You can attribute this to ICE ERD Executive Associate Director loco} Matthew Albence: Immigration and Customs Enforcement takes very seriously any and all assertions that an individual detained in its custody may be a LLB. citizen. Under their civil immigration authorities, ICE officers and agents arrest only those individuals for whom the agency has probable cause of alienage and removability from the United States. On a number of occasions, ICE has reviewed and enhanced its policies and procedures to ensure all appropriate measures are in place to address a claim to LLB. citizenship. ICE updated its relevant policy most recently in November 2015. In light of the complexity of LLB. citizenship and nationality law, some individuals don't even know that they are LLB. citizens untilwell after they are encountered by ICE, and, in fact, it is ICE that often identifies indicia of potential LLB. citizenship of which the person encountered was unaware. For that reason, it is ICE policy to carefully and expeditiously investigate and analyze the potential LLB. citizenship of individuals encountered by ICE, including those who make a claim to U.B. citizenship, as well as in cases in when certain indicia of potential U.B. citizenship are present.? ?The task of determining immigration status may require the review of records collected by federal, state, local, and international agencies. These agencies beep many, but not all, of their official records in electronic databases. These investigations may require in-depth research of electronic and paper records, in addition to personal interviews of the individual and other persons. ICE continually strives to ensure that its systems of records are accurate and up-to-date. When the agency receives evidence suggesting that information in its systems is inaccurate, steps are taken to ensure the accuracy of such information.? does not make the ultimate determination regarding whether an individual is a LLB. citizen. If an individual encountered by ICE claims to be a LLB. citizen, or if ICE identifies indicia of potential LLB. citizenship, ICE will analyze the facts to determine ifthere is probative evidence that supports the claim. lmportantly, LLB. citizenship determinations are made by LLB. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the LLB. Department of State, and the federal district courts."