~, • • ~ ~."" .'." ,..... • .;1'. • \. ~ •• ~ ~ . . . . . 4IIh . . _ . ' ~.. _ _. ... _ _ ~ •• : • " \1 4 Nov.l,1907 SLl':;;j~:;:~: I k~ .~. ~etro;;011t~n ?~le Lot 0"716 'O"'e11'" ~.,...~ '"'' '=:'."_'" '1 '::'"_" to! ~ I ••• '''_ .. :'''''::' _ _ _ .... _ v~.,.., •. ::.?1~ us~c ~ol" th~s evaluatlo'l'l .....a s ?la~~fleld Jla~t a~d ~~s celivered to The in tte Y:r. ro~ ?e~~y a~out Cct. 1,1967. prvdt:cec us by j "1 The ~etro talc sr.o~s greater retent1o'l'l for tr.8~ does our Ver~ont talc ar.a the lnclcatlons a~a t~at the rate of es~a~e is very close to that perftice devlope~ ~ith Italian talc. ~e ran a gravicetr1c rate loss test on tales contair.ir.g 1% ?-5 in open dishes and fl~d t~e rate loss very close to Ita11~~ talc at both 70 anc 100~ for the ~etro snc significantly faster for c~e Ver~ont. (Graphs 1 a :I" .. ." :J fL, 2) I' I The Xetr0 ~alc ~oes l~O~ S~~W t~c c~~~l~y ~ote unde~ c~rc~~sta~ces w~ic~ c~ea~e ttat aro~a tr. Ver~ont c. I tales. Since tne o~lgi~al p~oble~ in pe~fu~ery eeveloped at a lc~: dose of ?-5 ."e elected to set up a sto~age ' -'.... (-t .. . . ne ... nree ~~, wG~cs ~ c. '4~ __ Gn, Vercon~,~e ~o ) a~~ test w1 ..~n p-.5 at 0.1% lnctiba tee at 120F for three \>reeks. Tr.e Vermo~t article cevelops a chalky tone whereas the other t\·:o c.ia not. I ': I:;"'.,. ; r. ; I' The above tests lead us to bel~eve t~at the cose of etther ? or ?-5 would provice a satisfactory aroma life ~lth ~etro ty~e talc. Our tescs were li~lted in that we did r.ot ineluce the r.~utrallze~ a t ti1~s point. " co~~ercial I . '~ \ .: f .! •..,1 \ '. ~}~C=~~ f"o~ ri~e~es.s ::"1e :·:e~~c ""',-'/s'c-l ."',-~~ ;:> !"'.... .:. -=- c~':'~-C"""~1S"~CS .• :;. ~ u_ . . ~ \.1_ .••••• _"-' ........ • • • '~_ talc ~!. ts the ( ~i""'ca-'l",,~,'~";:> (""'-"""" • •1 l~'-'·_.. ""~"v_. .....a_oJ. ..... ~~e s~~~~e~: en ~~~C is sl~~~~ly on t~e CO~~~ 2~ce: a s11~~tly ~~c~~Gsec ~~~~C S~G~:c brl~5 It ~~~o rc~~~. ~ii.e~~loglc~:ly ~n= ~alc is al~hou~~ a l~~~e ~2~c~~:a[e ~~ t~e ~""'r Cl~._ .. ,~-}, "'.:1....... s~--.:>,; ..c......· ,......:....~- -~.... a:-,:,'_~._ ..,0 -'---'" sir.ce ~";"l·.:':lo ... ;:.._ • '-""c ~l. TlI,,::a.~ ._..:tU t~e cl~aYace pr~c0~1~~~::y pl~~J ~:~tes a~~ ~ra~e~ l"'~'" or• S·o-.:> or• c-....... ,) -',~.,.." .. ..l·,J 1"..,C\..a ~ ~ ':-....,--, t",...,o .. :4. L. ... ....; ••• 'h.. gr . . . r:~l.r-€ of I ;:)~.c. ~':" ~r2crys~~ls frv~ a .".:> --.., •. ,..,,,.\' .. &.,J ......,::;. .. ",~,,"..&.r·..:> ...~ .. ~euf:OJ. s~~p~e of ) j ".: ..--, " /. • Plaintiff's Exhibit J&J 124 tn~ J&J-0076514 Protected Document··Subject to Protective Order JNJAZ55_000012423 2 roc~ !s ~0r~al. Optlcally.~y coun:,thA pro~uct 1s ~111<' ) -.-!," c::' LJ nolo-i"'" a rl d~'" a .. Ie"<:-!" q,r.' -'f- ·_'c "~.l. : ' '> ." ,,_ l.i. 0:- , ... e~~ of 'l:re~o!.~:f:. ::~~ associat'.e ~1r.~r31s are ll..