'ln' accordanoe with the Law on Real Estate Trade (?Of?cial Gazette of the Republic of Serbia". number 42198). Law on Bankruptcy Procedure ("Of?cial Gazette of the Republic of Serbia'. number 84104). and the National Standard about Manner and Procedure of: :Cashing Debtor?s Assets - 'Nat?ronalf'Nacionalni standard br. 5' (Sluibeni glasnik Republikei Standard No. 5' (?Of?cial Gazette of the Republic of- . 1. Belgrade Apparel Maker BEKO a.d. Belgrade ?under bankruptcy. from Belgrade, 6-8 Vojvode Bojovica Blvd. (hereinafter: the Seller), represented by the bankruptcy manager MrtZeliko Pe?ut and 2 Preduze?e za izgl'adniu i razvoj na trii?tu 'inetrrenina Property development d.o.o. from ?Belgr?ade, 62-64 Cara Dusana str, (hereinafter: the {Buyer} represented by the special power of attorney by Mr 'Zisirnos-Danilatos from Greece, The Seller and the Buyer shall be hereinafter referred to 'as: the Contracting Parties :have signed in Belgrade, on August 13th 2007, the 3 following AGREEMENT ON SALE OF THE REAL ESTATE g. ruraootrcroav PROVISIONS . Article The parties to the agreement accept that: whereas the Decision issued by the CommerEial Na osn'ovu Zakona prometu nepokretnosti '(?Sluibeni' glasnlk Republike Dr: 42198). Zakona or ste?ajnom poslupku (Sluibenl glasnik Republike Srbije' Dr. 84104). kao Nacionatnog standarda naeinu i postupku unovoenja imovine stedajnog duinika Srbije br: 43/05): I-Beogradslra kontekeija BEKO a.d. Beograd. ste?aju, sa sedistem Beogradu. ul. Bulevar vojvode Bojovi?a br: 6?8 (u daljem tekstu: Prodavac), koga zastupa ste?ajni upravnik gospodin Zetjko Peeut, i Preduze?e za izgradnju i razvoj na trii?tu nekrenina Property development d.o.o. sa sedistem Beogradu, ul, Cara Dusana 62-64 3 (u daljem tekstu: Kupac) koga p0 specijalnom . punomo?ju gospodin Zisimos Danilatos iz Republike Gr?ke, ,7 zastupa Prodavac i Kupac zajedno daljem tetrstu bi?e ozna?eni kao: Ugovorne strane zaklju?tli su Beogradu dana 13. avgusta 2007_? godine UGOVOR 0 KUPOPRODAJI NEPOKRETNOSTI UVODNE ODREDBE Clan 1- I 7 i3 Re?enjem Trgovinskog suda uf?Beogradu St,br_,_ 1835/96 od 12, februara 2003:: godine ?Co-Lift of Belgrade St. No, 1835/96'dated 12 February 2003 initiated a bankrUptcy probedure of the Seller. and Zeljko Pesut was appointed the bankruptcy manager in line with the decision of 07 June 2007, whereas the Bankruptcy Judge, with decision Conclusion 1835/96 dated 06 July 2007. decided that the bankruptcy debtor's entire assets should be sold; - whereas the bankruptcy manager issued a decision about estimated values of the bankruptcy debtor?s assets on 06 July 2007; - whereas on 10 July 2007 the bankruptcy manager published an announcement of sale of bankruptcy - debtor in? Politikaj Kun?r and Novosti dailies and posted the announcement on announcement board of Commercial Court Belgrade; whereas according to the Law on Bankruptcy Procedure. the Buyer acquires the property without any price has been paid; -. whereasgth'e' Buyer received sale documentation I for the property?descnbed as Celina I-bustness premises in Belgrade. Vojvode Bojovica 6-8 and has acceptedproyisiOns contained therein: - whereas the Buyer. on August 3rd 2007, submitted the irrevocable ?rst class bank guarantee payable at ?rst call. issued by Eurobank EFG Stedionica a.d. Beograd. no. 121-95202?9. issued on August 2nd- 2007', with the validity date ofAuguslBist- 2007; - whereas the Buyer otteredthe highest purchase._ price at the orga'ni'zed" public 1 bid? procedure on.? August 10m 2007, in'the value or a 55.000000.- (In letters: titty-live milion? eight hundred thousand euros Commercial Court of Belgrade St. 1835f96, dated at Sr. No. 1835/96 dated 30 October 2006 and a i - da je ste?ajni upravnik dana 05. jula 2007. gcdine .- da je Kupac na sprovedenom javnom nadmetanju da je Stedajni sudija resenjem Stbr. 1835196 0d 0d 06. jula 2007. godine. odredio U3 m; 'pokrenut ete?'ajni postup'ak n'ad Predavcem', a da" je skladu sa resenjem Trgovinskog suda Beogradu St 1035l96 od 07. juna 2007. godine za stecajnog upravntka tmenovan gospodin Zeljko Pesut; - 30. oktobra 2006. godineizakljuckomeSt 1035 u?m?eejuoelokupne imovine ste?ajnog duinika; dam- W. mm? . MM .7 doneo odluku procenjenim vrednostima imovine stecajnog duinika; - da je dana 10. jula 2007. godine stecajni upravnik objavio oglas prodaji ste?ajnog duinika dnevim listovima: 'Politika', 'Kun'r' i 'Novosti' i istakao oglas Ina oglasnoj tabli Trgovinskog suda Beogradu; da se, saglasno odredbama Zakona stecajnom postupku Kupcu. p0 isplali cene. prenosi imovina beztereta; - da je Kupac primio prodajnu dokumentaclju za nepokretnost ozna?enu kao Celina l-poslovni prostor Beogradu, Buievar Vojvode Bojovi?a 6 - B-i pn'hvatio odredbe sadriane njoj; - da je Kupac dana 03. avgusta 2007. godine poloiio ne0pozivu bankersku garanciju naplativu na pnri poziv izdatu 0d strane Eurobank 3 EFG Sledionica a.d. Beograd, br. 121-95-202-9 izdatu-dana 02. avgusta 2007. godine sa rokom vaZenja do 31. avgusta 2007. godine; pnroklasnu dana 10. augusta 2007. godine ponudio najvecu kupoprodajnu cenu iznosu 0d 6 55.800.000.- (slovima: pedeset pet miliona osarn stotina hiljada . Mil-.1 "4 25/ ?xt?xttle industry buildings marked with number bb all . and 007100); and?therettire proclaimed as the buyer of the real estate de?ned in article2. ol the present Agreement; I - whereas the Public Sale Commission. after the public bid procedure Organized on August 10th 2007, composed the of Public Bid- Pracedure no. 2 which presents Attachment No.1 this Agreement Which was also signed by the Buyer and the second best bidder.- which torms its whereas on August 13th 2007 paid the amount of I ?'6241053 320. 