Proclaim Liberty i I -:=mmr:lumm:; i - lit I The Libertarian Party?s 1989 National Convention Philadelphia Aug. 30 Sept. 3 LIBERTY WORKS. LIBERTY IS RIGHT. ?We must all hang toether, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." Philadelphian Benjamin Franklin at the signing of the Declaration of Independence Philadelphia, July 4. 1776 Liberty is Flight. come to Philadelphia - the Cradle of Liberty Philadelphia is one of the olde Indians greeted Swedish settlement In the area in 1640. in 1682 William Penn - 0998? founded and the City of Philadelphia! 33? Enghs? Quak RSKCIUIICD, .Philadelphia had developed into get: "m co pea Ing City In the world: Here is where the gest ng 35 met In 1776 to declare Independence from En Ommema' 25 through September 17, 1787. the Constitution I gand' From May Independence Hall and wrote the US. Constitution3 Declaration of independence in a house on the corn Streets. Thomas Paines's "Common Sense" was writ _6 United sta llshed the ?rs two blocks away at 16th and JFK Blvd.) by or at the Vis?c?rs Center I 01' homes. churches and oommercial Don Emsberger Linda Morrison David Walter . .. . 1i in; -i - hi?; 111:llrtil ?fl El?n-I31" fa". I I .II.I..T 1.-r.l 4 unlit- EsrfitmIllail- - EarrhSurisce Graphms? ?be? Wms- Libero! is Right. EaIThSurface GraphicsiiIh .II .-II I Ifar? II ErrIlr:rI'rH'LEI .gp-u#155 'uw?runJ-?r - {Ea-Err. '54-?3:5? . 41:: "II-fig: .: Hi} I .- - .II. I ties: . . - ?sh-FAVICE IIFII I'll-I'm ?It-21I.- II. Eiffel - i-"Pub - - . -rI- - ail-Ima??-H-I-I.IHui-"n. - -. I."h H5 . Ir.- - 'l m?'h?I I 19!. a. gur- .- lei-rh'r'h girl'I'umt3.: :35- . -: uh":qu 3 - 5'5' . 2-5: I. . L- .ti'r I . . .. I. ?isqua-pr: Iii-far H- 5.3.1315. 35Eli II'lu-Ilna - weamt?: s" -I I II- I'll- I: - ri' ?ji?fg: "53% f- air-xi" it I. kl: lgrw?. I 3, J33: {a #1331?; .. .- . . - Max91'3" x- . I. .. if." I: II 1?angI I. I I I I . .11: kI-Hnr-E-lI313 -Li?m'i'f?w its-23:??mw?h f?.I-I- - ma?13-21% ?Ls . .91...2: in?! I I- E: 1531+ inf? "2-1 - gun?ran ax'fcs "1'5 . I . - Uh: 1'31:qu I - 1 $3511.4- SCHEDULE Tuesday, August 29 Platform Committee Meeting By?Laws Committee Meeting . . . . Wednesday, August 30 Platform Committee Meeting . . . . . By?Laws Committee Meeting . . . . Credentials Committee . . . . . . . . . Council of State Chairs . . . . . . . . National Committee Meeting . . . . . 20m Anniversary of the Movement Banquet sponsored by The Society for Individual Liberty The Karl Hess Roast Liberty Works3:00 AM Sem. 3, First Floor . . . . . . . . . Sam. A, First Floor . . . . . . . . . Sem. A, First Floor . . . . . . . . Sem. B, First Floor . . . . . . . . Parlor A, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . .9:00 AM Horizons Roof Top . . . . . . .. Parlor E, 2nd Floor . . . . . . . . . . .6130 PM Ballroom Liberty is Right. Thu rs (C-SPA Breakta lMy Ex Weloorr Keynote 'Liberta David Larry 0 Dave Presenl Con: speaker LUNCH Presem James Jane?t Present The Phi Buses I1 Casinos Liberty 1 Ioor loor Top iloor lroom ly is Right. Thursday, August 31 a (C-SPAN will cover sessions in Ballroom) Breakfast with Jim Lewis . . I. "My Experience Fighting the Welcome to Philadelphia . .- .. Keynote Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Libertarian Party in the 905'? David Bergland. Ed Clark. Lany Dodge. Dave Nolan. Dave Walter Presentation by By-Laws Committee Constitution tor Liberty" speaker Frames Kendall LUNCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Presentation by Platform Committee "Why Drugs Should be Be-Legalized' James Ostrowski, Gary Greenberg. Jarrett Wollstein, Robert Goodman Presentation by Program Committee The Philadelphia Food Experience . . Buses leave for Atlantic CityCasinos. Boardwalk and beaches Liberty WorksHorizons Ftool Top Ballroom . . . . . H930AM Ballroom . . . . . . . . . 10:30 AM Ballroom 1 1 :00 AM Ballroom . . . . . . . ..12:30 - 1:Ballroom . . . . . . . - Ballroom . . . . . . . . .3:00 PM Ballroom . . . . . . . Hotel Lobby .- . . . . . . . .5:30 PM 17th Street Entrance Liberty is Right. Philadelphia Room South I N?rth Conference Center Ballroom Conference Center Hall *u - - Elevators Imam Elevators .HEE I: I I l. I If! a Seminar Seminar Seminar Seminar?Floor I I I 11: 1: J1 Ir: Parlar Parlor P?arluzlanarlarEl 1E A 1 uu I 2nd Floor Elaratars 373 Ballraam Ballroom Level Friday, September 1 (0-SPAN writ cover all sessions in Phila. Room North) Business Session Opens . . . . . 