THOMAS J. DONOVAN, JR. i1!:', { ATTORNEYGENERAL TEL: (8oe) 24t-or89 FAX: (8oz) 24t-ozt4 http://www,ago.vermont. gov JOSHUA R. DIAMOND DEPUTT ATTORNEY GENERAL \MILLIAM E. GRIFFIN CHIEFASST. ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE OF VERMONT OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL 28o STATB DRTVE - HC2N WATERBI.IRY,VT o567r-zo8o November 9, 2018 Donna Waters, COM Vermont Superior Court Washington Civil Division 65 State Street Montpelier, VT 05602 Re DAIL u. Homestead at Pillsbury, et al Docket No. 618-11-18 Wncv Dear Ms. Waters, Pursuant to the Court's Order dated November 8, 2018 enclosed please find REDACTED copies of Plaintiffs November 7,2018 fi.lings, Notice of Appearance, and Certificate of Service for the above captioned matter. Service of the unredacted pleadings was perfected on Defendant's on November 8, 2018. Proof of service to follow under separate cover. Thank you for your assistance. Very yours, Bessie Weiss Assistant Attorney General BW/hj Encl. STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT WASHINGTON UNIT ) ) ) ) ) Commissioner of the Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent T.iving, CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO. 618-11-18 Wncv ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Plaintiff V. Homestead at Pillsbury; Pillsbury Manor - South; Allenwood at Pillsbury Manor, ELCM Homestead Leasing, LLC Defendants NOTICE OF APPEARANCE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT Assistant Attorneys General Bessie Weiss, Benjamin Chater, Kristin Clouser, and James Renner, hereby enter their appearances as co-counselors in the above-captioned matter on behalf of the Commissioner of the Department for Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living. Dated at Waterbury, Vermont this 9th day of November, 2018. - signatures on next page- 1 THOMAS J. DONOVAN, JR. ATTORNEY GENERAL @r^Cmr- By: Benjamin Chater Assistant Attorney General HC2 South, 280 State Drive, Waterbury, VT 0567 l-2020 802-24t-0L93 ben. chater@vermont. gov ERN: by: ssie Weiss Assistant Attorney General HC 2 North-280 State Drive Waterbury, VT 0567L-2O2O (802) 24r-0200 be ssie.weiss@vermont. gov ERN: 1 by: Clouser Assistant Attorney General HC 2 North-280 State Drive Waterbury, VT 05671-2080 (802) 241-0188 kristin. couser@ve rmont. gov ERN by: ames Renner Assistant Attorney General 109 State Street Montpelier, VT 05609 (802) 828-5e47 amie.renner"@vermont. gov ERN: 6803 j 2 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT WASHINGTON UNIT ) Commissioner of the Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living, Plaintiff v. Homestead at Pillsbury; Pillsbury Manor - South; Allenwood at Pillsbury Manor, ELCM Homestead Leasing, LLC Defendants ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO. 618-11-18 Wncv CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned counsel hereby represents that Plaintiffs cover letter, redacted pleadings and exhibits, ahd notices of appearance was served by first class mail to the following persons Homestead at Pillsbury VIA registered agent: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 1OO NORTH MAIN STREET, SUITE 2, BARRE, VT, 05641, USA Pillsbury Manor - South VIA registered agent: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY lOO NORTH MAIN STREET, SUITE 2, BARRE, VT, 05641, USA ELCM Pillsbury Management LLC VIA registered agent: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 251 LITTLE FALLS DRIVE WILMINGTON, DE 19808 Allenwood at Pillsbury Manor VIA registered agent: CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 1OO NORTH MAIN STREET, SUITE 2, BARRE, VT, 05641, USA -signature on next page- Dated at Waterbury, Vermond this 9th day of November, 2018 THOMAS J. DONOVAN, JR. GENERAL by Weiss Attorney General HC 2 South-280 State Drive Waterbury, VT 0567 L-2020 (802) 24L-O2O0 bessie.weiss@vermont. gov ERN: 4l4l Y-f' S{:i? [fjie]F. ilf;L,nl l''J.q Siilt;t I *}{ {.,iil i t:rli,:: .r: ..i j, ,l STAIE UF \TENXI{ONT SUPARIO$ COUAT 1'VASTilNGTON UNIT I$l$ ll0t *1 A ) & 51 CNruL DIVI$ION EOCIffiT X0.6t g:-r/.# do"o ) ) ) + Commiseioner of t&e. rl r.r c- fr Department of Disabilities, Asinsladd -.,- !, Inilependent Living, ) ) ) ?tainl;iff v. ) ) Homestead at Pillsbury; Pillsbnry Manor * $outh; Allenwood at Pillsbury Menor, ELCM Pillabury Managernent LLC De{endants , ) ) ) ) COMPLAr}If ANP AITPLICATION FOR ATPOINT .*IENT OF ESCSNM& NOW COMES The Stat€ of Veraont, Commissioner of the Departaent of Oisabilities, Aging, and IndeBsndet Living pureuant to 3$ Y.$.A. $ ?2S2(a) and hereby makcs the following compl*int: SUMIT{ARY OF C OMPI,AIIVT Plaintiffbr:i:rg* thia action to appoint a receiver tg opernte three reeidential cere facilitiee in order to prevent death or serious phyoieal nnd mental harm to reaidente and to avert the imminent financial insolvency af these faeiliiies. Residente in all throe faeilitiec are *t riek of grave hare dse ts the attions and inactions of Defendante whieh havs resulted in oignifcani food ineoeurity, rep*ated i violafions of the established standarde of health, e*fefy and r*eidsnt eare ta tl:e dotrirnent of the welfare of the reeidents. I. Introduction and General Allegation* Supporting lteceivership 1. Andrew Whito is the sole manager af the four Saet Lsko Capital Management (ELCI\{) limited liability eompanies (LLC's) that own and oporate the Defendant facilities {tcgether, "ELCM LLC's'1.t Since February 2018, b1r. lVhits ha* been exhibiting increasingly abnorriral and ccncerning business practieer, including: elosing bank acsounts suddenly and without warning io etaff; failing to collect rent from all residente in all facilitian; failing to timely pay vendors for their services to ttre faeilitiee resulting vendors end utilities in the recoipt of ehut-off notice. *od throate fi'om t* stop serr'icee: failing to'iseue proper refunde to ueeidents and their; failing to eneure that the facilities maintain propsr ctaffiug; failing to ensure residente.receive approp*ate cari; and remaiuing incomnunicado with his own m&nageuient arrd staff about the cauee of, ar any planned resolution to, these profounel abnormalitios. 2. Thess patterns havo grown exponentially worse in recbnt weeks. Nnrsing staffar"e now failing to show up for their shifts. The food-delivery yendor is failing t The regietered owner of all three fasfities ie EICM ?illebury Managenaant ttC. However, each fncility's license to oper* the State of Vermont is held by s eeparate LLC. The licenee for Allenwood at Pillsbury ig beld bv ELCM Allenwo*d Management LLC. The license for PiXebury Manor Se$th ie held by ELCM M*nor South Management LL.,C. ?he licenee for Homeetead at Piilsbury is held by SI,CM Hornestead Management LLC. Hereafber, the thr*e LLC'* that hold the licensss fox ibe facilities will be rsferred to as the "lieenrce tLC's." A '. to make regular deliveriee due to lack of payment, and deliveries will be rtapped days. """ttl it has indicated that payment is recsived" Foad reserves are down ta 2 - Reeidente are not rcceiving required as8istance with medication man&g€ment, and perCIonal care neede and reeideuts are experiencing increased stre** and arrxiety over tbe *tability af the faeitity and their residsace. Exhibit A; G 3. Seenarios strikiagly similar to the instant matter have recently ariaen involving facilities owned by Mr. White il at leaet *hree other states.? Mr. White has failed to reqpo*d to repeated anrl urgent inquirie* &om the Depn:tment, the Office qf the Vermont Attorney Oeneral, the State l,ong-?ern Care Ombudonann and hie own sta{f. Exhibit B, I, J, K, &. Inlerventiou of thie Court is needed to prevont serioue harm to reeidente and to rescue th'e facilitiee from financial ruin- n. Parties 4. Plaintiff is the State of Vermont, through the Commissisr:er of the Department $f Disabilities, Agrng, and Independent Living f'PAIL and the Department" or "the Commiseioner"). The Bepartmont is Vermont'n liconsing Appended to thie Complnint are {)*ober 3018 court filinge initiating theae actions in ihe $tatec of Texas and Tenneseee. The Department ie also awal€ of a *imilar actisn pending in tha $tata of lndian*. In additios, Mr. White is in conteupt of caurt and faeing multiple sanctiona from U.$. Bankruplcy Oourt for the Middle llietriet af terureesee for lailing ta resit praperty to a bankruptcy eetats and failing to comply with multiple csurt orders. Exhibit I{. 2 ,) agency as defined, by 83 V.S.A. $ ?102{5). The Depaxtment is authorized to initiats this action pursuant to,Title 3S, Chapter ?li subchapter 4, of the Vermont $tatutsg Annotated. 5. Defendante are a* lbllows: a. Allenwosd at Pillaburg ("Allenwoad"), 90 Allenxood H,o*d, Soutb Surling$on, 'VT 05403 (Licensee: ELOM AJlenwasd Managenent LLO. Owner: SIOM Piltebury Management LT.rC, 1424L Dallae Parkway, Suite 650, Ila}lae, ?X, 76264., b. Pillebury Manor South ("Pillsbury M&nor"), 20 Harbor View Road, South Burlington,\lT 06403 {Licenaee: $I,CM Mnnor $outh Management LLC. Owner: FLCM Pill*bury Managenent tLC, 142{1 ballas Fnrkway, gldts 650, Dalla*, TX, ?5*S4.) c" Hsmesteqd.*t Fillsbnm fHomostead"), S Harborview Srive, $t, Albnns, YT 054?S (ticensee: ELCM Homestead Management LrLC. Owncr: SLCM Pill*bury Managernent LLC, L42&l Dallas Parkway, Suite 650, Dallas, TX, ?6954.) $. On May 5, 2A17, the Fepartment granted liceneoe to Mr. trVhite, through his LtC's, to operate the Defendant facilities. e{". White work* and reeides in Dallas, Texas, and he purch*sed the three f*citities through ELCM Pillsbury Management LLC in ?016. In the s&me transaction, he nlso purchased a fourth Pillsbury faciliqy, Harborview, wbish is as indepcndent living f*cilify in South Burlington.r ?. *A,llenwood, Pillxbury Ma:ror, and Horoe*tead are *,ll licansed *s L€vsl III reeidential cars horcee, which rneauo they must be able toprovide "pereonal care, delined as sseistance with meals, dressing, movement, bathing, groaning, *r $thsr porsorral neede, or general supervisi*n of phyeical or mental well-being, including. nursing overview and medieation ma.nagsment." SB V.$4. $ ?1"02{10}tA}. Aa of October 9, 2018, there wero J.02 recidents requiring Level III'care across all three Dcfendant facilitiee. 36 of those resided at Homestead, 27 resicled at Allenwood, and 39 resided at Pillsbury Manor. As of the sar$e date, Allenwood alao had 43 independent livi-ng resid'ente and Homestead bad 20. Ccunting Harborview, a total of 247 eerrior citireus currently resid.e in the four Verusnt facilities owned by Mr. White. nL Juriediction 8. Tha *ep*rtrnent is locatsd in lYaehingtcn Couaty at *80 $tate Drive in Waterbury, VT. 9. Pursuant to 33 V.S.A. $ ??0?{a}, the Oommiseianer may &le a comp}eint requesting appointment af a receiver in the Superiar Cor:rt sf the couaty in which the licensing agency ie locatsd. I Rarborview is not a nanlcd deftnd*nt in this proceeding t{rn care &cilities as provided at 33 V.$,A. $ ?:01. as 6 DAIL's authori$ for receivership is limited ts long" l, IV Evidence of irrmine$t dangbr of de*th or $€rious physicnl ar mental harm to reaideuts, in violation of Sg 10. The l)ofendant's acts and omiseions V.S.A. $ ??09{aX2}. prer*nt o'a eituation, a phyrical conditian, *r'a practiee, method, or oper*.tion which presents imminent danger of death or serious pliysical or mental harn to residents'i that may include imuiaent or aclual abandonment cf the facilify. gS V.S.A. $ 7202{aX2}. 11. B*gianing in late Fcbruary 201"8, veud,ors for the facilities called ting they had.not received paynent triggering the manager's concern nnd outreach to carporate. ,See Exhibit A" After ten days Mr *top procersing any resident Wtrits responded, direeting payments for rent and nther sorvices at ali thtee of the Defendant facilities. /d. Mr. closod the aceount for the Pillsbury facilitiee White told Jd. Since thoa, none fov reasons that did noi ruake sense to of thB renidents havs been billed by the incilitics, nor lrave they been able to pay any money to the facilities" Id., see also Sxhibits C, il, E *nd F. When resid.ents have asked the facilities for .stat€ments of their aecounte, the faeilities bave been unable to provide them. Residenls have repeatedly inforned Oep*rtment licenning surveyot$ and invesbigatnre that they ars "very upset" by the faitrure sf the f;asilitiee to bill them and by thoir inability to see the stntus cf their aceou$ts. S*e Exhibite B and F, They fear the facilities &re on the verge of bankruptcy and they will suddenly and withoui notice find themselves without a home. ,!ee Exhibits C, D, E and F. rj 12. Mr. Y*" has repeatedly failed to timely pay critical utilitioe end vend.ora of the fasilitiee, iucluding Reinhart Foodser"rice, the company that d.elivers mast af tbs food oupplies used bv the faciXties. $ae Exhibit A. tes that *t Til ane point or *nother, he recsived *hut *ff notices for every utility the fscilities relied sn for wat&r, electricity, *&e, etc.... fd. Currently, d.ue to aaounts paat d.ue, Reinhart has put a hold on the Fillebury food deliveries. See Sxhibit G. As of this liling, Pillsbury $outh and Allenwood repor"t having just twer to th::roe dayr of food on hand" Jd. In previous weeks food delivery was sporadic. Sometimoa the only way vendore got paid waa by the acctluntant, contacting Mr. White's wife, who would pay the vendor with a credit card, using his pereonal fund*. See Hxhibit A. Facility on Uy food service.persannel reported running oui of milk, and the need to start acceseing their *eerggnelr food supply. See Exhibit G. 13. Mr. White hse also faitred ts issue refunds that urere due to residente or their.families since March 201"8 at all three faeilities, Regulatior: requiro* fapilitiee to issu6 any refunds that m*y be du* within l5 days follawing resident discharge or death. After one resident of Pill*bury Manor paseed away in Februnry 201S, a rofund of g5,596.61 rrvae due to the family. The resiclent's family confirmed on September 2S, 201S thnt no refund had beon issued as of that date. This was *ot an isolated incident, 14. Throughcut this 8-mcnth period, Mr. White and his D*llas steffhave repeaiedly ignored const*nt aad urgent attempte io *ommunicate with them. 7 Cnrpcrate does not reepond. to the $tate regulatcr * the Divieisn of Lieensing and Protection ai DAII, to the State l,ong-Term Carp Ombuds:Bpn,4 to the loeal rnan&gers of these f*cili*ies, or ts th*ir resideat*" Follovring is a sumlaary of effurts made to contact Mr- White: a made repe*.ted desperate attempta at eontact in order for vendorrj and utilitics to be paid. See Exhibit A. ?he phone number on all of the licensing applications {91?) 825"1308 d.oes a nat accept incoming calls. See Oxhibit I. The Long-?erm Care Ombudsman's request in'an e*ail cent on $eptomber ?, 2018 to communicate with reeidsnts dae to receiving num.elous ealls from the reeidentS and familiee expreesing.their anxiety over the non-collection of rent. Mr. Whi*e hae never re*ponded to this s:nail. See Exhibit B. I An October 21, ?018 email from about residcnt invaices and vendor payments, has received ncl substantive response to date. I Roqueets f'or information 'See Sxhibit J. initially sent by DAIL on October 4, 2018. DAIL has made so&e contact was able to speak rpith Mr. White *fter The St$tc long.Tenn Care Ombudsman is statulorily mandated ta "rsprtsenl thc interesls of older persou and persons with disrbilities under 60 years of age re*eiving long+erm tare-" 33 V.S.A. Chapter 75. 4 thix requeet but, to date, he has not provid"ed any substantive onswerg to the quoatione posed. a ,See Exhibit I. Octolrer 22,*Ot enail and lett*r requesting financial statemente and answers to sertain fin*neial questiona General representing v. DAII *os an Assisterrt Attorney hae received no response. 'See Hxhibit I{. Kvidence nf subatanti*l and hnbitual violations pursuant to 88 Y.S*A. $ 7202(aXB) 15. The facilities are in substantial or habitual violation af the standards bf health, eafety, or resident care establiehed under $tate or federal rogulationn to the detriment of the welfare of the resid"ents or client. 33 V.S,A. $ ?20?(aXB). 16. Current and frrnner amployees., residents, and family nnembers exprees deep concern about inadequate staffing, and a staffexodus. See Exhibits A, C, D, E. being shor"i on LNAs, LPNs and. RNs, requiring nutses to cover rnultiplo once, nnd instances of nurses working 100-hour weeks. See Exhibit A. "By September, on & given shift, there would be just one charge-nurso tu eover two bui.ldinga,'i Id. 1?. Not surprisingly the quality of care provided ta the vesirtents has del,eriarated. Ite-licensing curvsys and complaint investigatione conducted by DAIL at the three lieensed facilities have resulted in many citsd deficiencies. The following are examples of somo af the deficiencies cited: r'1 a De ath of a resident. Whea a.recident dien unexpeetedly, or witkin 48 'houre of a fall or iqjury, the lieensed sball sond a report to the licensing agency. CVR 13-110-009 5.1?. o The facility failed to report the unexpected death of,a rrosident who died ae a recult.of injuries eurtained. dlrring a fallat the fecitify The resid*nt experienced two falls on 911118 ans in ths morning and one at 4 p.m. The resident was found lyrng on the fall iqr their r?om with the hcad against the wall&aeebosrd heater. The resident was sent to the hospital, diagnosed with cervical spine fracture* and pulmon*iry edema. This rseident died as a rcsult of iqjuri*s on Sl4/1S. Sxhibit L. a Failure to meet poreonal, nur*ing, and medical care needs. J7., at 5.$, o Staff {ailed to effe clively monitar a resident eomplairring of ill- heatth and, due to that fsilqre, the resident failed to raceivs tinrely treatment requiring her adrnission Np tbe emergoncy department via ambulance. Upon admission the ED found the re*ident to have low axygen levels and a brief soaked with urine and feces that'dis:ntegratef when the SD nurse touched it. Exhibit L. * Staff failcd to manitor a resident at risk fsr bsnrel ccmplieations until a nurse sur\rsyor brought to their attention that t0 documentation ehowed the resident had gone for 10 days without a bowel movem.ent. Exhibit M. t Failure tc sversee a vrritten plan of earc, Id,, at 8.7. o $tafffailed to update a.reeid.enf,c cars plan to addrese the resids{rt'e in*reased fnlle. ?hs reeident etryerienced 5 fal}s, inctruding two *nlle with minor head injuries bctrveea 8l1ll"8 and 10/1118. I Exhibit L. F*ilure to provide a sufficient number of q*alifred porronnel, Id, at s.r1 o For at least, *ix day*'in $epteuber tbo Llpm-?am charge nurse was required io coyer'th* ehi* f*r Allenwood and Pillebury Soath. Sxhibit N. . Failurs tc raport abuee,"negloet, or exploitation,Id,, at S.18 o Tbe executive director qf ihe faci[ty admitted thc faillre to repori to the lieensing ag€ncy or the palice the au*pected diversion of fentanyl patches pr*scribed for a rssident. Exhibit O. 18. On October 1g, 2018, the Department impoeed a ban on admissions on Manor $outh for the facility's failure to correct violations that wore eited in the July 12 Statement of Deflcieneies. See Exhibit P. tl 19. On Novenber 6, 2018 the Department iaposed a ban on adsiesisns an Allenwood for the failure to correct violations cited in the resulte of the Oetober 2018 survey and the failure to eubmit a eampreheusive plan of carrection for defieiencies identified during the October 3, 2018 inve*tigation. ,See S, : Exhibit Q. VII. Evidense af financial instabili.ty *.nd potenticl insolveney pursuant to $s v.S.A. $ ?zCIs(axa) 20. The facilities have been given no access to a bank accpunt since February ?t)18. See Sxhibit A. 2L. Rent payment fxom residdnts from all ftcititibe have nat been collected since Februa.ry 9018. ,Sce Sxhibit A. ?2. beginning in Marsh 3018 and continuing through $eptembgr 2018 the facility stcpped paying vendors arith any regularity, ,See Exhibi{A. 23. Shutosnotices for m4jcr utilitien at the facilities have been received at somo point during the course of the last several months. ,See Exhibit A. 24.Thefood vendor will no longer d.elivery food and there is only a two- to three-day supply. See Exhibit G. 25. Combined, the facilities owe Reinhari, the f,md vendsr, $5$,4S4.9d, cf whieh $1$,888.64 ie paat due. ,Ses Exhibit G. 26. There is only $t00.00 rem*ining in petty castr. Exhibit G. 2?. Mr. White has failed to provido the requested assurances to the Departrnent and the Office of the Yerraont Attorney Gensral that the licenses are solvent. ',4 PRAreS 3OR AELTET WHEREFORE, the St*te of Vermont reapectfully requeete tbat tbe Court 'A.Appoint a reeeiver from the liet of recomm+nded receivers ettached herewith; B.