00 R80 as the deposit 7 the conditions for signing the Agreement have SUBJECT as THE AGREEMENT . . Article 2. "Fe-Seller sells and the Buyer buys the real estate ed by the Seller Celtna I- described in the Ad on published on July 10th 2007 as the Producthn Business Premises Complex. Vojvode-Bojovica Blvd. consisting- of: . one-bulidng. six textile industry buildings, taken from the land registry, ten object without the approval. and two accesory buildings without the . i odobrenia za izgraan'u. koje 5e nalaze ha kat. paroeli construction approval, located an the cadastral tot no. 5472 K0 Stari Grad. with the right of use of the land, in VoItIode Banvica 68, registered in the extract no. 1274 K0 Stari Grad in Belgrade; - one textile industry building marked with number 43, one textile industry building merited with number 5 and - da je Komisija 2ajavnu pradaI'u. nakon sprovodjenja kompleks. Bulevar vojvode Bojovi?a. koI'i cine: I list nepokrelnosti broj 1274 K0 Stari Grad Beogradu; eura to da "InjemoroglaSen kuptierhw nepoltretnosti de?nisane clanom 2. ovog Ugovora; javnog nadmetanja done 10. avgusta 2007. godine. sa?inila Zapisnil-I javnom nadmetanju br. 2. koii preds?taylja Prilog 1. ovom Ugovoru, koji je potpisao Kupac i najbolji ponudiac koji oini njegov sastavni deo. - da je Kupac d'ana 13. avgusta 2007. godine uplatio iznos ad 624.053.020.00 RSD na ime depozita; bime su se stekli uslovi za zaklju?enie ovog Ugovora. PREDMET UGOVORA Clan 2. 2.1. Prodavac models. a Kupac kupuje nepokretnost - Celinu l- opisanu Oglasu prodaIi imovine melodom javnog nadmelanja obI'ale'enag dana - 10.07.2007. godine kao proizvodno poslovni prostor - jedna zgrada'E sest objekala tekstilne industrije I preuzelo iz zemlIisne knjige deset objekata bez odobrenI'a za izgradnju i dye pomocne zgradetbez 5472 Re Stari Grad sa phpadatuam pravom koriscenja zemljista, at. Bulevar vojvode Bojavi?a 6-8, upisano - jedna zgrade tekstilne industrije obeleiena ku?nim broI'e'm 4a, Iedna zgrade tekslilne industnje obeleiena kucnim brojem 6 i cetiri zgrade tekstilne industn'Ie ?y in "t/ojrrode Bio/odes Blvd,alt objects taken from the/land registry. on the cadastrat tel no. 54/1 KO Stari Grad, with the right of use of the land, all registered in the; Belgrade; - one accessory building-warehouse in Dunavska street, taken from the land'regr'stry, on the cadastral lot no. 54/4 KO-Start Grad, with the right of use of the land, all --regiistere'd in the extract of the cadastral no. 1274, K0 Start Grad/in Belgrade, Which property is described in the Cadale of the Real Estates Belgrade as: Terttile industry building in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd, lot no. 54/1, KO Start Grad. the building no. 1. ?no. ,of7 ?oors ground 13' abode the ground 2.1 no. of. ?oors: ground ?oor 1 ?above the ground extract of the cadastral no. 1274 K0 Start Grad in 3 broj 1274 K0 Start Grad Beogradu; ins. rot no.154/1. K0 Start Grad. number of the. rirlde'ttha- building no.2, . mm the part of lot under the building no. 3, no. of ?oors: ground floor 3. Textile industry building in D'u?navska bb, located on the cadastral lot no. .5411. K0 Start Grad,nurnber or. 4. Textile industry building in Vojvode Bojovica I ?oors: ground floor Textile industry building in Vojvode Bojovica bb, located on the cadastrai lot no. 54/1 KO Stari Grad, bb, located on the cadastral lot no. 54/1, KO Stari Grad, number of the part of lot under the building no. 4, no. of the part of lot under the building no. 5, no. of obeleiene kucnim 'broiem bb, streu ul. Bulebar?iroi'vode Bojovi?a. svi objekti preuzett iz zemljisne knjige, na kat. parceli 54/1 KO Stari Grad, sa prtpadaju?im pravom kortscenja zemljista. sue upisano list nepokretnosti - jedna pomo?na zgrada-stovariste ut. Dunavska. preuzeto iz zemlji?ne na kat. parceli 54/4 K0 Stari Grad. sa pripadaju?im pravom kortscenja zemljista, sire upisano list nepokretnosti broj 1274 K0 Stari Grad Beogradu, A koja nepokretnost je opisana trod Siuibe za katastar: nepokretnosti Beograd kako sledi: 1. Zgrada tekstr'lne ul. Bulevar yojvode Bojotrica br. 4a, izgradjena na .thi'katastarskoj parceli 54/1, KO Start grad, broj If: delafparcele pod zgradom: 1, bro] etaia: prizernlje+ nad zemljom 1; 2. Zgrada tekSLilne induStrije u. Buleirar vojvode sciatica s, -izgradjena na katastarskoj parceli Start grad, broj dela parcels - pod agradom: 2 broje etaia: prizemlje nad zemljom'i; 3.: Zgrada tekstilne industrije ul. Dunavska bb, izgradjena na katastarskoj parceli 54/1, K0 Start grad, broj dela parcele pod zgradom: 3. broj etaira: prizemlje; 4. Zgrada tekstilne ul. Bulevar vojvode Bojovioa bb, izgradjena na katastarskoj parceli 54/1, KO Start grad, broj dela parcels pod zgradom: 4, broj etaia: prtzernlje; 5. Zgrada tekstilne ut, Bulevar vojvode Bojovtoa bb, izgradjena na katastarskoi parceli 54/1, KO Start grad, broj. 37?? I. in Vojvode yojovrca Blvd, all objects taken from "the land registry. on the cadastral lot no. 54/1 KO Stari Grad, - one accessory building?warehouse in Dunavska street, KO Stari Grad. with the right of use of the land, all registered in the extract of the cadastral no. 1274, K0 start Grad in Belgrade, Which property is described in the Cadastral of the Real Estates Belgrade as: 1. Textile industry building in Voivode Bojovica Blvd. ?5:44 located on the cadastral tel no. 5411. K0 Start . Grad number of the part of lot under the building no. 1, -- Lilool Hm:'gmund 1 ?above the ground Textile ihdtistry butlding in Vojvode Boiovica no.6. lecatedon tie?mm. lot no. 54?. KO Stan' V?Grad..number of the part of lot under the building no.2. . no. at floors ground ?ber-+1 above the ground 3. Textile industry building in Du'navska bb. located on the cadastral lot no. 54/1. KOStan? "Grad. number of the part of lot under the building no. 3, no. of ?oors: ground ?oor 4. Textile industry building in Vojvode Bojovica bb. located on the cadastral?lot no. 54l1, KO Start Grad. number of the part of lot under the building no. 4. no. of ?oors: ground ?oor bb, located on the cadaslral lot no. 54?. KO Stari Grad, - obelezene kucnim brojernr bb. sue ut. Bulevar?vojvode ?Bojovi?a. svi objekti preuzeli i2 zernlji?ne knjige, na kat. with the light of use of the land, all registered in the . extract of the cadastral no. 1274 K0 Stari Grad in . Belgrade; taken from the land registry. on the cadastral lot no. 54/4 7 preuzelo iz zemljisne knjige. na kat. parceli 54M K0 'zemliista. sve upisano list nepokretnosti 1274E 5. Textile industry building in Vojvode Bojovica . parceli 54ft K0 Stan? Grad. sa pripadaju?im pravom koriscenja zemljista. sve upisano list nepokretnosti. 