1R !V] September 26, 20IB Dear Friend, The time to act is now I With the crucial Midterm Elections fast approachinq, the union bosses are pouring hundreds of mifl_ions of dolfars into the campaigns of their pet politicians. Their goal: To seize controf of both the U.S. House and Senate this year and set the sta ge to recapture the White House in 2020. That's why your IMMEDIATE action is criticaÌ. You see, I recently sent afl of your candidates for U. S. Senate a Candidate Survey asking them to pledge 100% oppos i t ion to forced unionlsm. The issue is s l-e: Should a worker be forced to pav dues or fees to a un]-on boss just to t or keep a iob? Now, T have good nehrs and bad The in total ne\^rs. good nerds is, Republican Leah Vukmir has taken a stand opposition to forced unionism. Leah Vukmir o oses unfon monopol y bargainin g porder supports the Freedom from Union Viofence Act and Natlonal and Riqht to Work Act. But there is bad netvs, too. Democrat Tammy BaÌdwin has, so far, faiÌed to return her candidate Survey, and with wisconsin being a Right to Vùork state, that potentially means real trouble. That's whv f hope vou'll sign and mail one of the encl-osed ostcards to Tamm Bal-dwin toda And will you afso ask your friends and refatives 8001 Braddock Road ¡ I . Springfield, virginia 22160 . www.nrtw.org to sign SEN and mail lhe extra postcards I've enclosed? History has taught us that whenever polit.icians try to hide their positions on the compulsory unionism issue, it usually means they plan to vote for Big Labor's radical agenda. That's why j-t's critícal you act at once. You know as wel-l as I do the historicaf Big Labor's forced-dues *** consequences of por^/er: Nearly 10 BILLION doffars a year has been stripped from the pockets of hardworkj-nq men and women who money they earn would be fired if they didn't pay to support their families, churches and communities; Forced unionism has been deadly to milfions of small businesses. Union-Ìabel politiclans and bureaucrats have stranqled businesses with confiscaLory taxes, straitjacket requlatlons and destructive laws, damaging our economy and drlvlng good jobs overseas or out of existence; *** Billions in forced-dues dollars have bankrolled radical, Tax-and-Spend poj-iticians l-ike Barack Obama, HilJ-ary CÌinton, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, resulting in out-of-control- spending, skyrocketing taxes and soarlnq debt; and Union thugs have terrorized workers and communities with violent strikes where they got away with sometlmes even murder. beatings, arson I'm sure you can see why it's vltal you insist your opposition to ,Big Labor's forced-dues candidates pledge total aqenda. Now, with the November Midterm Efectlons fast approaching, there isn't much time Here's how you can help: 1) Sign and mail one of the enclosed postcards to Democrat Tammy BaÌdwin, or better yet, write a personal letter and qive the postcards toa friend; 2) Ask your friends, reÌatives and coworkers to sign and mail- the extra postcards I've enclosed; 3) Compfete and return the enclosed Riqht to Work Repl-y with a contribution (if you can) to help pay for the National- Rj-ght to Work Committee/ Candidate Survey Program. Memorandum s With so much on the line this vear, f 'm realJ-Y stretching mv budqet to help keep Riqht to Work sup'oorters informed about whi-ch of thei-r candidates stand with them and which stand with ' the union boss elite. So, if you can hetp financially, Whatever wíII help. Vou can do $500 , I'd really ç250, $100, $50 appreciate it. or ç25 But whatever you do, please insist u.s. Senate Democrat incumbent Tammy Baldwin come clean on the compulsory unionism issue and return her Candidate Survey at once. SincereÌy, 4ø*q-Mark Mix President P. S. Democrat Tammv of vour candidates for U.S. Senate has so far refused to tell You and me her Baldwin pos ítion on the forced-unionism issue. One Tt's vital you put the heat on Tammy Baldwin by sending her one of the enclosed postcards. And pe rhaps, if vou have time, cóntact Leah Vukmir and thank her for pÌedqinq 100% opposition to Bio Labor's forced-dues agenda. Please act TODAY ! 