4? mass M. cow-452! 5. J. SOCIETY OF JESUS ALASKA camouc CHURCH . SUPERIOR KAI-TAG, ALASKA 99748 Rev. Provincial, S. J. Portland Hay 28, 1967 Bear Father Kelley, Po KO After praying and thinking ym quarry (and Rome?s) concerning Fr. Jacobgon, it in my oyinion that he probably cannatbe qmidared. However, . 1391626 going any further,- auoh ash sanding for more mmatmm tron differant simmers, I wish to refer the case to. your Pint, I don't think he'd be suited. for the Job: he gives a. strong impression of pride, loves to engage in discussions 3115.311 1'8 ry span turn. away; from the original tapio, and, wally degenarrate - 133 pure dialeatio. Thu-9:15 no (loam he seems to heme an moellent mind, but for one [have the inpresaitm it stay! very ninth on the Btu-tans, am kind of maria: brilliance that obtain-es thatevm- really 1153 tmderneath it :3?11: this I have nevgr bean given a chance to really penetrate.- Though I have Seldom seen Father since he Game back an. a. priest, I was his: Suporior in Holy Grass than he, was a Sealastio, and. he dens not seem to 113%., 6113.11de much since. it that title also, I had to remomtrate with him insurer-511 ina? tame: as he was spending. a let of tune with the girls of the aehool who, toned, skim 01' 611301610! admirers, even when his duties aalled: him to Mpg-erecting his boys; he always 339301.?: have time and talents tn enter- ?3111 the mils, but. seldannsed these same talanta to keep, hi3 char-sea happy. I know that this nituatien has frequently- beenrepeated- in a shoals with other 8001313th :3 well: they are after: overloaded with ?refacting and. othar duties" . and quite naturally seen? to look for their recreation mama ompaniomhip (girls and. Volunteers.) .- there is another reason for my which, mm?aariM? I believe, and. n. 13 the reason for my asking your, judgementebofara asking information?. Tito yam Father van an nelson Island, my scrim moral. aha-gee were me against 13;; the Village Gentle-11 (an the thing van; mparently Hidelx. simulated in 152137 area)! Bishop Gleason wanted 36-, to cthan investigation, but I declined, since these instigation: 1133th made to $116 315210}: a 11135311,. and I though-the should conduct whatever ram-m ?sternum process" rash called fem-Jithout involving. the Benin-153*, speaiallynot the Supermr -yhe should only be present-ed. with martained facts for his- mm at?; 11" called rm: hlthough reluoatantly, the Bishap hast meal, and. - gent 13132151: 301193.?; Ethan: he came back, he toldmm Charm-got adultery and romieatighhad been made, and that the best he; could make out was: Father had. certainly been imprudent in dealing with wane?: waking for his . in big game, sonatim ingwening. i?awavlar he touldhot obtain very aemite facts and he thought the 1:110an thing had been built up tin-u personal. grudges and. gossip: (110031 pplitics') it Was the time when the village of Charm-nak- was divided. between. theme- trho wanted. to move to a. new location and those 'I'ho wants :1 to stay. 0m my. recommendation, Father rimmed neutral in the discussion, only stating he would move the church too if all the people ageed on the move, otherwise he'd stay in Cherornak as long as the number of those who chose not to move justified his presence there. Some actually moved, to Tooksook Bay, th- majority remaining at chefornck. How the charges came from those who had moved to Toshoek, and Bishop 'Boiloau thought the different, too tinonieo unoloarsnd sometime contradictory, so his final conclusion was Father's innocence, the charges being teased by jealousy and his too free attitude with women that was thus misinterpreted: yOsr ago, new charges 01? adultery were made, from charm this. time. by the husband. of a. woman who is Judged really good and honest: I tried to go, but weather kept me isdofinit -.ly in Bethol, and as there was no prospect of reaching the Island then as break-up was approaohing, I came back home; moreover, Father was leaving for Outside very shortly. New that charge had some to me thru the Bethel?! State ?agistrate, Va. go? catholic woman who passed it on the use. as she was reluctant to take my official action, and she said at the time that it Was wet known from a. good many that Father had two children on the Island. Consulted, the Bishop decided to just drop this last ease and more rather to St?ioheel with a good adamition to watch his relationship with women: he apparently Just took this new charge as a. rebound of ?the old stories, by someone with a. .grudgs As a matter of feet, I don't think any investigation oould possibly some to a. certain oonolusion one way or the other; I have watched a good. many police investi3stions in our vi} logos, and have some to the conclusion our people are not yet sdvsu oed enough to give impartial and true tee This would be my main reson to think Father could'not be chosen for the positi in the Diocese, by fear the old stories owe back to life and travel all with no one really able to squash then once and for all. Please lot so how if you wish to proceed further, or Just drop the. home's idea! you may if you wish make a. copy of this leoter to send as Justification, If Rose agrees that their candidate is unsuited, that Hill leave yu to carry the ball at the Province level; we have no one else to propose from here; Howeverl'd like to push the issue for Fr. Loyenss I still: stand behin his I think Rome is asking too such of his actual tendency to abruptrjudgemeuts; This is - only superficial and first redo-tics, and mostly in his personal field? of professional knowledge where he excells; I have no doubt that with maturity coming from greater responsibilities and deelings with all kinds of people, the sharp corners of his pa rsoaslity would quietly erode. Also, soils I can see the possible good he can accomplish in his special field, I be liars that with his talents he could aoo?o eplish mush more in the position proposed. vlloreov'er there appears to be some contradiction in the letter from Home, that refuses him by fear of his attitude toward the missionaries and the mission Superior, while one of the reasons advanced in favor of Ir; J. is that he believes 'our offioium eesse cooperari our Epis. 1 if he was elevated there, what would be his am feeling about the other re?u; The cold feet is that except Pr. istruo-g we have no one suitable here besides Lou, and as pointed in my letter to you, I have some reservation toward. Reno?s ability to communicate, though he is otherwise Very well qualified; A passible o-Onipi'omiae? might be to call on Fr. Murphy of Boston: his background certainly prepares him well for a. position, and he should. still be good for another ten to twelve years, which. would give time to Lon to A . mature some more, though by that time, he pro?oahly would have enquired too much of an intelle otual propensity from being remove-:1 from actual give and $3 129 action: at the II. he is standing in the ama or his brilliance and actual certain knowledge; he?d be ?triotly a. university man, and, probably unsuite for anything else. I think he is a providential gift to Alzy'3ka and we should make has of him in the highest capacity. I enclose a letter just razoeiVe-i from Fr. Dibh, to give you mare of an idea. or how things are going in Anchorage] I hope Fr? General can soon give us the practical decisions we need. as to the Society's atom in the State, to avoid. this cries-crossing of authority and decision?making lines, as in the case of the Archbishop 331:ng you to provide a new manta: copper. Would you consider a Consultox-o? wasting in Fairbanka, sometime in July after Fr. Ant-nu: is that with his fishing,- to help ?otation at least ease of out pending questions; Fairbanks (parishes and Residence), contract with the 319310;), the future of the Jesuit commitment to Copper, but to apply here the diroctxroa our the congregation to our work when everything is in tho howls o! the Bishops an to their wishes that so offal: don't take any account of the missionaries mm thoughts and experience. 01-, if you think it could. Be?e a. useful purpose, I oould go am when Fr. Small shall he in the . ?Conoorning Fr. Moi-ante,- things one 'nquite decidod for. this yon-J.- since he offered to stay on to rolim the prosom since I would not have anyone to take his place as Hospital Chaplain; However, 3131109 Gleason might have something in mind. which he did. not share with no 391:! 13.81: time I sax him, he accept-ad only ?50 go over the immediate summer needs. stating that the more permanent status would be discussed. later 1n the stunner-umhioh does not make it very easy for me to try to anticipate and. plans just moving from one crisis to another: As you said on your last loiter, many items have to be All 3mm in the Jean, Jules M. Gmrt, 3. J. Superior, Alaska.