$et a reasanable canpensation for the receiver; C.Order aecountinge &sm the rtceiver; D.$chedule and hsld a heariag on the merits of the application within 10 days per 33 V.S* ', $ ?204(aXl); E. Grant injunctive relief enjoining the defendarile, tp pre*orve all recsrds and a*eets, tnngible and intangible, of or pertaining to ihe Defeqdant's residential care homec, and delivor eaid records and assete to the receiver without diminution except as sBecifieallsr uuthorized by the reeoiver, and; F.Arnrard the $tate sucb other relief ae thie *oult deems;:p*t and appropriate. $igned and dated at Waterbury, Vermont this ?tb day of Novennber 2018. Keepectfully submitted, MONICA CASSNTA HUTT COMMI$SIONEA" DSFAA"MEN? OF DISABIIITISS, AGINE, ANP INDEPENDENT LIVING thraugh c*un*el THOI\{AS J. DONOVAN, JR. ATTORNEY GPNENAL I;J t By: Bessio Tlleies Acsistart Attdrnoy Gsaeral Hg 2 $enth 980 $tats Drivs lfiIntorbury, Yf 06$?1-gS201 FOA 941;01S4 sRN ,*14r :{. STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION ) ) ) ) ) ) AFFIDAVITOFThe undersigned states the following under oath and upon porsonal knowledge: 1. My name is I am over 18 years of age, of sound mind, and am capable of making this affidavit, The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge. 2. I reside at 3.lreceivedanAssociate'sdegreeinaccountingf'o[in2a17' 4. From October ZA1/ ,oMay 2017,1 worked in operations and accounting for Larkin Hospitality ("Larkin"), based in Burlington, VT. At the time, Larkin owned the Pillsbury Senior Living facilities: Pillsbury Manor South, Allenwood, Harborview and Hornestead (together, the "Pillsbury facilities"). lfirst provided accounting services to the Pillsbury facilities in January ZAfi in relation to the sale of those facilities from Larkin to corporate entities owned by Mr, Andrew White. 5. ln May 2017, when the purchase was complete, East Lake CapitalManagement hired me to be the Pillsbury facilities' My job 6, duties included: L a. Providing residents with timely and accurate monthly billing, and account stalements;' b. Collecting residents' rent checks, each month, and processing them; c. Entering and reviewing accuracy of monthly ACH payments from residents; d. Receiving vendor invoices and inputting the amounts-owed and payment- due-dates into a centralized accounting program so that corporate could pay vendors as appropriate. Verifoing the accuracy of invoices and products received; e. Being a liaison to vendors regarding their invoices to us and our payments to them, including following up with our corporate headquarters in Texas ("corporate"), where Andrew was based, if Vendors weren't paid in a timely fashion; f . Reviewing and verifying employees'hours worked and, on a biweekly basis, transmitting repods of those hours to corporate so that corporate could pay staff as appropriate; g. Performing HR responsibilities, including lhe on-boarding and entry for newhires and calculating and inputting for review all pay increases; h. Establishing and negotiating vendor relationships and payment terms, to be approved of and signed off on by Andrew, with 30-day payment terms as dictated by Andrew; i. And, at month's end, finalizing the Pillsbury facilities' ledger and conducting a general financial review of the facilities' operating profit and loss stiatements with the Pillsbury facilities' executive directors. 2 7. From May 2017 to Feb 2018, the financial systems of the Pillsbury facilities were generally functional. Residents were invoiced monthly, with rent payments processed in a timely manner either via desktop check deposit or processing of ACH payments. Vendor invoices were processed promptly and paid in a timely manner. And the payroll syslem was likewise timely and accurate. At the time, Pillsbury . facilities' money flowed into, and out of, Wells Fargo bank accounts, with all checkwriting and, in the case of payrotl, wire transfers, being performed out of the corporate office in Dallas, Texas ("corporate"). 8. Towards the end of February 2018,1 began to receive calls from vendors slating they had not received payments for invoices that were due. By performing a simple search in our centralized accounting program, I became aware that checks had not been issued for over a week. This was irregular and concerning, I initially expressed my concern to I the Executive Director of the. South Burlington Pillsbury locations. Over the next several days, lthen sent multiple emails, and made multiple phone calls, to corporate to ask about what was going on. At lhe time, there were several people in the corporate office that I spoke with regularly regarding questions and concerns: and Andrew himself. For ten days, nobody in corporate answered a call or email of mine. I was concerned about the company's financial health. 9. Finally, Andrew responded to me though an email inviting me andl to join a "GoToMeeting" the next afternoon. We did, and, during that meeting, Andrew explained thal a corporate'lT" employee had downloaded a certain program on his 3 work computer, and lhat he (Andrew) was concerned that this program was capable of "infecting" the company's computer network. Andrew said that because there was an open portal between the company's computer network and its banks, he had severed the link to avoid infecting the bank's systems. ln severing this link, he effectively froze our bank accounts. Andrew reiterated this explanation with additionaldetail multiple times going forward. He also shared it with the Pillsbury community at large on June 17h,2018, in both an all-staff meeting and a meeting with Pillsbury residents and their families. 10. During that "GoToMeeting" catl, Andrew also made a point to represent that East Lake was in a sound financial position. He went so far as to show us PDFs of bank statements allegedly reflecting his different accounts and balances for the Pillsbury operating, ownership, and leasing entities, as well as similar accounts for East Lake;s locations in Tennessee, North Carolina, and lndiana. He also included the corporate operating and "fund" accounts, all of which he claimed added up to approximately $89 million. The documents that were shared were .pdf scans of bank statements with no clear dating, and not "live" documents available from the Wells Fargo banking software. 11 . Soon after the "GoToMeeting," sometime in late February or early March, corporate directed me not to process residents' rent payments, as the company had no operaiing bank ascount in which to receive them. Andrew explained this oddity by placing the blame with Wells Fargo. He made multiple statements to the effect that they were solely at fault for the delay in getting the accounts operational. 4 12,At the same time, corporate also directed me to cease monthly invoicing of residents. Without deposit capabilities, each resident's ledger became inaccurate in our accounting system, and any attempts to invoice a resident would have resulted in a compounding statement of what was owed. This was deemed to be misleading to the residents so we were told to not issue any invoices. 13.This lack of invoicing and processlng of payments caused a great number of residents to express their anxiety and concern to me directly. From March until I resigned in September, I roulinely received 1}-z}calls a day from concerned residents and families regarding this irregularity. Concerns centered on how residents were to resolve these rapidly growing balances, and whether the company could continue to function without receiving rent revenue. 14.Of course, some residents continued to submit rent checks to me. When that happened, I asked corporate what action(s) I should take to secure and/or deposit these checks. I volunteered to overnight the checks to Dallas, as they claimed to still be able to access the Wells Fargo accounts at physical bank locations. Andrew told me that these actions wduld be unnecessary and advised me to keep the checks secure on the premises. When I told him that we did not have a safe on-site in the accounting department, he told me to lock them in a.drawer. l5.Without an operating bank account, corporate was also unable to pay checks or make AGH payments to vendors. As a result, during Marsh 2018, no vendors for the Pillsbury facilities were paid by check or ACH, the primary methods of payment prior to February of 2018. I recall that internet service was disconnected for lack of 5 payment, at that time, and that seruice was ultimately restored only after an East Lake employee paid the vendor with a personal credit card. 16.8y the end of March, I had noticed that neithe I \were responding to myemails to corporale anymore. I later found out that Andrew had fired I in February and ! in either March or April. Around this time, Andrew mandated that all communications and questions regarding billing, vendorpaymentsorinvoicing,godirectlytohim*it[andAndrew'swife, copied. 17. Towards the end of April, Andrew told me that new accounts had been established and funded with JP Morgan Chase. He stated that they hoped to have check payment capabilities up and running by the beginning of May, with resident invoicing to follow soon thereafier. I was told to share this timeline with residents and vendors when approached. ln the meantime, corporate directed me not to process rent checks, not to invoice residents for back-rent, and to stop entering vendor invoices into the company's accounting system. lnstead, for reasons that weren't explained to me, they requested that I scan them vendors' invoices throughout the week and manually track the amounts due, payment due dates, and payments made on spreadsheets, which I did, 18. From March 2018 until I resigned in Septemb er 2018, a new trend ernerged: corporate stopped paying vendors with any regularity. Corporate attributed these sporadic payment issues to the manual nature of payment processing: without a centralized accounting system and check-writing capacity, payments could only be made by manually initiating wire transfers or via credit card over the phone. 5 Sometimes corporate would pay a vendor on time. Sometimes it would fall three weeks behind. Under the guise of "prioritizing corporate bandwidth," the norm became that corporate would only pay vendors in extreme circumstances, like when a vendor had communicated to us that il would be cancelling services unless payment wss rendered that day. At one point or another, I received shut-off notiees for every utility the Pillsbury Facilities relied on - water, electricity, gas, etc, 19.To compound these problems, during this time period in September - March 2018 until I resigned - corporate, and particularly Andrew, were generally incommunicado, Andrew would not respond to my phone calls and emails for weeks at a time. This was particularly problematic becauqe he required that he or his wife approve all vendor payments and have corporate transmit these payments to vendors, not me" ! was difficult to reach, as well, Even if I reached guarantee that! ! though, there was no could reach, or that I would ultimately hear back from, Andrew. 20.As a result, whon vendors contacted me because they hadn't boen paid, I had an extremely difficult time causing corporate to pay them, To get! attention, I had to barrage them with phone calls and emails - or Andrew's sometimes muttiple times a day. Typically, I was only successful in reaching them if a vendor was threatening to shut off service immediately and my communication to them underscored as much in the most urgent of tones. Both Andrew and ! voicemail boxes would routinely be full or their phones would be shut off. Sometimes the only way to get a vendor's bill paid was tg callf Andrew's wife, hope she answered, and give her the name of a collections percon she could call with a credit card. 7 Sometimes I paid vendors using my own personal check or credit card, hoping that Andrew would reimburse me. 21.1 was particularly anxious about food vendors not being paid in a timely way. Our primary food vendor was Reinhart Foodservice, On severaloccasions, corporate fell behind in payments to Reinhart and the vendor stated that, without immediate payment, they would not be able to make the next planned delivery. This was incredibly stressfulfor me. I worried significantly about the residents'welfare. ln those instances, I would call Andrew.ld I over and over, leaving messages for someone to "please answer" and send a wire for the needed amount. On some of these occasions, despite my repeated efforts to get corporate to respond to Reinhart's requests, corporate still did not pay them in a timely fashlon. During the Spring and Summer of 2018, when I believed a delivery would actually be delayed, I would contact Reinhart directly and ask them to deliver despite Andrew's lack of payment, wilh proniises of full remittance in the following days. On occasion, they would. By the Fall, though, on multiple occasions, despite my pleas to Andrew for payment, Reinhafi had skipped deliveries to the properties due to lack of payment. As a result, I lost comfort in continuing to ask them to deliver despite nonpayment, as I lost confidence in the ability to ultimately garner payment for Reinhart from Andrew. 22. Meanwhile, throughout these months - March to September - Andrew continued to make promises to me that our bank issues would be resolved; that we would soon be able to start invoicing and processing rent checks again;that we would soon have new systems and corporate staff in place to ensure timely vendor payments. ln 8 fact, at one point in August,I called me lo tell rne that corporate had actually begun the process of billing for rsnt and that, going forward, lwas to have no involvement in the production of invoices for residents. 23. But nothing ever changed. Rent was n6ver invoiced; checks were never processed. By the time I resigned in September 2018, I had last invoiced Pillsbury facilities' residents on February 20,2A18 for their March rent. Further, I had seven months of uncashed rent checks locked in my desk drawer, many of which were stale-dated and now incapable of .being processed. Timely payments to vendors had only become increasingly difficult to obtain. 24.During these months, Andrew also made promises to.residents that he failed to keep, For example, in June 2018, Andrew visited the Pillsbury facilities and assembled Pillsbury residents and their families for a meeting, ln that meeting, he promised them that all invoicing would resurne by August 1'r, and that he would provide a mass communication to the entire community, including those that were unable to attend the rneeting, laying out the specifics of handling all back-rent payments and providing a clear explanation of all the events that precipitated the banking issues, During my time at Pillsbury, that communication was never sent. 25.Also disconcerting, between March and Septernber 2018, in addition to problems collecting the rent, paying criticalvendors, and meeting promises, Pillsbury's facilities were becoming more and more understaffed. For example, after our former Executive DirectorJ direclor, Andrew asked I left her position in May, rather than hire a new full-time and I to serve as Co-Executive Directors of the Pillsbury facilities while continuing our pre-existing full-time responsibilities, 9 (Previously,I of Homestead at Pillsbury.) Oddly, had been the Andrew had not asked us whether we were interested in these positions. Without warning, he simpty announced that he had appointed us to the positions during his June in-person meetings with Pillsbury facilities' staff and residents. Thus, from that tirne fonnrard, in addition to performing my accounting responsibilities, I was asked to help oversee multiple other depafiments and HR for the Pillsbury facilities. 26.We grew short on caregivers, as well * LNAs, LPNs and RNs. We had instances of nurses working 100-hour weeks^ We had instances of nurses covering for multiple positions al once, For example, during one shift at a given building, we would ideally have two qualified caretakers dispensing medicine and one charge-nurse free to respond lo calls and resident issues. By September, on a given shift, there would be iust one charge-nurse to cover two buildings, and this nurse would be responsible for dispensing medication at one of the two buildings, as well. This meant that while the nurse was dispensing medications in one building, there was no charge-nurse readily available to respond to calls or issues that suddenly arose. ln terms of incidents in which short-staffing led to the threat,of harm or actual harm to a resident, I would refer to the Department of Disability, Aging and lndependsnt Living's {DAIL} citations and reports of our facilities as accurate records of these instances. 2T.Weconsistently had difficulty hiring new staff, as well. I heard from staff in Community Outreach that few people were responding to itds for nursing department positions and that, during several interviews, interviewees had asked 10 questions about whal was going on with Pillsbury in terms of ils ability to rneet various kinds of financial obligations. 28. Ultimalely, given our significant staff shortage and extreme difficulty hiring new staff on our own, I concluded that the Pillsbury facilities could only develop an appropriate staff corps through use of a third-party stafftng agency. Accordingly, sometime in July, I and some of my colleagues pursued the idea of signing a contract with a thirdparty vendor to provide nursing staff to our facilitles. I proposed this idea and a few vendor options to Andrew through email. He did not respond. When DAIL visited one of our sites in August, they raised understaffing concerns, as they had done once before. ln response, I emailed Andrew and said that I needed to talk to him about a variety of issues, including staffing. I rnentioned, in the email, that I had sent him a staffing proposal two to three weeks ago and hadn't heard back from him. Toward the end of August, he called me back. ln a brief conversation, he said that third party staffing agencies "killyour rasidents" and he would "never sign." 2g.When Andrew said no to this proposal, lfeli like lhe environment we were lrying to take care of people in was significantly compromised, with no possible solution in sight. I felt utterly helpless. I genuinely didnt know where to turn. 30.Afier careful consideration over 2 weeks, I resigned, giving one month's notice. I concluded my work for the Pillsbury facilities on DATED at Vermont, 2018. By: STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNW, SS appeared and he L .dayof No., ,2018, are made upon his own personal knowledge, statements above that the -ged information, and belief, and in so far as upon informalion and beliei he believes them to be true. At /h^{,}.