2018 Roster of Candidates . \Misconsin 20f 8 Candidate Survey 1. If elected, will you cosponsor and seek roll-call votes on legislation to repeal the provisions in federal laws which authorize compulsory union 6. law which impose new penalties on employers who resist attempts by union officials to impose compulsory unionism on their employees? dues? 2. 3. 4. Will you support repeal of existing federal laws which force employees to accept a union as their exclusive representative against their will? 7. Do you favor preservation of Section 1a@) of the Taft-Hartley Act, which authorizes state Right to Work laws? 8. If elected, will you cosponsor and seek rollcall votes on legislation to end union officials' special immunity from prosecution presently enjoyed under the federal Hobbs Anti-Extortion statute? 5. Will you oppose any revisions to federal labor Will you oppose legislation that seeks to impose a so-called "card check" procedure as a means of unionizing employees? Will you oppose all implementation of uniononly "Project LaborAgreements," which deny non-union contractors and their employees the freedom to bid on government projects? 9. Will you oppose federal legislation that seeks to establish or mandate union monopoly bargaining standards on all state and local police officers as well as firefighters? Will you oppose the forced unionization of federal, state, county and municipal employees? U.S. Senate Question 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 YYY YYY YYY 9 Hon. Tammy Baldwin-D P.O. Box 696 Madison, WI53701 Leah Vukmir-R 945 Post Rd. Brooldeld, WI53005 NOTE: The National Right to Work Committee@, of course, endorses no candidates. We are a nonpartisan organization. But we believe that you as a Right to Work supporter are entitled to know which candidates will support the right of every American to eam a living -- without having to pay union bosses for the privilege. BACKGROUNDER The information below is helpful in explaining the questions on the front of this form. offices. Recent examination of union LM-2 filings with the Department of Labor reveal that Big Labor admits to spending more than a BILLION dollars per election cycle 5. For many years, Congress has seen bills to authorize the forced unionization of public employees at various levels of government. Several of these proposals are aimed at state, county and municipal employees and would nulliff existing state laws which shield public employees from union monopoly bargaining and other forms of union coercion. Other bills would strip postal workers and other federal employees of the freedom to refuse to pay union dues guaranteed by the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970 andexecutive orders dating back to the Kennedy on political activities, Administration. The problem of compulsory unionism was created by Congress. It will not be solved until Congress repeals the existing federal atthorizations of compulsory unionism. 6. 1. The firing of workérs who refuse to pay union clues andlor fees is explicitly authorized and promoted by both the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and the Railway LaborAct ßfA). Union officials use a large portion of workers' compulsory-dues dollars for "in-kind" political spending on goods and services to elect candidates for federal 2. A union, under present federal laws, is empowered to represent and bind all employees in a company's bargaining unit -- including employees who oppose the union and don't want its "services." This monopoly bargaining power, generally described as "exclusivebargaining," deprives employees of their right to bargain for themselves. Union officials fought for this power and refuse to give it up; yet they complain they are "unfairly burdened by the legal obligation" to represent non-members. Such complaints are intended to pave the way for forcing objecting workers to pay for representation they do not want. 3. Twenty-seven states have passed Right to Work laws shielding ìwage earners covered by the NLRA from forceddues payment. Thesé laws typically say, "No person shall be required, as a condition or continuation of employment, to pay any dues, fees, assessments or other similar charges, however denominated, of any kind or amount to a labor organization." The authority of states to adopt and enforce such laws is reaffirmed by Section l4(b) of the Taft-HartleyAct. 