1274 K0 Slan' Grad Beogradu; - jedna pomocna zgrada-stovari?te ul. Dunavska, Stari Grad, sa pn'padaju?im pravom korisoenja K0 Stari Grad Beogradu, A koja nepOkretnost je opisana kod Sluice za katastar nepokretnosti Beograd kako sledi: 1. Zgrada tekstilne industrije ul. Bulevar vojvode Bojovi?a br. 43. izgradiena na _.?i?kaiastarskoj parceli 5411. K0 Stari grad. broj (I: dela parcels pod zgradom: 1. broj pn'zemlje nad zemljom 1; 2. Zgrada tekstilne industrije u. Bulevar vojvode Bojovi?a. br. 6, izgradjena na katastarskoi parceli 54/1, KO Start grad. broj dela parcele pod zg'radom: 2. broje etaia: prizemlje nad zemljomit; 3. Zgrada tekstilne industrije it ill. Dunavska bb, izgradjena na katastarskoj parceli 54/1. KO Slan' grad. broj dela parcele pod zgradom: 3. broj etaia: prizemlje; 4. Zgrada tekstilne industrije ul. Bulevar vojvode Boiovi?a bb. izgradiena na katastarskoj parceli 5411, K0 Start grad. broj dela parcele pod zgradomz4. broi etaia: prizemlje; 5. Zgrada tekstilne industrije ul. Butevar: _*-the part of lot under the building no. 5. no. 0f vojvode Bojovi?a bb. izgradjena na katastarskoj parceli 54/1, KO Start grad. broj 59% aera'p'arcere pod zgradom: 5. broj. floors; ground floor 6. Trafo station in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd, located on the cadastral lot no. 54/1, number of the part of lot under the building: no. 01 floors: ground floor 7. Textile industry building in Vojvode Bojovica no. 6. located on the cadastral lot no. 5411, K0 Stan'- _Grad, number of the part of lot under the building no. 7, no. of floors: ground floor 8. Business building for which the activity is not determined, in vojvode Bojovica no. 4, located on . the cadastral lot no. 54?, number of the part of lot under I- the building no. 8, no- of ?oors: under ground-1, ground- floor, abbve ground ?oor 1; Textile industry building in Vojvode Bojovtca no. 6-8. located on the cadastral lol no. 54/2, K0 Start Grad, number of the part of lot under the building no. 1, - no. of floors: 1 under he ground ground floor 3 above the ground '10. Textile industry building in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd, located on the cadastral lot no.- 5412, K0 Start Grad, number of the part of lot under the building no. 2, ?oors: ground ?oor 11, Textile industry building in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd, located on the cadastral lot no. 5412, K0 Start Grad, I number of the part of lot under the building no. 3, no. of 1 ?oors: ground floor 1 above the ground; 12. Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd. located on cadastral lot no. 54/2. KO Stari Grad, number of the part of the lot under the object: 4, number of pn'zemlje; 6. stanica ul. Bulevar Vojvode Bojovica, tzgradjena na kalastarskoj parceli 54/1, broj 3 dela parcele pod zgradom: 6, broj etaza: . prizemlje 7. Zgrada lekstilne industrije ul. Bulevar Vojvode Boiovi?a bb, izgradjena na katastarskoj parceli 5411, K0 Start grad, broj dela parcele pod zgradom: 7, broj etaZa: prizemlje,? . 3. Powder zoo-dag- are thin nlje .urvrdiena meetu ate-tense. amalgam. 4. some nararammarer 54h mar dela parcele pod zgradom: 8. broj etaza: pod zemljom 1, prizenrlje, nad zemljom 1; 9. Zgrada tekstilne industn'je ul. Bulevar voivode Bojovtca br. 6?8, izgradjena na katastarsltoj parceli 54r2, K0 Start grad, broj dela parcele pod zgradorn: 1, broj etaia: pod zemljom-13+prtzemlje+nad zemljom 3; 10. Objekat lekslilne industrije ut. Bulevar vojvode Bojovica, izgradiena na kalastarskoj parceli 54l2, KO Start grad. broj dela parcele pod objektom: 2, broj etaia: prizernlje; 11. Objekat lekstilne industrije ul. Bulevar vojvode Bojovt?a, izgradjena na katastarskoi parceli 54t2, KO Start grad, broj dela parcele pod objektom: 3, broj etaia: prizemlje nad zemljom 1; tekslilne industriie ul. Bulevar . vojvode Bojovi?a, lzgradjena na katastarskoj parceli 54r2, KO Start grad, broj dela parcele od objektom: 4, broj etaia: prizemlje; . .. 5? a 1.. 39-4; 451 13.? Textile, industry object- deonnan's booths, in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd, located on cadastral-lot no. 5412, 1&0 Stari Grad, number of the part of the lot under the . object: 5, number of floors: ground ?oor 14. Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd. . located on cadastral lot no. 5412, K0 Stari Grad, number of the part of the lot under the object: 6, number of ?oors: ground floor 4? 1 under me ground 15. Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojo'vica Blvd, I {located on cadastral lot no. 54/2, K0 Start Grad, number of the part of the lot under the object: 7, number of ?oors: ground ?oor 16. Textile industry object in Vojvode Boiovica Blvd, located on 'cadastrat lot no. 54l2, K0 Slan? Grad, number the part of the lot under the object: 8, number of ?ooTS': grtjUnd- ?oor '17 Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd, locatt?d on cadastral lot no. 5412, K0 Stan' Grad number of the part of the lot under the Object: 9 number of . fleets:- ground floor- 1 abotre the grottnd: 18. Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd, . located on cadastral lot no. 5412,. K0 Stan" Grad, number of the part of the lot under the object: 10, number of floors: ground ?oor 19,- Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd, located on cadastral lot no. 54/2, K0 Stan? Grad, number of the part of the lot undertheobject: 11, number of 1 ?oors: ground floor 1 20. Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojovica. Blvd, located on cadastral tel no. 5412, K0 Stari Grad, number I of the part of the lot under the object: 12, number of floors: grotsgd floor 13. Objekat?tekstilne porti?r'nica, 5' Bu evar vojvode Boiovi?a, izgradjena na, ?astarskoi parceli 5412, K0 Start grad, broj dela parcele pod obiektom: 5, broj etaZa: prizemlje; 14. Objekat tekstilne industrije ul. vojvode Bojovi?a, tzgradjen na katastarskoj parceli 54/2, KO Stari grad, broj dela parcele pod objektom: 6, broj etaia: prizemlje nad Bulevar 3 zemljom 1; 15. Wet ?tekstilne industrije ul. Bulevar /:olvode Bojovi?a, izgradjen na katastarskoj' . I. parceli 54/2, KO Start grad, broj dela paroelom pod objektom: 7, broj etaia: prizemlje; 16. Objekat tekstilne industrije ul. ?ijode Bojovi?a, izgradjen na katastarskoi parceli 5412, K0 Start grad, broj dela parcele pod objektom: B, broj etaia: prizemlje; 17. Obtekat tekstilne industrije ul. Bulevar Volvode Bojovi?a, izgradjen na katastarskoi parcelt 5412, K0 Start grad, broj dela parcele ?podfobjektOm: 9, broj etaZa: prizemlje nad ?4 Bulevar zemljom 1; 18. Objekat tekstilne ul. vojvode Bojovi?a, izgradjen na katastarskoj parcelt 5412, K0 Start grad, broj dela parcele pod obiektom: 10, broj etaia: pn'zemtje; 19. Objek?at tekstilne ul. jvode Bojovi?a, -izgradjen na katastarskoj parceli 54l2, KO Stari grad, broj dela parcele pod objektom; 11. broj etaia: prizemlje; 20. Objekat tekstilne industrije 111. ,vojvode Bojovi?a. tzgradjen na katastarskoj parceli 5412, K0 Start grad, broj dela parcele Bulevar Bulevar Bulevar 90d objektom: 12. broj etaia: prizemlje; .