#"/. this act Date: 9118118 l2;09 PM (GMT-05:00) "f o : M aty Watk i ns Cc: Chelsea Balestra Subjectl Vendor Payments Hi Mary" A few thirrgs: . . . AT&T Bill has been paid, servise should be restorcd imnrinently On all future emails r:egarding ilaily updates & vendor paytnents, you can send them to anyrnor€. A.11 1!;r:J.111,1i!lr,rr. No need to send to me, Andrew ol sarah individually have been included in the daily ilrvoices no actual littls 1o that I'm seeing pnymcnts, n"gutUing u"o,lo, 'upJates we need them to make a dent people? If not, ta other fr, **urrrf weeks. Were they maybe sent PAGE 208 inthevendonpaymente, Itwouldbebesttostartwlththehighestprioritypayncr$swcnesdtomaks loday. I;Iappy to dissnss ifyouhave any Elestions. Bon Lord East LakE Cap&al \Ianagqnent 1920 McKhncy Avenue, Suits 700 Dallds, TX ?520t blordtdslcm.cnm Cell:602-9 8g.o6sz #EostLoke gatrltdI tlaae$orrrtrl 2 PAGE 2Og MaryWctklne From; Sontl MaryWatkins To: Andrsw White; Benjamin l.ord Ombudsmen nesds immediate atientionl ombudsmanjpg SubJect; Attachmentr: Friday, September 2t, 2018 2:53 PM HlAndrewand 8en, not been Attached'n a note I recelved from the Ombudsman today. Someone reported that thelr checks have the State about this cashed and they have not had any bllllng since February. The Ombudsruan wllt most likely contact matter, I have not contacted herYet. Please advlse, Thank you, Mary Watklns, HFA 1 PAGE 2,IO Mary Wetklns From: Seht: To: Subfcct: MaryWatkins MondaY, SePtember 24,201811:57 AM ,{ndiewWhite Ru regencY PaYroll Good Morning Andrew, please call me regarding the ornbudsman visit. Thank you, Maty Sent fronr my Samsung Galaxy smarphone. Original mes$age From: Andrtw Whire , Scott $utton ; Benja min lord Subie*l ombudsmen needs immediate attentionl Hi Andrew and Ben, been Attached ls a note I recelved from the Ombudsman today, Someone reported thst their checks have not this State about the contact cashed and they have not had any bitling slnce February. The Ombudsrnan wlll rnost llkely matter. I have not contacted her Yet. Please advise. Thank you, Mary Watklns, HFA 1 PAGE 212 Mary Watkins Frort: Sent: To: Subfect: Communications Thursday, September 27, 201 I 12:09 PM Communications Furr 79083 payrolls check date 9n8118 Folks, from paycor. We wilt now be able to re-process today direct deposit and check dellvery tomoffow. See below update From: Aya Patterson Sent; Thursdan September27,2018 10:44 AM Tor Com rnunications SubJech ?9083 payrolls dreck dateQ ZS LS We have rolled back all the payrolls originally submltted on 9/25/LSwlth a check date of 9/26/18 back over your slde. at this time, you will look through each of the paygroups and resubmit these payrolls over to us. Once all have processed, we will send you the wlre request as usual. I PAGE 213 to Home Company Enrplayees Reporling Me Rescurces curonfiy logqed ln io 79083 - Eml Lahs Capftal tlanaqcmant Employsr I LLC You are i- l'arr4e t 't'rir ; Client Psyruoi -' Curan! ' lmplementation 1 Payroll 79093 - Easl Lalro Capltal MsnsgefisnN Empl. . r Peylnll Payroll Paygroup r Pfryroll HarmEn I Pitvtcll Paygisup Payrcll OFlahomr city Paygroup t Payrctl Charlotta t ' Payroli Paygro*p I . Payrsll Corpontt { ,, Payroll Paygroup t , Payroll lndltnapolls { Pfiyr0lt Faygrflilp f Payrcll Midlson ( , Payroll i Please let me know if you have any questlons, Thank you. fgglrrsdrJe Plggsg!X!lgds.S,{$r glie{rt E-:t{*f&eff iv.vq-ryr s.Iz1E;1I Aya Patterson $enior Business Supporl I Paycor Phone: t-855-565-3285 Ext 20175 Fax 913-262-3889 gggttelson @ gql&Llgn I uo:.v.w -8 a&{'au 8050 Marshall Drive. Ste { CST TJI*F SamCST * dfur Thls message, including any attachments, may contaln lnformation which is confidentlal and privileged. Unless PAGE 214 2 EXHIBIT Watkins Fromr Srnt: To: SubJoct: Mary Watkins Thursday, September 13, 2018 11:58 AM Andrew White; Benjamln Lord; Sarah Moreau; Chelsea Balestra Att Blll problem, Then we Our fire alarm system is down. We called the company to veri$ it was a connection for non ouit*O ATT and they verified that the phone necessary for the alarm has been disconnected 1 743. paynent. Our account # is 31787 6zztircgq-2. The nqmber to make p. ayment over the phone is 800-924- Hi, State Offisr This will ne€d to be paid immediatoly as the Indiana Regulations requite ii tc be reported to the within 4 hogrs of bsing offdue to {ire hazard afd resident safety Please advise as soon as Possible' Thankyou, Mary Sent fton my Samsung Calnxy smatqtbone. PAGE 216 Mary Watkins From: Sent: To: Mary Watkins Friday, September 14 2018 9:25 AM Chelsea Balestra; Benjamin Lord; Sarah Moreau Cc: AndrewWhite Subfect: ATT and payroll Good Morning All, May I get a confirmagon coda that the ATT for the fire alarm has been pald? we tried to teset lt and it would not reset so we need to know what you would like us to do ln thls sltuation. . pay. We have had two Also, the people that were not pald are gettlng furious that they have not received thelr people qult because of it. Please advise what you would like for me to tellthem' Thank you, Mary Watklns, HfA Morningside of College Park 1 PAGE 217 Mary Watkins From: Mary Watkins 9ent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 2:09 PM Benjamin Lord Andrew White; Sarah Moreau; Chelsia Balestra Re: Vendor Payments to: Cc: Subject: I-li Ben, { have veritiEd that all the invoices we have wete sent $s attachments with a delivery notificstion for each email. How far would you like me to go back and I can rc-send them to you? Mary has been in the hospitat arrd caught it all up ycslerday. We wete wor*ing toward getting it all rsconcilgd but we havc only receivetl uotificatiau that US Foods had been paid in the last 3 weeks and now the A'l'&T bill today. Do you lrave an upclatecl pnid filo to share?? Also we still have people that have not been paid fiom last payroll. It has becn a rlaily issuc that hns been a reason fol a couplc omployees to leave ernploment with us. I still have not retumed tlre call to Stsve at the Indiann Departrusnt of Labor becausc I have rccieved us csntact from Elcn: regarding that rnatter, Do you havs an update nn lhat status as wcll? I also had a family metnber $ay they were goingto file a cerntplainl with the State fornot cashing their checks and causing unnccessary sil'ess on their parents. Another resident is voicing they are seeking legal consult cn their status ancl payment ohligations. Plcase advise. 'Ihank you, Muy Watkins 5el1 li'orl rrry Sattsuttg Galaxy srttal'tphonc. Original message Benjamin l-ord From: Date: 9ll8ll8 1?:09 PM (GMT-05:00) 'l'o : Mary Watkins Cc : Chelsea Balestra Sub.iect: Vendal Payments IIi Mary, A fbw things: . . . A'l&T Bill has been paid, scrvice shsuld be restored imminently On all future emails rcgarding daily updates & vendor payments, ],ou can send them to ,llli{i.*u::lr,r:rql!. No need to send to me, Andrew or Salah individually anymore, Regarding vendor paltnsnfs,I'm seeing that little to no actual invoices have been included in the claily updates for seveml weoks. Were they maybe ssnt lo other people? If nut, we nced them to make a dent PAGE 218 in the vendor pnymeirts. It would be best to stsrt wift ths highest priority palanarts we necd to maka todry, Itnppy to discuss ifyou have any qussfionr. Ben Iord Bast LBks Capit*l Man*gonent 1920 McKinney Avonug Suite 700 Dallas,TX7520l blord@elsnLcom Cell: 602-989-0652 SEsstLqke Cst lltl I'''riltrqmsnt 2 PAGE 219 EXHIBIT ROY COOPER NC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AN D HUMAN SERVICES . Governor MANDY COHEN, MD, MPH MARK PAYNE . . Secretary Director, Division of Heailh Service Regulation NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISIiUE A PROYISIONAL LICDNSA CtrRTIFIED MAIL #?016 2140 tl00{t t}372 2564 Andrsrv White, Executive Officer SH Regency Charlotle l-easing, LLC. l,icensee R.cgurrcy at Pineville TO: 9i20 Willow Ridge Drive NC 28?10 Charlofte, ttw FR0M; Meg,an Larnphere, MSW Chief, Adult Care l,icensrtrc Section RE Intent to Issue Provisionnl License Facilityr Regency at Pineville f ,iccnsur'$ Nurnber: IlAL060-l 39 Counfy; Mecklenburg l)A'l'k.: August 29, 2018 ACENTJY DICISIO\ PLEASH 'IAKE NOTE thal the Nr:rth Carolina f)eparlnrent of Healtlr and Hunan Services. l)ivision of'Health Service Regulation, Adult Care L.icensure Section has deterrnined that you have substantially lbiled to ccrnply with the provisions of Articles I and 3 of'Chapter l3 I D of the )llorth Carolina Ceneral Statutes and r.r'ith the rules adopted pursuarrt to these arficles. '1-herefore, the l)epartrnent intcnds 1o downgrade your licerLsc to provisional stalus. The agency's decision i* based upon thc lindings in the *\taternent of l)ehciensies dnted August ?, 2018n which has been mailed or provided to you. If you need a copy of the document(s), plcase cont{ct our officc at (919) 855-3765. NO'I'ICE OP OPPORTUNITY TO DEMONSTITATE COMPI,IANCE WITI{ LIf]NNSL-RE RTILI,S llursuant 1o NCI General Statute l50B-3{b), you *re herehy given an opportunity to show corr:pliance rvith all lawful requiremenis fcrr refention of your license. If 1'cu believe thal you have substantially ccrnplicd nith licensing laws end rules, you rnay submit a r,vritten stiltemenf to this agency. This stalement should clearly set out nll of the reasons rhat you cautend dem$nsirate vour compliance. You rnay atrach suppotting dOcuments to your statemcnt. Send youl u'ritten statement and any supporling documents to lny attention at: HC OEPARTIIIENT OF HEALll{ ANg HUMAN SERVICES ' DIVIS'ON OF HEALTI{ SSRVICE RESULATION ADULT CARE LICENSURE SECNON LOCATION: 801 Biggs Drive. Brorn Building, Raleigh, NC 27603 MAILING ADDRE$S: 2708 Mail Service Center. Raleigh, NC 27699-2708 www. ncdhlrs.govldhsrlacls . TEL: 91 9-855-3765 . FAX: g 19-733-9379 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER PAGE 221 Page ? of2 Regency at Pineville HAt.-060- 139 August 29, 2018 Adult Care Licensure Section Division of llealth Serv'ice Regulation Services 2708 Mlil Servirc Center Ral*igh, North Carolina 27 699-27 A8 ln order to be considered. your written staternent rnust be receivcd by this agency within ten days after thc mailing of this notice. coNsEQtixNcE or TAILURD To suBlltrTtryRITTEN STATEMENT If thc agency tloes ncrt receive a rvritten statemenl from you within ten days after the mailing of this notice, a provisional license will be issued. If the agency receives a written statemenl rvithin thc time specified, the agency rvill carefully review and will render its decision. You ntay call me ill (9191 855-3765 if you have any questions about this notice ot vour right trr show conrpiiance \,vith all Iawful raquirements for retention of the prcsent status of your license. F,nclasur$s cc, Scolt Sutton, Administrator, denclosures {included in eertified rnailing #70:6 2140 0000 0572 ;564} I)an Coverf , Regiana I D i rector, dcov$rttgelcm, c 0m Mark Rowc, Supervisor/Designce, M*cklenburg County llSS Conslructiun Seelion, Division ol Health Servicc Regulation Libby Kinscy, Assistant Chici Adult Carc l.,icensue Seelion 't'ichina llamcr, llirector of Programs, Adult Care Licensure liection Tameka Riggstrce, Program Manager, Adult Carc Lieensure Section Linda Blalock. Branch fvlonagcr" We.stem Region, Atlult Care Lieensurs Section I{eather binghatn, 'l?arn liupervisor, Wesl 2 Region, Adull Care Licensure Sectiorr Paulelle Bnrck-Fogg, " Care Liecnsure Seetion Ralcigh Facilfy File NC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES . DTVISION OF HEALTH SERVICE REGULATION ADULT CARE LICENSURE $ECNOH LOCATION: 801 Blggs Drive, Brow! Building, Raleigh, NC 27603 MAILING ADDRESS: ?708 Mail Seruice Cenler, Raleigh, NC 27699-2708 wwyt/.ncdhhs.govldh$f/scls . TEL: 919855-3765 . F X: 319-733-S379 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNIW / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER PAGE222 NC DEPARTMENT OF ROY COOPER HEALTH AND ' Governor MANDY COHEN, MD, MPH HUlrlAN SERVICES MARX PAYNE ' . Secrelary Uirector, Division of Health Sersice Regulation Cerrified Mail and Electronic IVIsil #?016 2140 0000 0s?225s7 Arrgu"^t 29,zlttl Andrew Whiie, Executive Officer Sl"l Regency Charlottc Lcasing, LLC, Licensee Regency at Pinevillp 9120 Willo\ry Ridge Drive Charlotte" NC ?8210 E mai I :,\i s ut tt tt(&nh s enior I iv i ng. ut trt dutverl{ciie I e,n. c a$, RE: Suspension $f Admissions t'acility Name: Regency at Pinerille Licensure Number: HAL-060- 139 County; Mecklenburg lJear Mr. White: tsased crn the infomration ancl lecommendatisns submifted Lry our stalTand the Mecklcnbury County l)epnrtment e'rf Social Services, rve lind that your faoilitl, has failed to carnply with Articles I and 3 o1'{Jhtrpter ll ll) ol'the North Canrlina Gerieral Stntutes and the rulcs adoptecl pursualr io these articles. 'l"hc docunrented violations indicate that conditions in lhe lrorne are fbund to be detrinenrnl to the hea]1h and safety of the residcnl s. I here fore, you are hereby orclered fo suspend all adrnissions to the honre el fcctive irnrretlialeh,. I'he Suspcnsion ol'Admissions is to continue until conditiclns or e irtumstances meri{ renroving the suspension. The agency's decision is besed upon the fintlings in the Statement of Defieirncies dated Augrrst 2, 2018, which hns alrcndy been mailcd or provieled to you, If you do nat have n copr uf the docunrent(s), please contart us at (919) 8553765. Snsnension of Adlnissions Anoeal Notice You have the right to sontest the ubove action within Xfl days after lhe mailing of lhis notice, in ac*ordance with (i.S. I508. Article 3 and 6.5, l31D-2.7. Shctuld you decide lo appeal the above adverse action, please be advissd that C.S. l50It-22 encourages the settlemcnt of disputes through infonnal procedures lo assist in resolving any dispute you rnay have rvith our findings or propersed aotion. For conrplete instructions on filing of petitions, please contilct the Ofllcc olAdministrative Hearirrgs at (919) 431-3000. 'l'he rnailing address frrr the Office of Adrninistrativc Hearings is as follo',r.s: NC OEPARTMEiIT OF HEALTH AIID HUIi'AN SERVICES . DIVIS1ON OF HEALTH SERVICE REGULATION ADULT CAR€ LICENSURE SECTION LOCATION: 801 Blgge Drive, Bmwn Euilding, Raleigh, NC 27603 Maal Service Center. Raieigh, NC ?76SS-2708 www.ncdhhs.govldhsrlacls . TEL 913-855-37€5 . FAX: -o19-733-S379 MAltlNG ADDRESS; 2708 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLQYER PAGE 223 Page 2 of3 Regency at Pineville r'rAL-060- I 39 August 29,2018 Offfce of Administrative Hearings M*il $ervice Center Rdeigh, NC 27699-6?00 6714 $ l50A-21.2. Fee lbr fililrg n csntesled casc hearing. (a) tiling Fee. -- ln evely contested case conrrn€nced in the Office ol'Adminisfrative llearings by a person aggriwed, thc p*titioner shall pay a liling tbe, and the administralive larv judge shall have the aulhority to assess that filing fee against thc krsing parg'. in the anrount i.rf one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00), unles.s the Offi{r., of Administrative Hearings establishes a lesser filing fee by rule. ib) f ime oi'Collecticrn. - All f'ees that are requiredtn be assessed. collsct,3d. and renrilted under subsection (a) of this section shall be collected b;,the {)lfiee nf Adnrinlstrative Hearinps ai the time of cornrneneement olthe conlested case {except in suits in frinla pauperis). (c) Forms cf Payment. '" Tlre OfTicc of Adrnini.stlative Hearings mny by rulc prnvide far the acceptable forms for payment and transnrission of the filing fee. {df Wavier or Refund, -'l'he Oftice of Adrninistrative Hearings shall by rule preivide lor thc lee to be weived in a contested l-ll0andinacontestedcase case inwhichrhepsfitionisfilcdinfurnrapauperisandsuppoltedbysuchprurlsasarc'requiredinC.S. ilvolving a nraneiated fedsral cause of actiarr. I'he Oftice of Adnrinistralivc Hcarings shall by rule provide lor tlte lee to bc refunded in a conlested case in which the losing party is thc Statc. {2009-451, s. 2lA.l (b).} N.C. General Statute $ l50B:23 prcvides that ycru mu$ also serve a copy of the petition on all ather pal'ties, which includes the nepartrncnt uf Health and flulnan Services. 'l'he Depanrnentos r€presenlative for.cuclr actinn is l,isa C. Clorbett" Geleral Counsel. 1'his person may rcceive service of process by mail at the following address: L,iua G. Corbctt Departrnent ol'Eeelth and IIuman Services OIIice ol' Legal Affairs Adarns lluilding 2001 Mail Scrviccs Center Raleigho ii{C 27699-200f If you do not lile a pelition within the 20 day period, you lose your right tn appeal. ln addition to 1.our right to ille a petition of a contested case hcarilg, N"e. Oeneral Stalute $ l508-22 cnc(rurages the semlcrnerrt of disputes througlr inf'ormal procedures. ln kecping u,ilh this law, this office rernains readily available for discussion or othsr inlormal procedures t.<: assist in resolving any disp*te yox may have with our findings and action, Should you have sny questions regarding ally aspsct of this letter'. pleue do nol hcsitate to sontact rne at the Depaffrnent of I lealtlr and Hurnan Services, Division of Hsnlth Service Regulation, Adult Carc Licensure Sectian, ?708 Mail Service f)enter, Raleigh, North Camlina27699-2708 or call nie at {919} 855-3765, Megan l,arnphere, MSW Chief, Adult Carc Licensure Section }IC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTI{ AND HUMAN SERVICES. DIVIgION OF HEALTH SERVICE REGULATION ADULT CARE LICENSURE SECTION LOC,{TION: 801 Sigga Orive, Brown Buildrng, Raleigh. NC 27603 MAILING ADDRESS: 2708 Mail Seryice Center. Raleigh, NC 27699-2708 www. . TEL. 91 €-855-3765 . FAX: I 1 9-733^9379 AN EAUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EIUPLOYER PAGE 224 Page 3 of3 Regency at Pineville HAL{60-I39 August 29,2018 gc: Scott Sutton, Administrator, rvlenclosures (included in certified mailing #?016 2l4A 0000 0572 255?) NHI-REIT of Axel LLC, Building Owner Victor Orija, State LTC Ornbudsman, Division of Aging md Adult $ervices Special Assistance, Divieion of Aging and Adult Services Construction Section, Divisian of Health Servise Regulation Mark Rowe. Supervisor/Designee, Mecklenburg Ccunry DSS Libby Kinseyn Assistarrt Section Chief, Adult Care Licensurs Section 'l-ameka Riggsbee, Program Manager, Adult Care l,icsnsure Section l,inda Blalock, Branch Managor, Western Region, Adull Care Licensure Scclion Heafher Bingham, Team Supervisor, West 2 Region, Aduh Care Licensure Section Paulette Brock-Fogg, Adult Care Licensure Section $tar Rating Prcgram, Aduh Care Licensure Sectisn Raleigh Office Facilfty File I.IC DEPARTTTIE}IT OF HEALTH AND HUiIAN SEBVICES'DIIIISION OF HEALTH SERVICE REGULATION ADULT CARE LICEI{8URE SECTIOT{ LOCATION: 801 Biggo Drlve, Brotivn Bullding. Raleigh, NC 27603 lr4AlLlNG ADDRESS: 2708 Mall Sarvic€ genter, Rsleigh, NC ?7€99-2708 . TEL: 919€5$3785 . FAlt 91S-733.93?9 AN EQUAT OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION E}'PLOYER PAGE 225 rq*,T:::L-%t,no Btuirion nf $esltt Srnrirs ilryuklion Effeetive September 10, 2018, this provisional license is issued to SH Regency Chorlotte Leaslng, LLC to operale an Adurt Care Home hnown as Regenqt st PkePille Iocated Ch at 9120 Willow Ridge Drive arlotte, NC, Mecklen burg Co unty. issred subiect to the ststules af the Stote of North Carolina, is not trrnsfersble und shall expire Thls license is December 8r 2018, License Namber : HAL-060-I t *ttt' I?,lis I home serves only elderly peFsons, *** Capacity: I19 Special Care (Inits: ltu+ X Yes - No Ilpe: Alzheimer's/Dewentia p Authorlzed,bv: Secrery, N,C. Doprrtucnt of Health end Eumrn Sorvlcet Dlreclor, of Herlth Regulrdon PAGE 22S ROY COOPER NC DEPARTI"IENT OF HEALTH AND . Governor MAt'lDY COHEN, MO, ltllPH HUhIAN SERVICES MARK PAYNE . $ecretary Director, Divislon ol l"lealth Service Regulation CERTTF'IED MAIL and BLECTROFI C ,?7018 0040 0000 224s . MAIL 6u9 September 10,30lS Andrcw Whitc, Exesutive OfJicer SH Regency Charlnile l,easing, LLC, l,ic.ensee Regency at Pincville 9 1?0 Willorv Rielgc Drive Charlolte, NC ?8210 E ma i l : dc av e* (4)e lcm. Rc: a0 m Provleionnl Licenre Facilify Name: Regency a( Pincville Liccnsurc Nuruber: IIAI-060-139 County; IVltcktrenburg Dcar Mr. White: Accnrcling to thE O.S. nlD-2.7 the Department nay smend a lieense by rcducing it frorn a fuil license to a provisional " license for a period of not more than 90 days. The llepartnent may extend a provisional licensr fbr tot morethan one *dditional period upon finding that the lioensee has made substantial progrcs$ trlwards rernedying the licensure deficiencies that caused the license to be reduced to pnrvisional status. The rnaximum fime allcwed by operate uniler a provisional licettse is 1 80 days, lar,v for a facility to llased on thc information and reconmcndntions repo*ed by our stalT and the Mecklenburg Countl' Department of Social Services, we find that your tbcility does neit comply with tlre provisions of Art'icles I and 3 of Chapter l3lD of the North {"larolina General Statutcs and rvitli the rules adopted pursuant to these articles. The ag*ncy's decisiun is based upon the lindings in the Staterucnt of Defici*ncics dated August 2,2018, wltich has already bcen mniled or provided to you. Ifycu noed a copy afthe document(s), please contact us at (919) 855-3765. ln nrdcr to allo*,you n r€asonatrle tirnc pcriatl in which to bring your facility into compliance with ninimum rules, we are issuing a provisional licensb fo Rngency at Pineville, HAL-06{ -139. 