March 15. 1977. Mr. Edward H. Crane, President, Cato Institute 1700 Montgomery Street. SAN FRANCISCO. CA . 94111 Dear Ed, Enclosed is the Mont Pelerin list that I forgot to give you last week and the Hedsger article on propaganda in the schools. I had volunteers working over the entire weekend and they deleted over 2,000 had names and media. Helen alone has added atmost 500 new enquiries left from last year. PSA will be delivering Avery labels for the names as they are punched in so that each will receive the last two issues of the LP News and the fundraiser from this office. Cascio is printing the first of the fundraiser tomorrow and the LP News was mailed last Friday. I will not attempt to explain the maneuvering entailed in that one. Please don't forget to send Charles' article on the Birch Society to me. Cordially, Robert H. Meier National Director