November 1, 2018 Dear Parents and Guardians: I am writing to let you know about a most disturbing incident that occurred at our school today. Around noon, a student reported to our administration that there was a noose made out of toilet paper hanging in a stall in a boys’ bathroom. The noose was hung from a metal beam inside the stall. This particular bathroom is on the ‘A’ side of the building and only used for lunch periods. As you may know, there are no classrooms currently in use on the ‘A’ side because of construction. We immediately called county police. To minimize exposure, proper evidence was taken, and the noose was removed as quickly as possible by a staff member. Throughout the day, we worked with police to investigate this incident. While I cannot discuss more specifics, we are confident that the individual has been identified. We will continue to investigate to make sure that no one else was involved. In addition to any actions by police, I will seek disciplinary action in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct. I am completely and utterly disgusted that this happened. Quite frankly, I am also dismayed that such a terrible choice could overshadow what has been a school year focused on inclusion and unity. Too many times in our community we have had to address messages and acts that speak against all that our school stands for. It needs to stop. I join my colleague Chesapeake High School Principal Stephen Gorski in asking you to talk to your child about how hate, bigotry, and intolerance have no place in our school, community, or world. We truly need your help to not only keep our school a safe place for all to learn, but also to lift our community above hateful acts. Please also know that our school counselors as well as the AACPS Office of Student Services are always available to speak with students and staff about their feelings and concerns regarding the climate of our school. Any safety concern can also be addressed through the Student Safety Hotline at 1-877-676-9854 that can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sincerely, Michael Dunn Principal MAD/msm