I NL).KLL L.. O'INI.T (St;itc I);>r No, I I (>."><>41 I<()N ('. I 1.>J 9,'IN I; I''.>, I' 'V. (i.>,'>'I.R O'RJ'.1(il I'I'()N I I.>,NI . ('.XI.JI'()1(NI.> '>~t)<', -(>1~7 I(.> :X.> ' I I'elcphonL'. I <>, 9.>,'>'S I 7(>(J i>let iII--C(> I I>" clncolll << I><'Cl>.Coin <( >< <> r I) I'id;int R )'si Iro School l)i, irict (> ()I''I IL. S I'.X I'I')I: (':XI.JI'()RNI:> Sl: VI 'Rl()R ('()I iRJ ('()I 'N I'>')I'.> N I)Il'.(.I(). ('I'. ~ 'I I<.:XI. J)J> 11 1).XUIl.l.l.l ('I .XI(K.; it>dix id I'I;iinti I'ctitiot>c>1 1 I S.> U t'Sl[)14() S( L)()1'..> I tlllot '2(J I 7 ('I il)(il;,IoliiiS. I %Ice:cr l)ept. ('-(> I I()()I, 1)IS'I I'>'i I-(' l. 7-2(J I 7-(J()()(5 <) t)(S-(' .-X(' I 14 'JSI()U< RI.SI'()JNSIL T() I'IICST,>>>'RIT () I J>>IANI)A1'I, >1I'I:>1<1;ll>t)i Rebel>0<1(leilt.'1 .>< . ~s 11)85] 17 [D I'idi»it Rs 0 1)l:I'I "Nl).XN I I'SII)1e() S(.'I l()()l. 1)IS tl>L iLi iI iLLI VLt it ioii 1 or 9 rit 0 I ."> I,«>d;< nd~ t» . I'4 R'' l, S . X I 1 b '>v c I i >1 " p i< r i> Q ln p I 1 I ) c I c>1 d 0 I 1 t 4 0 s J1 0 <1 d c n t 0 d >11 ' I . > t!< t h L i< I I c L't t t 0 t 1 s ilI l Ll 0 rLpi csct>t'<(ion.'>1 :%<1Mvct'111'' pill"1L>iniph i''ictt iidi11>t!< tJ>L''icicnt to lorn> ii I >, I)et et>din>('RciJ10nLJcnt Ii1<>n~c 't'o f'Jr'< .>«nn I'or A rit ()f %1 >nd;>tc >>nd C'loin> for t) >n>;><~cs tcitic> 01 Defendants,'Respondents 1 sued as Does 1 through Z0, inclusii e. are presentli not noiilt to Plaintiff'Vetitioner. Defendant''Respondent lacl s information as to c;Ich oi thc ttcttttousli' lde notice ol c. I) ciiiioncl'il('» to I;int 1mn. I'alf)ll (>ni r)(rl»1<,''In" plu ll" I ( I I . '0 for')CI''clc'I»e I'nd (in i Resp( n I 'ni 'Ic f,n( Incor poi'.;u)d ' I>) ol'(>ill 1 '" ><, I ()ctohcl'(I. 0 7. I (> tllll '» r 01 (>. tile f»fox cinhcl'. letter» hi ref'or ence. poi)d i)t;id in its;if le;ltion», I'Lictillilrcpr» nt;iti(ui» cont;iin d in ). 0..> 11, ,"Ir)ce di»nlissii) I'liiinlif'I''etitioucr I'or c;lu»c. I I . >)(Irs<>'CI'll)'' plu" II I'lipl) ( 'od» 4-1')2').' ( I I, l)c fend(nit I(c»polldcnr h) is p;irt ,ICI'ni») lcd cs th;it (.';if if orni;i l,li1» I) I'.nd;int lu'oil >I ( I If)lit In I t» No%'en)hci'. ll'nl illtice io ')')() ) e< I C';If.dtl) '(>'). 'I> . 0 I 0 I('it(.'I' I. 1<<1». "11 L t Irrl'I, f)LII'»Llilntto " lilnscl. »t'i(cd 00 ) ). I (x' Ic(J es t hlit ( ';ll. I O'4')"'). I ." tll(.'cr))I »LII I Icrcni ul or'n), cr In lett(.l io ( )ctoher I I p;u;I< > rllpli I ', I )el'endlit)t Rcspondlcnt 'idniii» tll;it it» ( )ctohcr 4, linii I'ctiiioncr does not «itc to;Ini EduCatiOn '0, I I ')01 () letter»pc;il » COdeS ilnd il)lit il)c I'or itself'. 1)cfcnd;u)t 'l(e»ponder)t Llenie» I'e(f(rir'cd io «it» io Lu)) Education Code section» in tl)lit If'lier. tie'on»(''o I'ir»I:)n)nd;ito And r.'tl)im I or t)L)n)n«o» tli'it it n';I» Del'endant'Respondent al)o admits that in its November 3. 20161etter it stated the quoted lan< uagc in paragraph 1'. Defendant Respondent denies the remaining allegations contained in paragraph 12. FIRST CAI:SE OF ACTION FOR PETITION FOR 13. Ansvrerintandate And C(aim t'or Damages Answering paiagraph 20, Dcfcndant'Rcspondcilt denies th» allc<~ations'factual representations contained in paragraph 20. because of l«cl ol'elief to of suf'ficicnl inforination «use<,cl'. Ansi',cring p'Ir«gr iph 1. Defend. its st«tutor requirements. Defendant'Respondent denies the Plaintiff'Petitioner is 16 entitled to the relief sought. Defendant Respondent denies the remaining 17 allegations'factua] representations contained in para because of lacl< of suftlcleilt lllfolluation or belief to ansv< er. PRAYER Defendant Respondent denies lhat Plaintiff'Petitioner is entitled to bc reinstated Special Education Director «t thc District, bacl v,ages. reimbursement lost. an order requiring Defend«nt 'Respondent to appear as of benefits thiiti d;n s after issu Ince of the ivrit to elen1onstr800 and Code as ss1021.5. and alii'ther and Plaintiff Petitioner asseits in the 7'rit of Ivlanclate further relief'the Court deems pra~ er to the First Amended and Complaint for Declaratorv Relief. 