- floors: ground ?oor located on cadastral lot no. 5472. K0 Stari Grad, number of the part of the lot under the object: 14. number of ?bers: ground floor . 23. Textile industry object in Voivode Bojovica Blvd. located on cadastrai lot no 5472. K0 Slen? Grad number of Ithe part of the lot under the object: 15 number of ?oors: ground llodr 24.. Accessory building in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd. located on cedastrel tel no. 5472. K0 Stari Grad. number I of the part of; the lot under the object: 16. number 01 ?oors: ground floor '5 . 25 Tralo station in voivode Bojovtca Blvd. located on Vii-the cadeetral lot 5472 number of the part of the lot under number of ?oors ground floor; 27. rraro station in nervous edidnca Blvd, located on the cadastral lot 5472 number of the part- ol I?ie lot under I object 18 number of floors ground floor: located on cadastral lot no. 5472. K0 Stari Grad. number of the part of the lot under the object: 19. number of floors: ground floor 28. Accessory building in Vojuode Bojovica Blvd.i - floors: ground floor Textile industry object 7217'. Objekat teltstilne industrije? ut. located on cadestral tot 5472. K0 Stari Grad. number ol the part of the lot under the object: 13. number of 22. Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd. 27. Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojovica': Blvd. 7 located on cadastral lot no. 5472. K0 Stari Grad. number i of the part of the lot under the object: 20, number of" 29. Accessory building, in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd. I located on the cadastral lot 5472 K0 Stari Grad number of the part of the lot under the object 21 number of I Bulevar iIrIoivode Bojovi?a. izgradjen na katastarskoj /parceii 5472. K0 Start grad. broj dela parceief pod obiektom: '13. broj etaia: prizernlie; 22. Objekat tekstilne industriie at uojvode Bojoui?a. lirgradjen na katastarskoj 5472. K0 Start grad. broj dela parcele pod objektom: 14, broj etafra: pn'zemlje; 23. Objekal tekstilne industrije 11 ul. vojvode Bojovi?a. izgradjen na kataslarskoi /parceii 5472, K0 Start grad. broj dela percele pod objektom: 15, broj etai?a: prizemlje; 7 24. Pomocna zgrada. at. Bulevar vojvodef ?ojovica. izgradjena na katasterskoj parceli 5472. K0 Start grad. broj dela parcete pod zgradom 16; broj etaia: prizemlje; 25- Tralo stanica ul. Bulevar vojvode Bojovica. /t{gradjenfa ne katasterskoj parceli 5472. broi dela parcele pod zgradom 17. broj etaza: Bulevar Bulevar prizernlje; 26. Tralo stanica .u ul. Bulevar irojvode Bojovica. . lizgradje'na? ne- katasterskoj pa'rceli 5472. broj dela parcele pod zgradom 13. broj etaza:? prizemlje; 27-9biekat tekslilne lndustrije ul. /t70juode ?Bojovica, izgradjen na katastarskoj parceli 5472. K0 Start grad. broj dela parcele pod objektom: 19, broj etaia: pn?zemlje; 28. Pomoona zgrada. ul. Buleuar vojvode? /B?oi'ovica. izgradjena na katasterskoj parceliI 5472. K0 Start grad, broj dele parcele pod zgradom: 20. broj etaia: pn'zemlje; Bulevar vojvode Butevar I 29. Pomo?na zgrada. ul. lBojoui?a. izgradjena na kalastarskoj parceli 5472. K0 Steri grad, bro] dela parcele pod i-?I . ?ql is"; 13. Textile industry-object? deorrnan?s booths. in 7 Vojvode Bojovica Blvd. located on cadastral lot no. 54/2. 0 Stari Grad. number of the part of the lot under the Obiect: 5, number of ?oors: ground ?oor 14. Textile industry obieet in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd. located on cadastral lot no. 54l2. K0 Stan Grad. number 5 ot the part 01 the lot under the object: 6. number ol floors: ground fiber 1 under the ground 15. Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd. Ilocatedon cadastrat lot no. 542. KO .Stari Grad, number - eat the part of the lot under the object: 7. number of ?oors: ground ?oor 16. Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojovtca Blvd. 1063th on cadastral lot no. 5412. K0 Start Grad. number of the part-bf the lot Under the Object: 8. number of - .17. Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd.- - tbbated. bin c'adastrallot no. 5412. K0 Stari Grad, number under the object: 9, number of litters: 'groundg?OOr 1' above the ground; 18. Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojouica Blvd. located on cadastral lot no. 5412. K0 Start Grad. number or the part of the lotunttertbe?object: 10. number of: ?oors: ground floor 19. Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd. located on cadastral lot no. 54/2. K0 Start Grad..nurnber of the part of the lot under the object: 11. number of ?oor I 20. Textile industry object in Vojvode Bojovica Blvd, located on cadastral lot no. 54f2. KO Stari Grad. number i of the part or the lot under the obiecl: 12. number 01 '13. Objekat industrije portimica. ul. Bu var vojvode Bojovtoa. izgradjena na' alastarskoj parcell 54/2. KO Stari grad. broj. dela parcele pod objektom: 5, broj etaia: prizemlje; 14. Objekat tekstilne industn'je ul. Bulevar voivode Bojovi?a. tzgradjen na parceli 54l2. KO Stan' grad. broj dela parcele I. pod objektom: 6. broj etaia: pnzemlje nad zemljom 1; t?mjeltel tekstilne industrije ul. Butevar. ?ttojvode- Bojovi?a. izgradjen na ltataetarskot paroeli 5412. K0 Start grad. broj dela parcelom pad objektom: 7. broj etaZa: prtzemlje; I 16. Objekat tekstilne industrije ul. Bulevar . ?ojvode Bojovi?a. izgradjen na katastarskoi parceli 5412. K0 Start grad. broj dela parcele . pod o'biektom: 8. broj etaZa: pn?zemlje; 17. Objeltat tekstilne industriie ul. Bulevar vojvode Boiovi?a. izgradien na kataslarskoj game? 542. KO Start grad. broj dela paroele pod objelttom: 9. broj elaia: prizemlje nad zemljom 1; 1B. Objettat industrije ul. Bulevar vojvode Bojovl?a. izgradjen na katastarsltoj parceli54/2. K0 Stan grad. broj dela parcele pod objektom: 10. broj etaZa: pn'zemlje; 19. Objekat tekstilne industrije ul. Bulevar oivode Bojovi?a. tzgradjen na katastarskoj parceli 54l2. KO Start grad. broj dela parcele pod objektom: 11. broj etaia: prizemlje; 20. Objekat industrije ul.. Bulevar. Jojvode Bojovi?a. izgradjen na katastarsltoj parceli 54l2. K0 Stan grad. broj dela parcele pod objektom: 12. broj etai'a: prizemlje; ?oors: groufd?oor ?oors: ground floor; 30. One accessory building, warehouse, in Dunavska 5 street, located on cadastral lot no. 5414. K0 Start grad, ?umber of the part of the lot under the object: 1. number of floors ground floor With the total surface of approximately 4ha33a14m2 ALL with the related right to use the land. registered in I Real Estate Sheet No. 1274 Cadastre Municipality Stari Grad in Belgrade as of August 13th 2007. . 2.2. The total value of the real estate definied in article 2, paragraph 2.1. is 55.800.000.- (in letters: ?fty live milion eight hundred thousand euros and 001100) in dinar equivalent upon themiddle exchange rate of the National?Ba'nk of Serbia on-lhe date of the payment of the deposit. is. on the. date. of the payment of the: remaining part or the purchase price. 32.3. The Buyer boys the said property as seen. and he Ehereby- announces he twelves. off the right to any later complaints and requests toward the-Seller based? on the liabilities for the legal or material faults of the assets that are subject of this Agreement and which exist at the moment the Agreement is signed and on which the Seller has noti?ed the Buyer in writing. or which occur or i are discovered at some later point. THE OBLIGATIONS Article 3. 3.1 The Buyer is obliged to pay to the Seller for the purch?e price for the Seller's real estate de?ned in zgradom: 21, broj eiaZa: prizemlje; 3D. Jedna pomo?na zgrada. stovan'ste. ul. Dunavska. izgradjena na katastarskoj parceli 5414. K0 Stan' grad. broj dela parcele pod zgradom: 1 broj etaza: prizemlje. Ukupne povrsine oko 4ha33a14m2 - 2.2. 2. 3. 3.1.. SVE sa pripadaju?im pravom koriscenia zemljista. sue on prepisu Lista nepokrelnosti br. 1274. Katastarska op?tina Stari grad, od darts? 13.08.2007. g'odlne. Ukupna kupoprodajne oena za Nepokretnost navedenu clanu 2 stay 2.1 iznosi 55. 800. 000,- (slovima: pedeset pet miliona csam slo?na hillada aura 00/100) dinarskoj protiwrednostl po srednjem kursu Narodne 'Banke- Siblje na- den uplate depozita odnosno nadah uplate praostalog dela kupoprodajne cone".- . Kupac nayedenu imovlnu kupuje vidjenom stanju. i izja'vlj'uje 'da ise' odrioe prava na isticanje naknadnihi'fre'klam?acija i zahteva prema Prodavcu po oSnovu odgoyomosti za praynei materilalne nedoslalke na imovini koja is predmet ovog Ugovora a koji postoje momentu zakljuoenja ovog Ugovora i I. predodeni su iskljudivo pismenoj lormi Kupcu od strane Prodavca, ili koji naknadno nastanu odnosno budu naknadno otkn?veni. OBAVEZA KUPCA Clan 3. Kupac se obavezuje da Prodavcu na ime' kupopmdajne cene za Nepokretnost if) article 2. perm?rim . Ithoueantlemeet vrateef 3e. Maltreatment ease mate daeeofma 55.800.000.- (in letters: ?fty eight milion eight hundred payment of the hepasrt 13 oh thesare at thepavmem Bank ad. Belgrade. 3.2. The tax on the transfer'gf absolute rights is to be . paid by the Buyer. upon the relevant decision of the competent tax authority; 3.3. Having in mind that the Buyer has paid on August 13th 2007 the deposit in the value of 62405332000 RSD (in letters: six hundred twenty four milion titty three is obliged to pay the remaining amount up to the total amount of the purchase price within a period of eight (8) _-days from the date of conclusion of the present Agreement (namely until August 21'st 2007 until 5 pm.) paragraph of this article. 3.4. This Agreement is signed within the parted or 3 trees tree reheat: fills push: bid gametes comma. 3n Eetgrade}. heavier-133e- the tn' the emote-melee: on are see of the Permit pubhlished on July 10m 2007, has been ful?lled. 35" ?it Patti?s-Mt? i?e whole 3 he shell the sat-cl attempts are .ttahsiehred to the; Setters I account and the competent Revenue Department see-teed neon rte mutate exchange hi the remehieeheeier the: purchase we: with - Seller?s account number 125474942442 at Piraeus I the total amount-- Of 'Tlasnistvu Prodavca. bliie de?nisanu ?lanon? 2. stay 2.1. ovog Ugovora plati Ukupan iznos 0d 55.500300,? (slovima: pedeset pet miliona osam stotina hiljada po srednjem kursu Narodne Banke Srbiie na den uplate depozita odnosno na dan uplate preostalog dela kupoprodajne cane. i to na thousand eight hundred twenty RSD 001100). the Buyer on the Seller's account as given in the previous - given time. mega-m theta per August 10th .2007 at 1200 ie the nonunion eegarrtinag the paymeht'efthelwoslt assisted dinarski raoun Prodavca br. 125-1 749424-12 kod Piraeus Bank and. Beograd. 3.2. Porez na prenos apsolutnih prava snosi Kupac, i islu plate na osnovu relevantnog resenja nadleine Poreske uprave. obzirorn da ie na ime dapozita Kupac dana 13. avgusta 2007. godine uplatio lznos od 624305332000 RSD (slovima sesto dvadeset ?elirt miliona pedeset tri hiljade osam stotina dvadesset RSD), Kupac 5e obavezuie da preostali tznos do punog iznesa kupoprodajne oene uplati roku od osam dana od dana 3.3. zakliu?enia ovog Ugovora (ta?niie do 21.08.2007. godine do 17 casova) Prodavca iz prethodnog stave ovog Clana. Ova] Ugovor se potpisuje predvidjenom roku od tri dana od dana odriavanja javnog nadrnetania (odrianog 10 avgusta 2007. 12h prostoniama Trgovinskog suda Baog'retjt?, are me 63 ie it petpiaosti tspunfyeh uslee 'eplate tenesa depozrtef- navedert fu Oglasu a sated-ail: imo?nie objavljenog 10. jula 2007. godine. lsplata Kupoprodajne cene 1: Elana 3. stav 3.1. na ra?un' 3.4.3 odnosno stav 3.2., smatra?e se izvrsenom trenutku kada Inavedena sred'stva budu prenela na rar?sun Prodavca i nadleine jedintoe Uprave javnih pri'noda. @32?m?m?m mu.) mum??swm?sy? ,3 1.10 i 77.3.6. The Seller retains the right of ownership over the:- -Real Estates that are subject of the sale until the Buyer . has met its obligation from article 5.1. of the present? . Agreement. The ownership right of the Buyer on the real estate in question has legal effect towards the'Seller I from the moment of the payment of the total purchase price. and toward thirt parties from the moment of the registration of the Buyere as the owner in the competent cadastral. 