4. Extortion, as a technique, is extremely useful to union officials in obtaining demands for compulsory-union shops, "agency" shops, compulsory-union hiring halls, irrevocable dues check-offs and other coercive contract clauses. While most criminal law is administered at the state and local levels, Congress has imposed federal penalties against criminal obstruction of interstate conìmerce (through extortion, for example), because state and local law enforcement are often ill-equþed to restrain this type of criminal activity. But, as federal law currently stands, union officials have unique immunities from prosecution for committing or threatening to commit felonies -- such as murder, manslaughter, maiming, arson, properfy destruction, explosives or firearms offenses, etc. -- to block interstate coÍìmerce if they seek to obtain "legitimate union objectives." Congress has considered bills that would revamp existing federal labor law and make it much easier for union organizers to obtain recognition as employees' "exclusive" monopoly bargaining "tepresentatives" -- including those employees who don't want union "representation." These bills would give union officials more powerful weapons to force American workers under union bargaining control and force them to pay union dues to keep theirjobs. 7. Congress has previously considered legislation that would impose the so-called "card check" process on workers. Under "card check," union organizers are only required to "convince" a majority of workers into signing so-called "union authorization cards." Independent-minded workers who choose not to sign cards become targets of harassment, threats or even violence. 8. Many administrations, most recently Barack Obama's, have imposed Project LaborAgreements (PLAs) via executive orders. Project LaborAgreements require that private companies bidding on government contracts sign agreernents to force all their employees to pay union dues and contribute to bankrupt union pension plans, from which their employees will never receive benefits. Amendments to appropriation bills to ban PLAs have recently been voted on, but so far have failed to pass. 9. Legislation has been introduced in Congress to mandate that all states impose monopoly union representation on all local and state police, fireflghters and emergency workers. The legislation would ovenide several state laws that prohibit government entities from requiring that individual workers be represented by labor unions. Additionally, the legislation puts the federal government bureaucracy in charge of establishing so-called "minimum standards" and enforcing the law. In states where union officials have already been granted this monopoly bargaining power, public safety union officials simply ignore no-strike clauses and hold taxpayers hostage until their demands ate met, virtually always guaranteeing higher taxes for the public. Reply Memorandum Mark Mix, President National Right to Work Committee 8001 Braddock Road Springfield, V A 22160 To From: Dear Mark: I agree! It's vital all my candidates pledge total opposition to forced unionism, that's why I have: tr Signed and mailed postcards to my candidates, urging them to retum their Right to'Work Candidate Surveys 100% opposed to compulsory unionism. tr Written a personal letter or otherwise contacted my candidates. fl Enclosed a contribution of: tr $500 U $2s0 tr Sl00 tr $50 tr other Please make your check payable and return $ tr $2s to: NRTWC National Right to Vy'ork Committeeo . Springfield, Virginia 22160 . (103) 321-9820 8001 Braddock Road The Cornmittee is l-ol'cecl to spend precious resources on this activity even though the Comlnittee has always made available to contributors -- directly, upon request and wirhgut bureaucratic middlemen -- the inÍÌ¡rmatìon the states require. The