date on which the auction for the sale of the Shares takes place and the Buyer is declared the successfulbidder in the auction; "Dan aukcije" podrazumeva dan oclrZavanjaaukcije radi prodaje Akcija, odnosno dan kada se Kupcem proglasava uCesnikna aukciji koji je ponudio najvisu .r w. CI NS , s These Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the Agreement to which they are attached as an Annex.Words and expressions defined .in the·· Agreement shall have the same meanings when used herein. In this Annex and in the Agreement: cenu; "Closing Date" means the date, when all closing conditions in Clause 3.•1 have been fulfilled and the Buyer shall pay the Purchase Price and the Share Fund shall transferto the Buyer the Shares; ww "Dan ispunjenosti uslova" podrazumeva dan, u kojem su ispunjeni svi uslovi odredeni u Klauzuli 3.1, odnosno karla Kupac plati Kupoprodajnu cenu a Akcijski fondprenese na Kupca Akcije; . I "Claim Date" means the date.specified in Clause 6.3 by which the Buyer may exercise its rights to terminate the Agreementunder Clause 6.3; "Dan reklamaeije" podrazumeva dan odredenu Klauzuli 6.3 do kog dana Kupac ima pravo.da raskine Ugovor, u skladu sa Klauzulom 6. 3; "Deposit" means the cash deposit paid by the Buyer into the Share Fund Account, not later than 3 days prior to the auction, in the ..amount of 10% of the minimum price from the sellingorder; "Depozit" podrazumeva depozit koji Kupac uplacuje u gotovom novcu, na R.aCun Akcijskogfonda, najkasnije 3 dana pre odrzavanja..aukcije, u visini od 10 % od od minimalne cene 1Z prodajnog naloga; 2 __ ._---- .---_ _ . .. ..__ .._ ...- "Subjekat" p()drazumeva emitenta akcija koje se prodaju Kupcu od strane Akcijskog .fonda, u· skladu... sa ovim "Entity" means the company which shares. arebeing sold to the Buyer by the Share Fund according to tbisAgreemen:t; Ugovorom; "Shares" means the shares in the Entity which is being sold to the Buyer by the Share Fund on the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement; "Akcije" podrazumevaju akcije koje se prodaju Kupcu od strane Akcijskog fonda, u skladu sa odredbama i uslevima predvidenim ovim Ugovorom; "Member of the stock exchange" means the echange broker authorized by the Share Fund to perform the operations of brokerage and sale of shares in the stock exchange, .'as well as the broker who acts on behalf .of Buyer' s ..interests Or representing the side of the offer. "tlan berze je berzanski posrednik koji po ovld~ju Akcijskog fonda vcli -. poslove posredovanja. i prodaje akcija· na berzi, kao i p<>srednikkoji zastupa interese kupca, tj. pojavljuju se na stranitraZnje. .rms s 2. ZAKLJUtENJE UGOVORA .r 2. COMING INTO EFFECT· OF AGREEMENT 2.1· Signing of this Agreement by the BUyer By signing this Agreement, the Buyer ..commits himself to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement without variation or addition, until such time as this Agreement is terminated. or becomes null and void in accordance with its terms or under law. 2.1 PoI;pisivanje ovog. Ugovora· od strane w. CI NS KYpg Potpisivanjem ovog Ugovora; Kupac se obavezuje da ispuni sve Odredbei Uslove ovog Ugovora do vremena kada se Ugovor raskine, odnosno proglasi nistavim, pod USlOvllna predvidenim ovim Ugovorom, odnosno u skladu sa zakonom. Kupac nema pravo da ugovor dopunjuje ·ili menja, 2.2 Potpisivaje ovog Ugovora· od strane drugih Ugovornih strana Akcijski Fond ce potpisati ovaj Ugevor po ispunjenju sledeCih uslova; 2.3 If the member of the stock exchange with whom the Buyer has .entered into a contract on