28 Response To First Amended Petition For VW'rit Of Vkandate And Claim For Damages Petition for AFFIRIIATIi E DEFE5'SES 1 FIRST AFFIIVIATIVE DEFEW SE (Failure to State Facts Sufficient to Constitute l. for 6 <5'rit As and 1'r of %1andate a Cause of Action) First. separate aiid allu7natixe del'ense to tlie First Alncllilcd Petition and Coinpl tint for Declaratoi~'elief and to each purported cause ol'action colltalncd tlici ciII. Ilils allsl«crnlg Defellilot Substantially Corrcspond»ith Claim) 0 3. 21 As and for a Tliird. Separate and aflirm;iti«e defense to the First Amended Petition for 7, rit of Mandate and Comphtint for Declaratorx Reliel;md to each purpoided cause of action 23 contained therein. this ans»ering Del'endant,'Respondent for <'< rit of XIIandate and Complaint for Declaratoii Relief filed bx Plaintiff'Petitioner and allegations seekiiig dallltiges do not 26 alleges: That the First Amended Petition Plaintiff Petitioner. thereb~ SLlb itantiall~ corrcspond x«ith am go«Connect tort claim by nulli'ng Plaintiff Petitioner's claim. a7I 6 Response To First Amended Petition For IVrit Of I«landate And Claim For Damages FOl! RTH AFFIRrIATIVEDEFENSE (Apportionrnettt of Fault) As and for 1'r lA'rit ol Xlandate a Fout1h. separate and aftirntati~ e defense to the First Amend«d Petition and Complaint for Declaratori Relief anil to each purported cause contained therein. this ans Relief and to each purported cause of 19 815(al and (b). NINTH AFF IRXIATIVEDEFENSE (Government Code 2a 9. sS815.3) As and for a ninth, separate and affttanative defense to the 1'irst Atnended Petition for 9'rit of Mandate and Contplaint for Declaratot~ Relief and to each purposed cause of action 26 contained therein. this ansvrering Defendant Respondent alleges: That this answering 27 L)efendant'Respondent is not liable to Plaintiff'Petitioner for the injuries and damages claimed 8 pursuant to Government Code qs815.3. S Response To First Amended Petition For %rit Of 11andate And Claim For Damages TENTH AFFIRAIATIi E DFFENSE 1 lClos crnmcnt Code ss820.8) 10, loi' As and for a l cnth. separate and affirmative defense to the First Anieiided Petition i'lt ol <'lalldate and COIIlplalllt lol'eclaratol>'elief and to e'tell pui'poi'ti d cause ot action contained therein. this ansis ering Defendant'Respondent alleges: That this ansisering is not liable to Plaintif1,'Petitioner for injuries caused bs the act or omission 6 Defendant'Respondent 7 ola public entih pursuant to Government Code q8" 0,8, ELEl'EVTH AFFIRilIATIVEDEFENSE (('ox ernment CotIc )985) 10 11 11. As and for an Flei enth, separate and aflirmative defense to th«First -%mended Pctitioii for 7, rit of ls,landate and Complaint for Declaratory Relict'and each purposed cpondent alleges: Th,it thi> answering 21 Defendain'Responclent is not liable under Government Code ss815, (a) and (b)»lien the eniployee charged svith xsrongdoing is immune trom liabilit~. THIRTEENTH AFFIRiIATIVEDEFENSE 23 (Cis il Code Cj1431.2) 13. As and for a Thirteenth. separate and affirmative defense to the First Amencled 26 Petition for Virit of 51andate and Complaint for Declaratory Relief and to each purported cause of 27 action contained therein. tliis answering Defendant Respondent alleges: That this ansiverin 28 Defendant'Respondent onh has se~ eral liabilih for the non-economic losses < of Plaintiff Petitioner () Response To First Amended Petition For XVrit Of iVlandate And Claim For Damages 1 pur»u;int to Civil Code +»1431.'