30AM 3 all Report of Credentials Committee room Report of By-Laws Committee 1000 AM Ballroom "(Mr Allies in the Movement" Representatives trorn Free i i i I i 10:00 AM . NORML, Reason Foundation. Heartland Ph"a- Room North Institute Institute for Humane St udres; Tax Patriots; The Gun Owners of America "How to Focus Your MindMichael Phila. Room South ?Your Right to Bear ArmsLarry Pratt. Gun Owners of America Phrla. Room North "Communicating Libertarianism throu .12.00 PM Toastmasters Roy Beatty and panel Phila. Room South LUNCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Torch Luncheon . . . . . . . . . 12.00 1.00 PM "America's NATO Commitments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:00 PM in the Changing Eastern Bloc" Phila. Room North Sheldon Richman, Institute for Humane Studies "Religion and Liberty.2:00 PM MarSha" Frill. Advocates for Self-Govt Phila Room South ?Washington's $300 billion Bailout2:00 PM It's a WonderIuI Lie" Mel anie Tammen. Phil - Room Noah Competitive Enterprise Institute a Report of the Platform Committee . . . . . . . . . . . .2:00 PM Ballroom Liberty Works. Libe?y 1'5 High" "Free Trat Wayne GE Sound Ed "Individua Individual Dick Bed: "The Med John Fun: editorials. Free Pres Southwicl County (F Boldt. Edi Richard A Daily New "Inside th Robert Cl Buses to the Liberl (Je?ersot also cove Liberty uth l?lh 1th lh )m 5 Right. "Free Trade or Fair TradeWayne Gable. Citizens for a Sound Economy "Individual Achievement and . . . . . . . Individual Liberty" Dick Boddie "The Media's View of Libertarianism" John Fund. Wall Street Joumal editorial writer; Michael Grossberg, Free Press Association; Kevin Southwick. publisher Center County (PA) Democrat; David Boldt. Editor Philadelphia Inquirer; Richard Aregood. Editor Philadelphia Daily News "Inside the Tax RevoltRobert Clarkson. Tax Patriots Buses to Independence Hallthe Liberty Bell and Olde City (Jefferson reads the Declaration - also covered by Liberty Works.3:00 PM Phila. Room North . . . . . . . Phila. Room South . . . . . . . . .4:00 PM Phila. Room North . . . . . . . . .4:00 PM Phila. Room South . . . . . . . 17th Street Entrance Liberty is Right. Saturday, September 2 (C-SPAN will cover sessions in Ballroom D) Breakfast with Russell Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . AM Platform Fteport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "introduction to LibertarianismMarshall Fritz. Advocates for Self-Govt "The Welfare State and the PoorWalter Williams and Chartes Murray Platform Report resumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "How to Get on the Ballot in Your State't. . . . workshop with Paul Jacob ?Answers to the Tough QuestionsMarshall Fritz, Advocates for Self-Govt "How to Run for OfficeSteve Dasbach. Campaign 89/90 "The Libertarian Communitycomments by Mary Ruwart Debate between the candidates for . . . . . . . National Chair The Ron Paul Awards Banquet . . . . . . . . . "Looking Backwards, Looking Forwards" Presentation of Awards Works. Horizons Roof Top . .9:00 AM Ballrogm .HQBOAM Phila. Room South . Ballroom PM Ballroom Phila. Room North PM Phila. Room South PM Phila. Room North PM Ballroom PM Ballroom Ballroom Liberty is Right- )Uth >th 00m 30m 30m Liberty Works. WALTE FOR CHAIR Leadership that's already leading. Proven performance not premises Vision for a successful, growing and united Party Demonstrated management skills VOTE OR THE PERFORMANCE TEAM Liberty is Right. Sunday. September 3 BreaI-dast with Andre Manon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 AM Honzons Roof Top Election oi National Chair. National . . . . . . . . . .9100 AM 1 Committee Members Ballroom 'Lbertatianism around the World10:00 AM hosted by Lbe?atian lrltemational Phila. Room North Meeting of National Comnittee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:00 PM Honzons Roof Top 1' A3 TEIEE 1931a: Reenli As Nati 1932: I pro: 1933: eff: 1933: fur. 19:: i 11 Rest a1? - As No I 193Works. ib erly is Right 1p .m am Committed to a more successful Libertarian Party.? 1 ?Matt Monroe 3 tee leng. LP members have telerated cenditiens that hinder the grewth ef eur mevement. The Natienal LP has been characterized by bureaucrat- ic waste. and eutright incempetence. It is time fer the members te take centre] ef the Natienal LP. te use it as a tent fer furthering eur geal ef Liberty. The LP needs aeund managementI cem- petence and prefessienalism. That is why I am running fer LP Ghairman. There is werk te de. and I want te see it dene. Here is a brief summary ef what I believe the LP can accemplish: Increase membership frem its current level ef3.300 te 10,000 by 1391. Increase revenues te $40,000 per menth frem the current level ef $25,000 per menth. I Dbtain ballet status in nearly all states prier te 1392, se we can ceneen- trate eur efferts en the campaign. Raferm the Natienal ?f?ee se that it prevides assistance te state and le? cal parties in a cempetent and cest-ef?cient manner. Te achieve these geals, I think we sheuld de the fel- lewing: A Piece rd ef Ach levement 1. Management fer Grewth: Hire the best peeple AS Texas Finance Chairman WE can the MICE, - 1 - . 