Mus/201s Mos zhughes mun", 150558 Wm Wm. Him/201$ 17 2.3 mm. m. MSW. mumsem Mum, mm mm", Mans w-wm mu m; mm. mm mowmz m. s" w. Mm w-wm m; m. m. s" We w-wm m; Vehlcle Iniermallon mama omurs Thumsmn persun Rename Fleld Investigation Detail Report mm Palms Devanmem um wAm'mwu Incl Numb-r: mumms Cunucl Ruin", Susmcmus acuvny Fag. m5 KIRKLAND POLICE DEPARTMENT mm It: mm s, WA siual FIELD REPORY mus mew an," H. 2013",,"qu tt/omnts 11:23 In person activity - 201a,. Ma, W. re a Reliable Patrol Division call Ior service i uencnies rctem Lake 11308 NE ST KIRKLAND wA Subject RAGLAND, BVRON TVRONE 5 we n. -- 8 Male 5'10 15:: Black Brown A ull 3 Female 5'1 155 arown Blue .A cm ma. Pam-anal) FIELD INVESTIGATION NARRATIVE St Thumsson 1342006; Unwanted Subject 11107/2013 On 1110712013 at 1730 hours, the owner of Menchies, Ramon Cruz called Kirkland Fulice after one of his employees called to tell him there was a subject in the store making her uncomlunable. Cruz requested that Fulice ask him to leave the store; he did not request a trespass. I contacted the subject at the store, who 'de ed himself as Byron Ragland, which was later confirmed to he Byron 1. Ragland using police databases. ltold Ragland that the manager had been watching him on the cameras, and requested that he leave the properly. Ragland felt that the request was not necessary. Ragland had two associates (Female adult and male juvenile) with him, who stated they were there with him for visitation. Alter I requested Ragland's full information and the names of his associates they told me they were leaving and would not give me any more information. After Ragland left the store, ADDWIONAL comers AND VEHICLES MA was meso ON FOLLOWING PAGES 631 tt/omuta Ouimflr neonate-gt or a mayo 'u-Ix 'uosswoqls omaadn 2m pafilaw 'law unaml g. 5 0 Er' ewe aMd KIRKLAND POLICE DEPARTMENT msu NE um 51. wA swu FIELD FIELD INVESTIGATION NARRATIVE [continumiom employees-- and -- <