jg? i "g United States Department of the interior n. AU or LAND MANAGI Mi N?t? Washington. DC 20240 ittlp: gov in Reply Refer To I 104 (420) Memorandum To: New Mexico State Director From: Assistant Director. National Landscape Conservation System and Community Partnerships and Senior Donations Manager Subject: Approval to Accept Proposed Donation li'orn the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association We have reviewed all relevant information submitted by the BLM New Mexico State Of?ce regarding the proposed donation from the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association (NMOGA) needed to conduct a compliance assessment under the Departmental Donations Policy (374 DM 6), and have determined all relevant requirements have been met. In addition, based on vetting the proposed donor in collaboration with the Solicitors O?ice. we have concluded that there are no outstanding issues that would cause us to decline or recommend declining the proposed donation. As such, we approve and authorize the BLM New Mexico Of?ce to accept NMOGA's proposed donation of $800,000, the use of which will be governed under a one-year Memorandum of Agreement between the BLM and NMOGA and signed by the New Mexico State Director and President of the NMOGA. Consideration of acceptance of any future donations from NMOGA will be subject to additional donor vetting and review considerations as outlined in Departmental and BLM donations guidance and policy and will require approval by the appropriate of?cial. Please note that voluntary donations to the BLM will not in?uence any decision or action by the BLM, nor provide donors with any special treatment or consideration. Further, accepting a donation does not constitute an endorsement by the BLM of any donor. their products, or their services. Should you have any questions please direct them to me or to Trevor Needham, National Partnerships Program Lead, at TIEVQE NEhamQlemgov or 202-912-7097. cc (signed cepy): Assistant Director, Energy, Minerals, and Realty Management (WC-300) <3me Ml MORANDUM OF ACiRlil Ml Nl RNING OR Ol MONEY OR PUBLIC LANDS Betn een: United {states Department ol'the Interior. Bureau ol'l and Management. New Mex'co State Of?ce. And the Nen Mexico Oil and Gas Assoc at?on 1. 11mm: 'l'his Memorandum of Agreement (Agreement) outlines an agreement between the United States, Department of the interior. Bureau of Land Management. Neo Mexico State Of?ce. (BLM) 30l Dinosaur lrail Santa Fe. NM 87508. and the New Mexico Oil and (an Association liox ?4364 Santa Fe. NM 87504. concerning voluntan contribution or donation ofmoney l'or BLM management 'puhl'e lands. ?0 Agthoritv: Section ederal Land Policy and Man; ementAetot'lW? (43 [737(c). 3. l't?llig? Name: The New Mexico luid Minertls inhancement Pilot Program 4. Responsibilities: a. NMOGA shall: i. Donate or contribute $800,000 - distributed in $400,000 increments on a biannual basis to BLM New Mexico. All donations are voluntary. ii. Submit a completed D1 3680 titrm for each donation. b. BLM shall: i. Accept donated or contributed funds and use them as appropriated funds to manage public lands in BLM New Mexico as follows: I. To provide resources identified by ELM that are necessary to complete all aspects ot'oil and gas operations including inspection and enforcement. permitting. leasing and other supporting work. it. Monitor the expenditure to ensure that the dollar commitment h} the NMOOA is not exceeded. ii. ISLM and NMOGA wi meet periodically (hiannually) to discuss successes and challenges to implementation of the MOA. llnsurc any donation by NMOGA donation critcna in 374 DM 6. paragraph 6.6 hct'orc ot'any donation. c. Administration: ix. vi. vii. 'l'hc principal contacts for tins arc' l. .lucn, NM BLM Statc Dircctor. 505?954-2222? 2. Sun . l'rcsidcnt ot? NMOGA. 505-787-0537 For purposcs this MOIJ ill hc postcd to wchsitc. Any rccords or as a rcsult ofthis sh. ll hccomc part ot'thc othcial BLM rccord ntaintaincd in accordancc with applicahlc BLM ltccords policics. Any rcqucsts tor rclcasc ot'rccords associatcd ith ot'tltis to anyonc outsidc participating l?artics must hc hascd on applicahlc laws, including rccdom ot? lnlormation Act and Privacy Act. hc BLM cannot ugrcc to maintain contidcnt ality ot'inliirmation from NMOGA to that is pcrmittcd undcr l-?rccdom of information Act and Privacy Act. 'l'hc NMOCIA [1111 all rccord rcqucsts rclatcd to program ?lings, cithcr mm or othcr cntitics?, will hc madc throuah of?cial muons. 'l?hc BLM will not rclcasc rccords to NMOGA hascd on thcir participation in this A Any rcqucsts for rclcasc of rccords lssociatcd with work dutics ofthc BLM cmployccs must hc hascd on applicablc laws. including l-?rccdom of lntormation Act and Privacy Act. into this docs not prot Idc priority ot'scrvicc. 