Committee's adninislt'ative and mailing costs are increasecl, and a portion of your. contribrrfion is wasle(l on complying with excessive state. fedelal and local regulations. We are sorry this diversion of your harcf-eamed contribution occurs, bt¡t rve must obcy the larvs of each state. Here arc the paper-consuming, time-squanclering resulLs of five states' buleaucratic regulations. The Comrnittee encourages its nrembels in the refered states below to coritact their statc legislaüors and the agencies Inentioued to protest these onerous regulatiorrs (with which fiaudulent charities virtrrally never conply) that burden responsible organizations such a^s thc National Right to Work Committee@;. FOR FLOR]DARESIDENTS: REG# CHII09. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND F'INANCIAL, INFOI{T\4ATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVIS1ON OF CONSUMER SERVIöES AI WWW.SOOHELPFLA.COM OR BY CALLING TOLL-FREE, WITHIN THE STATE, I -800-435-7352, REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY TIIE STATE. FOR NEWYORK RESIDENTS: A COPY OF THE COMMI'ITEE'S LAST ANNUAL REPORT, FILED WITI,I T[{Ë ATTORNEY CENER L.IvtAyBË OBT.A.INED, UPON IìUQUEST, FROMlHE COM MIT"IEE AT 8OO I BITADDOCK ROAD, SPRING}'IEI.D, VI RGINIA 22 I 60. OR FROM I'IIE AT"TORNEYGENERAL, OFI'ICE OF TII{EA1'lORNEY CENERÀL, DEPT OF LAW CHARII'IES BUREAU, I20 I}ROADV/AX NEW YORK, NY IO27I. ]'TIE COMMITTEE IVIAKBS CONTRIBUTIONS T'O NONAFFILIATËD ORGANIZAT'IONS. A LIST OF ORCANIZ-ATIONS TO V/HICH SUCH CONTRIBU'I'IONS I-{AVE BEEN MADE IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE COMMITTËE IJPON REQIJEST. FOR VIRGINIA RESIDENTS¡ A FINANCìIAL STATEMENT IS AVAILABLE FROM TI{E DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES UPON REQUEST. FOR NORTII CAROTTNA RESIDENTS: FINANCIALINFORMAI'ION AI]OU]'TTIIS ORGANIZAI]ON AND A COPY OF ITS I-,ICENSE ARE AVAII,AI]T,E F-ROM TFIE S'D\I'E SOLICITr'IION LICENSINC I}I{ANCFI AT (B8B) 830.4989. TÉIE LICENSE IS NOTAN ENDORSEMEN]'f]YTI{E SlAIE. FOR. PENNSYLVANIA RESIDENTS: THE OFFIC]AL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION OF THE NATIONALRIGHTTO WORK COMMITTEE MAYBE OBTAINED FROM THI PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF STATE BY CALLING TOLL-FREE. W ITI] I N PENNSYLVANIA, I -800-732-0999. REGISTRAT] ON DOES NOT I I\,1 PLY ENDORSEMENT. 'I'he National lìiglrt ro [¡ork committee's washington, D.c., lìeaclquafters is located at orrr nation's capital at 8001 Elraddook Roacl . Sprìngfield,yA22160. Telephone (703)3?-l9820 or (800) 32-5-7892. Becausc of NRTWC's tax-exe mpt status under IlìC Sec. 50 I (c) (4) and its state and lèderal legislative activities, contlibutiorrs aro not tax cleductible as charitable contributions tRC $ I 70) or as busireìs deducrions (lRC { I ó2(e)(l)). ilil NOPOSTAGE NECESSARY lt IFMAILED INTHE UMTEDSTATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL MAIL PERMIT NO. E INATIONAL RIGHT TO WORK COMMITTEE I8OO1 BRADDOEK ROAD SPRINGFIELD, VA 22151-9986 ¡hIILI ,II ¡ ,Ir¡,r¡¡¡ ¡IIrI,,rII,¡I¡il¡,Itl It,I t,II POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE Dear American should be forced to pay a union boss just to get or keep a job. No So, if you haventt answered the National- Right to Work Committee's Candidate Survey, pledging 100% opposition to forced unionism, please do so at once. If you have already answered the Candidate Survey with 100% support for niøir,t to Work, thank you. Sì-ncereIy, Dear No American should be forced to PaY a union boss just to get or keep a job. So, if you haven't answered the National Right to Work Committee's Candidate Survey, ptedging 100% opposition to forced unionism, please do so at once. If you have already answered the Candidate Survey with 100% support for Right to Vrlork, thank you. Sincerely, Dear No American should be forced to pay a union boss just to get or keep a job. So, if you haven't answered the National Right to Work Committee's Candidate Survey, pledging 100% opposition to forced unionism, please do so at once. Tf you have already answered the Candidate Survey with 100% support for Right to Work, thank you. Sincerely, Dear