I I: PREPARE GEORGIA CRIME LABORATORY TRIPIICATE DIVISION OF INVESTIGATION Case RECORD MEDICAL EXAMINER .. 3" Cleveland_ Whit?? NOTIFIED at AEE. Stanley Thompson via} Reaction Earner} A. M. on: omens assmm TU USE Sheriff: Frank L. Baker and Agt. Stanley Thomson omens mmvaphay White Conny and Georgia Bureau _cIf InvestiEtion NAME 0! - AGE 14 NEE. HEIGHT 13" 175 1138. _E?3Vi_11e, S. or M. DATE 5/9/73 FUSE OF LOB Gap Trail MINNER or DEATN: HUMICIDE j; su.cruE muf?n TIME nr . H. HATE u- MEnIoo or nonv FROM REHOVED BY. MTE HOME: 531111.. HDIJR 6 A. NAME 0; FUNERAL HOME .HQLLIB human zEn BY Ema};- PRESENT ?1an 551:. Stanley W990. 1 sum Fluent? -. menus av LE. DATE noun 2 If. M. 5/11/74 PERFORMED ET Dr. J. Byron M932- Rnl?h H. -. NOTE I can or THIS IEcuan SHALL BE SENT To: GENERIL CE ER . . . EFFICER . . . gun or nun Guqahqt 9:3qu :9 head EVIDENCE SUHMITTED T0 DO NOT FILL IN THIS SECTION OF FORM (I, .. 7 DITE 6 at 1575C DATE Hay 11? 19 APPROVEU SIGNED MM I 5/ z?j .3 PREPARE IH CRIME LABORATORY mass 1. TRIPLICATE DIVISION OF INVESTIGATION-DPS MUST BE CUMPLETED AUTUPSY .UR REPORT OF EXAMINATION 0F 0? AU- ?555- Joel Polson Case #74-10446 on: or bum: mourn May on 9 74 COUNTY quRE DEATH occUREn White This is the body of a well nourished, well developed, white, male, who, when first seen, is dressed in a blue plaid flannel shirt, yellow mesh top, both of which are pulled up around the shouldersJ the flannel shirt being unbuttoned. Body is further clothed in a pair of green athletic type shorts which are pulled down about the knees, a pair of gray wool socks and a pair of brown hiking boots. All but the upper most button on the shirt are missing and show evidence of having been torn away. Two of these buttons remain in the buttonholes on the opposite side of the shirt. Outer shirt is removed. The right sleeve is torn all the way to the sleeve seam. The left seam is also torn in a similar fashion and there is a tear down the region of the lateral seam on the left side. There is associated with the body a white plastic bag, which is lettered in black with the word ?Kerisons? and larger letters ?The Flick" which has associated with it a small piece of hemp type twine. This was reportedly over the subject's head and tied with the twine. Net shirt is removed. It is not torn. Shoes are removed and there is an additional pair of white socks present underneath the outer wool socks. Athletic shorts are removed. There is a considerable amount of debris associated with the body, some of which is actually present underneath the shorts. Body is approximately 73" in length and weighs approximately 175 lbs. Rigor remains in the upper and lower extremities; however, the area around the shoulders and neck is beginning_to_go out of rigor. Lividity is anterior and striking in the chest area. There is a large amount of debris which consists of leaves and other vegetable material associated with the head1 faceJ anterior chest and abdomen and anterior surface of the legs including some debris which is present inside the mouth. -. . .3. SHEETS IF REQUIRED HOT EILL IN THIS sEchou- FOR LAB USE ONLY DO .4 0* Is DATE 1! SIGNED LPPROYED 3d" a PREPARE IN GEORGIH CRIME LABORATORY FORMS DPS-3081.303 TRIPUCHE DIVIS {If INVES TIGATIDN-DPS MUST BE COMPLETED AUTOPSY OR REPORT OF EXAMINATION 0F BODY 0" ?l JDEI Polson Case #74-10446 Page #2 on: or uum- MONTH May on 913 74 couun WHERE DEATH occuasn White Head There is a large amount of blood staining which is present on the left side of the head as well as over the face including the hair on the left side. Hair is brown, long and is fashioned into a pony tail sort of arrangement with a band around the hair in the back. Ears: Blood appears tb drain from the left ear. Right ear is dark in color and shows some signs of beginning decomposition. Eyes: There is a large amount of decomposition about the eyes. Corneae are clouded and eyes contain a considerable number of small maggots. Small maggots are found in scattered areas of activity about the head and face. There is a brown moustache present over the upper lip and a goatee tyne beard present over the chin. Mouth: Teeth are natural and in a good state of repair. There are a considerable number of small maggots which are inside the mouth also. Nose also contains a considerable amount of clotted blood but shows no signs of external injury. Palpation of the scalp is not remarkable; however, the hair is thick and prohibits a thorough examination of the scalp externally. Face is cleaned and additional injuries consist of an abrasion associated with some contusion present over the left cheek in a region approximately 1 inch inferior to the left zygomatic arch and an additional abrasion present over the right cheek at a point which is approximately 2 inches inferior to the right zygomatic arch. There are some scattered signs of insect activity in one or two areas particularly notable on the neck ionItioNAL SHEETS IF REQUIRED SECTION - FDR LAB USE ONLY DA 15 DATE 1! SIGNED rrs:ns:2ri31 .1.