~eriited rro~ th~ tnlc c~ystals. .. , •• n • • '" The talc has j ,/, ..w:..... ,: "( h~Gt cha~ecte~ slip, good flow ar.d 1s re~arkably \·!n:te. It 1s })t'obably the "rhltest co~merc!a11y available talc which ~e have observed at the 20~ ~esh grIr.e level. The ca:-boll2. te 1>J10:;.1 te 1s actually calcHl;TI Iilaeneslu::: c2.:'bO'C-:2.~e'. Th:s assays 2'::lOUt 5% usiT'..g the stro~e acid ~ethod ar.c close to 4~ us1ng the tltra~1on u::etr.cd. ':'015 car·cor.Bte level reClulres ~p to 1% of sesql11citrate ~o ~alnte~n O~r historic pH l1~!ts In the f1.;,1.S:1ed pr-c,':ucc. ;.. 1% neutralizer con\..ent Is prohlbltlve~y high. Ses~ulc!~rate in the 0.2% area brinGs the in!t1cl p~ of ~he prcduct close to neutral ar:d the:-;;: i:':lgi;~ be SO:i:e T.er!. t ill consIdering SUch a procuct 'ot::' of course the effect \-lould be to or1ft up to t~e h1&her al~a~lne r~r.gcs over the 18 hr Talc cont~ol test we now use. ( Graph Ill) Sour~e a~d ?rccessi~~ Tha talc ore nrocessed from the at depth depos1~ in ~adoc ~n entario ?lalnrleld co~es ~hlch we explored so~e yea~s.cgo. Tr.e :acoc ce~osl~ roes a lot In co~~on wlth talc r~O~ ~~e ~o010~'C~~ a~~ Ita ~l~n J.. c<-. _.......l \.0. ~ t')..... _ ~ ... '" ~.... .. ... ~ ~'~~--~~-'c-l ~".1..o.._ ~ G.J. v!~.. c;, nOlnts of vle~':.':'he associate r:-,1Y:erals 1';1 t;le d1.strlct are very s~~~lar ar.d the crystal hablt of the tales are also ve~y s~:J~lal' to the Italian sitllatlon. Thus there would be every r~ascn to ex~ect the t~o tales to ne:'for::J a~out the Slan make a?a:lable to ~ho~eve~ ~ould like to r~n I / to so~e tes:s with it. Although I 2~ ;e~50~ally 1mr>resse~ 'I;~ t:-, the ~2.·::,orar.or:t scale ~ussell ar.c I ~avc co~e) a large~ co~~~r~atlon G~ a ~l:ot plant batch co~l~ prove use~ul. ?or eXB~ple ~his should he~ada U? with whateve~ pe~~~~e levels '.·;o.x are us£;c in the olat,t toc.ay ar;G. m~2'~t ev'alua:e the hole i !\:; pO'.'rer· for t:~e perfu::-,e in the po:·:der· puff ur:1..t also. ~1r'. ··:1 I Russell prepared arid arraneed the at tacr,ec. da ta. . .. '.>1. Ashton ; ~ . ,.. (,- , I l . ~-'. t: ::: f '~ I··.· ., . ,", . ' i; -.~ 1.. f '0 - ., ----.. ~ -.... , ~. - , .. ':'.' L: .. ... ~ J&J-0076516 Protected Document··Subject to Protective Order JNJAZ55_000012425 // e- . . .-.':L-': -, - ,. /J ,~;, 1---:-.- . - J~ . ~ . _. !""::," J 5' //~: ~~o;.~;~;:, '-'J ~.:J ,t'; ~ ::=3: " ".~~:~I" ;::~~~~ .._~~- '.~.,;~.__" .U·.__ ./.J.. ,....J-'--~r.·.~_.-_ _ ____.:.__ ~_w . . _ . - , .. I" I"'! ~'~.....-, L' ':.;-'." L" r :_~~., '.0' •• ' ) ~: ~ .':-" _. ~~:;~~t{~~ti~~~¥~[~ig . .01· . . I ~~ ' .. I r' · r__·__ .. l .•. I I • '," .j •. :r:=.. , . .. ~ ··-'-r:· ·+==r· I. ~~-+=-~~~~~=t=-'-i: .----l-~··-.=±t:. ---·-----r---------..;. . . .•.. . . I ·. l---'---";'~--- 1-'----':---.- ~--~;===-, --.-.--;-·----r~-=-:~-~--· -'----.,..~:_.-_;_.____r_ ..... ;' i I I . '._--'' ' --'--/ ~ I '~i . -'-'--;--__'_, _ _----r:_+-_-.;..._ _ __ ~ _ ~_~ -~~-:---~--~-~_:_---.,....~-~-.....:....:....:.....:..