From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Jennifer Brown Tuesday, December 8, 2015 8:57 AM CST Rugel, Jeff Subpoena to AOL ~ SP-PDT-166196 SP-PDT-166196.pdf Greetings, AOLis in receipt of the attached subpoena, addressed to America Online. AOL’scorporate name is AOL Inc., not America Online. Subpoenas to America Online arenot accepted as they are the wrong corporate entity. Pleasereissue the subpoena, with the necessary corrections, and fax to 703-265-2305. Thank You! Jennifer Brown Sr. Investigator ~ AOL Legal Public Safety & Criminal Investigations 22000 AOL Way, Dulles, VA 20166 703-265-5037 11/30/2015 FAX 15:39 HCAO 6123483061 ADULT P RO S E C U T I O N 001/002 11-25-7 15 18:41 FROM- T-083 F-097 COUNTY HENNEPIN C O U N T Y AT TO R N E . NOV 30 208 A D M I N I S T R AT I V E S U B P O E N A Produce (Order to Records) “AOL LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO: America Online Inc 2 0 0 0 AO L Way Dulles, Virginia Yo u are records t o (AOL) / Compliance below as soon as to possible: produce the following Jeff Rugel_ Investigator __Lt. Agency _Minneapolls N u m b e r : 612-490-6895 Email Unit pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §388.23, listed the individual Telephone Investigation 20166 hereby ordered, Law E n fo rc e m e n t and Pollce Department, Minneapolis. M N Fax Number: 612-673-3744 james. rugel@minneapolismn. gov DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS Records Requested: Subscriber I n f o r m a t i o n t o i n c l u d e n a m e s used, a n d alternate e m a i l a d d r e s s e s a s s o c i a t e d Hunter321 name, 789@aol. c o m Minnesota WARNING: Statutes produce t h e records i s of Court, address, screen with the email §388,23, Subd. 5, provides a crime. It could also result that the willful failure to in a n action to hold you in contempt Minnesota Statutes WARNING: Subd. 4, b e e n issued b e e n produced except: haye this (1) insofar as the (2) pursuant to “Disclosure of You §388.23, disclosure expenses incurred in that t h e is n e c e s s a r y to find and disclose the requested records, records could impede an ongoing criminal investigation® bill to the law enforcement agency f o r any r e a s o n a b l e the racords. producing M I C H A E L 0 . FREEMAN Hennepin County Attorney //- 25 or court order. the above-requested m ay submit an th at the fact y o u m a y not disclose the or By ? A t Assistant County Attorney eV A L AU AV U LT T-083 TO: H E N N E P I N G O U N T Y AT TO R N E Y ’ S OFFICE No. of Pages Including R E Q U E S T FOR Cover 2 P0001/0002 TELEPHONE: 612-348-5861 FA X : 612-348-3061 F-097 Today's D a t e & Time 11/25/2015 1 3 1 5 hours ADMINISTRATIVE S U B P O E N A PURSUANT TO M I N N . STAT. § 388.23 Records Requested: S u b s c r i b e r information to include n a m e , address, screen names used, a n d a l t e r n a t e email addresses associated with the e m a i l a c c o u n t Company Type Name; of (AOL) America Online 22000 AO L Way, Dulles, FAX: 703-265-2305 (applicable Virginia 20166 statutory category Identified below) X___subseribers o f private computer networks including Internet service providers computer bulletin board systems INVESTIGATOR REQUESTING RECORDS: L AW E N F O R C E M E N T AGENCY: Lt, J e f f Rugel Minneapolis Police Department Strategic Information 37" Ave NE, ‘642-400-6895 25 certify that the requested records or are relevant to Cewnter M N 56421 an ongoing, legitimate law enforcement investigation o f OBSTRUCTION O F L E G A L P RO C E S S CON #:18-434032 11/25/2015 Date