brokerage, does not sign the broker's ..contract, .then he shall forfeit his Deposit and shall have no :further rights in future auction 2.3 Ako clan berze, sa kojim. je Kupac zakljucio ugov()r 0 postedovanju ne potpise 2l1k1juCnicu,Kupac gubi pravo na vraeanje Depozita, kao i pravo na buduce uCestvovaIlje na'aukcijania. ww 2.2 Signing of this Agreement by· the other Parties The Share Fund shall sign this Agreement after the following actions have taken place: 2.2.1 the BUyer has been declared the successful bidder in the auction. for the Shares; 2.2.2 the members of the stock exchange who closed the transaction- and the brokers have signed the broker's contract on closed transaction. 2.2.1 Posto je uCesnik na aukciji koji je ponudio ruijvisu .cenu proglasen Kupcem; 2.2.2 Postoje od strane claI1ova,berze koji su zakljudili transakciju .i brokera berze ... potPisana. .....zatdju&ica o· zakljuCetloj transakciji. 3 3. CONDITIONS OF CLOSING 3. ISPUNJENOST 3.1 Closing ConditiQ11S After.this Agreement has been signed by all Parties and all other actions have been taken in accordance with Clause 2, the following actions mu st be taken: ", 3.1 Ispunjenost Uslova Posle potpisivanja ovog Ugovora od strane svih Ugovornih strana i posle preduzimanja svih radnji 'u smislu prethodnih stavova u Klauzuli 2, sledece radnje moraju biti preduzete: 3 J.1. ,Within 5 days of the Auction Date, the Buyer shall pay the .Purchase Price, less the deposit, in the Share Fund Account. 3.1.1.U roku od 5 dana od dana od dana odrzavanja aukcije,. kupoprodajna cena umanjena za visinu depozita bire' plaeena od strane kupca na raeun Akcijskog fonda. 3.1.2 The Share Fund shall issue a receipt 3.1.2. Akcijski fond ce, izdati Kupcu potvrdu da je Kupoprodajna cena bez umanjenja uplacena na RMun Akcijskog fonda. s to the Buyer that the Purchase Price is paid to the Share Fund Account, without any deduction; 3.1.3 Upon the payment of the Purchase Price, the information on share owner alteration shall be submitted to the Temporary Registry, for the record keeping. 3.1.4 Within 8 days from the Auction Date; the Share Fund shall issue a call to the competent body in the Entity for the General Assembly to take place, .only .in case when the Buyer becomes the majority owner of the Entity by purchasing the shares; . 3.1.5 Upon the Buyer's request, the Temporary Registry in the Agency shall issue a certificate on share ownership based on which the Entity shall subscribe the Buyer into the Book of Shareholders, as' well as certificate for the purpose of exercising. the voting rights at the General Assembly, prior to holding of General Assembly. 3.1.6.the General Assembly shall make the folowing decisions: adoption of new Articles of Association selection of new Managing and Supervisory Board. USLOVA .r 3.1.3.Nakon uplate kupoprodajne cene, Privremenom registru dostavljaju se od strane Akciskog fonda podaci 0 promeni vlasrrika nad akcijanla radi evideneije. w. CI NS 3J.4.U roku od 8 Dana, od od Dana aukcije, Akcijski fond ce nadlemom ·organu, u Subjektu uputiti poziv za odrZavanje SkupStine, same u slueaju da kupac kupovinom ak:cija postaje vecinski vlasnik u Subjektu. ww 3.1.5. Pre odrZavanja SkupStlne Privremeni registar u Agenciji ce na zahtev Kupca izdati potvrdu 0 vlasnistvu nad akcijama, na osnovu koje ce Subjekat izvrsiti upis Kupca u Knjigu akcionara i izdati .mu potvrdu radi ostvarivanja prava glasa na SkupStini. 3.1.6.SkupStina donosi sledece odluke: - dono~enj~ (usvajanje) novog Statuta;·· .: ..... - izbor novog Upravnog i Nadzomog odbora .... 