This form can be etectronically ?led at: elecnj. gov FORM C-1 ?g 11-3561 SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRIBUTOR INFORMATION FOR STATE USE ONLY NEW JERSEY ELECTION LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION ,s .. I. PO. Box 185, Trenton, NJ 08625-0185 .- .. ,3 (609) 292-8700 or Toll Free Within NJ 1-888-313-ELEC (3532) eIeC nj. gov CONTRIBUTIONS REPORT TYPE (CHECK ONE) Committee spending under the R- 1 reporting threshold or ?lers etc.) who received a contribution in if; . Edi-5:5? OCT.) [i 2018 excess of $300 in the aggregate from one source in the election, or any currency (cash) contributions. Committee receiving a contribution in excess of $1 .600 in the aggregate from one source starting with the 13?? day before the election up to. and including the day of the election (48~Hour Notice). Amendment? Yes No SECTION I. CANDIDATE, JOINT CANDIDATES. OR POLITICAL COMMITTEE INFORMATION Can date(s) Name Election lfiat; ()me I ed ?21903 Committee Na atria Roselle Election Districti'Munid alily art CaIPdidate rCommitteeAd ess(Num er and St: tCi State, Zip Cod? ?l1??flrieki we, 056.! IE ?no 07904 Of?ce Sought Political Party be 0 "If? Count *(Area) Da TeIe hone Minotaur! Md *(Area) Evening Telephone 1 SECTION II. CONTRIBUTION INFORMATION (Receipt Types: A: Currency or Check; ln- Kind; Loan) Aggregate Amount semi: Pork NT my Address s?w mber and Street, City. State Zip Cod 2:17 Date Re?ivedl 0 1 9) Contributor Name [8 Pan 0% 024/? (mm! Amount/9, 7' q) Occupation (If indIvIdual) Receit tType Check if Description ifln- Kind Contn?bution Currency mart/?25 AND V525 Employer Name (If Individual) Employer Mailing Address (If Individual) Date 0er I0 ICIIQOIB 0?"tribmomamei205eiio Enid/?tic (:th drgis?a NInber andg Street, [3p 00:2(9 m$ Aggregate Amount at My c/a Currency Occupation( (If Individual) Type Check if Descrip' if In- Kind Coy} tnbu?on I Employer Name (If Individual) Employer Mailing Address (If individual)? Date ceive Contributor Name T2036 LLD. pa Addre Hgta?dqs?trget Ciiy, State Z?Code) WZQ omit AG Amount Amount 1330 OEcupation (If Individual) Recei Type Check if Description, it In-Kind Contribution Currency 6N3 Employer Name (It Individual) Employer Mailing Address (If lndividuat) Date Received Contributor Name Address (Number and Street, City, State, Zip Code) Aggregate Amount Amount Occupation (If Individual) Receipt Type Check if Description. if In-Kind Contribution Currency Employer Name {If Individual) Employer Mailing Address (If Individua!) r? . THIS LINE FOR EVERY PAGE USED) TOTAL. THIS PAGE V2 5?7 THIS LINE FOR LAST PAGE USED) GRAND TOTAL 9' 3 5% Cangor Treasur nature Date a 0/741 New Jerysey Election Law Enforcement ommission 7 Form 0-1 Revised: 11I?07f2016 'Leave this fI'eid blank if your telephone number is uniisteo?. Pursuant to MA. Will-1.1. an unlisted telephone number is not a public record and must not be provided on this form.