December 5, 1975 Mr. Charles Koch Box Wichita, Kansas 6?201 Dear Charles: This is to let you know that John Bolton at Covington Hurling is now completing the semi-final draft of our Advisory Opinion request for the Federal Election Commission. The request ia specifically deeigned to determine whether or not the LP can lawfully accept unearnerked contribu- tions of up to $25,000 from a single individual in a calendar year. We now expect to have the draft next week. Enclosed in a capy of an escrow agreement that John has drafted on our behalfused in conjunction with our Advieory Opinion request, and is a short, straight forward document that covers all necessary contingencies. Things are well on the way to being completely organised at head- quartera and our first in?house fundraising letter for the HacBride for President Committee will go in the mail on Monday. Ed and I will be in touch with next week about the escrow agreement and Advisory Opinion. I hope you had a pleasant Thanksgiving and please give Hy regards to your mother and Liz. All the best, Robert B. Meier Chair-an Enclosure cc: Hr. Roper