'l.he enclosed license shall rernain in fcree until llecernber 81 2018 unlcss a change irr eonditions warranls further action. Cnreful cansideratiun rvill bc given to rvhether ol not the facility ryill continue to br liccnssd after Decrmber 8, 2018. The suspension of all admissions to the facilify whish wns mailed until coaditions sr rircumstsnces merit renroving the suspension. NC DEPARTfrIEIIT OF HEALTH b,v certified mail on Auugs{ X9,2018 is to conlinue AilD HUUAN SERVICES. OIVIgIOII OF HEALTH SERVICE REGULATION ADULT CARE LICE}ISURE SECTION LOCATION: 801 Biggt Driva, Brown Euilding, Raleigh, NC 27603 MAILING ADDRESS:2704 Mail Servioe Centor, Raleigh, NC 27699-2708 . TEL: 119-855-3765 . FAX: 913-?33-9379 AN EeuAL oppoRTuNrry / AFFTRMATTvE AcTroN EMpLoy€R PAGE 227 Page 2 of3 Rogency ut Pineville HAL-060-139 Septembcr 10, ?018 Appeal Notlce You have the righr io conte$r the provisional licensa by filing a petition for a contested case hearing with the OfTice of Administrative Hearings within 30 tlays of mailing this letter. For complete instruetions on the filing of petitions, please contact the Oflice of Adminirtrative Hearings at (919) 431-3000" The mailing address for the Office of Adrninistrative Hearings is as follows: Ofllce of Administrntlve Hearings 67f4 M.iI Seryice Center Raleigb, NC 2?699-6700 $ l50B-23.1. Fee for liling - (a) r contested care hearing. Filing Fee. '- In every contested cass conmenced in the Office of Administrative Hearings by a person aggricved, thc petitioner shall pay a liling fbe , snd lhe adminisfative law iudgc shall have the autharlty lo asscss rhat filing fec ngainst thc losing porly, in the anount oi one hundred twcntydve dollan ($ I 2J.00), unless the Otfice of Adrninistrativc I lcaringr cstnbllshes a lessor filing lec by rule. (b) I'ime of Cqllection, .". All fecs i}at arc requirccl to be assessc{ coltcctcd, nnd remittcd under subsection (r} of this seclion shall be collected by the Office of Adninistrntiva llcarings at the timc of commenccment of lhe contested case (except in suits in forma pouperlr). Forms of Payrnent. *. The Office of Administralive Hearings may by role provide for the acceptable forms for payrnont and transmission of the filing tbe. Wavier or Refund" ,- Thc Ofiice ot'Administrative Hearings rhall by nrle provide for lhe fee lo be rvaived in a conte.slcd case in whieh rhc petition is filod in foxna pauperis and supported by suclr proofs at ate reqtired in G.S. l -l l0 and in a contested ease involvirrg o mandatod federal cauee of action. The Offiee of Administrntive Hearings shall by rule pravide for the fee to be refunded in a conresred case in which the losirrg pa*y is lhe State. {2009-451, s. 2 !A.l (b).) ' {e) (d) N.C, Ccncral Statuto $ l508-23 provides thatyou must also serve s copy ofthe petition on all other pafties, which includes the Departnrcnt of Ilcalth and I luman Scrviees. Tho Depn$ment's representativc for such action is l,isa O. Carbetl" Geneml Counsel. 'l1ris persun may rcccive service of process by mail at the following address: Lisa G. Corhett Depnrtment of Heelth lnd Humsn Services Ofllce of l,egal Affairs Adams Building 20{ll Mril $ervices Center Raleigh, NC ?7699-2001 lf yr:u do not file a petition within the 30-day perlod, you losc your right to appcal and the action explained in this letter will become ellbctive as dcscribed above. In addition to your right to file a petition of a contested caie hearing N.C. General Statute $ l50ll-23 encourages fhc seftlement of disputes through informal procedures. ln keeping with this lflil, this office remains readily available for dissussion or other informal procedures to assist in resolving any dispute you may have with our findings and action. Should you have any questions regarding any aspcct of this leftcr, please do not hesilate to contact me at the Deparlment of Health and Human Sewices, Division of Heatth Service Regulution, Adult Care Licensure Section, 2708 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-??08 or call me at (919) 855-3?6J. NC DEPARTIIIENT OF HEALTH AI{D HUMAN SERVICES. OIVISION OF HEAL'H SERVICE REGULATION ADULT CARE LICENSURE SECTION LOCATION: 801 Biggs Ddva, Brown BulEing, Baleigh, NC 27803 MAILING ADDRESS: 2708 Mail Service Cenbr, Ralelgh, NC 2769€-?708 mn/ . TEL: 91$835-3765 ' FNt 919-73$9379 AN FOUAT OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVEACTION ETUPLOYER PAGE 228 Page 3 of3 Rogsncy at Pineville r{AL-060-r39 September 10, 2018 Chief, Adult Care Licensure liection Enclosures: Provisianal License cc: VictarOrija. State L'fC Ombudsman, Division of Aging and Adolt Serrices Spccial Assistance, Ilivision cf Aging und Adult Services Construction Sestion, Division of Heahh Srrvice Regulation Glenn Aicllo, Adninistrator, wlerclosurer (inclndcd in certified mailing f 7018 {040 0{00 2245 6l 19} Libby Kinsrn Assistant Chiet Adult Care Licensrre Section Tichioa Hamer, Director of Programs. Adult Carc Licensure $eution Tameka Riggsboe, Frogram Managcr, Adult Care Liceosure Scction Mark Rowe, SupavisorlDesigrrrc, Mecklenburg Counly DSS Linda Blalol( Branuh Manager, Westem Regio& Adult Csrs Licensure $ectirxr Hoother Bingham, Team ? Supen,isorn Adllt Care Licensurc S*d$n Faulette Broek-Fogg, Adult Care Licensue Scelion Raleigh Faciliry File ilC DEPARTTTIEI{T OF HEAL?H AND HUIIIAI{ SERVEE$ . DMSION OF I{EALTH $ERVICE REGI'LATIOT{ ADULT CARE UCE}IsURE gECNON LOCATIOM 801 Eig$ Ddv6, Brounr Buildlng, Ralelgh. NC 27e0g MAlLll{G ADDRE$$; 2708 MailSlwice Centor, Ralabh, NC 2739S.2708 . TEL 9l+85$378tt . FA)t 91 8-733.9378 AN EQIIAT OPPORruN TY/AFFIRMATTVEACNON EfuIPLOYER PAGE 229 Charles M. Walker U.S. IlanltruPtcY Jutlgc Daled: A/21/?078 IN T}IFi UNI'fE1} STAIES I'AI\JKRUPTCY COURTFOR ]'I-IE M]DDT,E DISTR.IC:' OF I-ENNESSETJ IN RE: ) J t Case I Chapter t EI,I7.,ABI1T}I ANN W INTER No. 3 : 17-bk-04,573 13 l SSN: XXX-XX-7099 It Jr,rdge Charles lv!. Waiker l tl l Detrtor, Illieabetli Ann Winter i ) I{aintilf, 1 I I I I Adv. Na. 3:18-ap-9005 I .a lI J []as1 [.ake Capital Management Emplaycr', L'1.,C., l ) I-lefendant. ) ORD[,lt X'$'lDlNG DSFENDANT IN C:O$T,EMP' 'Or fRIIVIOUS COURT ORDER$ AND AWAIIDIN{; SANCTION$ AND OIII)I,R GITANTING TTJRNOVAR OIT TSTATE rROT'trRTY J'his mattel was originally brought before this Court upon th{} filing ot'a Colrplaint for 'l'unrover and ltequest Jbr Sanctions against Defenclant llast i,ake Capital Managemettt Employer, I.l,C fbr their lailure to remi{ prflperty of to the Chapter 13 Trustee, A stimnons to an$wer tlre con:plairt was issued to the Del'er:tJarit alrd a pre-lrial conference wits set in the rnatter' The llefendant failed to answer the comgrlaint or appear a1 thc irre-ttial couferetrce. As a resulf, the Debtor, by nncl rhrough Counsel, lileti antJ expedited motion fbr an arder cr:nrpelling Delbndant tu appear ancl show cause as to why they should lrot be iicld in contetnpt for failing to appear and answer. A hearingwas scheduled on Jr.rly 17,2{)18 requiringthe Det}ndant to appear gause fls to nnd show why thcy failed to answet or appear. At that hcaring, the Court cQntinuecl the motion Case 3:18-ap-90051 Doc L4 Filed 08122/18 Entered OBl22lL8 08:58:43 l.)nnttmpnt Fanp 1 nl 7 Desc Main until August 14, 20lt{ and diresled an Agent or Manager of [ast ["ake Capita[ Management Enrploycr" LLLI to {rppear and show cause as to why they.should not be held in contempt. At thc hearing on August 14, 2018, Detbndant once again .failed io appear or answer. As su*h, based upon the folegoing,l"f tS HERHBY ORDERED as 1. l'he Defentlail shall immediately follows: tulnovsr tn ilre Chapter 13 'ftustee all funds which have beerr wittrheld from the Oeblor's paycheck and not vernitted to the Chapter 13 l'rustee in the total amount of $3,470 00. 2, T'he Dcfendant is h$rety lound to be in contempt of this Clsurts'orclers far their an- going and icpcatcd vi Cc:Schurr, Stuart ; George, Camille ; Leavitt. Suzanne ; Clark, Clayton Subject: Summary of Vermonl call and follow up lmportance: High Good Morning Andrew, Thank you for calling in yesterday so we could have a group discussion. As I mentioned, this email is to follow up in writing and also to communicate what we need from you in order for the facilities to be considered in good standing with the licensing agency. Please provide your responses bv Mondav. 10/b/18 at t0:00 AM. Please also let me knorir, as soon as posslble, dates of when you wlll be in Vermont next so I can plan an in-person meeting. As I stated yesterday, the concernslreports we are receiving are as follows. Many of these allegations have been substantiated during our onsite surveys and investigations. Concerns regarding financial stability, quality of care, and quality of life from the offices of both of our United States Senators. directly from a State Senator, lawyers representing residents of your facilities, Office of the Long Term Care Ombudsman, Attorney General's office, residents, families and cornmunity members. Failing to collect payment from residents for several months; Failing to pay vendors and service providers, with vendors stopping deliveries and service providers terminating their services to residents; Staff paying for food and other items out of their own pockets, upwards of hundreds of dollars of personal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. monies spent by staff for things like milk, eggs, bread, etc. due to the ceasing of food deliveries; Staff turnover and resignations at a concerning rate and lack of supervisors/qualified staff; Staff needing to work extensive overtime hours to make up for lack of staff to try to ensure the safety of residents; Failing to provide required refunds to residents; Ongoing issues with failing to pay vendors/service providers since ownership change, leaving an unstable environment; 9. Reports of and direct observation by our Nurse Surueyor of the anxiety the above issues are causing residents, families and staff. Here is the list of the queslions I went through yesterday, to which we need responses: 1. A plan regarding when you will begin accepting resident payments. with a start date indicated; I 2. 4. 5. A plan io systematically review any dellnquent vendor payments and service provider payments, and immediately bring accounts to good standing with all vendors/pmviders, with a date of completion indicated; A plan on how you are going to recruit new staffto replace resignations and ensure sufficient numbers of qualified staff on an ongoin8 basis; n pian to immediately refund all applicable resldents' money owed to them or their estates; A plan to ensure, in the case of any further extended absences, your businesses are able to continue to operate 6. without disruption; your plan to inform residents immediately of your effo*s to rectifu the situation and your plan to be accessible 3. to these facllities; 7. your plan to restore confidence with residentsfamilies/vendors and all other interested parties; L 9. An explanation of why it was impossible for you, as the Licensee of 3 Vermont Residential Care Homes, to respond to the State survey agency and concerns from other parties for a period of at least 4 weeks. provide a list of the nemes and addresses of facillties {assisted living, residential care, or other senior care-type buildings - excluding independent living) owned by you or an LLC for which you are the principa/manager in other states. 10. *new* Do you own the real estate at Pillsbury Manor South, Allenwood at Pillsbury and Homestead at pillsbury? lf not, please provide the name and contact information for the real estate owner, 11. *new* please provide a phone numberwhere lcan reach you. The number provided on allof the applications {917-825-1308) does not accept incoming calls. Sincerely, Pam Pamela M. Cota, RN Bs Licensing Chief/Nurse Adminisilafor Divisicn of Licensing and Protection HC 2 South -- ?80 State Drive 1l Waterbury. VT A5671-2060 (8O2) 241-0347 2 Earb Frorn: Chelsea Baleslra Scnt Monday, october 22,20L81014i AM Barb Moynan RE: A Couple of Questions To; SnhJectl Hi Barb, have Thank you for reachlng out, I am hsppy to help ln eny wey that I can, Ar far as billing goes I believe Ben and Andrew lnvoice paylng an vendors for do know I lnvolved conver$ations. not in those honestly plen llm for tirat, out $orted e needr to be provlded to Ben [prd, You are welcornc ts send them a copy to mt sr wcll or CC rne on the erilails as I do help wlth the corporate luolcer tracklng, flease llt me know if lcan help out wlth anything elsel Chslscs Bslcstra I Sontor Rccruiting Arcoctats East Lake Cf,Pitcl Manatsment 1920 McKinney Ave, 7s Floor Dallas, TX 75201 Pl (972)754-3ooe -,r*9iut' .::.1i I ll,]:',, l" i, i li': {': From: Earb Moynen tenfi sunday, october 11, 2018 2132 AM To: chelsca Ba lestra {gblESB@SlgE{ff[> A Couple of Questlons Chelsel - {Plllsbury SenlorCommunlty}. I have a couple of quertlo[$ that I hope you era rble to enswerfor me. I am worklng on my plan of correctlons. lf you aren't the per$on I need to rpeak wlth lf you could send me in the rlght dlrection. Thts ts Berbara l, Moynan LpN. I am the current Manager at Allenwood lWhen r will resldents stert gottlng bllls agaln? Who do I contact about thls. I got e daflclency for thic, As far rl peylng vondors etc who do I talk to about thn, I got i deflclency for thie. know that Rosemarle provetto (DONI hac been talklng to Ben or Andrew about thesc thlngs, And maybe I should bc talklnB to Rosemarl: about thk elro, I Thanks for ell you do. Barbarr J, Moynan LPN Nune Msnagcr Allenwood I z7o / 6}tw xrd 6t tlT nfl,r 8r0a/Eal01 -t I TI{O1IIAS J. DO]VOVAN, JR. ATTONNIYCENERAI, TELI (8oa) g4r-or89 FAXr (8o2) a4r-oa14 /wvw'ago.vermont,gov .'OSTIUAR. DIAMOND DEP UI'C ATTORNE"Y GF,NER AI. WTLLIAM E. GRITT'IN CITIEF ASST" ATT'ORNSY GBNNRAI, STATE OF\IERMOIVT ATfORN T GENERAL O}'FICE OII l'HE a8o SrATE DRIYS - HC2N I/YATERBURY,I/T o567r-zo8o Octeiber 72,2018 BvEmail and Certified Mail Mr. Andrew White ELCM Pillsbury Management, LLC l4}4l Dailas Parkway, Suite 650, Iexas 75254 Re: Request fbr Fir:ancial Stateme.nts Dear Mr. White: Ibe Vermoat Attorney General's OfEce through its representation of the Department of Disabilities, Aging aurl lndepende:rt Living (DAIL, licensing agency) llas received irforrnation that raises concefil regarding the fi:rancial practices at the *uee Jbcilities thal you own. and manage in the State of Vennont specifically: ?illsbury Manor South and Allenwood at Pillsbwy Manoi in South Bwlington, and Homestead at Pillsbuly in St. Albans. The r:eported financial ir:egularities include, but ar€ not limited to, failwe to pay vendors providing goods apd services, and failure to bill or oollect payments from residents for their care and services for the past several montlx. This situation raises duestions regarding yow operation's financial capacity to maintain these faciliti es. Residenlial care facilities licensed in Vennonl are required by statute arrd regulation to clemonshate their financial solvency to the licensiug agency. ,lee, 33 V.S'A" Chapter 71 and the Vemront Residsntial Care Home Licensing Regulations. Pursuant to that authority, please provide"answers to the following quostibns and the requested financial.statements as soon as passible, and no later than Monday, October 29;20L8' l. When will ELCM begin processing resident bills antl payments on a nonnal biiling cYcle? ' Z, 3. 4. 5. How do you plan to collect past due anounts that were 4ot previously billed? Are mortgage payments forthese properties up to date? Are there any debts or iavoices unpaidpast due 30 days? Please prnvide the most recent audited, annual financiai statemeds, including balance sheets, inoome statements, and cash flows. t 6, Please provide the rbost recent quarterly frnancial sbtements, including balance sheets, inoomc statempnts, and cash flows. operation of these residences is vitally importantto Vermont' Please submit these statements io me at beseie.weiss@vermontsov. If you have any questions eonceming this reques! yon may email or call me at (S02) 241'A29fr. Thank you for your cooperation with this mafter Sincerely, fu*; Bessie'Weiss Senior Assistant AtbnreY General Monica Hutt . DAIL Commi ssioner .10/31/2019 wE0 15t 06 FA]i PILLSBURY IOUTH CAMPU5 October 31, 2018 Mary Bolton BN Division of Licensiry and Proteetlon HC2 South, 280 State Drlve Waterbury, VT 05671 Dear Mr. Bolton, Attached plaase find the revited Plan of Correction forour Plllsbrrry Manor South rite visit on 10ll/18, Plaasa fuel free to call with any further guestion:. Sincerely, Provetto RN-BC Director of Nursing 7*at ?tlrrsunY MAHoI SOUT]I 20 Ho/bor visw Rsod Soulh Burlinglon, Vl 05403 AtttNvtooD ?0 Allen Rood Soulh Burlinglon, VT 05403 tr{}2.86:J./tl?