. . PRESIDENT Ed Clark fer President Cemmittee 2300 Wiseensin Avenue, NW ?gg?f?jfg'm' Washingten, DC 20007 Jule It Herb,? (202) 333-3263 Treasurer Chris Hester. Mariana! Ceerdinm?er? Edward H. Crane Ill, Direrrer Kristina Herbert. Headquarters Manager PLAYGIRL QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES 1.) what general steps weuld yeu take te cure the ecenemy? 1 weuid reduce the rele eF the federal geyernment in the ecenemy as much and as quickly as pessible. inflatien is caused by the federal ernment's espansien uf the meney supply, which reduces the value ef each deilar in relatien te what it can purchase, and I weuld step the Federal Reserve System's espensien ef the meney supply. I weuld prepese substantial cuts in beth taxing and spending, te allew the private secter te retain the earnings that are rightfully theirs and te stimulate ecenemic grewth and the creatien at new jebs. I weuld reduce er abelish federal regulatery agencies, such as the Interstate Cemmerce Cemmissien, which enly perpetuate the deminatien ef certain industries by large firms and which restrict entry by new entrepreneurs, particularly minerities. I weuld end federal subsidies and ether ferms ef welfare fer business, such as the recent baileut, which enly reward inefficiency and unrespensiyeness te censumer demands while penalising efficient and prefitahle enterprises. 2.) what sert.nf centrel sheuld the federal geyernment have ever the eil industry? Can yeu cenceive ef any circumstances in which yen-would adyecate natienalisiug the eil cempanies? Like any ether cemmedity, all is subject te the basic ecenemic laws ef supply and demand and, as with any ether cemmedity, the attempts ef geyern? mentlte ignere these ecenemic realities will eniy guarantee shertages and a centinuatien ef the present eil crisis. At present, gevernment beth regulates and levers large eil cempanies, and it sheuld de neither. Se lens as eil prices are kept at artificial levels, substitute energy seurces, such as selar have an chance te develep. Therefere, I fever decentrel ef all energy pre- I ductien, and I weuld net ce . nsider natienaliaatien ef the ner under any circumstances. BY 1ndUHtrY Paid ier by Clark fer Preside A an nl Cemmiltee. Hay Cunningham. Chairman Fr ef ear reperl is en ?le With and available ler purchase trern Ihe Federal Electien Gemmissien. Washinglen DD. PLAYGIRL QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES Page twe 3.) Sheuld envirenmental standards he lewered te allew mere use ef fuels new censidered tee pelluting? A.) Present gevernmentally? haphazard, and incensistent. viduals and greups can file su satien and enjein en a strict enferc impesed standards fer pellutien centrel are arbitrary, I faver a tetally different system whereby indi- it against pelluters, preve damages, win cempan- pelluters frem centinuting te pellets; such a system is based ement ef preperty rights. At present, gevernment has the sale pewer te determine the acceptable level ef pellutien. This fails te pretect CUHSHNEFS: whe have ne receurse if the level is set tee lew, and it fails te pretect industry, which is eften ferced te cemply with unnecessary and cestly regulati?ns- The questien ef whether at net certain fuels are ?tee polluting" sheuld be determined threugh private legal actlen te upheld preperty rights, net gevernment standards. 4.) Over the next 10 yearsI sheuld nuclear pewer centinue te be emphasised er sheuld ether, renewable energy seerces receive the meet federal enceurage- ment? A.) Neither nuclear pewer ner any ether particular ferm ef energy preductien sheuld be subsidised by gevernment. Our present gevernment has chesen te impese nuclear pewer en the American peeple; this pelicy must step. The American peeple are being victimized in a number of ways. As taxpayers they are being [erced te subsidise cempanies with nuclear investments. At the same time they are being irradiated by facilities eperated by these same cempan- ies, thanks te the lax safety standards and lack ef ene hundred percent liability festered by gevernment interventien. All special fevers presently extended tn the nuclear pewer industry must step immediately, and the cemmen law netien ef ene hundred percent liability fer damage caused past, present. and future must be reintreduced inte the legal cede. If nuclear energy is te be develeped, pewer cempanies must de se at their ewn expense and risk and must assume full respensibility fer any damage they may cause. 5.) Sheuld the percentage ef the natiensl budget spent en defense ge up, dawn, er remain basically at its present'level? A.) The pertien ef the federal bud substantially reduced. Over 602 reentries, mest ef whem are perfe get spent fer military purpeses sheuld he ef the military budget gees te pretect ether? ctly capshel ef pretecting themselves. I weuld systematically reduce eur military suppert fer ether natiens, and cencentrate en a defense system that will truly defend the United States instead ef the present interventienist system which permits us te became invelved in armed cnnfiicts all ever the werld. PLAYGIRL QUESTIONS axe RESPONSES ;.Pa3e three 6.) Sheuld SALT II be ratified? LALT II shenld be ratified as a necessary step dawn the read teward mere significant mutual arms reductien agreements. The alternative is in the insane centest between the superpewers te see whe can bring abeuL the highest level ef destructien. I fully suppert all verifiable steps teward reducing the threat ef nuclear disaster. 