13.1. I 1931: develuped Independence Pledge Fr?gm_ I lug pnenty en ef?ciency, cempetence and reha 1 ity as that we can achieve eur geals. Result: raised mere than $200,000 fer Texas LP since 1331. 2_ Reduc? the size at the Natiun?l cu 1m a 1011 mance airman - ne mere an an encourage (1932 35) te 15 Be rd 1932: develeped Liberty Pledge pregramI medeled after at Dlmt?? LP HEW-Fillies. rather than a pre?x-am in mini-legislature cemplete with bickering and in?ght- II 1933: im lamented refessienal tele hene fundraisin Eff-art: 3. The LP 2000 Program: In the next century. the LP will be led and run by the peeple we recruit in the next few years. New is the time fer us te begin an ac- tive student erganisatien, te develep recruiting cam- paigns. and te erganise student cenferences. 4. The Permanent Campaign: full-time prefes- sienals deing the werk se-far dene enly in electien 1333: implemented regular, pre? table direct mail fundraising campaigns, financing initial efferte eut of his ewn pocket. I 1334: develeped the Terch Club fer $1.000 deners te attract and hener these whe make larger gifts te the LP. 1334: instituted regularipregram ef pestpaid inserts in the years: ballet access, le?ebying, public speaking. candi- LP News fer fundralsing. date develepment1 etc. Essult: LP revenues increased 24% by 1934, reaching Achieving eur geal ef Liberty requires a let. I am allvtime high, excluding Kech-influenced1330. l{Since cenvinced that we can make substantial pregreas. Te Menree's tenure, revenues have fallen by ?hi5? 11151305111331 Wm??tt?d til WW3 With I As Natinn?l LP Membership Chairman {1 Swings): element within the LP and the libertarian mevement' implementEd the "instant membership! Frag-ram . advecnted by Russell Means. printed and paid fer 30,000 'l - . . Yes' Iwa ttehl we ?JlL?bert instant membership cards fer prespective members: .I I a 13?? ?We? an,? I resulting in nearly 3 000 instant members I Party Band ma lawman? an F?u'r Pram-am rm- u? Lam-i I 1933 - ii tartan Party and year race fer Chairman. . persenally ?nanced membership pregrarns when Mama Natienal LP failed te previde premised funding. . I I 1933-39: erganired and mailed lists ef prespects and new I I Addm" - - - membere te state erganisatiens, ce-erdinated and Cit! Stats. 3111?--? .- - Rer??iiltifteli membership activities at the state level. I Phene {day} . . (eveniag}__ I an nti ena LP membership up 23% sincs133'l'. I 13an Mum 12mm In? I mm I right. 71m SCIETY FR INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY Fit our 20th ANNIVERSARY BANQUET, we will honor those men and women who have made the libertarian movement what it is today: the most powerful and increasingly more influential intellectual movement in the world. But while we at the 50057? FOFI INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY may look back at our menu past accomplishments, we also must look forward to the work vet to be done. Fit this banquet, we will unveil plans for an expanded and revolutionarv 'new' -- news that will surprise and delight the movement. l?lear an exciting announcement about developments that are revitalizing SIL, and which will greatlv enhance our traditional role as a movement networking and support organization. Don?t Miss This Historic Eventl We also invite evervone to stop bv the booth during the LP convention for free samples of our all-new literature, and find out more details about the 'new' and how we can help you in vour libertarian activities! 