INDEPENDENT POLICE REVIEW AUTHORITY 7 Date 0J5 A 2/0; 0762/ 0 CITY OF CHICAGO . 42/ Citizen Interview Report EOI - . 2 1 0?13 *Complainant lVictim?Witness (check one) 2? I?l/iPerion Name of Person Interviewed, SS#/Form of ID Race Date of B1rth - 26 20 Address Telephone No. Work oI Other Contact No. Location of Incident Date of Incident Time of Incident WJJ .573 142/62 Location of Interview 1 Time of Interview 1 J.) 222.222? Investigator Other Person resent 22112, .222 mm The following 1s in essence but not verbatim a summary statement taken of the above named person relative to allegation(s) of misconduct by a Chicago Police Department member 2. 22 JAWLIJQ J2 [96222022222 22222.2 222 0.2%ch JMLJ ((152206: obi/J 22212 mafia/Mam! ?7 ZN 1221.222 LLJ 2021/25 Mtg/Q 7422 mum/L 211112121 fzm?zgy 7122 22% P2221 2M 1222 #2221/22 2722; 4 3,1,2. oo?L rquJ? ?uf/CeW?u/JJ 2120/2 1442222. ?2222 JJ2 1/0021? Cm d/w 7242222222254 0 gm) 92226022; A - 41222/2222/ ~00 ?mu "63% /JalJJle SI 22? 21W JMJOM 2122/24 w/{Jucam 2421256 7129/22. 222/22 2.122221% J2212J 22121522222 MW J: ch (2222. M2247 Q0222 Cow (Mu/e 218/qu ou 7% 62222222222 ma?J/u/JJ ?deJ 2222210 1 [7 122/122 1 JJ . 222M0J2222, 22222 5L2 1 J12. 2122/2 222 MA J12 $12.21 A2122 3C2J (2222/21 [2211.222 AJOAJZJ Mr! - .2 21 L92, 41237179 Mar/92 $5131? Page :1 of 2 . M79120 2: 1A A ul li? 41.1 I I: Aide! A96, but! A AA AA MALAA WWdW/?d?cm?afm/?wumj 6155 r?ax A (Qt/til)" ?ria? {?14 (F 01/7 0 FHA Ami/2% ALMJCEAA INDEPENDENT POLICE REVIEW AUTHORITY Statement of After having read this summary of 51 Lpages and being provided the opportunity riiakgany corrections, additions or deletionstrue and accurate summary of the interview I had with Investigator (IL A Signature of Person Interviewed . Investigator' 5 Signature Other Person Present INDEPENDENT POLICE REVIEW AUTHORITY Date-:13 7/10 (3 /0 CITY OF CHICAGO Citizen Lnjerview Report __Complainant _gVictim?Witness (check one) 4 '1 __Telephone __In Person Name of Person Interviewed SS#/Form of ID Race Date of Birth (9 . Address Tele hone No. \{Zrk or?er Contact No. Location of Incident 1 Date of Incident Time of Incident 1115110730 Location of Interview Time of Interview 14m. 2 201/ 11.71 Investigator Other Personls) present Investigator 14111119111 WW4 The following is in essence but not verbatim a summary statement taken of the above named person relative to allegation(s) of misconduct by a Chicago Police Department member. 1 w. - ?1 7/111" .111; 3? 1190;! Amyw (CI/10mm] Mug/1910:1141 1110 I 1214/1111} 1612? 1,1,1 2 In If! 1W1I cm 6 JI . 11:44.. I 5120/1 1? 111 3/11 (111?110073411111 1171 101:6? MIMI Mo?ue/MJ ?at/.1/Al?lhg/I 1/45/15? 101C11 0111C 81:11 0/1/1110 11/11/21., 11111 ABC ?119/1 @rd?21 ?ow? 111 Km 90 5,1 111m '1 M116 5111:?? Ww?1a? 0411051191 1 I [km/06L 1m Adda/aw WMt/I?g?/nm?? 1 101? cm 1/r/Z11/ If I ?3 [<11 .. 6219/1117041/0/1?1 Mcmat?aemz/M air/1111 711114014 ?at/1037479 7mm:- - . . INDEPENDENT POLICE REVIEW AUTHORITY Page of CR .U 7f?! ?44/74/942 Ann/1 111/?? 1/4444/44.7, 1111/ ,4 I ., .11" 1 . 421/ Ilia foZ, I [4/1 . 71/; i raid/4014/1115 a: 171/5! A 11/14 41711441? 1464146444 4/2? 3/46 1 I I 4'14 --.. ., i A In Wm A42A2M 1,111 '2 IA 1; Li" 4/41, ~fo 41163144 A1244 1 244% A41 (Mm/r414.4111? Mme/11 Ale/,2 After having read this summary of pages and being provided the opportunity to make any corrections, additions or deletionstrue and accurate summary of the interview I had with Investigator Signature of Person Interviewed Investigator? 5 Signature . Other Person Present nut-?