-. Jpl. it 1 . 1? manna GEDRGHI CRIME LABORATORY FDMH Newsaaw TRIPLICATE DIVISION OF INVESTIGATION-DPS MUST BE COMPLETED AUTOPSY OR REPORT OF EXAMINATION OF BODY 0" ML RISES. was wrusen Joel Polson Case #74?10446 Page #3 one or cum: mount May on 9 Is 74 couun wan: DEATH occunrn White just posterior to the angle of the mandible underneath the left ear. There is an additional area of abrasion which may also be insect activity present just left of the anterior midline overlying the thyroid cartilage. Anterior Chest and Abdomen Injuries to the chest and abdomen consist of a denuded area of abrasion which 1 outlines the costal margin and extends the entire width of the anterior chest, the area being made up of numerous striations and abraded areas which join one another over the chest and extend downward over the bOrder of the costal margin. There are, in addition, several linear abrasions present over the abdomen on the lateral aspect, particularly on the right side in the region of the left anterior superior iliac Spine. There is a large rather severe area of abrasion which is present over the lateral aSpect of the right ilium beginning approximately 1 inch superior to the anterior superior iliac spine and extending inferiorly toward the femoral region for a distance of approximately 7 inches. This pattern is primarily made up of linear abrasions, being approximately 1 inch wide at the superior and and fanning out to approximately 4 inches in the inferior end. There is also a small tear in the scrotum just right of the midline. Lower Extremities There is an area of linear abrasion present over the left thigh at a point which is approximately 4 inches inferior to the inferior anterior iliac spine. This consists of two linear scratches which are approximately 1 1/2 inches in length and lie approximately 1 inch to the left of the anterior midline of the left leg. There is also an area of abrasion present over the medial aspect of the left leg beginning at a point which is approximately 4 inches superior to the left popliteal fossa and extending downward into an .U..SE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF REQUIRED NOT FILL IN THIS SECTION- FOR LAB USE ONLY DO DLTE SIGNED rig. npsgugu/ll) LPPRUVED f??I HMHRE CRIME LABORATORY TRIPLICATE or IHVES BECUMPLETED AUTOPSY 0R REPORT OF EXAMINATION 0F BODY ON ALL cIsEs. run: or DECEASED Joel Polson Case 31574?10446 Page #4 an: or MONTH May an 9 74 couun WHERE DEHH White area of concentrated abrasion which is at the level of the popliteal fossa centered about the medial midline of the left leg. There are two additional abraded areas; one being present on the medial surface of the posterior aspect of the left leg located approximately midway between the knee and ankle and an additional area of small abrasions present just medial to the anterior midline over the anterior surface of the leg. There is an old surgical incision present on the medial aspect of the left knee which extends inferiorly for a distance of approximately 4 inches onto the medial aspect of the lower leg. This scar shows the presence of suture marks also. Right leg: There is an area of abrasion on the lateral assect of the right knee as well as two areas of abrasion present over the medial aspect of the anterior surface of the right lower leg, being located at approximatelw 1 inch and 2 inches respectively, inferior to the inferior border of the_patella. Feet are not remarkable with the exception that the toenails on both first toes have been removed. Upper Extremities Right arm and hand are not remarkable with the exception of some debris, not unlike that described earlier on the body and a small area of abrasion which is present over the metacarpophalangeal joint of the fifth finger on the right hand which appears possibly to be post mortem in nature. There is an area of contusion present over the medial aspect of the right wrist and another small probably post mortem abrasion present on the medial aspect of the right arm approximately midway between the elbow and the wrist. Left arm.and hand: There is an area of diffuse contusion which is present over the posterior surface of the left arm beginning in the region of the elbow and extending proximally for a distance of approximately 6 inches. Left arm and hand are otherwise USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF REQUIRED My; sir-32:: tr?! DO NOT FILL IN THIS LAB USE ONLY 19 DATE 1! .. SIGNED M-D- 5T i GEORGIA CRIME LABORATGHY IO or IEIVES MUST BE COMPLETED