4 ----------------------------_ - _. 3.2 Nq>laCa.njeKupoprodajne rene Ako Kupac ne plati Kupopiodajnu cenu, u skladu sa Klauzulom 3, gubi pravo na vra6anje Depozita, sva .prava, ••odnosno potraZivanja koja proizilaze iz ovog Ugovora. 3.3 If for any other reason the conditions set out in Clause 3.1 are not fulfilled within the 21 days deadline specified therein, then any Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. Following such termination none of the Parties shall be Under any further liability to any other Party except that the Buyer shall be entitled . to return of his Deposit. The Parties may all agree .... in writing to extend the deadline specified in Clause 3.1. 3.3 Ako se iz bilo kog razloga ne ispune uslovi odredeni u Klauzuli 3.1 uroku od 21 dan od dana odrZavanja aukcije, svaka od 'Ugovornih strana ima pravo da raskine ovaj Ugovor. U raskida Ugovora, nijedna od Ugovornih strana nece imati obaveze prema drugoj Ugovomoj strani osim Sto Kupac ima pravo na vra6anje Depozita, ..Ugovorne strane mogu se pismeno saglasiti da: rok odreden u Klauzuli 3.1 bude produzen -. s 3.2 Non~Payement of Purchase Price Ifthe Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Price in accordance with Clause 3 below, he shall forfeit his Deposit and shall have no further rights or claims under this Agreement. 4. PLA ..ANJE KlJPOPRODAJNE CENE I ISPUNJENOST· USLOVA 4.1 Deposit Prior to the Auction, the Buyer shall pay the Deposit to the Share Fund Account. The amount of the Deposit .shall be counted as part of the Purchase Price payable by the Buyer according to Clause 3.1. below. . 4.1 Depozit Pre odrZavanja aukcije, Kupac ce uplatiti Depozit na RaCun Akcijskog fonda. . Iznos Depozita se racuna kao deo Kupoprodajne rene koju Kupac placa u . skladu sa Klauzulom 3.1 . 4.2 Payment Closing and 4.2 Plaeanje Kupoprodajne cime i imunjenost •uslova The fulfillment ..of .conditions set forth in Clause 3.1., shall be deemed the Closing Date. Ispunjenju uslova' odredenih u Klauzuli 3.1., smatra se Danom ispunjenosti uslova. Price ww w. of the Purchase CI NS .r PURCHASE 4. PAYMENT OF THE PRICE AND CLOSING· 5. POST~CLOSING ACTIONS 5. RADNJE POSLE DANA ISPUNJENOSTI USLOVA 5.1 POsY-Closing actions 5.1 Radnje posle})ana ispunjenosti uslova Upon the payment of the Purchase prise, and in accordance with the Clause 4, the information on subscribed shares shall be submitted to the Temporary Register, for the record keeping. Nakon dana ispunj(lll0stf uslova, Subjekat ce propisanu doknmentacija dostaviti nadleZnom sudu radi upisa u registar. 5 ---------------------'---___::_ -_ _ _- 6. IZJA VE, GARANCIJE I OBAVEZE 6. REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND . COVENANTS OF.·.·THE SHARE AKCIJSl{OG FONDA FUND 6.1 Rq>resentations and warranties The .Share Fund represent and warrant to the ..Buyer that at the Closing Date, the following statements will be true and accurate: 6. LIThe Entity is a-joint stock company duly organized under the laws of the Republic of Serbia and the FR .Yugoslavia, 6.1.2 The Share fund will sell the Shares as stated in Clause n of the Agreement -. 6.1.3 The Shares will confer full voting rights in the General Assembly of the Entity. 6.1.4 At the Closing Date, the Shares shall be transferred to the Buyer, free and clear of any lien or pledge or other encumbrance. 6.1.5 The Share Fund has full power and authority to enter into and perform its .. obligations under this Agreement. 