/ lv/wv/.t.'lll$t)\,rysirlllor(;r)rr\rlrr,rriliei,LLrrtr '1.0/3112018 weP 15t 06 @0f5/020 FAx PRINTEO:1ff1n018 FORMAFPROVED TIATEIqENT OF OEFIaIENCIES AI'B PIJ\N OF CORRECTION (xl l PRovTDERiSUPPLTERTGUA loeNnFEATlOll lrl$HBER: 6 0149 I'IAME Of FROVIb;R fi SUPPUER PILI8BURY MAT.IOR . EOUTH r40 (x3) DATE suRVeY ilUlTlPtE CONsrRucTloN CG,IJIPtETEO l,Vll'lg- 10,0312019 srR€Er AODRegq clrY, $tAfE, ztP coor 20 HARBORVIEW ROAO SOUTH BURLINCTON, VT 05403 9SMM/ARY $YAIEIIJIENT OF OEFlcGTICIES TEACH OEFIGEd9YMU$T BE FRECEDEO EY FULI REGULA?ONY OR LSC IOENTIFYITIO NTRMAT oN} {x4} t0 FREFIX {xe} A. AUltorlvG: l0 PR;FI'( T^O PRO\4oFfi€ PIAN OT CORRECIIQN {EACH CORllECllVt ACtroN SXOULO AE CROS$"REFE'{EIICEO TO TI{EAFFROPRIATS OeF,crENCY) 1Xo1 6OMPLETE D!l F100 lnitial Cornmenls: An unannounced on-site $urvey was $pmpleted on l0m/{8 by lhe Vermont Division of Llcensing and Prglectlon, The purpose of tht $urv€y was to invsstigats 4 oornplainls and I faclllty mandated self-ref oft. The lollaMng regulatorv vlolatlcns the renult of the complalnt invectigations, R V RESIbENTCAREANO HOME SERVICE$ H104 5.1 Adtflisslon 5.2-a Prlor to or al lhe time of admisslon, cach residenl, and the resident's legel representatfue ll sny; shall he prqvided with a wrltlen admission agraementwhich deserlber th€ daily, weehly. or niontrly rate to be eharEed, e dessriplion 0d the services thal are covered in lhe role, and all applicahle'linanciel iusues, including an explanation of tfie hOrnCe policy regarding dlscharge 0r tran$ter when s fesidenl's linancipl elatus changes from pdvately paylng to paying wlth S$l orACC$ benaflls, Thl$ admission agreemenl shall specify al least how the services willba provided, and what additional clraqes lhere rMll be, if any: all pereonal cels services; nursing $elvices i medisailon managimenl; laurdryl tmn$portation; toiletries: and any additionalseruices provided under or s M€dlcsid Waiver program, lf applicahle, the tht rc$dent's lransfer and dlscharge The corpot8te tearn hes been contasted vls amail0n odober a8, 2018 as wellas loday, Oclobsr 3r, ?01€.As ottoday, I have not received a r6$pon$e reguding this deficlency dghts, tncluding prsvisions for refund*, and mus( e degcrlptlon of lhe home'6 pareonal naeds allowance policy. (li ln addilnn to goneral rsskient agreement 4reerfl6nts for allACC$ requlremen lllrE TAOOfiAf ORY DIRECTORS bN PROVIOER,SUPFLIER FEPRESEN'ATIVS'S SICNAruR€ xa {ar // s (X9, Oi[Tg tlort re B lt/31/2913 lrBD l5r 0? rAx a0o6/020 PRINTED: 't0i I 2/201 B FORMAPPROVEO lxr, sTArEMeilr Of oEFrC$ilC{Eg A{IID PTAN OF COFf, EO'ION Pnsvl0Ci,SUtPllER/CLIA (tel MULIPL€ cO{SrRUcYroN IOENTIT ICATION HUI,SERi A. EUIIOINO: flsl &{rE 9URVFY COMPLETEO c 3, WI{G 0t49 HAli/tE Of STRI6TAOORESS, CllY, PROVIOER ON SUPFItEfi TA6 OF on vT SOI,,TH ttu8r eg I ttAlE F zlP COoE 20 HAREOR VIEW ROAE PILLSBURY MANOR' IIOUTTI lr(1) l0 PRgltr 10,0312019 IY FI,TL $c DExnFil{o lilr0nll^loFl t0 PReflt( rA0 0$403 PRo\'iDEFS PLAI{ OF BORRECTI&I (EACH CORRECITVE AcroN gHotfD lE CRO66.Rff IRENCIO IO ThE APPROPRIATE {xEt corpt€rE OAIE 0EtlctlNcYl Rl04 Rr04 Coniinued Frorn page 'l parlicipanta shall include: tlE ACCS E€Nices, lhe specific ruom and board rete, ths amount ot peIsonal nG6d3 allo\tance and lhs priovldn/s 0Ersemsnt to accept room and board ryrd Mcdicnid as gols Poyment. Thie REQUIREMENT is not met ar evidancod b!,: Eased on mulllpl€ lrrPorls from rssidsrrls ot lhe th6 facixty, the lEcllity hos failed il'$ llducisry duty locomply wlth the lsrrne of th€ idmleslon rgrcemints to allcrrrent tegklents of the lacility, by faillng to bill rnonhly lor rert and magc€lla$(xJs chBrges tot each residenf$ aparlmant and agreed upon c6te and servlcag. This rsgulatory vlolalion allecte dl rssldent9 and/or thelr legally rosponsible flnanclol partios. Findingr lnclucle: Per brterviowa 10nr18 end 1013/18 wilh lacilily residents and staff, tha lacility lioensee hae fuiled to adhsrs to he lerfis of lfreil Admicaion Agreemenm lor all cttrenl residsntS. Thc lacility trae taiteO io send al r€sidents a monlhly blllot the amounl ored for rent end mlFcollgneous chargea every month, aa gtgled ln ths ffitt€n termo of the signed admission egr€emenls. Thig lallure lo compty wilh the agrBomenl alac violeles each regidenrs righl to r8vlew lhelr tinandal f€cords upon request" Tie feelllty llcensee nas not Bxplainsd in wrillng lo all residente tho reasons lot theirfailure to oompty wlth the tsrms ol eaeh admtssion agrocmalt and lhie iseua ls causing signilicant dbre$ to r€sidente std/or their legall! rosponsiblo partiee, Per lnteryiow on 10/2/18 wilh a residenl who wiehed lo be STATE FORM l I I ittt 3UJM11 lrcorlkrusuon thril l0l iS LQ l3l / zltg otsD 1!t 0 ? FAx af07/o2o PRINTED: 10rl2,20lB FORM APPROVED $'ATGM€t.IT QF NEFCIENCIES AND PIAN 0f conRncflcn (X! ) PRovIoERnSUFF{-I€B/CUA txr) r\lrjllrFt€ coNsTRUCTroN IDE'ITIFICATION NUMBEN: A c 'l0t(Br2018 NAS'E OF PROUO€R OR SUPFLIEF $'RESTAFDRI9S. CITY, $TATE, TIP COOE PILLSBURY fiiAt{OR - SOUTH 20HARBOR VIEW ROAD SOUTH EURtltrl6TOl'1. W 0$40t (x{l sr$ifttAdY sfAlEMENr lD DsFlclsr'Icl€s isouuroRv on lgc PREFIX roENTrtYrNo INFoRMArroN) Conltnuecl From page 2 . . Plovt6ER's FlAi{ oF coeREcTtof{ lxq (EASH CORRECTTVE ACTToN SHOULD Be CROSE-REF(R€NCEO TO Thts AFPROPiIATE COfiIFLETE ID (EACI.I OETICIENCY MU$T BE PRECEOED 8Y TUTL rA8 Rr04 0t COMFLS,IgO g.WNO 0t4t PReflX (x3l 0ATE SURI/EY BI.'IIDINO: TAQ - nEflclsNcv) DA'E , Rtfi racdved furASl, 2016 to ha plssonl month, sspt€nbcr, 2018., There ar€ no facillty slaft amployid at lhe facility to fdcilitate fispon$es to. qusitlons the reeldenb may have rbFrdlng thair linanciEl rscords and monthly hllling hletory, R12! V, RESIDENT CARE AND HOME SERWCES Rl23 €$"b The corporate ieam h6s been contacted ue effrall on October 28 2014 as w?ll as today, October 31, 2019. As of today, I havo $.4 Refundo ngt rselved a respsnBe regarding thtg delrciency, 5.4.a l then a reddcnt ls dlscharged., the rosident ehall recsive a rsfund, wllhlh lS daye ol dltcharge, fsr any lunde pald ln advance for sach day car6 wae nol provided, h the cags of a disEharge to a hospital or other lemporary placemont. the Bffsctlve date lor file provlalort shall b€ he day ths home ls notified lhe rBEld6nt wfll nol be rehmlng. For lhe purposes of prcviding refunds, "day of dischargo' shal bc consldered lh'e day the resldenls room is emply ol the rosldent's belongings. il those belongings arE too large or dlfflcult lor the h0m0 lo storo temporanly. rh6 faciliiy shall temporarlly ttora omallitemc such ss clothing and othff personel Iterns if necersary. Ihis REQUlli€{\tENT is not tnel es evidenced by: Based on intervloWs and recod r€vt€Mrs, lhE facility failed b relund rnoney owed to ihe estate/heire of I appllcable residena in the sarnple alter the resldenl's oeath in February, 2018. {Residant #5). Findlngs include: Per teltrhondlntarvlew with Reslclent #5's f6rnily member orr gl?9118 at 1:20 FM, h/hgf mother died on 21&116 and s/he had vacStsd all of lhe mstha/s belonglngs by 2/fff18. Fer interuierlv sDqTE FORM ooti 3UJM11 Itsonliouatoo rnta !d it Li/lll20lg lsED 15t 0g Plx Eo0E/020 F'RINTEOI 10/12t1018 FORMAPPROVEO STATAIENT OF OEFICIENSIEO Ar'rD PIAIJ (xu Of ConngcTlotJ FR{}!r' DERSUFpTER'CHA {x?l MULTIFLE :SISTRUGTION rDtNfl FrcAlloN Nlr{u6€R A B. 0t4s l'lAME OF PRftOER Ofi $UPFUER P LL$AURY mANOR - 8qUTH {x{, T8 R 1 23 'T'ILOING:WNO- c 10t03t2013 F vt ID PREFIX TAA PR0\40€R'9 ptAN OF CORRECTId{ {EACHCORRECIIV€ A0TroN SHOUIO 8E cRo6$.agF6REllc€o TO THE rxu gO{,PTFIE AFPROPHIATd oA15 ogFrclENcYl R123 Continued From page 3 wth a bu$iness office Elafl member on SUrvEY COlrlpLeTE0 ItREirAooResg, ctTY, gtA?E zlP g€De AI HARBOR VIEWROAO 06603 BOlrTh FVRLII{GT{}N, 8UIIfIIARY STATTMENI OF OSFICENCIE$ {EACH 0EFICIENCYi UST 0g FFEC€SE0 6y fULL RFSUIA?ony oft L8c l0GN?IFYING lt'lFgllMArloN) rD pRqFlx (Xe) oArE 10/3118 at ?:S0 PM, shc stetcd she did not have any direct knowledge of the billlng system or any resldents \"ho may be owed e refund upon diEchelge hofi l}a lecility. However, aha wae sble to sha\,r, the eurveyor remeining documents h a llla rcgardlng Reeldent#5. The documents included d Deposil Recelpt entilled "Rsfundnbh Sacurlty Deposit Arnount; $42m.00,' A Slalgmsnt dalad hnhfiV Btated lhst ths "Total ouE' to the rcridcnt uFon digcharge wae S6,59e.61. (Thle amount included thg sccurily deposlt Gfund ot $4?00.00. plu$ lhe money owed for unused days paid in advance for February, 2018. The amount of unused daye {0 days) paid in advanca uns $1,396,61.) A survey compi€ted on 7/3/18 clled a regulslory vlotation dus to he failure to ralum the reeldent'a owof rnoney and he facility wrole in a Plan of Coracllon accopiod on 7/3111S thpt they had refunded the rnoney owed on 7llsll0. However, the famlly memlrcr conllrmed on 6/2O18 that no refund had 6ver been receivod by he reeldonf* estat€. It I ll This lacl( of sorrection of lhe regulatory viofation represente contlnued non-compllence by tha facitity. The fuilutu to return ths rgsadonfs funds wlthin {5days old'ncharge lras confirmed durlng intervlanr with bushees offtce stsff atd the DNS on aftemoon'd 10/3/'!8. Rl2e V, RESIDENT CAREANO HOME SERVICES R116 1. Resdlent#1 no longet resdies $S=G 2. 5.S GsneralCare 6"5.a Upon a resldent's sdmission lo e rEEldentlal cerc h0il18, nccessaiy s€rvicos ehtll be provlded or Hnailg€d to rioet th€ rcsident's STATE PORM ilrr tuJMtl ln the faclllty Raview of cuffsnt rssidents with nursing $taff dnd tecofd revieu, wl[ be mnducted to ensure resdlent care neede are mgt I oorrthrnliort 0hitl ,l ol lE 'r0131/20t8 wPD 151 08 Bonrlozo rax PRINTE0; l0/1U2018 FORMAPPROVEO STATEMENI Of O€FICIENCIES ANOPTAN OFCONREG'ION {xr I PfigvloEntsuFPlteRicuA r6ENTllrCA?BX NUilB6i: (x3) oATE sURvsY {X4 MULIIPL€ CONS?NUCIION a, gulLatrte:_ ooMtlfT€o c h. wlNG 01rt{t STREETADORESS, CfIY, $TATE, ZIP COOE NAMq OT PNOV oEF OR $UFP!IE8 20 PILLSBURY T'IIANOR . gOUT}I ttAnEohvrEl,v RoAu SQUTH SURLINGTON, st$#\4AnY STATETUINT OF oaFnFt{Cl€g (EAch oEFICIENCYilIUBT sE pRECEOEo 0Y Futt lt{FQnMATlSilf RESUTATORY oA L3C {x1) lo pq6Ftx IA€ 10,03t2018 t0 PREFU TAO W 05il{lt PR O\i4DE8'S FIAN OF CORRESTION (EACH CoRRECTIVEA0T0N st'lotfi-0 Be cRoss'nEFER6l.,tCC0 TO THe APPn0pR!r7E R1?6 per3onalr p$ychosociel, nulsing and mcdlcal care needs. conlhucd from pagF4 r. 'lhla REQUIREMEIff is not met ss evidenced by: Bascd on lnterviews and tecord leview, the lacillty talhd to assure thal 1 ol4 resldents ln the hmetad sEt,trple received th€ ooc€sssry care ic addr'Irrs theh nursing and rnedical care needs. iRscid€fit #1)- Findings includs or$c 0€rcGNcYl 'SENTIFYINO R126 Continued From page 4 {x$l COMPLqTE Education of nursing $taff witl lnolude appropriale cornmunication and documantation of rEsident/ family concerno by November 28, 2018. Education of care providers willalse be cuductod to ensure resident care necds aro belng mot 4. Audits willbe conducted by reviewing ehilt report and nursing progress notes weekly x 4, lhen Per gtalf inietviewg and tccsrd rsview, nursing eleff talled lo ehow evldencs of n€c€ggary gsses8ment and monltoflns of cer6 fol Rcsident #1, who wsE dedlnhg in heath gtetus fo. a period of rreeks pnar lo oelng admilted to lhe hospital lrorn an Eo visit on S/11rlA with s diagnosis of a udnary tract infection, dehydratlon and posaible sepslE liepsis i$ a pot€ntially lile{hreatenlng compllcallon of an infactlonl. A lirne line of the {,evelopments $howlng thg resldent's decline and leek olconsislent c*ra and monitorlng i* included ss follows: monlhlyx3sndongoing. S. The Firector f Nursing or designee will monitor for compliance. 6. Compliance wiltbe oorfipleted by November 0, 201t 1, Per record review, on 8128/1 8, th€ regident's son topoftod to th$ flul$b thst the resldent compleined t0 h/him thsl slha w8s havlng a lot ol pain in lhe righl tih srea, along with coughhg and white eputum. The nurse went t0 soe tho resident and wrote that lhe re$ld6nt moy have pulled a rnu8cle wlth hlhar coughing and the nursp ask€d the tha MT (mdicatibn technician) to give h/her PRN (aF ne€ded) Tustln. The nurse did nol docurnent any physical EsEdgsrnant of vltal slgnE nor lung sound$ 8nd did not notlfy tfie provlder of the change ln symptoms 2. On 9/3/t8, lne nurse wrote "The resident con{nues h not loolw€ll thit lrofning, dld Btart lo 8TATE FOFI&I altl IUJM11 ll sofitillxdhn rhttt Sof tS .LA/3t/201a }IED 15r i9 @01olo?0 sAx PRINTEDi $,17,t2A18 FORMAPPROVED gTA?SllEilT OF oEf EENCltg Ar{0 P{.tf', 0F CORnECTIOil (xi) PF0vroE VsurFLltR/oLlA I DE}.ITIFICATIO}I IiUMBER: NAME OF PROVIPEROR $UPPTJER PTLLSSURY l,lAl'l0ff - gOUTll c 1A'fi6- r0,o3rz0l8 F 20 HAREORVIEW ROAB $OUTHEURUNOTON, VT O34Oi {EAC}I DEFIOIENCY neouieTonr 0,t t$c roeilTlrYNo rNToRljtATloHl TAd COMPIETEO _ sTREer AD0R€9N, Ct?y, 8TArE, IIP COoE surrfiAfiY STAI€MENT OF OET C ENCIE8 r'.,8T OE FREG6O6D 8Y fULL (x{} lo p5firlx A.6UILDIH6; t. 0143 (X$ OATE€URVTY (x4 iil,rrPLe coiraTRucTl0N F128 Continued Frsm Page 5 FFovroERS plAf{ oF cofiRecT'oN Q FFEPIX TAG {EAOH CORR€CTNEAOTION cioss.nerrRerucEo to tllE S}IOI.ltO 6E APPROPRIATE (Ifl COT,FLATE OATE 0tFtcttNcYl R120 wall( t0 breakfatt but aoemod lnsteady and wsntod to ralurn to vher apartmant.' 3. On 9/5118, alter noulioation that the reeldenl had illd to thE floor, the PCP tprlmary care prc)rild€o ord€r€d thgt thc rssidont g0 to the Uroent Care for lV lluide end work up. \Mtile at thd Urgent Care. the resident was diagnosed wilh dahydratlon and hypercalcernle and returnsd to tha facility with ord*s ftom thc PCP to nsllfy thgm lf lho roEldont had any vomitins or diarhsa 0rworr.nlng ot symptoma pti0r t0 Monday {date sn0,1s). 4. On S6/16, s rurse docnrmented that th€ residenl wse inoontinent of a large arnount of EerntlooEg stoolE. Thrre wa$ no evldence that the PCP nres nollflad of lha loosd 8toolE on 9/8/18, pFr orda€. Allhough lhc rmldontreported fevrnr eymphmg ovHr lhe nsxt 2 deyB, t/ho contlnusd wlth mininal food/liquid intake. 5, On 9/tt/18, ths rsBldent reported nol teeling nnol rivell, eating/drinklng & hNd toma wmltlng, Spoke to son and ho asBod $ac nurse h cnllihe PCP lo sae what they uisnled to do, They ordaled regident be sonl to ED via ambulance," The nole shled Viial $igns (V$) at lhal time Yvare Temp' 99,8, Pulse - 80, resplralions - 20, Blood pressure . 14im8, arlj uxyged saturalion tsv6l .90t4 (low). No VS w6r6 documcntcd fot 0/9/tE ond 9/10116, and continued deareased orsl lntake was noled t I both ol tlnee days. I The nuning documenlf,$on reflEcted a hck ol ongdng documeniad tsseilrnent of the rssident on b rcbulEr baslg aftet the reeident rcportgd gnd a lack of 'taoling urnvell'on 8128/18, nollficatlon to lhe PCP in a ilrmly tllanngr ov6f scvcfldldayc, unh* pfomgted to do so by iha famlly. Nur86s lall€d to wtitc a follow upxur€ing,, notebftg the rssldenls compbini on C28/28 of Th€ and lnoresssd rlb arBa STATE FORM rl0a 3UJMrl 'r0/31/201S r80 15! 0' B01r l0 2 0 FAx PRINTEO: 10fi2fe018 TORMAPPRCIVED STAiIi'EN1 OF OEFICENCIES A'{o PtA{ oF coRRtclrsN 111) PtrOVI DER,SUPPLIENTCLI.A IDENTIFICAIION IIUIIBER: {xr} {XAl littttTlPLE COr{gTRUOTlo}'l A 9UltOlN6: -.-.....- gq6 EgtvdY COMPLE'EO c 0J49 sTREET ADDRESS. 6ITY, 6TATE, TIP COOE NAIH€ OF PfO\fiDER Ofl SUPPLIEN 10 HARBOR VISW ROAD PILLSgURY It{Ai{OR . $OUTH $ut{taARY gTAtEfrlEl{l oF 0€Fl6lENCls$ IEACH DEFICIEiICYMUSI IG PRTCEDEO 8Y iecuutonv on Lgc tDENnFYtNG tNFoRtvlATtoN, 'ULL (xrl r0 FREFIX TAG R12B soutH EunLtilsroil, t T to pnEFtx ?AC 06403 FRQVEERS PtAri oF conn€cTlol{ {EICH CORtrECtryE AeIlON 9H0ut0 8f CRO$$-REFERENCEO TO Tfi E AFPROFRIATE (xs) COI'FIETE OlrlE 0EFlclENcYl R1?6 Continuad Fr,om page 6 neil docum€nled note wa8 deted gr2r18, whbh stated th6t the resldeot documented V$. w*r nEt fealhg well and Per phons lntrrvlew wlth fte rsaidinfs f€rnlly rrnemher on 9/28/18 at 12;55 FM, an Ernergancy Oepa4meninurse slEted to h/him that when lhe rasldenl wag examhed in lhe ED on 9/11r18, lh0 residenfs brlst u,es soaked with urine and tec€g and 'disintegrated'when the Eo nurse touched it to removi it, The nurse also slnled thqt there wEs dilcd fcqcs in the reeldenl'o Senltal gteqs. Tha nurs€ stat€d {18t the bflef had not been changed in a long time. Tha son $tated lhat the residenfs care plan stated that s/he wa* to be checlced for lncontlnence end toileted every ? houre. The lack of appropriatd and tlm*ly car€ ln accqrdancEwilh the plafi el care end provHer orders ws$ conflrmed during inteMew with lhe DNS (Director ot Nurses) on 1013118 at 6;30 PM. Reiar also to &160. R' V. RESIDENT CARE AND HOME SERVICES Rr45 1" Regidents # 1, 3 and 4 care Plans havc becn ooncctctl to roflect the 2. The Diredor of Nursing or designee will review currenl r€sid€nfs carc pl6nE to €nsuro rosidenfs nesds are being mot, The Dlrector of Nuruing or designee will audit oure plano weekly x 4, then rnonthly x 3 and ongoing to dn8ure re3ident care plans reflect thelr oare needs. SSrE 5 Lc (2) oversee develgpmenl 9f s wrltten plar of care for eecn re$ident that a6 based cn abi$tie+ snd needs as benlilred in the rasident a8se$sm€nt. Aplan d care must describe lhe care aild services nsc€$sery lo assist the rssidenl to malnlain independenoe and well"being; 3, resldenfs carF nqeds. Thi$ REOUIREMENT is not met as evidenced STA1E FORM tao! tuJMtl il€ongurlhng!.1 Td tE '10/31/2018 Wss l5t 09 @0lc/02{ ?Ax PRINTEO: lstl2noll FORMAPPROVED $rA?EMEI{T 0F 0EFrCtE{'.ClE8 AND PI.AN OF CDRRECTION ' (x1 ) PttovtoERr$upPLtER'CLh tDENTtRCAflOilNUfr4BEFl (x3l oATl 8UR!EY ' OOITP$TED {X*l lylULTlPrE CONSTFUCTTOh A. aUrLOlMl:- c ItAltE OF Pi9VtrR 0R gTi!$A00tE8g, clrY,glA?E, aP c00E suptllln 20 IIARBOR VIFW ROAD PILLSBUFY MANOR " SOUTI{ $ouTH SURLINETOI{, VT 06401 $MiMARY STA1FMENT OF O€FICIENCIES tx1, rD PREFA TA& 6E PNEC€OEO 6YFULL &ACII DEFICIENCY toENTlrYNG INFORMATION) ireurAToav oR Lsc'IIJST Continued From page F t0rmr20{8 s, 91,st6 0149 I b!, 8-aaed on lnlervlew end ricord rcvisw, the RN (Regbtered Nurss) fail€d to devehp wrltlBn €re ptens to addrsst eech reoldenfs ldenilfied ne€ds, to tulclude measurable goel$ and specltic lnterventlonE to addrcsr tholl nccd9. ln addttlon, nurslng stalt tailed tD conelstently lmpl€mBnt the residcnt's care plan lnterventiom lor dally tlare and soMces based on a reviaw of care gists' docurnentdd dally calE. Theee prac.tices affected 3 of S reeldcntE ln th€ eppilceble sempls. (Resldents tr l, 3 and 4). Flndlngs includa: PRO/ DER€ PrAr,r Ot 60nnecrnx IEACIH f,ONRECTIVE ACTION EHOULO BE - tO PRGFIX ?,\O R146 ctiogg. iEF gRtt{cEo {x6t COTFLETE to tHE A/PRopRIATE DEFICEilCYI 0A16 conllnued from page 7 4, 5, 6. Education on wrltton care plans be oonducted for all nurses to 6n$ure residsnt'e tresds aro mat, The Direotor of Nurelng wlll for compliance. Complianee will be sompleted by Novcmber 3, 20'l8 1 . Per rccofd revi€w on I 0ll/18, Resldent #1's care plan fallcd to addroes the rerldents behsvior& related to romoulng mcontlnent briets and pulting tlrem in varioue areas wllhin the apanrnent including on fumitura, in closste and oh the floor, ThE nur6€e w€ro ewsto ol a urhe odor ln this room yet failod to dsvelop a comprehensive plan to maflage this Feue and asstrre $rat the resldent 's care plan met the resident's needs regerding incontinence concrems. The care plan stated to toiletewry 2 hourg, hsrvever therg ia no cvidcrtcc of rocsnt assotsmcnt to ldehtlfy why the odor was pery83lve, not t0 change the plan to see ll more trequent toilellng helped to manoge the issue. h ! F ot the card plan mrrilng nol6s wlth the family dated Aprll 25, 2018, it hign$ghlad "loenalls" 8s needrs tg be done {tlled and trimrned) and lhe lamily rdquested weekly showere be ineresssd ltom 2 timeE ws€ldy t0 3 tirnea workly. Far rgvlerv of the cfilB glver doeumentdtlon shcet . the Mey shcaE eEld chowers 3 tim63 per vveek hut the June sfld July $he€t$ sald showers 2 times weekly, with many missed showers noted. Toileting every 2 hours wae documentgd as flol done on 2 days lor JunS' Per revlew SIATEFORM 3UJM1T Jrac{rllmat}or rhill gol rS l0/311201S $tlD 15:10 @013/020 FAx PRINTEO: 10/1212018 FONMAPPROVFT) StATEMEiIT oF DrFOldf,lclE$ dF e,ORRCC?lotl /$D $fi{ {x I ). PRov oER,SUFPLER/CllA IDEI{?IFICA?IOH MJMEER: c 1Uo3nfi8 crty, STATI, llp flAME OF PROVIOER OR *,IFPUER STRSE?AoDFESS, PiLLSBURY MAI{OR . SOUTH 20 HARBOR VIEW ROAO $ouTH EURUN€TON. W 0540t {x4} l0 PREIIX TAO StTMMfftry S?ATEMSXT OF OEFICIEI{CIES (EACH OEFICIENCY MUS1 BE PfiECEOIO OY FTJLL IB TREFIX deouunrony oe Lsc T0ENIFYING lilfonutArtoN) TAC R146 Conilnued Frorn page COUPLSTgO 'ATE a 0't4s I silFveY lxSl {x4 MULT FLE OOIIIATRUCT!}N A 6UllOlN{l:- COOE FROVOER'S PIAN OF CffiiICTI€N (EACH CORnECTI\I ACTION $80U10 8E CROSS.REFC RENCEO TO TI'€ APPROFFIATE lxil coilFl-ETE OATE DEFlglENsvl g14i il wag not doanmented Bs done on 5 dayc during Juty. Rpg*ditg nsllcars, tht aheat dated to flle and trln nalls 6llet each dhowori dudng June, it urss documented as done 3 tlmes htgt during July it wss documented ss don€ 2 Umss only, During intervistvw{th Fesident #1's lamily member on 9/30118, s/he staled thal lhe resldenl'r 19sq9ils were conElEtenlly very l0ng and cuded anr he top of the toes. s/he stat€d that ihey the hsd brought up the lack ol toenail care and kimming m multiple occasions {lncluding 6t the last oere plan rneeting on_ 4r25l1S) to trcllltt nurges vrlthout re8ult8, Th6 fsmlly had slso feqrcsted lhat ll1€ fsclllty flnd 8n approprlate cleanlng produel to hBlp elifilnate the nefvalive urlne odor ln the resident'g roorn and irallway ereas. This was not sehleved per the famlly 2. Fer recotd teview, Rasidefit #3's care plan to addregg felle *Bt€d that lhs r€sideflt wed fiot a hlgh fail rish, However, revisw of the te*ldent's fpils since 8/1t18 Bho\ €d 4 fallr between 8131/18 snd gll A/1 8. The bFt cHre plan reviaw qsg daled 4/1/18, and stated lhat lbe resident had 6 falls in the previous 60 days. As of 10/118, there were no r€c€nt updgt€g, new lnt€rv€ntignt 0t 6valudtion3 rcgardln$ fallE ln the racord, A numlng nota of S/1 Sr18 alter the res'ident w8$ lound 0n the floor staled "reminded resklenl about ltre call pendent" and lha resident rePlied thal fE 'forgot about that.' The residenl had put himeell ofl tlre floor and crawled to ttre bathroom because he did not wani to hlli thorE \^r€s no nuralng evaluetlon of thlr change regarding mobility, (The re$ldent wat also legally ullnd due io macular degensratlon end glaucoffia). The care plen also failed to eddress the residents needs rel€tgd to constlpation and admisiion to Hotpico Services 0n 9/22118. STATE FORT' ctl, 3UJM1r tl cmlln lllon she€t E o, lt 1.0/311?018 wBP 15r 10 8014/ Fax 0 20 FRINTED; l0rle&018 FORM APFROVED $rATi[$ENt OF otf lo$rEs (r r). AND FI.AN OF SORR8CTON PnOvlOERr€UPP\lER/CU/a tX?) MULTTPLE IOENTIF]CATION NUTilBER: A, dUILOINGi 8Ui/[ltcRY tlATEMEll T oF DErld gl'lC}EB IEACH OEFICENCY fiTTJ€T BE PRECgDEO SY FT'LL riecuntonv on L8c c F 10 flARBOR VIEW ROAD SOUTH FURLINOTON, VT 0640I PILLSBURY ttlAtt0R - SOUTl"l TAO DATg 8?REEIA0DReSS, 911v. 3rArE, llP co0E TiIAME OF PAOVIOEfi OR 9IIPPLIGR tx4) l0 FRETH txr) UCTION Wits ___--=--- 8. 