7-) Shenld ewnership ef guns, especially handguns. be centrelled in any way? If se. in what way? Private ewnership ef guns shnuld net be centrelled. Inexpensive hand- guns are eften the enly available means ef self-defense fer peeple in lew- inceme and public knewledge ef handguns passessien by wemen te he an effective deterrent against rape and ether sexual crimes. 3.) Seme 25 millien Americans new live belew the federal peverty level. Hhat weuld yen de te help them te achieve minimum financial security 3-) Gevernment attempts te alleviate peverty have failed. Inflatien: taxa- tien, regulaiien. and paternalism have combined te create a system which leeks pent peeple inte perpetual peverty. Reduciinn ef gnvernment's tale in the ecenemy weuld stimulate the creatien ef new wealth and jebs. In additien, iaver the use ef tax credits fer services, such as educatien. which indivi? duals previde privately te benefit lnw-inceme peeple. 9.) Shenld federal funds be available te previde abertiens te indigent'wemen? I fever the right nf wemen te cheese whether er net te have an ebertien. free frem harassment_frnm gevernment er ether citizens. I de net. hewever. fever the use ef tax meney te finance abertiens. Many peeple eppese abertien en meral er religieus greunds. and they sheuld net be ferced te pay fer what they prefeundly believe is immeral. ID.) Sheuld federal funds be used tn extend childecare facilities avail- able te Jew-inceme wemen? I de net fever federally funded child-care centers; the gevernment te perferm any better in previding quality already has in previding educatien. which has became a naLiena] disgrace. I [aver the use ef federal tax credits fer child care and educatien, as well as the remnvul ef the many legal ehstacles presently preventing the develepment ef wide spread. cest childucare facilities. Entrepreneurs willing te care fer children in their hemes sheuld net he stepped by enerens licensing fees er the fact that their ceilings are ene inch ef bureaucratic standards. The innumerable hureaucratic ebstacles placed befnre luw cest childecare facilities reh theusands ef Americans, partic- ularly elder peeple whe are experienced in fulfilling the needs at children, ef prednctive werk while they prevent millions ef ?thElS frem being able te find werk eutside cf the heme. These arbitrary and unnecessary "standards? are impesed hy envernment in erder te maintain its present menepely pewer ever the liveslpf children threueh the eppresive and sexist gevernmeni schee] system as we as is keep wemen dependent and ?in the heme." These are vlcieus. they are sexist. they are paternalistic; they must end. I wenld net expect child?care than it PLAYGIRL QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES page fnur 11.) Shnuld the Equal Rights Amendment be ratified by the states? A.) I favnr Lhe ratificatinn cf the Equal Rights Amendment. It wnuld sweep away thnusands nf sexist laws and much nf the widespread discriminatinn and appressinn wnmen face government. 12.) Has it prnper tn allnw mnre time pnsaible ERA ratificatinn? The extensinn nf time the ratificatinn nf the ERA was prnper. Equal treatment nf wnmen by law is a matter nf right. legislative manipulati?n- 13.) Shnuld the United State reinstitute the peacetime draft? The draft in is unacceptable, regardless nf the time nr circum? stances. The draft is simply slavery. 14.) Shnuld wnmen be drafted if men are? Asking if wnmen shnuld be drafted if men are is like asking ifd?i?panic? shnuld be enslaved if blacks are. The draft is unacceptable. perin . 15.) Shuuld wnmen serve in cnmbat units? 1 see nn reasnn why wnmen meet nbjective criteria shnuld nut serve in cnmbat units if they tn dn an. 16.) what shnuld be dnneI specifically. tn accelerate the integratinn nf wnmen intn gnvernment and big business? One nf the gnals nf the Libertarian party is tn significantly reduce the number nf federal male nr female. and return these penple tn prnductive jabs in the private sectnr. The ERA. hnwever. will dn much tn end discrim? inatinn against wnmen by gnvernment. which is why I favnr its passage. I wnuld sign an executive nrder banning all discriminatinn in federal ment en the basis nf sea nr nther jub?irrelevant criteria. I believe that these nf us cnncerned with the fundamental rights and dignity nf women have far neglected the tremendnus pnwer nf the as a sncial change. I favnr its use against sexist business enterprises as a means uf pressuring them tn advance female and end jnb?nriented seaua] discriminatinn and harassment. what specific actinns have ynu taken in ynur public service career tn equality wnmen? As a nf the ERA. an nf equal treatment nF wnmen hefnie the law. and an nf paternalistic gnvernment, I have made these pesitinns fully clear in my past and present pnliticai activities. 18.} ?said ynu fee] any reasnn running with a wnman Vice President candidate? What liabilities dn ynu see in dning an? My running mate. HuweverI i wnuid have unly wnman in Ame in 19?2 -- was th David nf New ank, had an hesitancy accepti rican tn re first has already been nnminnted. ng a wuman an the tlrket. ceive an electnral vute Vice Presidential candidate nf The Tnnie Nathan the Libertarin party.