6.1.6 As far as the Share Fund is aware, neither the execution of this Agreement, nor the consummation of the transaction contemplated hereby, conflicts with any law, regulation, judgment or other order by which the Share Fund is bound or any agreement to which the Share Fund is a party. 6.1 lzjave i Garancije Akcijski fond izjavljuje i garantuju Kupcu da ce na Dan ispunjenosti uslova sledece izjave biti istinite itaCne: 6.1.7 As far as the Share Fund is aware, all authorizations, consents .of and filings with aIL governmental entities or other third parties that are required to be obtained or made in order that the . Share .Fund is enter into andperform this Agreement and in order to sell the Shares have been duly obtained or made. . 6.1. 7 Prema saznanjiIna Akcijskog fonda pribavljeni su iii podneti zahtevi za sva ovl~eenja, saglasnosti i prijave nadleznim drzavnim organima ili trecim licima koji moraju da budu podneti ili : pribavljeni kako bi Akcijski . fOI).d bio. ovl~een da zaklju~i i izvrSi ovaj Ugovor au cilju prodaje Akcija. .•.•.: .. 6.2 The Share Fund make no .representations or· warranties other than those expressly set forth in' Clause 6.1. 6.2 Akcijski fond ne <4lje bilo kakve druge i.zjave i garancije, osim izjava i garancija izricito· navedenih ..u Klauzuli 6.1. s 6.1.1 Subjekat je akcionarsko druStvo koje je organizovano u skladu .sa propisima Republike .Srbije i SR .:Jugoslavije. 6;1.2 Akcijski fond ce prodati Akcije kao Sto je navedeno u K.lauzuli n Ugovora. 6.1.3 Iz Akcija ce proizilaziti sva upravljac"'ka prava na skupStini Subjekta. ww w. CI NS .r 6.1.4 Akcije prenete na Kupca, nisu opterecene zaloznim pravom ill bilo kojim drugim optereceniem. 6.1.5 IAkcijski fond ima puno ovlaSeenje za zakljuCenje Ugovora i izvrSavanje.obaveza,·koje iz .niega proizilaze. 6.1.6 Prema saznanjimaAkcijskogfonda, ni potpisivanje Ugovora, niti sprovodenje transakcije predvidene u ovom Ugovoru, nisu u suprotnosti ni sa jednim zakonom niti propisom, niti presudom odnosno nalogom koji obavezuje Akcijski fond kao ni sa bilo kojim ugovorom u kojem Akcijski .fond prresentations and warranties Ako do isteka 30-og dana od Dana If by the 30th day after the Closing Date ispunjenosti uslova (u daljern tekstU "Dan (the "Claim Date") the Buyer ~. unable to reklamacije~·)Kupa.c nije u ni()guChosti da exercise its ownership title to the Sale . stekne pravo svojine .nad Akcijama zbog Capital because (i) one or more of the toga Sto (i)se ispestavllo dajeCina iIi we representations and warranties in Clause izjava, odnosno garancija odredenih u 6.1 is discovered not to be true and Klauzuli 6.1 .nisu iStinite ill taCne, ill (ii) accurate, or (ii) an event occurs before' the Sto su pre' Dana ispunjenostiuslova nastale Closing Date which causes the Share Fund okolnosti koje su .'prouzrekovale povredu to be, in serious violation of those izjava iganmcija odredenih:u Klauzuli 6.1 representations and warranties in Clause od . strane Akcijskog fonda sa dejstvom 6.1 aft.erthe Closing Date, and if the Share posle Dana ispunjenosti uslova i ako Fund cannot eliminate incurred Akcijs~ fond De Iiloze da; otkloninastale consequences by the Claim Date, then the posledice do Dana reklamacije, Ku.pac ce Buyer shall have the right to terminate this imati pravo da, .tU;. dostavljanje pismenog Agreement by giving to the Share Fund obaveStenja Akcijskoin fondu 0 raskidu written notice of termination (minimum Ugovora, raskine ova] Ugovor najkasnije notice period od 10 Days) to expire no u .roku 'od 10 dari.a od Dana reklamacije, later than 10 Days after the Claim Date, uz otkazni rok od 10 dana. . Nakon isteka and the following, actions will take place pomenutog .'roka biee