70 50/10 A F/?T?ff SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY PO. Box 538, WRRMIHSTER, 189M Lib Onor those .mOVement *?nglv more PL 7y Iments, we me. landed and lrprise and ouncement :l which will movement lr: )oth during 'new' SIL -- litlES! tor ndall Is the author of Atter Apartheid. The Solution ces :?ewhich is the number one, non-?ction. best-seller In South nd her husband and co-author Leon Lou?w have beer: nominated this year for a Nobel Peace Prize for the book. Elie Snogivzagd advocates a federal form of government -- modeled on the erge 6 re a. Swiss canton system -- that would outlaw government mandbate?t Eager tion and drastically limit the power of the central government a re. negr decision making to local cornmu nitles. Ms. Kendall IS also aut 0:313 Parents. Super Children" and co?author along Wl?lh Leon Louw published sequel to The Solution. "Let the People Govern.? Fran South Atnc Africa. She a . - . Marshall Fritz is the tounder of the Advocates tor non-profit. educational organization. It's purpose Is to present - - to opinion philospophy In an honest. fun and persuasive way . they can embrace the ideals of self-government. IS "Introduction to Libertarianism," and torthe World 5 Smallest I which he uses in his ?Politically Homeless? campaigns. Liberty worm Liberty is Right. leaders so documentary. He now lives in West Virginia where he works writing books for young people. Jim Lewis. the Libertarian Party's 1984 Vice Presidential candidate. is a traveling Field Coordinator for the California Libertarian Party. He formerly worked as a national salesman for a bookbinding firm and spent nine months last year in a federal minimum security prison after being convicted of three counts of ?willful failure to file? income tax returns. He is an articulate Opponent of the U. 8. income tax on constitutional grounds. Liberty Works. Liberty is Right. he a cne': ?be is a nerly nine cted a an - Charles Murray is a social scientist and writer and a Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute. He is best known as the author oi ?Losing Ground." the controversial analysis of welfare programs created in the 603. He is also the author of "In Pursuit: Of Happiness and Good Government," in which he argues that self-respect must come from accepting responsibility for one's life and that well-meaning government policies often work against this goal. Walter Williams. born and raised in Philadelphia. is a syndicated columnist and professor of economics at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. He is the author of "The State Against Blacks.? an eye-opening expose of the many ways in which government hurts the very people it claims to help. and "All It Takes Is Guts." a collection of essays drawn from his syndicated columns. Works Liberty is Right. year on the corruption of the Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs. Mr. Means lives in Arizona and is running for state legislature. He continues to ask the question. "Will America become one huge Indian reservation?" Andre Marrou was the Libertarian Party's 1988 Vice Presidential nominee. He served as a Libertarian member ol the Alaska House ot Representatives where he continually introduced measures to cut taxes and government A former chemical engineer with a degree from MIT. he now lives temporarily in Nevada where he is pursuing a Master?s Degree in Political Science. Liberty Works. Liberty is Right. 1d one olitical aign in :imony Indian re. He Indian ential se of sand mow es in light. A u. - . lican Member oi Congress semen and a former Hepub_ i no" Pal: 13:13:: the Libertarian Party's nominee for Presudjg? :1 a?inedaian known for his leadership In "hard money ca 9 exposes of Federal Reserve Board policies. Ube?ry Works. Liberty is Right. John Hospers 319m? Presidential Candidate humble beginning. In 1971. Dave Nolan, - - niPOten people in his living room. founded the Colorado :1wa am involved with the California LP because my book "Libertarianism" had Inwas ?oor the" published a few months earlier. 39" choose: 5: lattended the first National Libertarian Part Conve i - live in June, 1972. One of the most important tasks on {he to Party platform. Late one night. Dave Nolan asked me to write a Statemer: posite pr" of Principles that would precede the individua'i platform. There in my hotel room at 2:00 political Pi: AM. as I wrote I was suddenly seized tneliveso with a sense of history. I decided to try -- We: to make it very simple. succinct, and 93! a. things: a" clear. couching it in language similar to not violatt that of the Constitution and the Declara- .. . .