'l'hc NMOGA and that ISLM is rcaponsihlc for all workload prioritization and rcsourcc dccisions. BLM solcly rusponsiblc for any and all cmploy and pcrsonncl dccisions and it ill rwot disclosc sourcc nt't'unds to any pcrsonncl hircd using funds providcd undcr this MOA. Additionally, is solcly rcsponsiblc for all dccisions or dispositions with to Al?Ds, CAs. and actions that arc ot'this MOA. This hccomcs ct?t?cctixc upon situaturc by both panics. BLM or NMOUA may propusc changcs to this at any timc. Such chanbcs will hc in form a 'an and will hccomc ct't'cctivc upon signaturc by both panics. Nothin containcd in this a-a'cc cat is to crcatc rights for or third panics. xi. and NMOUA may terminate this Agreement by providing the other participant ninety (90) days oritten notice prior to the expiration ot'the initial term ot'the Agreement or ninety (90) days written notice prior to the expiration of eaeh subsequent renewal of the Agreement at the lotion ing addresses: l. NMOGA. Attn: Steve 1 ienlte. tins 1864 Santa Fe. NM 87504 2. BLM. Attn: .lesse Jam. 30] Dinosaur Trail Santa Fe. NM 87508. It'the agreement is terminated prior to the expiration ot'its term. donated funds will remain with HIM. The term of this Agreement will be for a one year period beginning in her 2014. Funding amounts will be e\ aluated on an annual basis has?! on program ei't'eetiy eness. . Date Stex [Mu President Date Department et'the Interior New Mexico Oil and Gas Bureau ot'Land Management Association Nen Mesiei State 0t tins ?464 30! Dinosaur Ir-al Santa Fe. NM 87508 Santa 31:. NM 87504 us. Den-room! oflhe tutu-tor 01-3680 Donor Cero?utmn orm OMB Control No. expires: mums Interior's policy to ensure that in mm; donatiom. the Department mmnteim its lntegity and impartiality. and the con?derme of the public. The folloWing certi?cation helps the anronent and you. the potential donor, to identify areas of concern that might be raised by a donation An ot?rnm?vo answer to any of the statements helowdounotmodono?onw?l bunny I'mtiate?lltherreview. I run executing this Donor Certi?cation Form on individual or 5 on behalf of the following organization or person: I 1 To the best ofrny knowledge and belief; certify that. l. L,__om I not Involved in litioohon or other mnlmumv wit: the Deportmem or its_l_:_tocoos. 2. I am time not seeking or otherwise engaged in any type of ?nmeist or bosmess .. With the Depsnment, for mple. a contract. pumit, loose, smut, or cooperative agreement. 4. This donation {Ln not expected an be involved with marketing advertising. 5. I om! em notseolo'ng to attach condiments) to this donation. 2: Ma?a: 6. This donation Ls not put ofoseties ofdonso'oos to the or its hum Wf For any af?nnative answers shove. please attach explanations. Please also identify any other circumstances not addressed in the above questions that may s??ect the Deporunmt's decision to accept your donation. wk?zmy?mgg City State Daytime or Work Pirate nformotion collected we this form will be handled in wartime: w-th the requirements of the and the I. to attempt to ensure the greatest protection of personal privacy. Please see Notices permitting to this Farm on Page 2. NOTICES PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: This information is collected to soppon. the Department's policy that in accepting providing the donor the opportunity to eu?fy oetlnin been: information minted to the gill. This intimation willonly Mantel Clutter?hy quonmtofthe of?cials. EFFECT OF NOT PROVIDING THIS FORM: Submission of the than is completely winning. but not providing It may delay consideration ofyour pmpmed unto the W1 an it will make it mote di?icnlt for Ihe Department to delumine the context of the gill. Submitting the form does not entitle the respondent to any hme?t. AUTHORITY: The authority for collecting this infomution may he found at 9 Slot. at L. 395. Ch. IOB. at 18 USS. 520], and 11374 WI Manual Chintz-6. PAPBRWORK REDUCTION ACT NOTICE: The Paperwork Redmlion Act of 1995 tequila; us to infant: this TheDepn?olteImbm orof?oewill evaluate beauti?cation mdingyour This vnlid 0MB Control Number deApirolion Date appear. on the uppertigln comer of Page I ofthe Faun. No BURDEN HOURS STATEMENT: 111e public burden for this form estimated at 10 minutes per response including the time formviewlng institutions, mains and maintaining date. and completing and reviewing olefin-m. Direct mummy ohmeetol?thh form to: US. Departmento?ho lotuior. Of?ce mm CdlenimClmO?leu, 1951 Constitution Avenue. N.W., (MS ll! SIB). Washington. DC. 20240. Note ?eommenls. names and ofeommhtommnveilnble lfyuuwiehmto information, you must state this prunineolly at the beginning We will Mayan-request to the entail allowable by low.