. FOI'RTEENTH .WFFIRWIATIX'E DEFENSE (Failure to %litigate) 14. As and for >3294 ol'ilii otllel. bi ivai of punishing the Defendant Respondent. 10 Response To First Amended Petition For SVrit Of 11andate And Claint For Daniages SEX'ENTEENTH AFFIRiIATIs'E DEFENSF. (Cis il Code s)47) 17, As s bi thi', applicable Statute 33>.I, nf Limitations includin<. but ~37. 338. 339 and 340(3). Tll ENTY-THIRD AFFIRXIATII'EDEFENSE (Plaintiff/Petitioner's Failure to 15 16 3. As and fol' I ll'rit oi lvianclate Lise liniform Complaint Procedutes) xveI1h - hird. separate and 1 affirmatix e defense to the First Antended and Cotnplaint for Declar«ton Relief. and to each purported cause of 17 Petition for 1S action contained therein. this ause 19 claints are barred due to Plaintiff Petitioner unreasonablv failing to use Dei'endant'Respondent's 0 21 eriniin thi l Response To First Amended Petition For VVrit Of iVlandate And Claim For Damages 1 Plaintif1''Petitioner and this ans~s'ering Defendant'Respondent. tlie equities do not preponderate in fai or of the Plaintiff,'Petitioner. and accordingly< the Plaintil'f'Petitioner is barred froin any 3 recos eti herein, Tll'ENTY-FIFTHKAFFIR iIATIX'EDEFENSE (Estoppel) 25. 6 As and for a Tss.enty-Fifth. separate and aftirmatii:e defense to the First Amended 7 Petition for 7, rit ol'Xlandate and Complaint for Declaratoiiy Relief . and to each putTiorted cause of o action contained therein, this answering Defendant'Respondent 9 dew the alle . 13 direct. or other's,ise. is held liable for th» dainages, TVt at Lass Exists 26 27. - No Equitable Relief Allot~ed) As and for a Tssents-Sei enth. separate and affirmatixe defense to the First 27 Amended Petition for ~~'rit of %1andate and Coniplaint for Declarators Relief and to each 2g putyorted cause of action contained therein. this answering Delendant'Respondent alleges: That l~ Response 1 o 1'irst Amended Petition For XW'rit Of X1andate And Claim For Damages 1 Plaintiff Petitioner i) not entitled to equitable, injunctive. or declarator relief because an adecluate legal remedy'xists for the injuries alleged to be sustained in the First Amended Petition for IVrit 3 of siandate and Complaint for Declaratot~ Relief. TIVENTW -EIC,'HTH AFFIRIIATIVEDEFENSE (No Property Right in Public Employment) As and for a Twenty-Eighth, separate and ai'itrtnatis 28, 6 e dei'ense to the First A»tended 7 Petition for AVrit of mfa»date and Complaint for Declaratori Relief ancl to each purported cause 8 action contained therein, this anssvering Defendant,'Responclent alleges: That Plaintiff Petitioner 9 has no tested f propert interest in her continued employment because public employment is statute pursuant to the holdings 10 governed 11 813: Kemerrer v. Countv b~ c of Fresno (1988) of Miller v. State of California (197'7) 18 Cal,3d 808. 200 Cal. App. 3d 1426. 143'. T'iVENTY-NINTHAFFIR11IATIVE DEFENSE (Vot Entitled to Attorney's Fees) 13 29. 