Plaintiffs' Exhibit 212 Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order ..... .. -----_._--'.- '------------.---......:-~ • ~..,...,. -.-.O\"., ,." '-"',' .., , ' .,. ..-.. _ .....'"'-:.. .......- - , - - - - - - . _ ............_ . *_. ..... • _ _ ...... _ .••. ..-.. _ _ -!'_. 40_ MOUNT SINAI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE of TIlt City UllivC/'sity of New York FIPTH AVENUI! AND tOOTH STRCflT'NCW YORK, N.Y. 10029 November 10, 1971 , DIp;2r"~lnl (If COl7lmllnlly ~ftdicint • ." " 00· • ; o. Dr. Gavin Hildick~Smith, Director tif tl inical Research Johnson and Johnson Research Division New, Brunswick, New Jers~y .' -, (0 I have in front of me a letter dated August 9, 1971 adcressed to Dr.Selikbff indicating your wish to receive 'some information on the Tenovus sampl~ that you so kindly lent to us. I have been putting off answering this letter not because I am a feisty devil so much as the f~ct that I lost the letter on my desk~ I called your office last vleek. You \,.Jere out and I feel that I would do as well to' report to you in wri tinge I', I ,'. -~'" 1 \" .... In respect to the Tenovus ~amples that were sent td us, we made the follO\'v'ing observations. hie did find some grains that resembled talc with the usual e'lectron diffraction pattern consistent for a sheet sit icate structure. Again, we have no definitive means of identifying the particle on the basis of its electron diffraction pattern in that many sheet silicates yield a similar array of spots. We assume that the particle~ were talc or, rather, were co~sistent with talc. We also got a fe\.." su'rp r is es in tha t \'le obse rved some ch ryso til e as bes tos to be present in the tissue as well. We have been kicking this observation around the Laboratory for a' \'Jhi leand we might consider a publication somewhere -- just a short note 'Indicating that we have observed these materials preserit in the tissues. We have also analyzed one of your talc samples in some ~etail. In addition to the nomlal platy talc present, we have observe~ many Ilfibrous talcs" as \'lel L This fibrous talc material clo~cly rescmblis ~ormal platy talc but appears with a greater length aspect.' Its:,terminations are prism terminations and " Protected Document--Subject to Protective Order JNJAZ55_000005254 ... ~,.:.-",..:.,a.:.:;.:.~-__ .... _..... -_-.....- ..-.--_._---........-.. ' , l ,.1. - .~.,.,-~ .... _....... _'. -... ..._- ...... ~ ,. __ ......_-------- ... -".~~_.~ ........~..: __ ................ ~......-..~\._.:...-:- ... . , ~~., . ! ." 'j .. .. . -.' .. ' - ' -......_ ' - -..._-------_--.......~:..-'--._-----_._. I.' '. '.: ... ·,1 I ..... ' Dr. GavIn Hlldick-Smith .t ......... November 10" 197J . '; 'C"'j" i· ,. : . Puge Two • and the general characteristics under the electron microscope do Indeed resemble normal talc. Electron diffraction on -th.eS-e--g-H)-i..f.i.s-aga-L.I+-Y..~-Q,.kj·5-these g ra i ns ilga in yi e 1ds a ta 1c . pattern which is a very well-defined hexagonal array of spots. We ~lso observed trace amount~ of chrysotile asbestos o~ly when the ta1c \·/as sonified an'd markedly dispersed. The amounts of chrysotile are relatively small, occurringin.amounts, we estimate, at less than .01%. The J & J baby talc is of quite high qual ityand as a matter of fact, in relation to the 'number of samples \'Je have examined thus far, it is the "purest". ". We just thought that \'/e would pass this information along, to 'you as our colleagues in scientific research and you may use It as you w.ish. Again, many thanks for giving us the samples and a110\'/ing us to look them over. Incidentally, I am very interested in obtaining some of your material called sodium sesquicitrate which has been bandied about as possessing a. structure that is not unlike chrysbtlle. Do you think you coG1d have one of your research boys send me some of this? "W '.' '(f~" " . "0'" Again, many thanks, .and need any further information, please don't hesitate to call on me. . ' Sincerely, . . -:" ....... ,,~~~v • ~1. Langer ' \ Associate Professor Arthur M.ineralogy .. .". AML:lkh ....... l..> . ...- .. "; -. ' .. ~. . ... . , :'0 . / JNJAZ55_000005255 Protected Docu";'ent--5ubject to Protective Order