preduzete sledeee on or before expiry of the termination radnje: . period: 6.3.1 Akcijski fond ce vratiti Knpcu pun 6.3.1 the Agency shall return to the Buyer 'iznos ·····Kupoprodajne...cene koju je the .fall amount of the Purchase Kupac platio; i Price paid by the Buyer; and 6.3.2 Kupac prenosi Akcije Akcijskom 6:3.2 the Buyer shall transfer and deliver "fondu, ukljueujuci i bilo kakvu the Shares to· the Share Fund including any share certificate potvrdu "kojima se dokazuje pravo na sticanje svojine nad Akcijama; i evidencing rights .tothe Shares; and Ilijedna od Ugovornih strana nece biti u no Party shallhave any further liability or obligation to any other· Party after the actions in Clauses 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 have " been> completed .. The BJiyer shall forfeit all rights to indemnification under this Clause .if he has not exercised. his right, to terminate this Agreement within 10 Days after the. Claim· Date. . obavezi prema drugoj Ugovomoj strani posle iaQnji '. predvidenih Klauzulama 6.3.1 i 6.3.2. Kupac ce izgubitisvaprava naobe§teCenje. u smislu ove Klauzule, ..ako .niJe. iskoristio svoje pravo qa raskine ovaj .Ugovor u roku od 10' dana od Danarekl3macije. ww ~enja... 7. REPRESENTATIONS; ..WARRANTIES' .AND COVENANTS OF THE BUYER .'7~IZJA vs; GARANCIJE lOBA VEZE KlJPCA ." 7.1·1zjave iQarancije Kupac izjavljuje i garantuje AkcijskoRl fondu. da su na Datl ispunjeoostj. uslova sledece ilavedehe izjave istiIlite i~e: 7,1.1' U'slu&.ju kad je Kupac pra~o lice: Ku ie ravno lice ko'e' keie ie 7.1 Representations and Warranties The Buyer represents and warrants to the Share Fund that at the Closing Date the f()llowing statements are true and accurate: 7.1.1 .Where. the er is a. 1 au 7 The Buyer is duly organized and validly e~ under the laws of the country of its incorporation. organizovano u skladu sa propisima zemlje ciju pravnu pripadnost Kupac ima, 7.1.2 The Buyer has full power and authority to enter into and. perform its obligations under tlris Agreement. This Agreement constitutes. a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Buyer, enforceable against the Buyer in accordance with its terms. 7.1.3 The purchaseof the Sale Capital by the Buyer pursuant to this Agreement, its.· ownership of the Shares and the performance of the Buyer's undertakings in this Agreement will not conflict with any law or regulations, or any judgments or other orders by which the Buyer is .bound. nor with the . Buyer's organizational documents or with any agreement to which the Buyer is a party. 7.1.4 No acts have been taken and no proceedings are being conducted before any court, arbitration court or arbitrator, or any state, administrative or other authority, ..which .might affect the legality, validity. or enforceability of this Agreement with respect to the Buyer or its ability to satisfy its obligations hereunder, and to the Buyer's knowledge, no such actions are pending. 7.1.2 Kupac ima puno ovlaSeenje za zakljuCenj~ Ug()vora i izvrsavanje obaveza, u smislu ovog Ugovora. Ovaj Ugovor predstavlja pravnu, punovaZnu i obavezujueu obligaciju Kupca, koja se moze sprovoditi nad Kupcem u skladu sa uslovima Ugovora, .r s 7.1.3 Kupovina Akcija od strane Kupca, u smislu ovog Ugovora, pravo na sticanje svojine nad Akcijama, kao i ispunjenje obaveza Kupca preuzetih ovim Ugovorom, nije u suprotnosti sa propisima, sudskim presudama odnosno nalozima koji obavezuje Kupca, kao ni sa opStim aktima Kupca ili bilo kojim Ugovorom u kojem Kupac predstavlja jednu od ugovomih strana ww w. CI NS 7.l.4 Nisu