- . the right tion of Independence. When I read my ?i prohibiliOI Statement of Principles to the 100 as- . others: (2 sembled libertarians it was adopted at -- accordi once. and except for one small alteration . ment to a' made in 1974. is still the official State- - aswell as ment of Principles for the Libertarian (3) the rig Party. as confis Later in the convention. I was nominated as the Party's presidential and SUPP candidate. It was a fast-paced and lively campaign. After several dozen tion. newspaper interviews and half a hundred radio and television interviews, I Sin: could not complain that our fledgling party had been blacked out by the we oppor media. During those weeks in the fall of 1972, several million people heard contractt. the word "libertarian" for the first time. sacri?ce The Libertarian Party has far exceeded in numbers and achievement left free I anything that was possible in that year of humble beginnings. We had to resultant start from nothing except the good-will and limited funds of members and individua friends. To those of us who were "present at the creation." those early years are still the source of exciting memories. Liberty Works. Liberty is Flight. of the Libertarian Party. challenge the cult of the members we' and defend the rights of the individual. individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion om?iPOte We hOId that a and have the right to live in whatever manner they do not forciny interfere with the equal right of others rthey choose. hout history have regularly operated on the op- that the State has the right to diSpose of the lives of - Hats and the fruits of their labor. Even within the United States, all then our own, grant to government the right to regulate the lives of individuals and seize the fruits of their Iaborwithout their consent. We, on the contrary. deny the right of any government to do these 5, and hold that where governments exist, they must thing not violate the rights of any individual: namely, (1) the right to lite -- accordineg we support the prohibition of the initiation of physical force against others: (2) the ?ght to liberty of speech and action I . - we Oppose all attempts by govern? . merit to abridge the freedom of speech and press, as well as government censorship in any form; and (3) the right to property -- we oppose actions such as confiscation, nationalization, and eminent domain, idential dozen figs-support the prohibition of robbery, trespass, fraud and misrepresenta- views, I Since governments when institut . ed, must not violate individ await-?: 3:35:13; by government in the areas of among in ividuals. People should not be to m,me ??geghe" and Property for the benefit of others. They sho?: ht}: I had to remnant government to deal with one another as free traders and the and imw?ualerm?njlc system. the only one compatible with the protection of ly years I 9 s. is the free market. ?ight. Libeny Works Liberty is Right. Roger L. MacBride Presidential Candidate 1976 I'm extremely proud of what a relatively small group of dedicated Idealists were able to accomplish in 1975 and 1976. was nominated by the Libertarian Party National Convention in September of 1975. Within a couple of months I had put my affairs in order and was able to spend three-quarters of the following year campaigning -- and full time for the last ninety days. Full time. of course. meant something like 14-hour days every day. Despite the newness of the Party. volunteers and a handful of paid profes- sionals got us on the ballot in 32 states. I owned an old DOS and stumped all of them some of them repeatedly -- speaking to anyone who would listen. In the beginning "Libertarian" was con- fused with "Libertine" or "Librarian," but at the end of the year of campaigning, the national press knew very well what the di?erence was and had a very clear concept of the ideals for which we were . . fighting. Many of the things that we . - -- -. talked about then were astonishingly new, but most of our Ideas went_lnto the mainstream of political discussion eventually. The current serious discussion about decriminalizing drugs stems, I am convinced. from our continued advocacy of that point of view 13 years ago. And In many other areas of political and economic thought things were unthinkable, radical. and hence not to be considered by a rational person, have gained respectable political currency. Not a whole lot of our Ideas have actually been put into practice, but some have (such as deregulattng the airlines). others are, I am convinced . "in the chute." IF and My best wishes go to those who are attending this convention. Liberty Works ?berry is Right. Liberty Primer is the best and most comprehensive introduction to libertarianism presently available. In clear. simple language. it covers all aspects of libertarianism [mm Emman concepts of rights. to economic: theory. to Strategies for obtaining liberty." Jarret B. Wollstein Send $3.95 (includes postage) to: Genessee Valley Chapter of SIL Box 10224 i Rochester, NY g7 Quantity Discounts Available COMMUNICATION SERVICE Sales Service - Custom Installations ICar Stereos I Cellular Phones IC.B. 5: Accessories I steamers I?adar Detectors I F11 Two?way Phone (302) 678-8922 11113 50. Governor's Ave. Dover, DE 19901 SIMPLE 1% of your credit card andfor long distance charges will be used for the party and liberty. Write Today or Call For Details Charles Howard Hartman 514 N. Western - Stuart, Iowa 50250 Messages: (515) 523-1116 Ed Clark Presidential Candidate 1980 My introduction to the Libertarian Party came in February 1972 Wh i received a barely legible questionnaire asking the question. "Would an like to be chair of the LP in your state?" After considering this with my Jig?? Alicia, accepted and we started the Free Libertarian Party of New York :6 our living room a few weeks later. The novelty of the ideas. the receptiveness of the public whose anti-government consciousness had been raised by Vietnam. Watergate and the roaring inflation of the late 19705. a large vision of the immediate possibilities of the party imparted by Ed Crane who was both National Chair and Executive Director of the Party inthe late . 19703. helped the Party to grow and set the stage for the 1980 campaign. When i ran for President in 1980, these factors along with very generous contributions from David Koch, the Vice- Presidential candidate. produced the largest number of new recmits and the highest vote total of any campaign to date. What we need in 1992 is an attractive. articulate Presidential can- didate. continued work by the Ballot Access Committee to achieve widespread ballot status before the campaign and a Vice Presidential candidate who will spend $800,000 on With this kind of an effort and continued grassroots work to accommodate the new people attracted by such a campaign, we will reach higher levels of effectiveness in the 19903. What we always need is to hold cu rselves to high levels of performance in our outreach activities and to behave with integrity. respect and kindness in all our relationships with other party members. Liberty Works. Liberty is Right. EVERYONE Can Become a Millionaire You will pay half a million dollars in taxes over your lifetime. It you could simply keep this money in the bank, collecting interest YOU would earn the millions the government takes from you. Free markets will create unprecedented wealth and oppor- tunity {or people of all backgrounds. The public will support the abolition of taxes when they understand all the harm that government causes. THE PRAGMATIST has the vision, and a practical strategy to achieve this goal. Claim back your millions! Yes, i want to explore the market society. Here?s $10 for six issues, or $18 for 12 (3512/ $20 outside 1.1.5.) El I?d rather see a sample copy. Here?s Harne- "Peace. commerce, and honest friendship with all at. nations - entangling 5m zip Address lliances with ltl?l can- - II I I. a'Ghleye P.O. Box 392 Th?m?s Jarret-sun Forest Grove, Ifyou agree with this quote. then you ormance would probably be interested in . learning more about the only political k'ndness party that feels this way. too -- the Libertm'im Party. We're the third largest organized P?1ilical party in the United States. And we're continuing to greet. ?him for information today: Libertarian Party 1523 S.E. Washington. D.C. 20003 (it give us a call: Toll Free Nationwide 800/681-1776 Toll Free in California 300/637-1176 Flo I David Bergland Pres Presidential Candidate 1 984 w? I discovered the Libertarian Party when it was only two years old. in after" 1973. It's been 16 years of an intimate and affecting growth experience tor prior to?: me: as a candidate for several public offices. as the Party's National Chair, Phenan: and as a member of the National Committee. For 16 years. I've had a daily involvement with libertarians and libertarian activity. What did I learn from traditior t? ail a" thThere is no quick fix. Fundamental political change requires time; are because individual minds must absorb . anions the new ideas and decide to act on them. . Eud Fm But it does happen. if those who desire .. I anmm'i change will work and stay committed to mic. their principles. P0 bug I have seen Americans go from almost complete ignorance of liber? 