HIWELL w. ELLISON H.1HDH15 AUSTEIN c.w:ITwoon CHARLIE DONALD HISS JOHN T. JAMES. H. ngaLa-rutm ERNEST 51"."sz L. Tan-Inn JANE: o. Me an earn. an. caucus J. HAHDDL-H wuLIcm ROBERTS EDGAH F. tunings. WILLIAM H-ALLG Damn I. Isuzu. JOHN H. Iowans ouuatLatnozn,Jn. cual'r'r JOHN s. KOCH FETCH Hu?r'r DYH cwlu. V. ameun. MAIN Ham-m wanna-rm" PITIH J. NIGHLEI MIC-HAIL Baum? Banal-mu I. ALLAH J. TDIDL Vlnamu. a.w.l.?rnm RIG-HARD D. carnal." CHMLIS LISTER PETER D. HIILKY I. JOHN D. LATLIN rout-mu: c.Innosz [own-u uununo._1ll. JDII. IIRLDW J. HARRY cnvmo'rau HOFEI.JI. M. QRIBBDN HARRY L.IHNIDEHMAH on" v. WEAVEI w. DURHAM H. IIHHIHHM JEROME AGREED-IAN Haul-w Full-AI?. Jan-1n H. SCHAFEI H. JOHN DAVID Hr. DI rrcn?r PHILIP A. mcunno A. BRADY HDIERT I. IUOIH: JOHN NEWMAN HARVEY H. MIC-HAIL HQRNI D. I. Iurruu ROBERT M. I. EDWARD Blunt; DAVID M. BROWN PAUL J. DIHDIR DAVID H. mam-IAN M. Stanton Evans if!" COVINGTON BURLING SIXTEENTH STREET, N. w, 2 TELEPHONE (to TWKI 7IO HEB-0005 TELEJK: 39-593 CABLEI. COULING DIRECT DIAL (202} 452-6306 (DWIN I. cons? of ?oqulL February 9. 1976 ACU Education a Research Institute 422 First Street. 5. E. Washington, D. C. 20003 Covington Burling For disbursements incurred in connection with professional services rendered from November 6, through February 2. 1976 Disbursements: Duplication . . . . . Miscellaneous . . . . Telephone tolls . . . Postage . . . . . . . Overtime . . . . . . Outstanding from previous bills Buckley v. Valeo 19?5 3,292.818.363.?88.1,698.56 6.261.81 12,643.71 $18,905.52 Several of the plaintiffs have asked about our disbursements during the case. The total for all such expenditures by the firm is approximately $39,000. The American Conservative Union and the ACU Education a Research Institute have contributed $6,000, and, in addition, have paid over $3,000 to Professor Winter for his research assistant and other miscellaneous expenses. Senator Buckley has raised $7,000, and the New York Civil Liberties Union recently sent us $5,000. In addition, the NYCLU has met all of Joel Gora's expenses. Representative Steiger has con- tributed $250. Another $2,000 has been received as payment for copies of our briefs or other documents. Both Senator Buckley and Representative Steiger have provided us at various times with a staff member to do statistical re? search. The remaining unpaid disbursements total almost $19,000.