pokrenut, odnosno ne vode se postupci pred nadleZnim sudom, arbitraZnim sudom illarbitrom, bilo kojim .drzavnim organom, odnosno drugim nadleznim organom, koji mogu uticati na pravno dejstvo, punovaznost, odnosno mogucnost prinudnog izvtienja ovog Ugovora od strane .Kupca, kao i njegovu mogucnost ispunjavanja obaveza predvidenih ovim Ugovorom. Po saznanju Kupca, .navedeni postupci nevode se. 7.1.5 Pribavljena su ili podneta sva ovlaSCenja, .saglasnosti i. prijave nacionalnim.odnosno 7.1.5 All authorizations and consents of, and filings with, national or international competent bodies which are required to be obtained or made in order. that the Buyer is authorized to enter into and perform this Agreement and to acquire and own the Shares, have been obtained or made. medunarodnim .nadleznim organima u pogledu kojih je postojala .obaveza da budu podnete ili pribavljene da bi Kupac bio ovlaSCen. da zakljuci i izvr~i ova} Ugovor, radi sticanja prava svojine nad Akcijama. 7.2. Remedies of the Share FAAd I 7.2 ObeSte¢enje Akcijskog fonda Without prejudice to such other remedies i Bez obzira na druga zakonom predvidena as the Share Fund rna: have under obestecenia na koia Akciiski fond Una 8 pravo, Kupac ee obeStetiti· Akcijski fond za svaki gubitak .:odnosno: Stetu· koja je nast.ala ili koju je pretrpeo Akcijski fond kao posledicu povrede ili neispravnosti bile koje od izjava odnosno :garancija odredenih u Klauzuli 7. L Ako u roku od 30 Dana od Dana ispunjenosti uslova Kupac povredi bilo koju od izjava .i gararicija· odredenih u .Klauzulama od 7.1.1 dO,·7.1.5, ane mozeda otklonitakve posledice u roku od 10 Dana od dana dostavljana ... pismenog. obav~ja 0 povredi od stnin.e Akcijskog fonda , Akcijski: fond ima pravo da raskine ovaj Ugovor U2: pismeno obaveStenje Kupcu sa otkaznim rokom .od 10 dana. Na Dan ili pre Dana otkaznog roka,.: bice preduzete sledece radnje: s applicable law, the Buyer shall indemnify the Share Fund for all loss .or damage which may be suffered or incurred by the the Share Fund respectively, as a result of any breach or inaccuracy of any of the representations' and warranties. set forth in Section 7. L If within 30 Days of the Closing Date there is a breach by the Buyer of any of the representations and warranties in Clause 7.1.1 to 7.1.5 inclusive, .arid the Buyer cannot remedy such breach within 10 Days of Written notification of breach by. the the Share Fund,' then the Share Fund shall have the right to tetminate this Agreement by giving to the Buyer 10 Days written notice, and the following actions will take place on or before expiry of the termination notice: 7.2.1 the Buyer shall pay to the Share Fund liquidated damages in an amount equal to the Deposit; and 7.2.2 the Buyer shall forfeit the Shares (or any share certificate evidencing rights to the Shares) and shall transfer and deliver such shares immediately to the Share Fund. The Share Fund shall forfeit all rights to indemnification under this Clause 7.2 if neither of them bas exercised its right to terminate this Agreement. 8. FORCE MAJEURE w. CI NS .r 7.2.1 Kupac ce platiti Akcijskom fondu ugovornu kaznti u iznosu koji je jednak visini Depozita; i 7:2.2 Kupac gubipravo na Akcije (ili bilo kakvu potvrdu 0 posedovanju akcija kojima se dokazuje· pravo svojine nad Akcijruna) i te ee akcije bez odlaganja preneti Akcijskom fondu Akcijski fond ¢e izgubiti sva prava na obeSteCenje, u smislu Klauzule 7.2, ako nijedna od njih nije iskoristila svoje pravo na raskidanje ovog Ugovora. 