1? tarianism, through ridicule and abuse of f; its adherents. through grudging ac- Year knowledgment that it has some good States points. through cheering Reagan's liber? sage - tartan rhetoric, to today. I am happy to newsF report that today, most Americans are .. quentl favorably disposed toward the main points of the libertarian program. even ?'19 ?1 though many of them still stumble over the label. Today. the Libertarian Party is generally accepted as a legitimate, and valuable, element in twenty American politics. philos The Party's role will continue to be crucial. It is a beacon and a home horrib for those who see value in direct political action to effect change. The more test a of us there are and the more we do to promote principled libertarian views consi: and policy proposals, the sooner coercive and corrupt politics as usuaI win cons? be replaced by private, voluntary relationships based on reSpect for in- whats dividual rights. The American people are more ready for libertarianism now than they the lit have been in our lifetimes. It is our job to show them the way. As William Allen White said: "Liberty is-the onl thin ou can .- . mung to give it to other? 9 have. unless you are ?Deny Works. is Libe Candidate 1 988 acted to Congress (as a Republican) in 1976, my voting l"Blair in 3' lional tor mm was seen as strange. itting no mol In recent memory. By 1934, thad hair. Pam]. to my waving Congress. many Members would ask me what the lea a clan? position was on such and such an issue. fl"Elm Today, the respect for the libertarian view continues to grow. The two lurres t- traditional parties pretend we don't exist and hOpe we?ll go away, but they me are daily being influenced by our Ideas. Privatization is not a strange word nging troops home from any more: bri ow talked about by both Lett Europe is and Flight. The overt failure of communism has forced the world's politicians and intellectuals to give serious thought to capitalism and in- dividual liberty. year for me cries-crossing the United I States spreading the Libertarian mes- sage. I was ell received by mo st . newspaper ed ito rial boards who he. a quently were more interested in educat- ing themselves as to the libertarian answers to tricky problems than gram, even Libertarian considering me a "serious candidate." It was always assumed. once 3. element in twenty-minute interview drifted over to an hour or so. that the libertarian philosophy was supposed to have periect and swift answers for every lmy a home horrible problem created by 60 years ot-government meddling. The litmus ._1-he mare test applied to us is entirely different (and rightfully so) than any test of man views ever applied to Republicans or Democrats. No one seriously 5 usual will oonsrdered the platforms of the other two parties to have any meaning seat for in? whatsoever. th _In Philadelphia. in 1939, there's certainly reason to be optimistic that it than they 6 llbertarian message is spreading and more respected than ever. As William iss you are ..Ja - -. Fed up with Left/Right labels? Use the improved political compass to test Iyour identity. Take the SMALL ST POLITICAL QUIZ a? Circle when you agree, for Maybe or unsure, for No. Are you a sell-governor on PERSONAL Issues? 20 Military service should be voluntary. (No draft) .. Govt. should not own or control or the press .. Repeal regulations on sex by adults .. 0 Drug laws do more harm than good. Repeal them Let people immigrate and emigrate freely .. My PERSONAL self-governor score?lter No Are you a self- overnor on ECONOMIC issues? 0 Farmers ould farm without quotas or subSIdles ..Y 0 People are better off with free trade than with 0 Minimum wa laws eliminate jobs. Repeal them ..Y ..I. I: la. 0 End taxes. ay for services voluntarily. .. Europeans Japanese should pay thelr own defense My ECONOMIC self-governor score: add 20 for Y. teforM. Dior No 22222 How to use the Self-Government Compas Mark our PERSONAL score on The compass measures self- .1 the Ie and your ECONOMIC government. Liberals value .- [score on the (See - freedom of expresswn. t? j; - example of 20% personal Conservatives value -. and 10% economic.) free enterprise. LibThen follow the grid ertarians value lines until they bath Authori- m??i 3} tarians .379 PO Inca cP against For {Po lnformallon 99/ 4? about libertarian 45?39 629$ Examples: Ideas. please send ?935% ?9 M. Thatcher (right) - $3.00 to Advocates for a. co? F. o. Roosevell(left)- Self-Government. 9% Henry David Thoreau and 5533 Fresno. CA Thomas Jefferson (top) for 0 93727 Tel: 209-292-1776. ?9 45" Stalin and Hitler (bottom) @1933 bl? JD?filtrates for Self-*Goyemment. Inc. UK to re rint this quiz with. credit to Advocates. onus Inelght: Take the qurz or any