3.7. The risk of accidental destruction of the real estates that are subject of the Agreement and the risk of subsequently discovered faults on the assets in case and the harmful consequences that may result for the Buyer, shall be transferred to the Buyer at the moment of the delivery of the real. estate. Article 4. The Contracting parties hereby state that the Buyer is on August 13th 2007 informed by the Seller on the dispute between the First Municipal court in Belgrade under no. 815M538 upon the lawsuit of the State of Union of Serbia and Montenegro against Seller. for the determination of the rights on the real estate, cadastrat lot 5471 zkul 1714, by which are the rights of the buyer reduced. THE LIABILITIES Article 5. 5.1 The Seller agrees that the Buyer may register himself as the owner of the Real Estate upon the present agreement and. - the Order on the Transfer of the Remaining Amount of the Purc?g-zte Price which order shall be veri?ed by the business? ask of the Buyer. and 3.6. ?Prodava'c zed??aya pravom'ylasni?tva nad? Nepokretnosti koia ie predmet ove kupoprodaje sire dolt Kupac ne ispuni svoiu - obavezu iz clana 5.1. ovog Ugovora. Pravo I svojine Kupca na predmetnoj nepokremosti proizvodi pravno deistvo prema Prodavcu od trenutka uplate celokupne kupoprodajne cane. a prema trecim Iicima od momenta upisa Kupca kao vlasnika nadleian katastar - nepokretnostf. 3.7. Rizik slu?ajne propasti imevine koja je predmet ovog Ugovora kao i rizlk naknadno otkrivenih nedostataka na predmetnoj Nepokretnosti i stetnih posiedica koje usIed toga mogu nastati na strani Kupca, prelazi na Kupca momentu _7 primopredaje Nepokretnostl. Clan 4. 'Ugovome strane saglasno utvrdiuju da je Kupac dana - 13.08.2007. godine obave?ten 0d strane Prodavca 0 spam koji se vodi pred Prvim opstinskim sudom 'Beogradu pod br. 3154rse p0 tuibi Driavne zaiednice Srbije i Crne Gore protiv Pmdavca. radi prava na nepokretnosti Ital. Pare. 54M zkul I 1714, kojim se umanjuiu praya kupca. OBAVEZE PRODAVCA Clan 5. 5.1. Prodayac ie saglasan da se Kupac moie kao ylasnik Nepokretnosti na osnovu ovog Ugovora l: -Naloga prenosu preostalog iZnosa kupoprodajne cane overenog od strane poslovne banks Kupca -10- it? . documentation it holds in order to register and use the . real estate from article 2. paragraph 2.1. of this Agreement. immediately after the Buyer has paid the sh'allfall on the Buyer. procedures. public law limitations or other failures for the of the signing of the contract to submit the relevant? i request to the competent cadastral regarding erasing. the receipt on the paid tax on the transfer of the absolUte rights (clausula intabulandi). The?Seller is obliged to provide the Buyer with the entire remaining part of the purchase price from article 3. paragraph 3 1. and 2. of this Agreement. 5.2. The expenses for the registration of the ownership right on the Real Estate with the competent cadastral 5.3. A separate Protocol on Handover shall be signed 7 between the Contracting Patties about surrender of the real estate. 5.4. The Seller hereby states that he is not acknowledged with the existence of any other burdens, rights or pretentions of third parties, court or other full registration of the ownership right of the Buyer on the Real Estate in question and its free hold and use. except for those mentioned in the present Agreement. 5.5. in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Bankruptcy Procedure, the Real Estate is transferred to 3 the Buyer ?without burdens' - ex lege. Additionaly. the Seller is obliged to, at its own expense. perform any legal or factual activity necessary for the ionnal erase of the mortgages, and within thirty (30) days from the date the burdens. The Contracting Parties hereby agree that the manner and the time limit for the execution of this obligation of the Seller constitutes an essential part of this a?eement. porezu ?na' prenos apsolutnih' prava (clausula intabulandi). Prodavac se obavezuje da preda Kupcu svu dokumentaciju kojom. raspolaie radi uknjiibe i kon's'cenja Nepokretnosti iz clana 2. stav 2.1. 0on Ugovora, odmah po isplati preostalog iznosa . kupoprodajne cene iz ?lana 3. stav 1. i 2.. ovog Ugovora. 5-2. Tro?kove upisa svojinskog prava nag Nepokretnosti pri Katastru nepokretnosti snosi?e Kupac. 5.3. predaje Nepokretnosti driavinu Kupca sacinice se poseban Zapisnik potpisan od obe Ugovome strane. 5.4. Prodavac izjavljuje da mu nije poznato postoianje bilo kakvih drugih tereta. prava i pretenzija sudskih i drugih postupaka. ograni?enja javno pravne prirode, drugih smetnii za upis punopravnog prava svojine Kupca na predrnetnoj Nepokretnosti i trecih lica. njegovo nesmetano drz'anje i kon'scenje, osim onih navedenih ovom Ugovoru. 5.5. skladu sa odredbama Zakona ste?ajnom postupku lmovina se na Kupca prenosi ,bez tereta? - ex tege. Pored prethodno navedenog Prodavac se obavezuje da do 0 svom trosku preduzeti sve potrebne pravne i fakti?ke radnje I radi formalnog brisanja hipoteka. te ee I Prodavac roku od lrideset (30) dana od dana potpisivanja ugovora podneti odgovaraju?i zahtev nadleinom Katastru nepokretnosti radi brisania tereta. Ugovorne strane saglasno da nacin i rok izvrsenja ove obaveze Prodavca predstavlja bitan sastojak ovog wins, 5' it . 4 . artist?? 5.6. The obligation of the payment of the property tax the present Agremenet. are to be paid by the Seller until the moment of the delivery of the Real Estate. Article 6. the. Buyer completely free of persons and things. until December 31st 2007. The Seller is obliged to pay to the Buyer the amount of one pro mille of the total purchase pn?ce from article 3. of the present Agremeent, for each day of being late in the execution of this obligations. The contracting parties agree that the ful?lment of this obligation of the Seller in the manner and in the given time period represents the essential element of the present agreemenh 15.3. The obligation of the Seller from the previous paragraph of this article specially refers to the existing holders of the parts of the Real Estate upon the Lease Agreement or other type of legal relationships. The Seller is obliged to perform all necessary legal and I factual activities and bear for all the possible expenses related to the removing and potential requests and claims of all the holders of the Real Estate in question. Article 7. 