SPECTRUM HEALTH noon and Lung Sputum-d can clink- no nun" Av: NE Stu 200 Cum Rlpto' Mi 1950;2515 orwai-zwzn. sumqhzuo "mama's-uh org WAD 11/20/20t8 no Elizabeth Martin I Dear Ms' Martin. an. ID Your medical situation was presented to our multidisciplinary heart transpiant committee on Tuesday October 20. 2018. The docisnon made by the committee is thal you are not a candidate at this time tor a heart transpiant due to needing more secure financnal plan for immunosuppressive medication coverage. The Committee is moornmending a fundraising efiort of 510.000. i! you have any oonoems or questions, please call the transplant office at 516391-2802 We thank you for the opportunity to participate in your care. If you have any questions. please do not hesitate to contact me. In Please see the attached UNOS letter for details about information on resources and services. Sincerel SPECTRUM HEALTH RICHARD DEVOS HEART AND LUNG TRANSPLANT.1 330 Barday Ave NE Ste 200 Grand Raids MI 49503-2525 Dept: 616391-2802 Fax: 616-391-2840