Security related outtake from CBO review, Fall BMP FY 2017-18 (full document here: Key Decision: • Transfer $571,438 from the General Fund to the Facilities Services Operating Fund for increased security spending at City Hall. (Recommended with reservations) Facilities Services and Security Operations Facilities Services has had an increase focused on security services in the prior fiscal year, due in part to an increase in the number of protests and uncivil outbursts at City Hall. Facilities Services is requesting $571,438 in General Fund resources to support the incremental cost of increased security guard presence at City Hall and for the Mayor. This increased level of service was instituted during FY 2016-17 and has continued into the current fiscal year. While the increased level of security services may well have been warranted, the increase is too substantial to be covered by the City Hall operations and maintenance budget, and Facilities Services is currently relying on building reserves to support the service level increase. To the degree that the increased level of security services is ongoing, OMF should coordinate a FY 2018-19 decision package that reflects an increase in the operations and maintenance rental rate component for City Hall. In the near term, and to the degree that Council wishes to retain the existing level of security services, CBO recommends that $571,438 in one-time General Fund discretionary resources be appropriated to City Hall tenants to fund the current year increase in the City Hall rental rate. Structuring the security increase as a one-time increase in rental rates, rather than a cash transfer, will allow for the recapture of General Fund Overhead resources. Facilities Services is coordinating a consultant engagement with Triad to complete a Citywide Security Assessment. The division requested $112,280 from building reserves to fund costs associated with a temporary position to oversee this contract. It is CBO’s opinion that, while these temporary costs can be appropriately funded from building reserves, any ongoing personnel expenses related to general Citywide security management efforts be funded via the operations and maintenance component of rental rates. Tenants pay Facilities Services a rental rate that includes both an operations and maintenance component and a major maintenance component. Currently, resources from building-specific underspending on operations and maintenance go into the building’s major maintenance account at year-end, essentially comingling the resources. CBO has been supportive of OMF’s efforts to increase the major maintenance rental rate component, and looks forward to the result of the work Council directed OMF to perform in the FY 2017-18 budget note around major maintenance and asset management. However, as Facilities Services develops its asset management program and makes the case to increase major maintenance contribution rates, it will be critical to have policies and internal controls that prevent major maintenance funding from being cannibalized by operations expenses. CBO recommends the division consider establishing a Facilities Services Capital Fund to that end.