0t48 CONgfi ro PREFIX rAo IDENTIIYING lNFoRilArloN) Rl45 Contrnuod From Page I - FnOVIBER'& PtAl'l oF CORRECTnil IEAOH CORREETIVE ACTIOH SI{OUIO BS cioss.enrcnlucto to tnE AppnomnTE txtt csiPtErg .}AT? 0EflclfiitcYl R1{S Per record review, Resident #4'a care plan regarding th€ rlBk of tslls plan was l6st tcvlewed orizttetia, Durlrtg thc pe'ttoo frotn 8/1/10 to 1011/18, tlre tEsldent hcd S falls, lncluding 2 fallr wllh filnor heed iniurie+, There was noevidence of any evEluation, reasFgg8menl 9r new interventions aller the 5 recenl t6lts. This resldenl was Elso reoeiving anticoagulant th€rspy, whioh mskes the rbk of bleeding due to lnJwy greater, The care plan did not dddr€es th€ resfdenfe uss of dally H6od thlnnsre . The reeld€nt was also bsing ircatad with mEdlcatlon for depr€sclon and tho Care plan dld nol include any nulslng 3. lnterventlont rdEtod to motiltoring fol offgctlvcne8s and poseible 8dv6rce side 6lf€ctB. 6nd did not inotude any supportlve interventisns by alaff. The above findings for thd 3 le€ldents wsre conflrmed durlng lntervlow wlth lho DNS on ll 10/3118. R1 V, RES1D€NT CAREANB IJOME SENUCE$ RlS0 SSrO 5,9,c (7) Aarur€ that eymptoms or eigns ol illnese or uccldent arc recorded al lhe time 0f occirtrenc€, slong wllh Fcuon lsken; This REQUIREMENT is not mel as evidenc€d Rosdiont #1 no longer resdies in the faclllty : . Rsvlew blcurrenl residents with nursing slaff and lecord revlew will be conducted to onsure residont care needg sre met 3. Eduoatlon of nursing slaff will include appropdnte communioation and u documentation of residenUfamllY by: g'aspd on stall lnterview and record revlsw, tscilitv nrrsos feilcd h documont follow up gHre and nbtittcatton to the PCP of chang6s in lssifl$nt condttion/symptom* in a timely manner on two occaslons for 1 ol 4 rasidentE in thE sample. (Resident#1). Flndings include; 8TATE FORM i r. sr FCP consem$. illr sUJMt! lf oonlh$t[on Shllt t0dl'lS 10/31/20r8 wsD 151 11 Flx @0r5/ 0 20 PRINTED: 10r12€01 B FORMAPPROVED STATEMeilT OF PllGJ;NglEt Anto plAhl 0F conREclloN lxll (X3I OATE SURVEY (x?] MUTTIPLE COt{S?nUofl ON roENltFtcATloN dm4BEAi A. COMFLTTEO BUTLSINC:---- G g. wr.rG 0r49 erR€€l }'IAM€ OT PRO!r'NER OR SIJPPUEB TA6 continued From page cosl guRLtNGTol,l. vT 05403 'O souTH €lrMtvlAfiy STATEM: {T oF 0EFlclgt{0 €g .IEACH DEFICIEHCY MUST Bg PRECEOdgl 8Y TULL dCCUUTONV OR L 3C IDENTIFVING INFORMATON} (x{) r0 PRGFIX Cttv, sTAlE, llp IIARBQR VIEW ROAD PILLSBURY UAI'IOF . SOUTH RI ASDRESS, t0,03t20rf, l0 FiOVIb€R'S PRgFI'( TAG R1S0 - PLASI OI (xE) CORR€CTION iE^CN CORnECllv! ACfloN SttouLo BE CROSSfiEFEFENCCO TO ThE APPROPRIATE 0EFlcrEl,lcY) sontinuEd from page coif,t€lE OATE t0 willbe oonducted b]l ahlft report and nurslng Progtsss notes weokly x 4, then monthly x 4, Audlle 1. Per record reviEr'tr. the nurge failed t0 document lollor^, up aetlon$ in the fiedlcsl rscord lor Resident #1 eller lhe resident complpined ot right rib area pain and coughing wilh white pfitegm production 0n 8r28/18. There wag also no note stath0 that the fsmily and the PCP had been nolified of the resolution of the residenl's change in rymptoms. and ongoing, 5. The Direslorf Nursing or wlll monltor for cofipliance. 6. Compliance will be complot€d bY November 3, 20tB Per racdrd review. lh8 nurse feiled lo noti[t lhe PCP after diecharge instructlons from an Urgent CarE Vi*lt on 0/5/18 ttated lo "Call the PCP offlce lrnmedlsbly lf you arc havlng any vomltlng, diarrhca or worsenlng eymptorn$ bctors Monday" (9/10n8). A nurslng progfess note datod 9/SrlB ai 11:52 AM, atated the resldcnt uas incontinenl of a lerge emount d semi-loosa etogl, The nurse dld not-acr on he discharge inetuciions given by ths Urgsflt Care Center provkler on 9/5/18 to notlfy thg PCP lmrnedlately, These fallutgs of nur+as lo follow up afler 2. changes in resident condition were conlirmed wllh tlre ONS during lntervlew on 1$/31/18. V. RESIT]ENT CARE AND HOME SERVICES ft206 SS.D 5 17 Dealh ofa Residenl 5.'!7,c Wh6n a rEsldeill diec unexpoctedly or witlrin 48 hourcof I tall or injury, n addition lo notlfying the medical extminer, the licenses shall send a repon to the licensing ageney with the lollowing inforrnation; t1) Name ol residenl; {2} circumstsnces af lh9 d6eth; (3) Circumstances of any recent injuries or lalls; STATFFORM tat9 1, The resdient no longer rsedies ln the facillty. 2. Education of nursing staff rogarding regulatory requiremente surrounding unexpected death will be conducted to ensure regulatory complianco 3. Thc Dlrcctor of Nursing or designee will monitor all aceidents/deaths 3UJM11 1r cofilnltiloo thi6l lr 9{ 16 't0 / 2L / 2ol8 nsp 13r l1 aor6/02r Fl*:t PRINTEO: lafi?n01$ FORMAPPROVEO AETDFilCI!8 c0ngEcTtoti $?ATEIdEXT OF /r,itlD tttAl,l oF ixll FROVf,)EiISUPPL ERrcLlc 0€l MULnPLE OONSTnUCTIoN TDEilNFICATION NTSi9ER: A EIXLDINO:- 8. wtNG- 014S tx{} ID SUMT\,IMY STAIEMEilT OF OEFICIE'{CIE$ OEFICIENCY MJSY BC PRECEOED 8Y FULL r0 IEl6h PRERX RE€UIATORY OR LSC IOENTIFYII{F INFORfVATION) lAg R205 continuBd Ffom pag6 c H 10 HAREOR VIE\I' ROAD SOUTH BURLINBTON, vT OS{03 MAilOR. SOUTH PC€FU SURVEY STREETADOREaE. C'TT, 3TATE, AP COOE tlAMEOF PRO$OER 06 EWPTI€F PILLSBURY gTE coi0PtETEt) 11 ?AC F205 PROVI0ER'S Pt.Ail 0F C9RneC?GN {EACH CORRECTTVE lc?loil EHou$ AE OPRIAf E CROOS,RI FEIENCED TO ?Xg oEFlctENcYl gontinued from page lxnl c0lrPrtTs OA1E ^FFfi 1l 6rd (4) A ilst of all medlcoliond and treatm€ntE received by he resident during ths two (2) weeks prior to the death. 4, The Direotor of Nursing wlll monitor for complienca, This REOUIREfIIENT is not met as eVidenced 5, Compliance willbe by: Based on slaf{ lnterview and record review, lhe laclllly feiled to report an unEltpecled reeldent dea$r of e rasidanl who diad es E €sult ol lttjuties Eu8talned durlng a fdlat he fadllry, (Reeident #2) Flndhgs inelud6: aompleted and effective this date, October 26. 2018 Per review ol the medical recold efid a death report from he Oflioe of the ahief Msdlcal Examiner, Rasidentf2 experienced ? falls on 9/1118, ons at 10;30 AM and one at 4 PM, Ther€ r.r6re no obvlous lnfurles and no paln roported lrom the lirst lsU et 10:30 AM. For the 4 PM fall, per ttre progress note, lhe rosident was found lying on the floor in their room with the head igainst the wnlUbsseboard heater, The resident complakred of pein in lfte back snd then the neck afea. Th€ resldsnt wa8 s€nt vla 911 to lhi ECI l0r evalualion, where ethe u€c dlagnosed wMl oervicol spine fiaclutes and pulmonary edema and was adnritted. The residenl died as a r€eult 0f th€ iniuriBs on 914118. P6r levlew ol he deeth c€rtllhats report from thE Orice ol lh€ ChiBl MadlcalExamlnedg Ollice, the death wEs rulcd accidentaldue lo ifilt fles lncluding multiple cgrvicel spine traotures Bnd a smdll epldutal hetnatorna at tha carvical level, as a resull ol a hlr. The facility failed to report tha unoxpcctcd dealh due lo hjlrfio$ sustalned dudng a fEll h the Limnstng Agenoy. The failure to report the unaxpected death wss confirmed during int€rvi€ws $'ith hs Dhector of Nutges (0N8) and Nurso on the afternoon of 10/2/18 the STATE FORM cfft 3UrMrl ll contidlrruod sllat 12 d li I 10/3112018 $sD 15r l1 @0r?1020 FAx PRINTEDT 10/1tY?010 FORMAPPROVED stArlMEr$T oF 0EFt06Nc'eg Arrto FtAn of coRR€ctrQtl (X1I PROVIOER'EUPPtIEf, lO! ttlllF tCA?lOl{ ilUlttt:R: 'CLIA lxrl MULIIPLE cor'lsTfiuc, loil A BUILDING;- tr$' oAT€ gUftVGV COMPIETED c NAME OF PiO\'ID€R OF SUPruIEN PILLSSUFy l$AlrlOR " SCIJfH {x4 rD PREFII TAA r0r03r20{8 9. 0{49 gfRleripDtEtt, ct?Y, S?ATE. aF cooE 20 HARBOR VIEW ROAD touTt{ guRltilGToN, VT gUilI\IARY STATEMEI.IT OF OEFICIEHCIES IEACH OEFICIENCYMU$T 6E FRECEOEO BY FUtt ire uuTonv oR Lsc tDENTTFYtNG tNFot{\tATlotl) R223 VI,.RESIDENTS' RIGHTS 05403 pnoqDE*$ ID PR€FIX TAG R223 SBrF 6.11 The rssldent has the rlght to review lhe r€tidenls {fiedlcgl or tingn€ial r€colds upon requ6sl FLAr^l 0t coiREenoil (gAcH coRR€CTtve ACTIoN SHOULD 8E CROSS.REFERFN9EO TO THE AFPffOPHATE fi61 COMPTETE OA?E oERClEilcY) Ths corBorStB team has hcon conBcted email on pg1659r 28 20lB ss wellag lgday, Oclober 31.1018. As of today, I hdve not r€c€ivcd a responBe regarding this Thip REQUIREMENT ls not met a3 evldenced by' Bbsed on interview and record revieyt, lhe facility hag lalled lo asgure thal eash resldgttl hqs lhe rlght to revietrl ther finaneiel reoordg upon.. request and lhat cunsnt residentr had slalt avaihble for assisting wlth thls right. This paciice has tho pobntialto affect all reeldentg of lhe focility, Findlnge include: Fer informatron recelved from residenle of the faoility, the facility licensee has failed ts assure acceia to lhe financial records ol eech resident. As of he eohpaint eurvcy complsted on 10/3/18, the faclllty had continupd to fail to lullil thE lams ol the resld€nt tdmisslon agreementa by faillng to bill for thsir rnonthly rsnt afld E€rvico$' Duri*g interview wth a reeldent wl')o wished fd b€ anonymous on 10t?10, $/he was v€ry digfesEed at the lack of bills received; #he said the last monlhly bill reneived wae for lhc month of March; 201S. Purlng inhtvldw, the only buBln6B$ otllcs ernployee availablc for tho f€cllity slaled on 10/3116 lhat sthe dld not hsve any tnl0rmatio0 regarding resident billing ptacticestpr0ces$e$. Sfre etet€d thal the employee who used to ov€18€c lhlt aroa had reaigncd the prevloue week and thcro w68 fio replacemant slaff available to facilltata t revelv of financigl fecofdg if any resideni of $re lacility withed to revie\i, lhess records. STATS TORM $dr 3UJMII lfaorHrurtbn rh.€l ,t ol 16 'l0l3t/2a19 w8D 15r 12 @018/020 PAX PRINTE9: 1 0r121201 g FORMAPPFOVED fif IGIENCII$ STATEIUFN' OF Ar{D PrAr{ oF CofiR&Cfl$t {xr } Pflou oen/8uPPl}€6/01{A toeilnftc rroN NUMBER: {xtl PILL$BURY MANOR. SOUTH comrETE0 I B. WNO 0r4s flAMe oF PROVT0ER Aft SUPPLIFR bATE $SRVTY lvluLTlPLE oor'.oTRucTloN A. 8utl0ll{E; $'nEef 2O A$eREg8, CrlY, gTAfE, c i llP cooe II,ARBofi V'EI'V ROAB SOUTH BURUN€TOII, lo {x,u lp PRgRX PREFIX TAG Tn0 VII. NUTRITION ANT} FOOb SERVICES W o6{ot Pljil OF C9RnECTIOI{ FROVIQEflIS IEACH QORREOTI\E ACNON GTIOULO SE CdOSS.REFERENCED YO T}G AfFROPRIATE lxcl COr,fLdrl OAIG ocFlCEilCY' R238 SS=C 1. There wer€ no resld€nts sffectsd 7.1.a. {7) The hwne shell maintiin auffidient food *upplies et hand sn the pramirea to mcet lhE requirements 0f lhe plannad weekly ri6nui, due to the potential of unavaile foods at the faclllty 2. A deily meellng with fre FSD and Acling ExEcutive Dlrector now Thls REQUIRSMENT lE not met s$ evldale€d occure to revlau, food euPPlY by: B-ased on observatign and stall anteryieWs, lhe fociltty failed to mnintain sufficient food eupplies 3. The F$D will monltor vendor payments for llmelinees, 4. The Acting Executlve Direc.tor will report to cooperate oflice and the Accounta FaYable dePariment for at hand on tha prernises to rneel the r€qulrementB of the planned weekly menus. The lack of sornc menu itcms had th€ potential to atfect all resldante ol the taclllty. Flndln$a lnclude; PEr ohNervauons in the l(ltchen at l0dllty on 10t1118, several 1/2 gallon contsiners of mllk wem in a plattlc'bus'tub; the F$D confirmed that they were to be brought to lheir adiacent facility, Allenwood, becauce they had 'run out of mik thir rnornlng' , On 108/18 at 10:40, duling lnlsrvl€w the F$0, whg covels both Allenwocct snd Pillsbury Soulh, slhe staied lhat s/he had recelveit a lew'hunored dsllare'lrom the busines* oflice,'s pEl(y 6a6h eccount to,purchase bread, Julce and oggr for boh f$cillllft (Allenwood and Plllsbury Soulh). TIte FSD stated that m0ny vendors wete not deliveilng foods vvhen ordered due ts a lach of tirnely payrnent and that he may hav€ to start using he emergenoy lood euppllee lrom the freezers lf things dldn't get better 3o0n, .*l SS=F IX. PHYSICAL PLANT 5. Peyrnente to be completed uPon recelpt. Corproarte complionce on timely paymenta willbe immediato re of thl$ date, October 26,2A18 R266 I 9.1 Envlro{Tnent 9.1.s The hsme must provide and maintain s safo, functlonal. sanltary, horns[ke and FTAIE FOR[, aaet gIJJMlr It co.lthuaton rhtll tl ol 15 't0/31/2018 ?rED l5r t2 4019/020 FAx PRINTED: fi112n418 fdRM APPROVED E ATEMEMI OF DEFICIET'CIES A{,'O Fl..Att Ot coRR€crroN tXll PRgVDttusuPFlretuCtlA IDEiITIFCATIOiI NUMBERI FILLSBURY MANOR. SOUTH (xr) 0 Pf,EFII TAC MTTLT PLE {xsl oATE SlrRVEy coNs?nuclolr Sultolilor-- c0MpLETE0 B.WNg- 014t f{AMT OF Fft fi/IOGR OR $UFruER lx?l A ,t0t03rz0l8 STREET AODF€$5. CITY, 3?ATE, ZIP COOE HARSORVIEW ROAN SOUTH BURLIHGTOH. W 06403 ZO SUT'WARY SIAf EMEHT OF QEFIGIENOIES 8E FRECEDEO 8Y FULL {ETCH DEFICIENCY lDENrlFtlNs INFORMATION) R6GUTA1ORYOR L6d 'iIUST to PREFTX TAfi FRolilOER'B PLA.I OF 6ORf,ECTION {EACH GmRSCTTVE ACrloN f, Houto 0E CROSS.REFERENCEO TO lHE APPROPFIAT€ o,rtE DEFTCTET{cY} R268 R266 Continued From page 14 fl{ coirFlErE ccntinued fsrm page 14 comfortabh environmenl. 2. Thle REAUIREMENT is nol mel at evldancsd by: BbsEd on obeervatlon, ths facllity failed to provHe a Oanilary and homcllkl srrvironmlnt in all reeident areEs o[ lha bulldltrg on ths 3 days ol survay t10/1/10 - 10/8/18,) Thls complalnt hEd ths potentlal lo sftect many r€sldenl$ residlng on lhc affEcted unlts and arry vlshore 0n lha 2 unlts ldent{lled, Flndlnge lnclude: Ba$ed on observation3 of fie 1et afld zfit ffoor sa$t wing resident units on ihe afternoon of 10/1/18,lhe lollowing wm noled: both *re firsL floor and s€cond lloor eesl wings wera noted to htve ollenalvg uilne odorB; however, lln aemnd flnnr RaRt trnll wnn vnry nlron0 find fiFlvAniLl thF entire length ot th€ hallway, witlt 2 er€as on lhc halhrray with especially $trsng utine odots. Tho caneted flooring war also worn and had a rfilsod ridge near the end of the hallway, near lhe eecond floor elevator; lhis presented a polential tripping hazard. Although the facility slated lhd the carpBted floors had baen cleaned, tha objectionable odol remalngd slrong in tllat aast seoond frobr area dudng lhe dates of lhe survey. The pervasivc odore and wom state of the c€rpel6 wae cnntkmed during a tour ol the areas wilh the Dlmctor ol Malntcnance on the aftcrnoon The Dlreotor of MalntenEnce or designee will develop a rcheudle for all carPete'to ba cleaned on a regulsr ba$b, 3. In areae of dirrepair or inabillty to remove offansivo odors, carpets will be replaced. 4, The Diregtot of Malntenance sr designee will monitor the environment during waekly rounds Compllance willbe oompleted 5. by December 15,2018 or earlier ol 10f1/18, STATE FORM 3uJ$rt I lros{lnusilm rneet tE of 3 /''\.LYERMONT Acsxcv or l{uvrex Ssxvrcps Dnpe*"rms,NT oF Dlsestr-rrtns, Acrruc lNo fxoupnNDnN'r Lrvruc Division of Licensino and Prolection HC 2 South, 280 State Drive Waterbury, VT 05671-2060 h ttp :llwww.dai Survey and Certificalion VoiceffTY {802) 241-0480 Survey and Certification Fax (802) 241-0343 Survey and Certification Reporting Line: {888) 700-5330 To Report Adult Abuse: i800) 564-1612 October 1,2018 Ms, Barbara Moynan, Manager Allenwood Al Filtsbury Manor 90 Allen Road South Burlington, VT 05403-7856 Dear Ms. Moynan: Enclosed is a copy of your acceptable plans of correction for the survey conducted on August 15, 2018. Please post this document in a prominent place in your faeility. We may follow-up to verify that substantialcomptiance has been achieved and maintained. lf we find that your facility has failed to achieve or rnaintain substantial compliance, remedies may be imposed. Sincerely, Pamela M. Cota, RN Licensing Chief Disability and Aging Services Llcensing and Protection Blind and visually Imparied Vocational Rehabllitatlon e llr?l?019 l,rBP t{t l9 @0tsl'l: FA:{ t PRINTEDT 08,?gt2o10 FORM APPROVEO SIATEMEHI OF PEI IDIENCIfE AND prAN or conn€ctlot (xrl MulltPt€ coNgTnucrloN {x t} lruMog,n; A hUll9lNO:** H. wrNO 1xr1 oArr lunvev COtvtFtGTEO c 03? 2 08r1 6t201S -.* STFE€TA09ng$8. cltY. 3tA?€" :lP CODS trAuc oF Pnovt0efl 0R tuPPtttR ALI.UNWOOD AT FILLSFU'{Y MANOR ALLEI{ ROAP gOUTll 'O 8UnilNCTCIN, {x4} rQ iI P}Stix TAg ro PFeFTX TAO W o54oil PROVIDER'S ptrAN oF coRRFCTIoN BE (SACH @RBE6TI\E ACTlOll SliOutD tx[) sobrPl"fl! cRogg'REP€ReN0!0YoflltAPpIloPRlAr[ oAlE OEFICIEil'Y} R100 Rt00 lnitrsi Commert$: c An unannouncqd en-Jls survey wsg completed on 8115118 by the Vermont Divlslon of Llcannlng . and Plotocllon, Ths purpose of the survey wae to ioveslilple t\ilo mmplaintE rsgarding te6lrlenl car6 and sarvlcos. the loliowlng rogulalory violailon6 were loenlllled. RlO{ V, RE$IDEN' CARE ANO IIOME SETTVIoES Revised qdv W $ee Attached Rt0d $$*O 5.1 Admission a 5.2 Ptio( t0 or al the llrna oi edrnlsslon, 6ach residenl, and tha f€sidenf0 legal reprcsentallvo lf any, slrall bu provlcted wlth a wrllt€n admlgslon agroerncnt whioh dascrib€a th€ dtsily. weekly, ol nrnlhly rqto to bE charged, o doeoiiplion ol lhe aarylcet thot At6 covsrad ln lh'e rato, and ell olhor oppllcalda financlal i$suos, lncludlng an orplanallon of lhe horne'e pollcy rog6rdlng cllrchargo qr transfsr whan a regldenl'e flnancial rtatus changor from prlvalely paylng io paylng with SSI orA€C$ 5u6sfllg, Thle adiliission sgrostnent shall speclfy al lsasl how lhe lolladng ssrvlces wlll ba provlded, and what ddditlonst cnsrges there wlllbo. il any: all porsonal care aervlees, nurshg ssrvicos: mgdiaallon managernent; loundry; transportotlon; toilotrias; and any $ddltional tervioes ptovidcd undsr ACCS or a Medicald Waivor program. ll appllcable, the agreement musl sfJecify lhs amounl snd pulpose ol ony doposit This agreemont rnuel aleo epeclly the reslqent'$ lronster snd dlschargo flghts, lncluding provleions lor tufunds, gnd tnusl lncludg a des:ripllol of lho home's porsonol neods allowanco policy" { L 1) ln addllion (o Bon6{aj BSITATORY Ol'rtCtOF'$ 6n PnouofltrsuPFLtEK Rgrne .s, . $rs rx*s. YI}IE 0ENT'\TIVE'$ SIOT{A?URE r qJ \r$oQ \t {ro) FAr€ S?/1fl20lI rgs 8r56 @0071050 rlAl4 PRINTEO: 061?9/2018 f ORh'l APFROVED STATeMEN? Ol' Olif lc.lEl{ol6B ANo plAN (x1 or con8€cTlo]t ! (xi) MULflPLE CONSrfiuCTtON PROVIDFwSUPPIIHR/Ct,k\ NUMBen: tuFrrltncAfmN A.6ull.Ol116: NAME OF PROVIO€N 08,SUFPLIEA ALLSNWOOO.AT PILL$BURY MANOR tx4l tn PRdfU ' ilC fi104 lo PNEFIX TAO REouL TonY oR Lgc roENTlrY,NG JNFoRMArloNl parllcipant$ --* o81,16,20,{8 sTnfErAr0llt6$, c'TY" ---$rA1'8, Zlp do0g gO ALLEI{ ROAO $OUTI.J FURLINGTON, VT 05403 SUMlvlArlY STATEMENI OF DEFlClENOltg (EACH OEFICIENCY MUS1 b6.PNECEOED EY FUIL Csntinusd From pqge fiAte sunvFy C.OMPt.ETFO wlNo 0. 8372 {x1) PROVIDER'9 Pl4N OF CoRRECTIDN (X'r) (EACHCORRECTIVfiACIIONSI'OuLoBd coMr[erE CR0g$.REFSnENe.EO rQ rllF AFpeOF',S ^re oAlt !EFlClENcYl : R104 1 shall,ncludo; .ih6 t ACC$ service$, the gp€cific room and boald rate, the.6rnount al pef$onalneeds allowafioe and ths providg_r's adrsernBnl t0 eocept room 8nd board anrJ Medlcaid 6e gole Paymenl Thlg R€QUIREMFNT is nol met aB €vldohcsd by; Baeed on staff lrrtsrviow and record fovievv, 15a facllity frlled to provide an admission agreement that explgln6d lo the reEidenVlegal tgpresentatlve whot execl serviceg werE lncluded ln the 3 stated "$tages qf Carc", #1, Exlra Care, #2. Slaga l,.and f3. Slage ll, Resident #2 was sdrnlltsd to the Re$idofttlal C€re Horne.and based on revlew of lhe ?,woek sdmleelon asoes$ment, tho rosldent did nol nreet the crltefla lol $tage ll yet the signed admission agreement documented thal lhe resldent was to be billed for cHre ahd per$onal $ervlces Ht lhe $tgge ll lcv€l. Findlngs includp; Per revlew ol Reslderil lR'o ndmisslofi sgrgsrnent i provlclad by lhe Co-Eiecutlv* nheQtor on 8i'l4llB, tho $,brding used'to describe each elego of carq I wfis not specllic, Th€ 9t€gs$ of Care were doocrlbod as followsi "Extta Care - reeldent raquiros slandby asqistance up lo or inoludilg m6dlcati0n management snd sftbulatlon. Cost - $750.00." "$tage l- rcsldent requlres care beyond th€ Exlrs Csre slaoe whlch qay lnclude moro in-depth asglslanue wilh ADLs, hygiene naeds, anbulaiion, per$onal care and increaeod involvemenlwlth llle reeidenl'$ physlc,an, Cost $1,000,00" ".