CBO Discussion and Recommendations FY 2017-18 Fall Supplemental Budget Ordinance Bureau: Office of Management & Finance Type: New Request Request: MF_089 - Facilities - Increased Security Funding Fall BMP Fall BMP Fall BMP Requested Adjustments CBO/Council Changes Total Adjustments EXPENDITURES External Materials and Services Internal Materials and Services 554,938 16,500 0 0 554,938 16,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 571,438 0 571,438 REVENUES Fund Transfers - Revenue 571,438 0 571,438 TOTAL REVENUES 571,438 0 571,438 Bureau Description: This decision package requests a General Fund cash transfer for incremental increases to contracted security costs at City Hall and for the Mayor’s Detail. Contracted security costs have risen at City Hall due to the upsurge of City business disruption incidents over the past 6 months (protests, vandalism, demonstrations, damage to City property). In addition, building rental rates have not kept pace, as they only increase by inflation each fiscal year. Enhanced needs have also been identified for the Mayor’s detail. More information can be furnished to Council upon request. If this decision package is denied, the incremental cost will result in a reduction in major maintenance contribution to the City Hall major maintenance reserve. CBO Discussion and Recommendation Recommended with reservations. Facilities Services is requesting $571,438 in General Fund resources to support the incremental cost of increased security guard presence at City Hall and for the Mayor. This increased level of service was instituted during FY 2016-17, and continued into the current fiscal year. While the increased level of security services may well have been warranted, the increase is too substantial to be covered by the City Hall rental rate, and Facilities Services is currently relying on building reserves to support the service level increase. To the degree that the increased level of security services is ongoing, OMF should coordinate a FY 2018-19 decision package that reflects an increase in the operations and maintenance rental rate component for City Hall. In the near term, and to the degree that Council wishes to retain the existing level of security services, CBO recommends that $571,438 in one-time General Fund discretionary and General Fund Overhead resources be appropriated to City Hall tenants to fund the current year increase in the City Hall rental rate. City Hall tenants pay Facilities Services a rental rate that includes both an operations and maintenance component and a major maintenance component. Any building-specific savings on the operations and maintenance component is added to major maintenance reserve balances. CBO has been supportive of OMF’s efforts to increase the major maintenance rental rate component, and looks forward to the result of the work Council directed OMF to perform in the FY 2017-18 budget note around major maintenance and asset management. As Facilities Services develops its asset management program and makes the case to increase major maintenance contribution rates, it will be critical to have policies and internal controls that prevent major maintenance funding from being cannibalized by operations expenses. CBO recommends the division consider establishing a Facilities Services Capital Fund to that end. 10/10/17 13:32 sap_b_dp_summary Page 158 of 320