7.1. If the Buyer fails to pay the purchase price under . conditions?. - and other expenses related to the Real Estate in question, except for those transferred to the Buyer by 'bed in article3. of this Agreement, the 5.6. - 6.1. 6.1. The Seller is obliged to deliver the Real Estate to . 6.3. Ugovora. Obaveza pla?ania poreza na imovinu i drugih troskova vezi sa predmetnom NepakretnoE?u. osim onih koji su ovim Ugovorom preneti na teret Kupca. snosi primopredaje Prodavac do momenta Nepokretnosli. Clan 6. Prodavac se obavezuje da do 31.12.2007. godine preda predmetnu Nepokretnost Kupcu driavinu polpuno isprainjenju od lice i stvari. Prodavac se obavezuje da za svaki dan kasnjenja izvrsenju ove obaveze ispla?uje Kupcu iznos od jednog promila (1960) 0d ukupne kupoprodajne cene iz clana 3. ovog Ugovora. Ugovorne slrane sagiasno utvrdiuju da ispunjenje ove obaveze Prodavca na nacin i navedenom roku predstavlia bitan sastojak ovog Ugovora. Obaveza Prodavca iz prethodnog stave ovog (Elana se posebno odnosi na posloje?e driaoce delova Nepokrelnosti po osnovu Ugovora zakupu ili druge vrste pravnog odnosa. Prodavac se obavezuje da polpunosti preduzeti sve neOphodne pravne i tekticke radnje i snositi sve evenlualne troskove vezi sa iseljenjem i eventualnim drugim zahtevime i predmetne polraiivanjima svih driaoca Nepokretnosti. Clan 7. slu?aju da Kupac ne uplali celokupnu kupoprodajnu cenu pod uslovima predvidjenim -12- 3'56?; . Agreement against the Buyer without leaving any additional deadline and to retain the right to thepaid ts. . deposit as the damage reimbursement: 7.2. This provision shall also apply if the Buyer pays only partially the purChase' price within the stipulated considered lenninated on the date of the delivery of the 9 1. The Buyer shall have no right to cede or transier to shall have the "right to unilaterally tenninate' the? deadline. in which case the Seller shall be obligated to repay to the Buyer the paid amount of the purchase The Agreement is 5 price less the deposit amount. registered mail to the post of?ce to be sent to the address of the Buyer. AGREEMENTS AND AuruonIzanons ArtiCIe 8. 8.1. The Buyer and the Seller are obliged to obtain all agreements, documents and authorizations required to . 3 sign and-implement this Agreement. 6.2. Amendments to the present Agremeent enter into force only if composed in writing, signed by the; authorized representatives of the Contracting Parties.? and whose signatures are ven'?ed by the court or other competent body. RESTRICTION OF TRANSFER - CESSION Article 9. athird in ?yidual or legal person any of his rights or ""lated in this Agreement without - 7.2. 8.1. 1 3.2.. 9.1. ?lanomS. ovog ugovora. PredaIIac ima pravom; na jednostrani raskid Ugovora kupoprodaji nepolrretnosti bez ostavljanja dodatnog roka' pri oemu zadriava pravo na upla?eni depozit' na ime naknade stete. Ova odredba vaii i za slucaj da je Kupac I predvidjenom roku samo delimi?no izvrsio tsplalu celokupne kupoprodajne cene, kom slucaju je Prodavac duian da Kupcu vrati ispla?eni deo kupoprodajne cene umanjen za visinu depozita. Ugovor se smatra raskinutim danom predate prepomcenog pismena posti . na adresu Kupca. SAGLASNOSTI I Clan 8. Kupac i Prodavac se obavezuju da pribave sve saglasnosti. isprave i ovla??enja potrebna za zakljucenje i realizaciju ovog Ugovora. Izmene ovog Ugovora proizvode pravno dejstvo iskljucivo ukoliko su sa?injene pisanoj fonnii potpisane od strane ovlascenih . predstavnikalzastupnika Ugovomih strana i ciji su potpisi overeni pred sudom drugim nadleinim organom. ZABRANA PRENOSA USTUPANJA Clan 9. Kupac nema pravo da ustupi ili prenese na . trece ?zi?ko ili pravno lice bilo koje svoje pravo ili obavezu predvidjenu ovim Ugovorom bez?J -13- a; Ire? 4 the other contracting party. The Buyer shall not be able to cede or transfer . Irights from this Agreement to a third individual or legal person before ful?lling his liabilities described in article 3. of this Agreement. NOTIFICATIONS Article 10. 10.1. Any noti?cations concerning this Agreement shall be delivered through the registered mail to the following addresses: For the Seller: Commercial court in Belgrade. St. Br. 1835196 For the Buyer. Cara Dusana 62-64. Belgrade 10.2. Any noti?cations concerning this agreement has to . be made in writing. in Serbian. and submitted to the- . ?other party, in the manner and to the address stated in the article 10. paragraph 10.1.. of this Agreement. FORCE MAJEUR Article 11. 11.1. Parties to the agreement shall not be held liable for breach or failure to ful?ll an obligation when such breach or failure to ful?ll has resulted as a consequence of a force majeure. The force majeure shall be taken to mean any unpredictable event, to. an event that cannot be prevented and is of an exceptional nature. which occurs after the day the Agreement is signed and which . the parties this Agreement cannot affect, and which llment of the agreed liabilities. taming speci?c approval in writing from the Seller as -14.. 9.2. 10.1. 10.2. 