$iage 1l " resident roqulres ear€ beydnd &lege I whlch MAY lnclude regulsr mfety ehecks, dlracl lnvolvernonl wlth AQL functioning, cu6ing end/or STATE FORM (!x WCTMIl ll cnnunuslion rle6t ? o( 11 09/11/2019 rlJE 815? Bo09/050 FAx PRIN IED; 0gl2al2018. FOR[4 APFROVEO F lAIStrneNT OF DFF CleNC16S AND PLAN OT CORNHCTION {x?} MUt'lPtE oONSIRUCT ON A, BUILOING: {xrl rrr0voERr$upPLlEn,cLtA- IOERTTIbATION I{,JMBFR: 3. 0172 STfiEET.AODRE$8i Qfi $UPFLIEN NAME OF 'IR$VIDER ALLENWOOD AT PILLSBURY MANOR rxdrtD pnirx reo COMFTETFD c *.."".*=""*.-----"--_ fi'Iv, 081,15'20{ B STA76, ;rP CO9H ALLEN ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON, SO bEnClgNcl€S MUSI SE PBE9EoEO BY FUIL $UHhl RYSYAI€ME{TOf TEACH OEFICICNCY WNg (xal }ATE SUNUEY , . t W 06405 FROVIOER'S PLAfi Or r0 t'hEFtx : nEOuLATOny 0R LitC tOCHTtt'YrN(l lN,'onMArt6ir) fAg CORRECTION (K0) (gAcHCOnnECTtVEACTOHEHoULoBE coi,iprfyE OFO$$,NETER6NOE6 T9 TI.'EAPPRgFRIA'I E IATE OEFICIEHCY} R104 Coililnucd Fronr pago t Rl04 rsorisntlng, blacJder/bowel insontinence manageotenl and lnofeased involvement wilh the r€dldsnlrs physlclen. Cosl - $2,000,00 per month ln addltlon t6 bags f€nt." l'he admlsslort agreem€nt sta.ted thal "6ll residenls und6rg0 an lnitial 2 waek ass€Esment by lhe nursing team alAllBnwoCId. Aftst lhi$ e waek Ass:essmenl fr6riod, lhe hur$g manager, resldenl, and lamily w{ll agroe'lo a pl6n of regldent cere 6ervlce$ which moy includ€ some ot allol[ho llsme lloled, As lhe residanl's nsedg . ch8ngo, Snotheraegeggrnent srid sdJuslntent ln t€sidentiel carg seMoes fnay b€ nocessary," Por review of the ReSiclent Admlsslon A*gessmont datecl 6lt 1/1 {t, the resldenl wao' lutly cognltlvely lnlool (alorl and orlanted) Bnd wa€ independont vrith slld€clslor maklng, The rcoldenl w€s corlod as indspsndanl ln physical funclloning (ADLs lactivltles ol dally llvlng], lrrolrrdkrg moblll(y, atnbulallon, pgrB0nal cBre, tolleting, lrygleno and hathlng), The residentrras corlllnqnt of both bladder and bowel, Ths rssident hAd roc€nt $urgery and reqvhed paln mgnago*]ant and monllodng of a hosled surylcal wound Fy nu16os. The fe$Hent wa$ q65€Fsed tor the highest ievcl of qare, $l*ge ll for lhe en{lra 4 week stay,.stthougft lhere wag n0 €vld€nce that levol 0f care l,v€i need8d, During intefvlow.0n E/'15/18 ot 3:30 PM, the Liconsed Prectlcgl Nurse (LPN) who completed tho 14 day admi$Blon B6setsrn€nl atated s/he dld not kndw $Jhy th6 resident was assigned Stage ll level ol care tlased on the odrnisslon 6$nggsrnent. S/ho elated th6l th6 residsnt rocoivad medicatlon administralion, Ths LpN oonfirmgd that 6lhe had nol re"assosscd lhe resldsnt's needs stter lhe lnillal 2 weeke ln the gTAT,F, TORM taH wcTMlt ll odnlhualion 6tr0ul X dl ll 0tlll/?018 rue 8:57 @! 1110 PAx 50 PRINTFO; o8l28/20{8 FORM AFPROVED or oEnetcNclus or CoRReQTtOI{ srAT€li€NT AHO P "AN {x1 ) lrRovtoqffllguPPtlERrclt\ lOEhlT lx3) oAlF $uRvEY {Xzl M0LTlPl-E SONglrilrCTlOr{ lFiCAl loN NttvlBtr'R: A CQMPTITED Buil.DlNq:_."_--- c 037! NAMF f,F PNOVIOEft OR SUfFLIER ALLINWOON AT FILLSAURY MANOR rb pnF$tx t^c tx.l aw1Bt2018 91 RG,€TAOORES$, CITY. TTATE. 7IP {:OOE 90 ATLEN ROAD $OUTH SURL[,IS1"ON' SUMMAnY STATCMeNT or oEP.lcleNcle$ {EACH oet?tctENcy MUST Bf m€cEDEo 8Y FUI,L R€gUr ToRY OR Lsc lSENIlFVltt,fi lNFORuATlOl{} IE PRErrx TAO R104 ContlnUod Frorn page 3 R1 VT 05,403 PROUOER'S Ft^N CIF OORRECYION (EACH COnneCTtVE ACTTON SHOULT' 6E CRO$S'HGTGNE,NCGO TO 1IIG APPROPRI^Tg (x6i 00Mp{EtE OATE Dqflfl6NcYl 0' faclllty. Per roview ot th6 progress nolss and medlcallon edmini$tratlon rocords, lhe nur*aa . had provld€d peln q66g6ry1snt, monllorlng of iho surgical slle and lnvolvomont wlth lhs physician lor medipatlon ord€r6 slnca admip*lon, Durlng inlsrvlew with lhe Co.Ereculive Director on the afternoon ol 8/1 S/1 0, $/h6 could not doscrlbe thB spaoltlc dlfi€rencei lor th€ 3 St0gos ol Cars slaled in lhe adnrisslsn agrsemonls and what tha chargos wera bessd on. S/hs alsg gontlrmed that there was n0 oxl€ling wrltten . policy/procedure 1o descrlbe the $tages of Oalu, {llefer also lo R ?00}. R129 V, RE$IOENT CARE AND HOME gERV1OES Rl?S li$sl) 5,5 Qeneral Care 5.6.a Upon a residenl's admission to a reridenllal caro home, n€ceB$ary eervissr ehall be providod ot snanged lo rneet the reeldsnls p0l50ndl, prychosocial. nursing and medlcal care I needs. Thls REOUIREMENT is nol rnqtes evldeneod by: Fased on staff lnterview and rscurd rcvinw, thB taclllty lailed to provide the neeessary servicos lo meot each ro$ident's nur$lng ancl nodical needs lor 1 a{ 4 applicable re6id60lp ln the $Brxp,e, {Residenl #1), Findings lnclude: Per record review on W 4J18, Resident #1 war al riek lor bowel compllcations, lnc[xJing oonctipslion, and licensed nurses faikrd to $$TE FORM 6rat wcTi/r1! ll {,{rnllnuolis! 6hiel i ol'll $9/tt/2r18 TUE 8r 59 a0l3/ $!0 FAx i.,,{ PRlt'rTED; esn\n$a f;ORM APPNOVSD (x rl pHovruuRlstrPpl-lEh/cl lA rOlir,lTlli ICATION NUMDER: Ol pnovloEn llR gllPPl.l[R ALLEI(WOOD AT PILLSBURY MANOR 90 ALLEN NOAD EOU1H BURr..t!'t(iTON, tn pnFcE*.R0 SYFULL {tASt{ 0ErtCrE}tcv Musr 8E ieout^TolrY oR L$6 IOENTIFYINB lNFOnl{Arlolll TAG PRtsTIX lAE ! nrae R1?A Conlinued rr0m pags 4 ' 0B''t 5'?018 glqEErA00HESS, CITY, .9lAtf. ?lP 6UMM^RY STATEMENT OF OEIIC}ENCIES (x{) t0 PFEFIX Col,rFLITEo A. BUILOINO: B, WNG a372 NAME {x3) DArE SUnvEY {x2) MULTITTE Cotl$TRUcTlOl,l W cobf 06403 PFGVI0ER'5 P$t'l,Or CORiECTION {C^CH COFRECTIVEI\ClIQN SHOULO 3C CRO$$REF€q[{CqO TO'I} IE APFNOPSIATE {x6j noMil,6r6 bAY€ pEfl0lENcY) - provlde keatnunl until lhe surueyol hrought lo their ailenuon that trcaun6nt rjocumgntallon showed the reoldent hod gone for 10 days witholtt e bowpl movemen{, The rsgldsnt w?s roceivirq Hosploo gprvices end frequenl routlne and PRN (as ns€dedi dosss ol Morphhs to manago psln {morphine is knorvn to conlrlbute to consllpatlon). ihe reeldent was dla6nosed with lnlerrnltteni recl'alprolopse and had phycisian orders to rnonilor bowel rnovamonls and lor lrealment to reduce lhe rc*tal prolap$B a$ ne€d6d. Per rpview 0f thB MAR (rnedication admhlstreilorl racordll0r Auguel, 2018, there was ne documonted bowel rnovsmdnt {BM) from 8lAl18 - 8114/18. fh€ resldeni had ordsrs fot Miralsx 17 grn. eve4t dey and nurses aod MT {msdlcailon tecltntcibns} docurnentod reftFal of tho Mllaldx fronr 811/18 lb 8113119. Fet intervlew on Bl14/18 el 3 PM, tht ovenlng shlft LPN war asked why ihe resldentdld not rBcghs. qny rfisdlsation to all€Viate ihe conotipation bnd laek of eny bowel movement sinco 81311€, The LPN slated tnal lhere wss &n order for Colao'o {a stool sof terier}; lrowever the rosldent was no longer tsking pO medleationp, $lre had nol asked tha phainuoy gbout llquld Oolace allhough tho rosld€nt was able lo lai(s liquld medlcalions. Ths togldent also had Hospico ordsls lur Bisacodyl, '10 mg, supposllory PR lor c0nstipetion. ln respanse lo why the rosldsnl was nol glven e supposltory, the IPN siated that s/he couldn'l adnrinialat' that rnsdtcatlorr due ts lhe tectal prolapse {o0 rnlorrnitlenl iesue). The \ Dlrector of Nu$6s was al$o prosenl for interiew €nd italad lhat thE Bilpposltory could he given d{ter redustton ol tha prolapss rectum if lhe needed. A{tgr the conver$atlon lhe LPN dld an ass€ssrnonl of the rqsident's ebdornen and adminlsterad tho Blsacodyl PF end lhe resldenl subssquently had s bow€l fir)vement ltster iho 5TATE FORM m!a wct"Ml,r lI cnrtnurll$ rb6cl 4 rt 11 ,9/tt/20 l8 lus 8: i9 @019/050 FAl4 PtIlNTBO: 081?9/?018 FORI.I AFPROVED grAlrMf; Nr o,' qerlclENcls$ IXI' AND PIAN OF CONRcCTIDN {x4 MUt"lPLr PROVIbER,SUPPUSR'CI,A lDEflTlFlCATIOl'i f.niMBqRl B, IrtA[,t[ of OO ALLE]''WOOD AT PIT,I.$BURY MANOR c WINO- 0sll 2lr? 5/201 I CODI ALLEN ROAD SOUTH EURLINGIf'N, OgFlClENClE$ tO , pREFtX tUtL lNroRMATlotJ) : rAO ro inerx iAC (xol 0ATE $URVEY coMpt E?EO 8lRFET A0DnESS. Cr?Y. bfArc. PFOVToEB On SUpPIIGR SUMMARY SIATeMEIIT OF (EACH DEIiICIENCY MUST BE pneQEnEO 8Y REQUTATORY Ot L8C loetlTlrYtfid lx,r! CONSTRUCTION A, BUILOING: VT 06403 tSOVPEB'$ Ptrl{ Or COnRFfiTlOltl IEACH CO.nRESTIVE AC?ION $H0utjo sE CRO$$-FEFEFEH0GD T0.THEAPFROPRIATE DEFISIFNOY} ()(s) OqMNTETG DAIE I R1?6 Contlnried From psge S R{?S $am6 day. Regardlng managemenl of a re$ldent's bowel functlonlng, the evsning 6hlft LPN slelod lhEt they do Bdmini6lsr laxallvoe snd stool sotlsnors on the evenlng shln; 6ny r€sldbnt with 3 days of no SM, v/ould be g{vsn tnsdl0ali6n to faoilltatg I bowo! movQmenl durlno thB Evsnlng $hln, Per review of the carc plan, lhe plan lor the rectal prolapw was ldenl,lfled and lnterventions lncluded mgnlioring pf bowel movornoflte,.A physieiHh arder datod 2116/18 statod: ?pply grahulated uugario rectsl prolspse ae negded lo reduco tsonlaot MD ofllc6 for l0rlhor inslruclions'), The prcsende of lho rsctalprolapse lntermittonliy had lha polenilsllo compllcate lhle ratHent's dsks rlBted tq c0n$Upafion, The care plan dld nol pddrag* lhe nspd fuf on,gshg nurEs manltoring ol lhe rsclel araa and redrrctlon of the prolapea whon il ocnurrsd.. Refet also Io R 1415, R144 V.IIE$IOENT CAREAND HOME SENVICES R1{d $8"D S.9.c,{ 1} Cornplote an ss.gessnlsnt ol lhe'resident ln accordsnc€ wiUl .sectlon 5.7: ,fi4'ffi Thls REOUIREMEN] is nol mat as evldonced rt byl Bgsed on $t?tf Int€rview afld recofd rsviow, lhe RN failed lo completed &e adrnlssion asse6Enl6nl wlthln 1{ dayS cl adnission ts the facilily lor 1 of 4 residents ln lhe appllcablo $arnplB, (Rsslderll # ?), Flndinos lncltrde: Per revigw of lho Btate requhed admleslon STATE TORM Nh wcTMl'l llconlinuation Etrdot 6ol ll 09/t112019 rUE 8r 59 l&01?lo5i) FAN FrR tx1, Ittl PRQVTDeRTSUFf'LlFRrCltA IOENI If IOANON NUMOOII: INTC Dl OAt Zs/2t)'t B FORM AtrPROVE') (x3l DAle sunvgY CONSlRUCT'ON coMPtr're{) A,6UtlDlN6: c 0372 08 $UPPt'f NAUE OF ALLENWOOD AT PILLSBURV MANOR lD Pndrtx TA$ olrv, ALLEII ROAO $IRSS,I AO0t{f;SS, N ''ROVIOER 90 sourt{ EUnL NGTOH, t0, pirEFix iTAq ' , SUMMARY $TAI EMFNT QF Dl:"FlClENClES {EAoH OErICISNCY MUST 0F PffSCEpED 0Y nEG{JIATORY OR t"8o lDFl{rlFYtNO IiIFOOMATION} ( f$l R14{ Conllniled From pagil 6 ' 61',/r\TE, W aP C9DE 06403 OORRECIION txtlt bg corrrpifrg PR9VIOFR'E pfAN Of {€AcH sonREoTtv5 Acll0N $Houlo CROSS'R€reFENCEdTO?HE"{FPnoFRlAlE o^fd DEFIC cHCY) R141 assossncnt, Fesidenl ll2 wa$ admittgd lo lhe faqillly on 0/21/18. Tha assessmenl did not have 'lhs the requlred slgnetu.B of RN to dsnot€ thsl th€ fiN had rsvlewsd ths 6s6esgmont and egr€ed wllh the ass€ssm&nt ag wtlten end lhel ths basomenl wos compl€ti, The inc*npleie, lale astsssrnenl wss eontlrhod during inteliutrl wilh lh6 LpN and RN DN$ on S115/18 st and 5:3CI Pltll F146' V. RE$IDENT CARE A}IT] IIOME SERV1SES -,N R145 $$=D 5.9.c {2) Ovatses dovslopnent of a wtittan plail ol cara for eaoh reiidenl fhat ls baEed on ablllllog ancl needs as idenljfisd ln ths resldent asseosrnenl. A plan of care must doscrlbe the cgre and gervices noce$sary to o*slst no r€sidgnt lo rnaintain lndapondonce and well-being; e t' I fIls REQUTREMEN i ls noi rnet as avidencad by: Baged on ilatt irltorviaw and record rovi6w, thrt RN lailed 10 r8visd the csie plan tc address allof tha ldsnlified neods for 1 ol 4 applicable resldentg ln tho rample. (Resid€nt #1) Findings in€lude: Pet recsrd revipw and stait intorview on 8/1{/18, Reoidenl #1 was r€ceiving Hoopice services and was treaied wilh wilh opiode for pain manag€rnent; opiods are known {o Dause condllpplion errd nursing slslf lalled ts revise thn iaeldent's qare plan i0 addless thls rraed, and faued to addrBs$ nlonilgnng and ttductlon of a reotal prolapse in the oarg plan. Eosed on recold revlew, thi resldont, who had physician 6rd0rs to s'ATE FORM tqtI WCTMIl llcmlin lollon ohccl 7 or l'l 09/1112!i$ rUB gr00 B0r9/030 FAI{ FFINTED: oBl2e/20r8 FORM APPROVSO stA'r;MENT 0F 0tFrcr€tlcrE$ ANO PLA'I OF CORRI;$TION IOEN-'IFICATION NUMAf;R; NAMI OT SNOV OER NN $UPPI €N ATLENWOOD AT FILL$BURY MANOF A. sUlLOlNgi cpl'rFtHTeD _- SlREET AOSRESg, CIYY, 8TATE, IIP COOE OO ALLEN RQAF SOUTH BURLIN.C vT 0640t tx$! to (x4) l0 PREf.rtX i rAs Rl45 {x3l DAIg suRvEY lxz) MutTrPrE coNsISUS-IION (x1l I'ROVIDEN/SUPPLIER'CUA Conlinued f:Iorn PAgS 7 $orn4e1T PREFIX TAG DAIIi R14$ 'monltol i:owel moyemgniE foi foctal prolaps0' lalled to nave docQmanled evldenots of a bowgl filovenrent lqr a period of 10 days, ftorn Bl4l2B' B/14/18, when ihe surveyot lloted lhe prbblom and AlorlBd iha licensed nurbes. The IPN for tne shifl conllrrnod that constlpalion wafi a risk io he monltorsd alld trealm€nl provlded for thls resl(hnt. When aeked lf gine monitore r66ldeni BM (bowel rnovemenls) durlng the evonlng shl{t, lh€ nuts6 raplled 'rNol routlnely" lhen slated "l qgk {earegivors} lf.lhere are any residents'with 5 days Of nO bOWOI movcmgilt". Tha nur$e then repiled the( e/he wa$ hot sirrs hqw lt rvenl.ell lhis iime and n$ staff wole awsr€ ol the lack ol e BM for Resldent #1. R6far alsg lo R 126, Rl79 V, RE$IOENT CARE AND I"IOME $ERVICE$ R178 $*.E S,l1 tI Staff $ 5.11.a Thare shall bo suf?tcienl numb$ ot qualllied personnal available at:9ll llmds to provide ngces$ary Q4ld, to rnalrttain a sals and healthy envlronnont, 8nd to sssure prorlpl, appropriate aotlon ln c.i$ss of iniury, illneos, fre of other enrergencios. This REOUIREMENT ls nol mat a0 6rvid6l,rced #M by: ebsed on observations, stalt lnterview.and stoff schedule re.vi6w$, lhe {acillty talled ts provlde adequalo lieenaed nurse staffing to enable Msd Tochs to sdmhrlsler a conlrslled nmdicstion in acoordancs wllh leclllty rnedication adrnittislration polioies arld Brcc$dures, This practic* had lha potentisl to €ffect any rae ldent who may have requlred adirrlniolratlon ot a controlled medlcslion rrn J weekend durlng the tlmq pp11.6 revlswed t6/28/1€ - 8/8/'18, Flndings includel STAT€ FORM ratt V{CTivll'l lf conllntltllol ahcel 0 ol l't 09/11/2018 rUE 9t 01 rAr El0?r/030 PRINTED: OAt2-9/2Afi APPROVGD ':ORM $T IeMENT OF oEFlCrSNClt$ (xt ) ANO PIAN OF CORRECI]ON tltovtoERrsuFPL E nrcLlA {x2} MULTTPT€ CON$T8Ue'rr. IDf I'tTtflCArlON tIUMB*Rl A. BUIIQlNGj {x3} _*_ ! rts euqvEy COMPLETFN c s, wrNo n7?2 sTftEET ADDRESS. ClrY. 3rATt. ZIF CotlE NAM6 OT FROVIOFR O'1 9UPPLIER ALLENWOOD AT P1LL38URY MANOR (x4) lo {ricH FREl!IX 19 OO ALLEN SOAO SOUTH STATEMUNI OF PEFIOIEI€IFS 0EFtcrEitcY t$usr 8E pRE0EDED 8Y FULL ID PRErlx. ReGUlrlrOSY OR tSC l0Er,ltlrYlNc tNrc)FMAtlfi ll) tt't78 Continuecl From page 08/15lAo{8 TAb t I I w 05403 pnoviosat puN 0r 4onntcTtoN {eiiglr coRntcrrvg ncrst* gxouto BE cno8s. ReFeRENc€o ro rflE APFROPHTA] e oencrdNcv) ,{xft coilFL:l6 OAYE R170 1 Por roviBw ol the nur$ing slalf sehedules for thq rirne pefiod of s/28/18 - SIS/18, llrare wgo no nur6o on listed on duty on the day ahilt {S:$0 AM " 3 Plvl) on 7/5/18. Baaerj oh a complalnt received by the licnnsing agency, an anenymsus sllogetlpn regarding a lack of chqrg$ nur$es for ell shilte, I presenlerl potential lssug$ wlth rogard to the laclllty'r assursnsa ot p$mpl, appropriate aclhn ln cao6$ of re;ident injuty, lllnoss or olhar emergencl€s, The allegatton elleged that Medlcetlon T€chnielans (MT) had beon assigned aa 0harge $taff when no nur$€ wae aveilabls lo : srotk, Pet intervlewwlth tho DNSr:n 8115118, the roullrte stalling pattern lncludsd a eholgs nuf$E : lrr each ol the a $hllts dauy. ltwas notod th6t whsn the M'Is aro adrtinistering rhedlaatlohs, thoy could lte alryrhere wilhih a latge snvirnnmcnt thal irtclrded 3 reaident floors and 2 . sepirate wings ol the hgme, lf therq were no charge nurse. itle MT worjld Hlso hs rasponslhlP fot enowellng lhe main talephone lfna altel $ PM, altendlng io any ornergent rctidbnt neede (ouch ac falls, inJurte$, llhg$s) ln any ol thG above lpoation5 and edrnlnlstorlng rnadlcalions to all ol th6 rgcidsnls ut lhe R.CH accurately and on'llm6. The lacli ol a nur$e or: the day thift on 7/tj/18 would rnean lhat ,or any resldenl needlng Morphina vla ortl r6uts f6r pain, ({or evsmpls, Hosplca rosldenl), lhe Mf would not be able t0 adminlstsr the liquid FO Morphine in eccordance with the taeJllty poticy.e{till8d. "Adminislrstlon of PO Liquid Morphine by Med Techs", last updal€d on 3122117, that slated: f 1, The RN oversighl nurce will ehecl the RXcrdnr from the physlclan, snd insur€ that tlte dal€gatBd $6d tecfi€ unqerslend the order. #2 The RN oversight nulse wrll then pf6.draw sny do$€S thal ars to be given by a med lech I $rAlg FOtrM }lc0 weTMil ll tonllnlsllon shtol g gl '11 iJ /r\/2AIg tUE 9r0t 4023/050 trAl( PRINTFD: o1tzgtl}tB FORM APPROVET) ST TETUIGNT Olt PgftglENClES ANO FIAN of, (x 1 ) cofrltliclloN trn ovlDER/$iuPPllgR/ctl^ IDENTIFICAIIO"I NUMAUR, 0372 ATLFNWOOO AT PILLSBURY M/TNOR fiEouueroRv on IAG s. wlNo__-- €O ALLEN ROAU SAUTH BURLINGTON. qUIVII{ARY SIAT EMENI OF OEFICIEI'ICIE9 .(EACH OEFICIENGY MUgT BE FREC6DBD BY FUI.I l3c R1?B Continued From pagd to PREF'X tDEt{r{rYlNG tNFohMA'l loN} I {xr} oarE suRvEY e$MH.€Tr.n rrurTlPlg c(JNglRUcttoN BulLOlN6:- sTnF-glAotlRfDF, crTY, srATE, NAME OII PITOVIDER OR SUPPLIER (x4) rD FNEFIX {x?} A IAO Vl oBt1 g/2018 u lP COO€ 03403 CORRECTION (x(r BE CO'tPtElU APPFOPRIAIE )^IE pROVlOERg PLAN OF (EACH ?ORNECTIVE ACTIQN gIIOULO CROtlS.REFFRENCFO 'I'O THE . DEFICIENCVI R 178 Thers would not be s RN preeent to intervlew the MI r8safdlng,ilreir understanding ol the order or to an$wer any qusstlons that thsy mlght have" Per lntervlew wilh the DN$, lt wp$ h/her undsrstanding thal MTs wero followlng aR earlier PIP lor coilrolled medications Llrat teduired lhe MT to dla, w up tho controll4d medication'and have a nurso oh duty chEck lhe dosa prlor lo adminlskation to ths residgnl. Then lhe MT and h6 nur$o woukl lh€n Bach ltlili'althe MAR {medicallor administrati0n r€dord). Thls pollcy lllled "MedicstionAdmlnisUalion hy unllcensgd . R2OO. gs*D slaff ' wes last revlowod en 3/Si 1 3. tsased on tho lnt€rvlows vdth nurtlng gta{ , it wae n6! clear whlch Pip tho Ml's wsfs roquirec, to follow. However, ll w*s clepr lhal both pollcle*/procedures required the presence h the feclllty of lhe RN to asoure.that the dose was cor.rect ae orderod by (he physicisn. V, RESIDE.NT CARE AND HOMI SERVICHS ,d N R?00 5,15 trolicles and Proaddutes Eaoh hqme musl have wrltl€n poliolB$ and prscqduros th,et gsvern dll s€rvlcRs provide{ by the home, A copy shall he avaliable al lhe horne lor :evlew upot\ fequcst, t This REOUIREMENT is nol rnet as evidenced by: Basqd on statt intervlew snd lecord review, lhe lacility failed to develop wrilten pollolosiplocedures lo govern all scrvices provlded by the home, related to 1 rssidon[ in lhe npplicable sample, {Resldont #2) t'indlng in0lude: STATE TORM tn0 wc'l'Ml1 11 corl ouallotr cllpel '10 qt I 1 09/11/20r8 ruE 9: i2 @o?5/05,J FAx PRINTE0; 0S/2gl20ts FORM AFPROVEb gTArEMErsr or nf, FlcENclli$ ANB Fl*N Of OORRGCTToN {x r} PBovtoER,suPFLlEn/ellA INS,NTtTiCATION ilUMEGf{' 037t {x;ll Mut}rPLE CONS lFUcTroN A BUILDINGI F WtN$- CI 0811s/20.t -- hIAMS OF FflO\4DhR OR $UPPL}ER $TntET Apfin€s8, olYY, StArE, elP coDa ALIENWOOO AT PILLSSURY MANOR 90 ALLEN ROAP SOUTH SURLINGTON, tx4) oEf rD b{JST PREFIX FULt on IsclbENYlFvlil6 'lAc R?oo Cgnllflusd Froni pagF 10 r0 FRg!'tx TAQ tx3) 0A1G $uRvEY CQMPI.ETGD VT I OF4O3 FROVtoss'$ Fl il OF CORaFCnQII gllotf.0 bE tfrA0H connecrrvE isfl ol'l CEOS$.N6FGR6NCIO TS T$E AFFRqFRNTF (x$, $ot4PrElt oA?s $€frcrfiNcY) R200 Fet review of a sarnBle ol adrnlsslon agr€€monts (41, llte home failed to dsv€lop 0 wiltten pollcy/procedure to address the $tages ol Caro as included in the reiident sdmlsslon $gr66rn6nls currently ln use. Sae.ed on tevlow of tha adml$sion agreentent for Resldent U. rccenlly admllted to tho facillly, lhefe wan no wrltten evldonce in tho medlcal record to Jtrbti$ , lhe aeeigned $tage ll level 0f cqts upon admissioh td the home. Dqring ifitarvlow wlih ths Co-Exoculivb Dirsolsr and the DN$ on th€ afternoon qf 0/151'l8i they co{firmod thdt lh€rc wbs nq r#dllsn policylproc€dure for the assignmenl of the levol of cnre for nowly admitted resldenls al the h0me. (Reisr albo to R 104) 1. STATE FORM l{0t WC}Mti 1l qanlif1{.6lidr! ih0el 11 gl tl d..:,-"VERMOhIT Acr,Ne;v or lft:m,lx Senvrcrs Dr:p*,trMtcN-r oF l)rsnsu,rrrnsl lf\{+[qitr rrllllle $Utltlf {il{1P04^t1L{r1tri;1rc H('l 2 Snutli, 28{} Statc Drivc Watelbury VT 05671 -2060 hill/1\-{,!y,w.d,h}. vtultt'ttl"r;lov Sut'r,ry *nd (lcrtillcation Voiceli'l'Y {8t}2} ?11 -i}480 'li: lteporl Adult Abuse : {8{}0) J64-tt-12 Survcy and Cert i licat ion Fnx {rl{t?)'24 I -0.1 4-i S trvey an Cc: Kristin €louser {} ; Schurr, stuart ; cota, pamela Subject: Urgent Need to Address Food Shortage lmportance: Hith Dear Mr. White, As you are probably aware, nurse surveyors from the Department of Disabilities, Aging and lndependent living,s Division of Llgensing and Protection are currently on site at bolh the Pillsbury Manor-South and the Rllenwood at pillsbury Manor properties. The purpose of this visit is to investigate complaints and determine whether the facilities are in compliance with the Residential Care Home Regulstions. ln the course of this survey, Department stalf have learned not only that food supplies are critically low but also that Reinhart Food Seivice has ceaied its food deliveries to these facilitiesasaresultoftheamountspastdueonthisaccount. Thepurposeofthiscorrespondencelstonotiiryouofthe imminent need for food at these facilities and, as such, to stress upon you the urgenry of issuing payment to Reinhart and placing an order for food delivery today. Your immediate attention to this matter is essential, Kindly acknowledge your receipt of thls message and indicate time by which you will rectifli this situation. 