AUTOPSY OR REPORT OF EXAMINATION OF 3001 on uses. nu: Joel Polson Case #74?10446 Page #5 0:1: or DEITR: mourn ltay' on? 9 74- COUNTY WHERE DEATH occunzn h?xite not remarkable with the exception of a few blood stains present on the dorsal and lateral surface of the second finger on the left hand. There is a brown birthmark type area which is present on the posterior surface of the left arm beginning in the region of the posterior axillary fold and extending downward over the posterior surface of the arm for a distance of approximately 6 inches. This area is rather diffuse and irregular, being approximately 1 1/2 inches wide. i Skin slippage nor post mortem marbling is noted about the body with the exception of the areas of maggot activity described in the region of the head. Posterior surface of the body is not remarkable with the exception of four or five brown moles which are present just lefttIEthe posterior midline in the region of the scapula and iust medial to the scapula on the left side. INTERNAL EXAMINATION OF BODY Head Scalp is reflected anteriorly and posteriorly. Scalp_is not remarkable on the under surface with the exception of an area of trauma?which is present just posterior and superior to the left ear. This surrounds a puncture wound to the skull in this area. This is associated with what appears to be a gunshot wound of entry in the scalp present at the level of the left auditory canal at a point which is approximately 2 inches Posterior to the canal itself. Hair around the wound makes it rather difficult to examine;_however. there does not to be gunpowder associated with the wound. There is a large amount of subarachnoid hemorrhage which is associated with the entire upper surface of the brain. particularly notable1 however, on the left side in the left temporal repion. There is a defect in the posterior fossa on the left side which USE SHEETS IF REQUIRED 't?L THIS SECTION FOR LAB USE ONLY DO NOT FILL IN DR 13 DATE F. -- ..-. . .1 SIGNED APPROVED s'r Ll'i PREPARE GEORGIA CRIME LABORATORY rams DPS-308 x. 309 TRIPLICATE DIVISIO 0F MUST AUTUPSY UR REPORT OF EXAMINATION 0F BODY 0" ?555- HIRE of DEHHEII Joel P015011. Case #74-10446 Page #6 or: or emu 55-15! 0H9 1! 74 cnuun WHERE rum OCCURED White underlies the above described external defect which shows the characteristic coming of an entrance wound. There are, in addition, several fractures which are associated with the superior orbital plate on the right side. Dura is peeled from the inner table of the skull and there is a lead bullet which is embedded in the lateral aspect of the middle fossa at a point which is just slight1 anterior to and just above the right ear. The missile almost exits from the head. A .38 caliber lead bullet is removed from deep to the temporalis muscle on the right side. There is a large tearing laceration which is present in the posterior pole of the left half of the cerebrum which is the beginning of a missile track which continues through the anterior and superior portions of the cerebellum in a region just posterior to the spinal cord leaving a large laceration in this area. There is a considerable amount of bone fragment which is also associated with this wound. There is also a fracture which radiates anteriorly from the margin of the entry wound through the lateral aspect of the middle fossa into the left orbital plate. Chest and Abdominal Cavities Chest and abdominal cavities are opened with the usual incision and sternal reflection. Organs of the chest occupy their normal anatomical positions. Lungs are fully inflated and fully occupy their respective pleural cavities. Pleural cavities are free of excess fluid and blood. Pericardial sac is opened. There is an excess of bloody tinged pericardial fluid; however, this is probably a result of post mortem change. Heart is not remarkable externally with respect to size, shape or overall appearance with the exception of the fact that there are a few scattered epicardial hemorrhages. Organs of the abdomen are examined and occupy their normal anatomical positions. USE HADDITDNAL SHEETS IF DO NOT FILL .N THIS SECTION- FUR LAB USE ONLY Di. BITE ?maven M-D- IPPROYED Pli??L??ifT GEORGIA LABORATORY PREPARE IN a 309 TRIPLICATE DIVISION OF INVESTIGATION-DPS MUST BE COMPLETED AUTOPSY 0R REPORT OF EXAMINATION 0F BODY 0" ML CASES- Joel Polson Case #74?10446 Page #7 on: or mum. MONTH May on 9 74 county WHERE our? occlInEn White There are no signs of current or past pathological processes. Large intestine is sli distended with gas and abdomen does contain a moderate amount of bloody fluid; however, these are both probably post mortem in nature. NDT FILL ans ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF REQUIRED IN THIS May 11, SIGNED mg sour/13> 15 74