8. VI ASILA 8.l Ugovome strane nece snositi odgovomost 8.2 The Party affected by Force Majeure shall undertake all reasonable s. and 8.2 Ugovorna strana pogodena ViSom silom ce reduzeti sve razumne merei radnieda ww 8.1 The Parties to this Agreement shall not be liable for breach or. non-performance of obligations where such breach' or nonperformance been caused by Force Majeure ..(hereinafter "Force Majeure"). Force Majeure shall ,be defined as any unforeseen or unpreventable event of an extraordinary nature; occurring after the date of this. Agreement and which is outside the Parties' control, which makes the performance of the relevant obligations' impossible. za povredu ili neispunjavanje obaveza u slueajevnna· kada je takva povreda ..ili neispunJenJe obaveza .; nastalo kao posledica vise .sile {u·daljem tekstu "Visa sila"). Pod: Vi.Som ·Siloffi.·se·podrazumeya sVaki. nepredvideni .: dogadaj odnosno dogadaj koji se, ne. moZe preduhitriti a koji je .izuzetne. prirocie, ~oji se desio nakon dana zaklju~nja· ovog Ugovora i na koji strane ne ... mogu da .uti&x. .a koji onemogucava ispunjenje ugovorenih obaveza. 9 -----------------------~-----'---.... ...._-_ measures ,to decrease to the' minimum all damages and losses suffered, and shall nO'tizythe other Parties in writing as soon as it is aware of the force Majeure event within at least 7 days of becoming aware. The notice shall specify in reasonable detail the event of Force Majeure and the steps and measures the Party is"taking to minimize its consequences. pretrpljenu Stem .i gubitke svede na , minimum pri Cemu ce pismeno obavestiti , ostale Ugovome strane, najkasnije 7 dana od saznanja 0 uticaju Vi~e sile. Obav~je ce sadrZati detaljan opis dogadaja prouzrokovanog Viwm silom kao i mere i radnje koje Ugovorna 'strana preduzima u cilju maksimalnog sinanjenja posledica tog delovanja. '. 83 The performance of the obligations of a 8.3 Ispunjavanje Party affected by the Force Majeure event shall, subject to proper notification set out above, be suspended for the, period while the Force Majeure, event continues. Any event which is caused by a Party's negligence or default or by his, deliberate act or that of his employees or agents (such as labor strikes or shortage of funds) shall not be considered Force Majeure events. obaveza Ugovome strane .r s koja je pretrpela uticaj Vise sile ce uz odgovarajuCe, gore navedeno oba~je, biti obUstavljeno tokom perioda delovanja Vi~ sile. Bile koji dogadaj. koji je nastao kao posledica. nemara i1i gre~e kao i namemog delovanja Ugovorne strane .ili njenih zaposlenih, odnosno zastupnika (kao Sto je, Strajk radnika ili manjak sredstava) nece se smatrati delovanjem Vise sile. NS 9. OSTALE ODREDBE 9.1 Confidentiality Before the Closing, Date, "the Buyer shall keep .confidential all information and documents received from, the Share Fund or the, Entity (except for information and documents, already in the public domain). The Buyer" undertakes not" to, disclose the information or documents, to any person (except its employees. agents or representatives who need it for due diligence purposes in relation to this transaction). If this Agreement is terminated or becomes null and void for any reason, the Buyer agrees to return to the Share Fund all documents (including all copies) containing information received under this Agreemen~,",or under the auction process. ' 9.1. Poverljivost 9.2 Entire Agreement This Agreement, , together with its Annexes (which constitute an integral part hereof) and the documents ~igned by the , Buyer as part of the' auction, procedure, make up ,the Parties' entire agreement relating to this transaction and all previous discussions, otiations or eements 9.2. Celovitost ugovora Ovaj Ugovor, zajedno sa Aneksima (koji cine, njegov sastavni deo), i ,dOkumeIltacijom koJa se Yodnosi na postupak aukcije i koja je potpisana od strane Kupca, saCSinjava,celokupan ugovor . Ugovornih strana koji se odnosi na ow transakciiu, a sve rethodne, rag rave, ww w. CI , Pre Dana ispunjenosti uslova; .Kupac ce drZati "u tajnosti "sve informacije i dokumentaciju koju je primio od Akcijskog fonda ili Subjekta ,.