MEHAFFY WEBER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORAT10N ATTORNEYS AT LAW ONE ALLEN CENTER 2515 CALDER AVENUE 1006 AVENUE son DALLAS, SUITE 1200 P. . BOX 139 HOUSTON, TEXAS mm POST OFFICE BOX 15 ORANGE. TEXAS 77630 TELEPHONE (713)555-1200 BEAUMONT, TEXAS 77704 FAX (713)5550222 TELEPHONE (409} 888?7766 FAX {409} 386-7790 TELEPHONE [409} 835?5011 FAX (409} 835617? (409) 835-5729 June 25, 1998 NO. Darlene Coker, and spouse Roy Coker vs. Bill Thames Pharmacy Inc., et al; File No. 3125-11 Mr. John S. Appleman District Clerk Jefferson County Courthouse P. O. Box 3707 it; Beaumont, Texas 77704 Dear Mr. Appleman: E. Enclosed please ?nd a RULE 11 AGREEMENT in connection withEH-e, numbered cause. above styled and; a: 3.- ?hh; Please ?le stamp the enclosed copy of this letter re?ecting the date of?ling. 1' By cepy hereof, I am forwarding a copy of said instrument to Opposing counsel herein. Thank you for your courtesy and attention to this matter. Yours very truly, .. Gene M. Williams For the Firm ah Enc. MWKIOOZSS MEHAFFY WEBER Mr. John S. Appleman June 25, 1998 Page 2 cc: Herschel L. Hobson The Law Of?ces of Herschel L. Hobson 2190 Harrison Beaumont, Texas 77701 MWHOOZSS MEHAFFY 8: WEBER A PROFEBBSONAL CORPORATION 4; ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will NP. NTFF 2515 CALQER AV-ENUE 1r": mm AVFMF ?oz-mom 555-12131 BEAUMONT. TEXAS 777M EPHGNE IDS 7? Fungus-om law on PM was: ans-113:3 TEEN-105E um; as 5011 wt {am} mas-.1: ?$31123 June 24, 1998 Re: N0. Ill?157746; Darlene Colon; and spouse Roy Collar vs. Bill Thames Pharmacy Inc, et al; F111: No. 3125?11 Hohson Law Of?ces of Hmchel 1.. Holman 2 190 Harrison r3 Beaumont, TX 77701 5% ma: Br": 52:: Dear Herschel: Ext.? 553? This letter will serve as a Rule 1 1 Agreement between the parties in this omega {313 We recognize LhaL the next thing Lhat needs to happen in this case is for you iggel?miine Ibex}. extent ofyour causation testimony. We will immediately deliver to you the blocks trig w??lia?ve the . will allow Dr. Abraham to paform the digcs?on study he has discxmed. 63'- 3-?1 C: 7? Prior to Dr. Abraham beginning the digestion study, he will con?rm that there will be sumcienl tissue remaining for us Lo perform our own sludy :11 a later lime if that becomes necessary. Also, you will agree and instruct Dr. Abraham that the results ot'any digestion study or destructive use oft?is tissue will he maintained in a form where experts on behalf ofthe defendant can review the work and ?re-read" as it were, after he performs his study. Dr. Abraham will perfonn his work and have a ?nal report regarding same by July 31, 1998. At this point intime the parties will enter mm a ?standstill? agreement. The parties will advise the Court that they will not be ready for trial at the current settings of September and, if necessary, the parties will ?le a. oinl Motion for Continuance of that selling. This atandstill agreement will not e?bct dates that have already passed in the current scheduling order. In other words, by example, the plaintiff will not be allowed to identify any additional experto as those deadlines have pau;:ed. However. the defendants have not yet identi?ed their experts and so the WEBER Mr. Henchel Hobson June 24; 1998 Page 2 wadstill a memo-it would o?'ectivoly abate tho export deadlines during the ofthis The parties anticipate approaching the Court. if testing proves this necossary, to ask for cortaio modi?cation of the ordzr to accommodate a new trial setting, but in no event will the defendant?s designation of experts be due until a rm'nimllm ofIWo Weeks after a ?nal report is to defendant?s counsel shawing tho results of Dr. Abraham?s icsts. The ?standstill? agreement envisions that the defendant will provide no more discovery to the plaintiff and that the plainti?'wili contact the various court reporting and third parties which have been served with depositions on Wri?cn questions to inform than: that production of documents will not be mouircd until funhcr nation: by tho panics. would include McCronc Associates, E. S. laboratories Colorado School ofMinos Research Institute and Balm Laboratories. Plcaso Sign a copy oftizis agraoamt for filing with the Court and return it to me at your earliest convcnionco. Yours Vow Tully, {origami signed by Gen: M. Williams} Gone M. Williams For the Firm GMW?aiz Approved: Herschel Hobson 26321