---.J--r-~--.:..--~.L---...:-----. .,......--:---..,;.--....;.~-_--:.....:....._-..:-L I " __• L.-_' I --:---;---'-_:-'-'--1 I .... I ~ SL:-r..~ ~ t, .' • ", ~~ ' I : , :. 'l. ~.-_ y-- ~., • . I '. ..., ': - ~, ., I I' I I , I . ; I I. "i' r-:--;-;-! I' I I I • . I I ' • : - I Ll." -!...-_~ ! I I. ':.' '¢q" I' I.,,·· -~ " i! It' '. I , , ' , , , I '~I , . I • . I It; • l' I I ._-~~' I:· .±t..!_._._!...._'_'_'_'_:.~., ~,~ ,,··r.· I ",.. •• , •• z... I ....-: . I I ,,~... ~""'~-:/.' _., .... ;.-/ I : I. t.· J_ _'_'_':'.' :,,:~-'" !. 1 . ,'! ! : ': . I '1 I . 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I ~h-_I ; ~., 1 -r-~. :... !~."'! .: 1---''---:---'';' ,j. ~--~=. -t I . ;,-1_'- ' . -' I ! • 1-,....,---- -l _-I -- ..:..----~----I I - ~~I . I· : I" i . ; .' --,':-~! ,._.__=r-'.-!.........L. . ! ,I I , I j. '-~ : ~, I ; I' I --l " i . I I I' '.; ' ." • ---r-!~ j ~ 1 riT""liT-""';-in'T~±§''':?? 1 . I ,I. : . J 1 -----...::----.:..-....;,-+---~----~----'----_1 sb':J:':I' =·j:t:',=~l R T .J I- ' ! :t:ci:.::C=t , ; -, -:---;---r-:-' I ! -1:---,- .. ' l ~ . . __...J L __'_,_ _ - 1 - - _ - - 1 - _ 1 1 "1 L. • I : h'r-1'-+'~'++--:-:.....,_1 I I 1•.- - : f I I f I r L.T~+-:-' - ; I r, :: " . .... :.. : ~ ._..,.....-.;"._._.-,.._.,..._ _ C=---:---;-. 1., ~. -,-.---r 1 ")>----- : :>7 -- --j____ I ~ '-;;1\ ! .~ •.•. I' ~' . : i /[.> -----i ~ C-._.. :.-.. J fV'~9!-±~~~~~~~-·~ t1--'-----. -3 / .~~=_ ------r·-·- _.... L_. . .:_=t---:-~::.-. =--=: '~:_=±_.~_~_~-~~::-·c~==-~~:-:. _ ._... ---- ~~=- _=·t=_~-- -;-----:..--.-, J&J-0076517 JNJAZ55_000012426 Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order 11I-.- an I I I l- ?ML?n?nn.? ?I?f I .. I, I - rur-?guru.-.? 77.020 -..-.J8IJ-007651 8 Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order a I . n-bh? I . 4- i .. ?can .. I . . . I 2-251. - luv. 1 K. :35" .41! 'l r- . I 3--953} i?uil If: 1? i inf?.- - -L- Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order TABLE I Physic~l & Che~ical D3ta ------------- ness % -60 than -100 -2.00 100% 99.98% 96.85% less than 10 'lie ppm 0.3 , Soluble Iron ction (2 oz) nco TAPPEU) ma~. min. passes 130 ec 72 cc 100% 99.90% 99.0% less than 10 less than 2 ppm 100% 100% 99.7$ less than 10 0.7 passes passes 125 cc 73 cc 137· cc 72 cc ..., . , l,(.. PC /_', J&J-0076520 Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order JNJAZ55_000012429 TAELE II --M2tro Total Tc:ilc 93% ~\l ) Vermont Talc 54-23 Batch £'9:; 99-1~ 94% . Platy .90% Nonplaty 95% 3% 3$ 5 n:que:;; < 1 \ ,{ i' 90% 8% 5 - 9':7 1 1-2 1-3 trace trac'; 1-2 trace 4 none trace trace trace ·f r.' 9C'~ "'/0 - arpentine trace 93 88 'remoli te 1 _._- 86% ;arbona tcs ...t Italian Talc I , 0' ," l "-. ~PrGduced AUGust 21,1907 at West Windsor i' I • .. j / ! / r.t ". S. / ' , ;:. ~ "I . R\ Lw..l:L! f', f) J&J-0076521 Protected Documen t --Subject to Protective Order JNJAZ55_000012430