(izuzev onih informacija i dokumentacije koje' su vee javno dostupne). Kupac prihvata. obavezu da nikome ne otkriva infonnacije i dokumentaciju (osim zaposlenima, odnosno zastupnicima i .predstavnicima kojima su one potrebne radi due diligence izrade koja se odnosi na transakciju). Ako dode do raskidarija ovog Ugovora ili se Ugovor proglasi .nistavim, Kupac ce, u tom slu~ju. vratiti Akcijskom .fondu svu dokumentaciju (i sve kopije) koje sadt'ze podatke koji se odnose na Ugovor ili postupak aukcije. 10 odnosno ·are hereby cancelled and- superseded by this Agreement. This Agreement. may only' be amended! by a written', instrument signedby allParties hereto.' sporazumi se poniStavaju iii .zamenjujti ovim .,..Ugovorom. OVaj Ugovor se, mom izmeniti samo u pisano} fonni potpisanoj .od strane svih Ugovomih strana, 9;3.Language . . This Agreement has been' executed in the Serbian .language. Where theBuyer is not a Serbian company or individual, this Agteemeiii shall be executed' in Serbian> . and English and both texts are authentic.: In the' event or ally discrepancy betweenthe versions, the. Serbian .. version shall govern.: The English version may be usedfor evidentiary purposes. 'r s language 9.3 Jezik Ova]. Ugevor". je SaCinjen na. srpskom jeziku, Ako Kupae nerna sediSte na teritioriji Republike Srbije, odnosIlo ako kupac .mje dr~vljariin> Srbije, ovaj Ugovor ce biti saeinjen na srpskom i engleskom jezikir i obe: verzije : ce biti autentifue. U slu~ju bilo: kakve nesagIasnosti iztnedu ovih verzija, merodavna 6e' biti veriija na srpskom jeziku. Engleska. verZija sluE' samo za infonnativnu svrhu. .•.... neee ww ! w. CI NS .r 9.4 Severability 9.4 pelimiena mStitvost , Uvek kada je moguce, odredbe ovog Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be. interpreted in such Ugovora ce biti. tu:rnaCene tako da su manner as to. be eff&tive and valid wider punovaZne po merodavnom pravtl,' ali ako applicable law, but ifany provision of this bilo koja odredba ovog Ugovora nije Agreement shall be unenforceable' or punovaZna ill. primen1jiva po merodavnom :invalid under> applicable' law, such pravu, takva odredb~ vaziti samo u meri u kojoj nije punovaZna odnosno provision shall be' ineffective only to the primenljiva, dok ce ostale bdtedbe ovog 'extent of '.such -unenforeeability or invalidity, and the remaining' provisions of .Ugovora ostati na ;~nazL .lJ navedenom this .Agreement shall continue to be in full slureju; Ugovorne .strane 6e pristupiti effect. 'In .: the event of such savesnim . pregovorima '. iadi izmeaa, unenforceability or invalidity, the Parties odnosno dopuna ovog Ugovora koje su hereto shall negotiate in good faith to .. 'potrebne da " bi se oCUCYala' volja agree on' the .changes or amendments of Ugovornih strana. this Agreement that are required to carry .'"out the intent of this. Agreement. 95 Copies of the Agreement 9.5 Primerci ugovora This .Agreement ....has been sighed in 4 Ovaj Ugovor je potpisan U 3 primerka od copies, one of which shall be given to the kojih .ce jedan biti .pre