14 As and for a '1 vs en'-Ninth. separate and afftrtnatii e defense to the 1 irst At»ended 1) Petition for 7,'rit of 'Ala»elate and Complaint for Declaratot~ Relief and to each purported cause of 16 action contained therein. this 17 not entitled to the recovet~ of attornes s'ees under California lasv. ansi'ring Defendant Respondent alleges: 1 liat Plaintift"1'etitioner is 'I'I IlR'I'IETH AFFIRWIATIVEDF FEVSE (('overnment Code 20 21 30. As and for a g 945.4) Thirtieth. separate and atftrlnative defense to the First Atncnded Petition for IVrit of Mandate and «omplaint for Declaratory Relief and to each purporte cause oi' action contained therein. this anssvering Deienclant'Responcient alleges: That Plaintiff''Petitioner failed to cotnpli st ith the pre-lasvsuit tiling rcquirctncnts of Government Code ss945,4. and therefore, the I'irst Amended Petition for 7 rit oi .'sianclate and Complaint 2o 1'or Declaratory Relief is batTcd. 26 THIRTY-FIRST AFFIRMATIVEDEFEVSE 27 (Laches) 31. As and i'or a Thirty-First. separate and afftrmatii e defense to the First Amended 14 Response To First Amended Petition For SVrit Of %1andate And Claim For Damages 1 Petition for vere a good rights, and v, erc faith assertion of prii ileged and protected;is sucli. THIRTY-FOI,RTHAFFIRMATIVEDEFENSE (Consent) 34, 26 As and for a Thita<-Fourth, separate and affirmative defense to the First Amended Petition for KVrit of iXiandate and Coinplaint for Declarator) Relief and each purported cause of'7 action therein. this answering Defendant,'cl'cln. 1 'I'HIR'I'I'-FII I'H .tcs: 7 (IL L r»t» nt L'ox cl'ltlttcnt ( Lind;ill.;iti>ns;ill Lict, lite u)lnlllltilrpl'Oridcd 1<) d;i Liin.t thi. Lin.)) L) f ndtint.R.. pond nt odc;lnd rchttc 1' I: I) I: I 'I;IN <) E (I'I;tintiff/I'ctitioncr~ ilt I'ltrt i)f;1 I'rotcctcd ">()..> s;tltI'>,hind;ttc;Lnd ('on)pl;Lint I'or Decl;Lt;Lton l(elief Littd .-> I)tet),'CI'Ittu l)»lollilll 'I'clltlolt»I's Ltctll'tt~'Llcltill,'ronL'ILII lie» is justi I lltblc ol' i'thlc. 'I'H I Il'I''-.')I; l'I.'N'I'H:1 pcttttoit I 7..'Xs l<>i >) Lind tictlon conttunccl nLlllillln" I scpiil'illpl;lint lor Lil l ll nlit'ttct )) ltich ls ' lol'I I i)It'l1'-Scrcnth. EO'll'I'cd I Littd to to thc I It'st .Xtttcltdcd c;ich purported cI)..'s Littd lol'I "7 I hn't) I'ulttlt. scpttrtttc ctltd t>S 'Ltt I U.')) ll'nlLCI'ittt l)ci'cttd;»tts tile c: I Rest)onsc '1'o 1'irst Amcn4'rit c ()f .' a< 16 disniissed ior legitimate businessreasons. ainst this <»isiiering Dclbndant'Respon'lent are baned bi the fact that Plaintiff Petitioner iias FORTY-FIRST AFFIRAIATIYEDFFENSF 17 (Applicable Board Policies of the District) 19 20 1 As and for a Forti-First. separate;ind affirm;»ive defense to the 1:irst Amended 41. I'etition for s's rit of Mandrnnltiorl Lri)or) L)hich to I'ornl rl bclicl';r~ to»hether hi I rn;I) htri e rlililitior)rll,) it un;ri~crtcd.,rl'inn),Itis e dclin~c. I)cl'cnd,rnt th(.rclor i (I!(.(CI't 'lilil1tl(>11JI 3'('I I'(>r I i di'1cn.'(ch rl) thi.'»'('nt (Ir.icol (.'I ) Illdrctrtc.r lt )ioLII(l hi II.:Iil:I'(1RI . thii;u)~actin L)ctind;rnt 1)r»~ I. t) Ill ll'n)rltrL I h'lt I'l(lirltil'I''ll'enothin hi 9'I it ot'.">I;rr)LI'Ltc (lrld on)pl'tint C I'or'osts ol 7 I .'(Lrrt riielorci the ri >ht to I'or jud n)cr)t;r~ (II)1)l'of)l'I'Ite. I'»llo)ii: i irtu(.'l''lnintil'I'etitioner'~ I'irit Arllcndcd I'ctitioll I'or 1)ccl,rr,rtor) Inr„> / R/> 7 / '('('INI: I I>.>,'I ( I RIC'K (>.),'1'I:R t)N iC I I.) NI.'.i I RANMLL .. I WINET') .XR()N t.. I I.) NL'5 .Xttor nc>,'s i»I' )cl end'Int 1(col)ondcnt 4;rn ')'~idro School l)iitrict 17 Reef>onsc 'I o First: >(mco dc(f I'ctition For )>)>'rit Of 11,') n(tl)tc .>(n(I C'I;) inr For I);) ml)i cs