11.1. izri?ite pismene saglasnosti Prodavcal': kaIO-i' druge ugovome strane. Kupac ne moie preneti ili ustupiti prava iz ovog Ugovora no trade ?zicko ili pravno lioe pre nego sto izvrsi obaveze iz (Elana 3. cm Ugovora. OBAVESTENJA Clan 10. Sva obavestenja vezi sa ovim ugovorom bide dostavljana preporu?enom po?tenskom posiljkom, na sledece adrese: za Prodavca: Trgovinski sud Beogradu, St. Br. 1835/96 23 Kupca: Cara Dusana 62-64 Beograd. Svako obavestenje vezi sa ovim Ugovorom more biti sa?injeno pisanoi formi, na jeziku, i dostavljeno drugoj Ugovomoj strani.? na na?ini adresu koji su ugovoreni stavorn 10.1. ?iana 10. ovog Ugovora. vrsA SILA Clan 11. Ugovome strane ne?e snositi odgovomost za povredu ili neispunjenje obaveza sluoajevima 2 kada je takva povreda ili neispunjenje obaveza nastalo kao posledica vise sile. Pod visom silom se podrazumeva svaki nepredvidjeni dogadjaj, odnosno dogadiaj koji se ne moie preduhitriti. a koji je od izuzetne prirode. koji . naslupi posle dana zaklju?enja ovog Ugovora i na koji Ugovome strane ne mogu da uti?u. a ti, g. $11.2. The party affected by the force majeure shall reduce the damage and losses suffered to a minimum. and it will notify the other party in writing, no later than 7 force majeure. in order to maximally alleviate consequences of such an impact. su?ered theimpact of the force majeure shall, with the for the term of the effect of the force majeure. Any event or purposeful action of the Party to the Agreement, or its representative. shall not be considered a force majeure. TRANSITIONAL AND CLOSING PROVISIONS Article 12. 12.1. This Agreement. together with the attachments Agreement. The Agreement is made in Serbian and interpretation of this Agreement, the versioni in Serbian language shall be applicable.- 12.2. Attachment to the present Agreement is: undertake any reasonable measures or actions to the day of ?nding about the impact of the 11.3. The noti?cation shall contain a detailed description . ofthe event caused by the force majeure and the steps . and actions the Party-to the Agreement has undertaken a 11.4. Ful?llment of obligations of the Party that has appropriate noti?cation mentioned above, be suspended . that has occurred as a consequence of neglect or error that form its integral part, forms the complete text of the .?Englisha language. in case of dispute regarding the .- . .1 .g-nr no. 1 Minutes of the public bid 1 koii if onemogucaiia ispunjenie ugovcmih i obaveza. Ugovoma strana pogodjena visom silom ce. preduzeti sve razumne mere i radnje da sletu i gubilke svede na minimum, pri Cemu (2e pismeno obavestiti drugu 1 1.2. ugovomu stranu, naikasnije roku od sedam (7) dana od dana saznanja uticaju vise site. Obavestenje ?e sadriati delaljan opis dogadjaja prouzrokovanog visom silom, kao i mere i radnje koje Ugovoma strana preduzima. radi maksimalnog smanjenja postedica tog 11.3. delovanja.? lspunjenje ugovorenih obaveza Ugovorene strana koja je pretrpela uticaj vise site ?be, uz . odgovaraju?e, gone navedeno obavestenje. bill obustavljeno tokom perioda delovanja vise site. Bilo koji dogadjaj koji je nastao kao' posledica nemara ili greske kao i namemog - odnosno 11.4. delovanja Ugovome strane, zastupnika jedne od Ugovomih strana nece se smatrati delovanjem vise site- PRELAZNE ooneoae Clan 12. Ugovor zajedno sa prilozima koji cine njegov sastavni deo predstavlja jedinstven tekst. Ugovora. Ugovor je sa?injen na jeziku i engleskom jeziku. slu?aju spore tumabenju ovog Ugovora primenice se verzija 12.1. ugovora na jeziku. 12.2. Prilozi Ugovom kupoprodaji nepokretne imovine so: Prilog 1. Zapisnik javnom . i no: -15.. .1 . 1274 K0 Stari Grad dated August 13th 2007 'S'Fprocedure no. 2' (it) Attachment no. 2 - Extract of the cadastral no. 12.2. If some provision of'this Agreement turns to be invalid or legally void. it will not affect validity of other provisions. In that case. the Parties to the Agreement pledge to agree to replace the invalid or void provision with another, which will contribute to realization of the subject of the Agreement. 12.3. The Agreement is made and signed in 9 copies, 2 of which are retained by the Buyer, 5 for the Seller, 2 for the needs of court veri?cation. Each copy has equal 112.4. The Buyer bears all the expenses related to the parties are veri?ed in a competent court. legal effect and validity. veri?cation of the Agreement. 12.5. The Agreement shall be considered signed and will come into effect at the moment the signatures of the APPLICABLE LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION Article 13. 13.1. This Agreement shall be subject to and interpreted in accordance with regulations of the Republic of Serbia on force at the time of conclusion of the Agreement. 13.2. Parties to the Agreement agree that any potential disagreements, claims or disputes stemming from or related .wit; Agreement shall be resolved peacefully. 12.2. 12.3. I 12.4. 12.5. nadmetanj?u br. 2 (ii) Prilog 2. List nepokretnosti br. 1274 K0 Stari Grad ed 13.08.2007. godine slucaju da se ispostavi da ie neka od odredaba ovog Ugovora navaie?a ili nistava, to node uticati na vaienie ostalih odredaba. tom stucaju se Ugovome strane obavezuju da sporazumno zamene nevaiecu nistavu odredbu drugom, koia ?e dopn'neti ostvarivanju I predmeta ?Ugovora kupoprodaji nepokretne imovine. Ugovor ie sacinjen i potpisan devet (9) primeraka, od kojih su dva (2) primerka za Prodavca, pet (5) primeraka za Kupca. dok su dva (2) primerka za Sud overe. Svalti od primeraka ima jednako pravno dejstvo t- punovainost. Kupac snosi trosko've sudske-overe Ugovora. Ugovor kupoprodaii nepokretne imovine smatra se zakliucenim i stupa na snagu. momentnom sudske overe potpisa Ugovomih strana pred nadleinim sudom. MERODAVNO PRAVO RESAVANJE SPOROVA 13.1. 132. Clan 13. Na Ugovor be so pn'menjivati i isti ?e biti- tuma?en prema pozitivnopravnim pmpisima Republike Srbije vreme zaklju?enie Ugovora kupoprodeji nepokretne imovine. Ugovome strane su saglasne da sve eventualne nesuglasice, zahteve ili sporove '16- cry that fails, the court 'of pItIper jurisdiction Shall'be the ?reeavaju Sporaz?mno. sdpiohidm ug?bIrlara- mmercial Cour! Belgrade. se nadleinosi Trgow'nskog suda Beogradu. In Belgrade, August 13th 2007? Beogradu, 13. avgusta 2007. godine Beogradska Im Pin stecajnlupravmk [Belgrade Apparel Maker BEKO a. d. Belg: urIder bankruptcy! [Bankruptcy manager Mr sew-we ce PreSIdent of he 800 Mr Z?Isimos Danilalosl I . #94? PRVIQQ?tinski sud 8% a I ?4 0v.br; I f?fc?? mm? J, Ovim se da je za prodavca, Zeljko Peeul Ii?no potpisao ovu ispravu i polpis na istoj pn'znao za svoj. ldentitet imenovanog na osnovu li?ne kadel Ovim 5e potwdjuje da'je za kupca. Zisimos Danilatos, li?no potpisao ovu ispravu i potpis na isloj pn'znao za svoj. ldentitet imenovanog na osnovu paso?a Republike Gr?kes Taksa za overu iznosu 0d 26.03250 dinara, napla?ena i poni?tena. Beograd. 13. avgust2007.a..godine WJA F?vbm??g Vi 3mg: . 4? 1F1- 1' AP 1:1 8:3 ?385? . "m *"13 419- mm nor-pm l4 a nonnaheey IIUiJfa-v Referent overe