5incerely, 1 a Weisg Bessie From: Weiss, Bessie Tuesday, November 06, 2018 2:49 PM Sent: To: Subject: Hutt, Monica Rt: UrEent Need to Address Food Shortage Thank Youl From: Hutt, Mo nica Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2018 2:45 PM To: Weiss, Bessie ; Clouser, Kristin ;Schurr, Stuart SubJect: FW: Urgent Need to Address Food Shortage FYI Monica Caserta Hutt, Comrnissioner Vermont Department of Dlsabllltles, Aging and lndependent Living Commissioner's Offlce HC 2 South 280 State Drive Waterbury, VT 05671-2020 Telephone; 842.241.240 t E.mall: monica,hutt@verment.eov http://www.da Lve rmo nt,Fovl i The mission af the Vermont Deportment of Otsoblllties, Aging and lndependent Living is to muke Vermont the best stote in which to grow old or to tive with o disability - with dignity, respect and independence. From: postmaster@elcrn,com Sent: Tuesday, Novernber 05, 2018 1:37 PM To: Hutt, Monica SubJect: Delivered: Urgent Need to Address Food Shortage Your message has been delivered to the following rccipients: ( Subject: Urgent Need to Address Food Shortage 1 Monica caserta Hutt Commissioner Monica Caserta Hutt, Commlssloner Vermont Department of Dlsabllltles, ASlng and lndependent Livlng Commiseloner's Offlce H€ 2 South 280 State Drlve Waterbu ry, VT 05671-2020 Telephone: 8A2,24L.24OI E.mail: r-nonica. httn:llwww.dail.vermo nt:eovl The mission of the Vermont Deportment af Disabilities, Aging and lndependent Living is to make Vermontthe besf sfote in which to grow old or to live with a disability - with dignity, respect and independence 2 v,l, j*i"','i''i ii i';l"t' stetErCI,fo:r&nrrdOur SUPERIOR COURT WASHINGTON UNIT t$i0 l{Ot, - J DIVISION A -ctr\ilL bbbrur No,dl r-//- / */""t ) ) Commiseioner of the Depa4ment of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living, Plaintiff v. rtd I l: ) ) ) ) Homestead at Pi[sbury; Pillsbury Manor - South; Allenwood at Pillsbury Manor; ELCM Allenwood Management LLC Defendants ) ) ) ) ) EMERGENCY MOTION FOR THE HT PARTE APPOIN?MENT OFA TEMPORARY BECEIYEN NOW COMES the State of Yermont, Commissioner of the Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living (hereinafter "DAIL" or "the licensing agency''), by and through Attorney General Thomas J. Donovan, anil hereby moves the Honorable Cowt pureuant to 33 V.S.A. $7203&X1) and (2) to appoint er parte a tenporary receiver to operate the three Defendant residential care facilitiee in St. Albans and South Burlington, Vermont. AfEdavits, attached. herein, set forth the factual baeis upon which the Commissioner relies upon in making this motion. Exhibits A-G. Aa described in the affidavits, the fgilowing situation and practices at the facility present imminent danger of serious physical or mental harm to residente that must be remedied immediately to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the residente: 1. The facilitiee have only a two-day supply of food due to the owner'e fiailure to pay the food vendors. See Exhibit G. The potential to run out of food ie compounded by the fact that the facilities have only a emall amount of petty cash on-han d,. Id. Stalf communication to corporate, as well as communication by DAIL, has, to date, failed to result in payments. 2. There are a total of 24? people living in the Pillsbury facilities, 102 sf whom require tevel III residential care, which meane they require "personal care, defined as assistance with meals, dressing, movement, bathing, grooming, or other personal needs, or general supervieion of physical or mental weil-heing, including nursing overview and medication management." 33 V.S.A. S ?102(t0XA). The other 145 residents are currently appropriate for independent iiving. Those in residential care are entitled to receive all of their meals at the facility and those in independent living are generally entitled to receive one meal a day. 3. The owner of the facilities is ELCM Pillsbury Management LLC, which is solely owned and managed by Andrew White out of Dallas, TX. Mr. White suddenly, and without notice, elosed the bank account that covered the Vermont facilities in February 2018. See Exhibit A. Since then residents have not been invoiced and their rent checks remain undeposited. For the same reasons, paymehts to vendors became sporadic and untimely,Id. 2 4. Staffmembers ar€ reeigning and not being replaced, r'esulting in dangerous staff shortages. Nurses are covering multiple positions at once, and sometimes there is only one charge nur$e to cover two buildings and there have also been instances of nurses working 100-hour weeke. Id,. 13-110-009, at 5.11 see olso CVR and "Complaint and Application for Appointment of Receiver" at paragraph 17. 5. Staff shortages have likely contributed to instances of inadequate care, . including: failure to report an accidental patient death to the lieensing agency, failure to properly monitor residents to prevent falls, and failule to monitor the well-being and hygiene of a sick resident resulting in her need for emergency care. See Exhibits L, M, N, and O. 6" Ttre above situation tregan eight months ago and has gtown exponentially worge in recent weeks. It is causing residents and staff great anxiety and emotional distress. In the last month the licensing agency has banned admissions in two of the facilities for failing to correct cited violations. See Exhibits P, Q. Every day, residents and their families are arxioug about the potential for innminent shut-down resulting in the sudden loss of housing and care. Sae Exhibits D, E. 7. During this period of instability DAIL, the Attorney General's Office, and the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman have dernanded that Mr. White prnvide assurances, information, and records that the facilities are indeed solvent 3 and capable of meeting required health and safety standarde, but he has repeatedly ignored or rebuffed all of these inquiries. Exhibits B, K, J, and R. 8. As further illustrated in the attached "Complaint and Application for Appointment of Receiver' and exhibits, incorporated herein as if set forth fully below, a temporary receiver is necessary in order to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the facility. For the reagons stated absve the Department requires the following relief: l-. The immediate appointment of Douglas J. Wolinsk)r, Es{., of Primer, Piper, Eggleston & Cramer, P" assum€ full responsibility for the operation and management of Homestead at Pillsbury, Pillsbury Manor South, and Allenwood at Pillsbury Manor. The order should provide the temporary receiver with all of the power$ and, responsibilities provided at 33 V.S.A. $7207 (b). Signed and dated at W'aterbury, Verrpont this day of November, 2018- Respectfully submitted, STATE OF \TERMONT, MONICA CASERTA HUTT COMMISSIONER, DEPARTMENT OF DISABILITIES, AGING, AND INDEPENDENT TIVING through counsel THOMAS J. DONOVAN, JR. ATTORNEY GENERAL 4 r/t By: M-u,otl, UL//ltt-< Bessie l{eiss Aseistant Attorney General HC 2 South 280 State Drive Waterbury, VT 05671'20201 {s02) 241-0194 ERN: 4141 5 STATE OF VEBMONT SUPERIOR COURT WASHINGTON UNIT Commissioner of the Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independ.ent Living, Plainii,ff v. Homestead at PillsburY; Pillsbury Manor - South; Allenwood at PillsburY Manor, Defend,ants ) ) CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) STATE'S LIST OF RECOMIUIENDED NECEIVERS NOW COMES Monica Caeerta Hutt, Commissioner of the Department of Dieabilities, Aging, and Independent Living, and pursuant to 33 V.S.A. $ 7205, submits the following list, in no particular otder, of recommended persons to for appointment ae the receiver in the above-captioned action" Jeff Sande, CTP, MBA Dorset Partners, LLC P.O. Box 67 Dorset, VT 05251 802.867.2458 Douglas J. Wolinsky. Eeq. Shareholder Primer, Piper, Eggleston & Cramer, P.C. PO Box 1489 150 S Champlain St 1550 Winiston Road Burlington, VT 05402-1489 802.864.0880 Suzanne Koeniq Presid.ent, Founder SAK Management Services LLC One Northfield Plaza, Suite 210 Northfield, IL 60093 847.446.8400 A r6oum6 or preeentation of professional qualifications for each is attached herewith, Signed and dated at lryaterbury, Vermont this {'fu day of November, g018' ResPectfu llY submitted, STATE OF VERI\{OhIT, MONICA CASERTA HUTT COMMISSIONER, DEPART\{ENT OF DISABILITIES, AGING, AND I}{DEPENDENT LIVING through counsel THOMAS J. DONOVAN, JR. ATTORNEY GENERAL By: Beesie Weise Aesistant Attorney Genqral HC 2 South 280 State Drive Waterbury, VT 056?1'20201 (802) 241-07s4 ERN:4141 Douehs J. Wolinskv is a shareholder of Primmer Pipcr Eggleston & Cramer PC, a regional law firm with offices in Burlington and Montpelier, Vermont; Manchester, Littleton, and Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Camden, Maine; and Washington, D.C' Mr. Wolinsky practices in the areas of intellectual property, banking, fin&nce, bankruptcy, and creditors' rights. He currently serves on the Panel of Chapter 7 Trustees for the Disrict of Vermont and the Northem Districl of New York. He has also seryed as a Chapter 1l Trustee in cases such as The Lawrence Group, Ine.,in the Northem District of New York, *nd American Paper Mills af w, Inc.,in the District of Vermont. Mr. Wolinsky is a member of Primmer's financial services and banking practice. He represents both lenders and borrowers in commercial, retail finance and general banking matters, including foreclOsures! restfucturings, workouts, bankruptcies, and loan originations. Mr. Wolinsky represents lenders in both commercial and consurner matters. primmer counts among its lender clients local, regional, national, and international financial institutions. Primmer also advises its financial clients with respect to their corporate and regulatory matters. Mr. Wolinsky is a member of the Amsrican Intellectual Property Law Association, the Vermont Bar Association Intellectual Property Committee, the American Bankruptcy lnstitute, the Tumaround Management Association, the National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees, and the Vermont Bar Association Bankruptcy Law Cornmittee. He is a pasl Chair of the Vermont Bar Association Bankruptry Law Committeg and is currently on the Capital Region Bankruptcy Bar Association's Board of Directors. is recognized among the The Best Lawyers in Amevica 2017. He is also listed in the 2018 edition of New England Supev I awyers. Mr. Wolinsky is a Martindale H. Brown etal. Banl+ruptcy Flubble AV rated a$orney. He is a contributor ro Mr. Wolinsky I Exemption Manual, Wests Banlo"uptcy Series.2003 through 2017 Editions. Mr. Wolinsky is a member of the {irm's board of directors. He is admitted to practice in Vermont and New York. Recent speaking engagements include: Co-presenter, "The Ramifications and Effects of Collusive Bidding in Bankruptcy Sales and the Chapter ? Trustee's Remedies"; National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees; 2011 Spring Seminar Co-presenter, "What is Good Faith? Chapter 7, I I and 12 Comparison"; Capital Region Bankruptcy Bar Association 18th Annual Bankruptcy Conferense; . . r . November 8, 2013 Joint CLE Coordinator for Capital Region Bankruptcy Bar Association and Vermont Bar Association;March 27,2A15 A further dgscription ofthe firm's practice website www.primmer,com. 3121589.1 areas and professionals can be found at the rset Partners LLc Jeff Sands, CTP, MBA of Jeff is a Certified Turnaround Practitioner and winner of the TMA's 2017 Turnaround entailed This the year Award for a Vermont $10 million aerospace machining business. dealing with the deceased owners wife, the union, the FBI who were investigating possible fraud as well as the employees, customers and vendors. In 2018 he, again, earned the Turnaround of the Year Award, this tiine for a $200 million pulp and paper mill in northern Canada. Successfully dealing with 12 separate tribal ieaders in a remote location was his greatest challenge. The company was losing money' had lost it's major account and was facing bankruptry. Today the company is profitable and the tribes are happy to be gainfully employed' Currently Jeff is working on transforming a copper tubing mill and a light pole manufacturer, Both were shut down due to financial constraints and both are fully functioning at a profitable level. a Since 2002, Jeff has transformed dozens of businesses in dozens of industries and has reputation for taking on the very toughest situations. His reputation among financial institutions in Vermont and the Albany capital region is without peer. In addition to corporate turnarounds, Jeff is known widely for his ability to attain top dollar in the sale of distressed businesses, maximizing going concern and strategic. values. These distressed sales deliver many times more value than an auction to creditors while also saving jobs, rwitalizing the local economy and providing a dignified exit to the debtors Jeff earned his BS in Economics at Hobart College and his MBA from Alaska Pacific University. He currently serves on the board of 3 private cornpanies and one community organizaiion. He lives in Dorset Vermont is married with three children and when free time allows enjoys multiple outdoor sports. Jeff's wife is a practicing RN in Manchester Vermont. Jeff recently authored Corporote Turnoround Artistry, will be published by J. Wiley & Sons in 2019. Fk AnyBustness in fiADoys which David Sands Dave has more than 35 years of hands-on experience in senior management. He gained further experience as an operational/productivity consultant in such diverse areas as hospital restructuring/consolidation. retail, service industries and small to medium sized manufacturing. Dave's entrepreneurial background includes the startup and running of a dornestic manufacturing business with over 250 employees selling nationwide. In the City of St Louis, Dave negotiated a contract and led a team organizing, planning and implementing the consolidation of two city hospitals into one. This impacted training of all levels of staff including Doctors, nurses, pharmary, administrative as well as outside support personnel. The consolidation was successful resulting in improved patient care at a significant cost saving. A nursing home in Vermont was distress financially. Dave conducted an assessment and provided a plan to the board to irnprove collections, replace the CEO and to better train the care providers. As a board member and finance committee mernber of the VNA (Visiting Nurses Association) of Southwest Vermont, Dave has offered his services for the past 5 years. During this time we have successfully purchased the VNA's of Manchester and Bennington improving the level of care (Awarded TOP 100 status nationally) and improving profitability, Recent Turnaround engagernentS include Interim CEO of a multi-national rnanufacturer while guiding them through a CH #11, the Turnaround and sale of a plastic molding cornpany, the turnaround of a steel fabricator, {inancial restructuring of a funeral home, strategic planning for a family owned business in Vermont struggling with multi generations in the business, a multi state trucking company and as a financial monitor of a multi state bakery. Dave graduated from Syracuse Univ. with a major in Advertising/Marketing. He also completed graduate studies in Finance, M&A and Business Administration from Syracuse Case Western Reserve and Hofstra. He has served on numerous private company Boards, community Boards and the Board of the Tulane Family Business Forum. Dave lives in Dorset Vermont with his wifie of 5O+years enjoying grandchildren, biking, skiing and snowshoeing. Dave also coaches boy's youth lacrosse and has served as the president of the Equinox Lacrosse Assoc, P.O, BOX 67 / DORSFI; W 05251 l 8A2-867 -?456 1 Statement of Qual ifications PREPARED FOR Ms, Bassle Welss Office of tlre Attorney General State of Vermont Re: Vermont ReceivershiP SAK Management Services, LLC 2 SAK OVERV EW A OPERATING PHILOSOPI{Y Experienced Healthcare Profess lonals SAK Management Seruices LLC ('SAK') is a highly skilled, long-term care management and mnsulting services company, specializing in the continuum of care process throughout tndUniteO States. With a broad background in Continuing Care Retirement Comriunities, Nursing Facilities, lndependent Living Facilities, Congregate Living Facilities, Supervisory Living Facilities and Assisted Living Facilities, our dynamic team piovides'leadership iapanililies in the Seniors Housing & Care lndustry. We offer proven proficiency in maximizing financial return and cash flow, while maintaining the highest itandardg of quality cari Snf and its affiliates have been providing managernent and support services in the long-term care field for over 30 years' SAK's Resource CaPabilities SAK's operating philosophy is premised on the belief that the Seniors Housing & Care lndustry'is a 'hlnds on approach" and market sensitive business, principally dependent talent....Moreover, the ever-increasing upon the resoufce capa'nitities of facility-based -specialized skills, both in terms of financial cirallenges of our industry command r"n"gjment as well as clinical care capabilities to achieve maximum levels of operating. perforirance and qualig assurance. Our speclalized service capabilities_ are designed i,vitn a 'bottom-up' philosophy, promoting the optimal integration of finance and operations, while iupporting the practice and development of these combined skill seF in key people, locallY situated. Speclalized Turnaround Expertiee SAK specializes in operating nursing facilities that require strategic re-direction and turnaround management services. Currently, all of the facilities owned, operated or serviceO by SAK a]re current in proper$ obligations, have achieved operating stability and are in fulliompliance with applicable slate and Federal regulations. SAK's associates have over 2b0 years collective experience in all phases of long-term care operations, and have spent a iarge portion of their long-term care careers in turnaround situations, rescuing troub led facilities. J:/State of Vcrmont/Slatsment of Qualifications SAK Management Services, LLC. 3 SAK'g Mlssion Our aim and purpose is to improve the financial performance of the facilities while maintaining the highest practicable levels of care and service to the residents. sAK PROFESSIONAL SERVICFS PROFILE Gensus Develooment Census development is an indispensable part of facility management. SAKs philosophy is that census development includes both increasing occupancy and improving the resident payor mix. To that end, SAK has developed both internaland external programs, Within the facility, SAK enhances staff skills with training in guest relations, sensitivity workshops, interaction with referral sources, and image creation. ln addition, SAK woks aggressively with Medicaid programs, hospitals, discharge planners, physicians'groups, managed care plans, socialwod